Part Containers are Collectibles in Armored Core VI. Finding all Combat Part Container Locations is required to unlock all Parts for the “Asset Holder” trophy & achievement (unlock all parts).
They are chests that appear from Chapter 2 onward (none in Chapter 1). They unlock new parts to customize your AC in the Assembly Menu. They are the trickiest collectibles to complete because they aren’t tracked anywhere. Mission Select doesn’t show how many there are. The only way to track which ones you got is to compare your parts from the assembly menu against the Complete Parts List.
The Parts Containers show up when scanning with . It’s recommended to equip a Head part that has a high “Scan Distance” and “Scan Effect Duration” stat. You can see those stats under Assembly/Shop > click the detailed “Head” section > Toggle detailed Display with
> it will show this in the “Part Specs” in the left column.
Related Guides:
- Armored Core VI Collectible Guide (All-in-One Version containing all types)
- Combat Log Locations (just this type individually)
- Data Log Locations (just this type individually)
- All Parts List & Unlock Requirements
- How to Get All Endings
- All Mission Rewards
- All Arena Rewards
Quick Select:
Video Guide
Ending #1: The Fires of Raven Playthrough: During the playthrough there will be so called “Decision Missions”. These are highlighted red in the guide. To get the first Ending it is recommended to always pick the top mission choice. Then on 2nd playthrough always pick the bottom choice.
Mission 1: Illegal Entry
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 2: Destroy Artillery Installations
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 3: Grid 135 Cleanup
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 4: Destroy the Transport Helicopters
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 5: Destroy the Tester AC
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 6: Attack the Dam Complex
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 8: Operation Wallclimber
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 9: Retrieve Combat Logs
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 10: Investigate BAWS Arsenal No. 2
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint
- No Part Containers in Chapter 1
Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086
- Part Container #1 – HC-3000 WRECKER: After dropping down the hole in the ground immediately after entering the building, turn around and look in the back of the room for this container.
- Part Container #2 – CC-3000 WRECKER: After the above, continue to the room with the large metal furnace. Jump through the gap beside it into the next room and you can find this on the ground level where a bunch of MTs are.
- Part Container #3 – AC-3000 WRECKER: From the last container fly back up to the furnace. There is one side of the furnace with molten metal pouring in. The opposite side is an opening that you can enter. Follow this path until you can drop into a small room that contains a Gold Log enemy, along with the Part Container in the same room.
- Part Container #4 – 2C-3000 WRECKER – When you reach objective “Annihilate enemy MT squad” before dropping down to the platform with the targets, head 90° (compass bottom of screen) where there is a sloping section of platform, that leads around to a single enemy by this part container.
Mission 13: Eliminate the Doser Faction
- No Part Containers
Mission 14: Ocean Crossing
- No Part Containers
Mission 15: Steal the Survey Data
- No Part Containers
Mission 16: Attack the Refueling Base
- No Part Containers
Mission 17: Eliminate V.VII
- No Part Containers
Mission 18: Tunnel Sabotage
- Part Container #5 – IA-C01W1: NEBULA: After entering the tunnels, you’ll be contacted on comms about the PCA force returning early. When this happens, instead of following the tunnel further down, go up to the left (heading 90°) to another room with some enemies on the ground, and a laser enemy shooting at you that gives a Bronze Log. Just past this enemy you can find a part container sitting on a ledge in the dead end area.
Mission 19: Survey the Uninhabited Floating City
- Parts Container #6 – IA-CO1G: AORTA: After shutting down the first fog control device, follow the red beacons further until you are attacked by a quick flying enemy. On the rooftop of the building this enemy was on you can find this container. 500m away from second fog control device.
Mission 20: Heavy Missile Launch Support
- No Part Containers
Mission 21: Eliminate the Enforcement Squads [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
- *Playing this mission cancels out Mission 22 for this playthrough (can pick opposite in next New Game+ playthrough). Do one during first playthrough and the opposite during 2nd playthrough. The mission that you don’t pick will also not be available in Mission Replay for this playthrough.
Mission 22: Destroy the Special Forces Craft [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
- *Playing this mission cancels out Mission 21 for this playthrough (can pick opposite in next New Game+ playthrough). Do one during first playthrough and the opposite during 2nd playthrough. The mission that you don’t pick will also not be available in Mission Replay for this playthrough.
Mission 23: Attack the Old Spaceport
- No Part Containers
Mission 24: Eliminate “Honest” Brute
- Part Container #7 – WB-0010 DOUBLE TROUBLE: While still outside, on the first platform with all the red lasers (where Carla explains what they are to you) you can drop to the lower one (heading 230°) and find this container.
- Part Container #8 – BC-0600 12345: On the large open platform (train turntable in the middle, Brute starts talking to you over the radio), instead of going towards the objective, go to the far opposite end of the platform (heading 350°) where there is a Parts Container near the end of the platform.
- Part Container #9 – WB-0000 BAD COOK: Follow the main objectives through the platforming section on the outside. After you cross a green energy barrier and drop down to the inside of a building (story path), you will fall into a room with many red lasers. In this room is the chest, in the right corner.
Mission 25: Defend the Old Spaceport
- No Part Containers
Mission 26: Historic Data Recovery
- No Part Containers
Mission 27: Destroy the Ice Worm
- No Part Containers
Mission 28: Underground Exploration – Depth 1
- Part Container #10 – IA-C01L: EPHEMERA: About halfway down the shaft, the shutters will close. There will be an objective marker pointing to a room on the side where you have to access a main objective with
, the room behind the objective contains the parts container.
Mission 29: Underground Exploration – Depth 2
- Part Container #11 – IA-C018B: GILLS: After defeating the G5 Iguazu AC miniboss that gives a combat log, you will go through an underground canyon and then you go through a door and a blue laser shoots at you. The door in front of this laser will close. From this door turn right to find this chest in a small side room. The same room contains 2 Bronze Battlelog enemies.
- Part Container #12 – IA-C01A: EPHEMERA: After you enter the ventilation shaft and use the jumping pad to boost yourself up, it will be straight in front of you.
Mission 30: Underground Exploration – Depth 3
- Part Container #13 – IA-C01F: OCELLUS – Shortly after the start of the mission you go into a huge room where sniper shoots blue lasers at you. Drop down to the bridge. Instead of moving towards the big building where the snipers are, follow the bridge to the right. Fly over the gap to land on a second bridge, then turn right to find this container.
- Part Container #14 – IA-C01C: EPHEMERA – Now fly to the roof of the big main building in the middle, where all the snipers are shooting you from. Go to the back of the roof to find a silver log enemy with this container behind it.
Mission 31: Intercept the Redguns [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
- *Playing this mission cancels out Mission 32 for this playthrough (can pick opposite in next New Game+ playthrough). Do one during first playthrough and the opposite during 2nd playthrough. The mission that you don’t pick will also not be available in Mission Replay for this playthrough.
Mission 32: Ambush the Vespers [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
- *Playing this mission cancels out Mission 31 for this playthrough (can pick opposite in next New Game+ playthrough). Do one during first playthrough and the opposite during 2nd playthrough. The mission that you don’t pick will also not be available in Mission Replay for this playthrough.
Mission 33: Unknown Territory Survey
- Part Container #15 – IA-C01H: EPHEMERA: When going through the tunnel with the worms there’s a chest on the left at the end of the tunnel.
Mission 34: Reach the Coral Convergence
- Part Container #16 – IA-C01W3: AURORA: At the very start fly forward until you reach the duo of 2 gold log enemies (they have a health bar at top of screen called “INFECTION” & “LI LONG”). When you reach them, fly to the right to the far edge of the map, what looks like an “island” with some skyscrapers on it (the ground before it is broken). There on a smaller building is the container on the rooftop. It’s the building furthest right from the start, compass direction 303°.
- Part Container #17 – IA-C01W2: MOONLIGHT: After defeating the first group of enemies with the 2 gold log minibosses, you will reach an area with a big bridge. Fly over the bridge until you reach the end of it. At the end of the bridge, drop down to see a bunch of rolling shredder enemies close together, between them is the container.
Mission 35: Escape
- No Part Containers
Mission 36: Take the Uninhabited Floating City
- No Part Containers
Mission 37: Intercept the Corporate Forces [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
- *Playing this mission cancels out Mission 38 for this playthrough (can pick opposite in next New Game+ playthrough). Which mission you pick affects what ending you will get, so do one during first playthrough and the opposite during 2nd playthrough. The mission that you don’t pick will also not be available in Mission Replay for this playthrough.
Mission 38: Eliminate “Cinder” Carla [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
- *Playing this mission cancels out Mission 37 for this playthrough (can pick opposite in next New Game+ playthrough). Which mission you pick affects what ending you will get, so do one during first playthrough and the opposite during 2nd playthrough. The mission that you don’t pick will also not be available in Mission Replay for this playthrough.
- No Part Containers
- *You get this Mission if you chose Mission 37: Intercept the Corporate Forces.
- No Part Containers
- *You get this Mission if you chose Mission 38: Eliminate “Cinder” Carla.
- No Part Containers
- *You get this Mission if you got Mission 39-A: Breach the Kármán Line.
- No Part Containers
- *You get this Mission if you got Mission 39-B: Destroy the Drive Block
New Game+
Ending #2 – Liberator of Rubicon Playthrough: For getting 2nd Ending, always pick the opposite decision of what you chose in 1st playthrough. In Mission 06: Attack the Dam Complex I chose “REFUSE” (not sure if this affects ending but making this choice is 100% confirmed to lead to 2nd Ending in NG+). Then in NG++ choose “ACCEPT” when going for 3rd ending. You can get the log from this mission via replay.
Mission 06: Attack the Dam Complex [ALT MISSION] [NEW GAME+ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
Mission 18+: Prevent Corporate Salvage of New Tech [NEW GAME+ EXCLUSIVE] [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
- *This mission is New Game+ Exclusive. It spawns together with the regular Mission 18: Tunnel Sabotage. Playing this mission cancels out the regular Mission 18: Tunnel Sabotage for this playthrough, but since you already did that on 1st playthrough it will be available via “Replay Mission”. Which mission you pick affects what ending you will get, for NG+ go with this new mission “Prevent Corporate Salvage of New Tech”.
Mission 26+: Defend the Dam Complex [NEW GAME+ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
New Game++
Ending #3 – Alea lacta Est Playthrough: For getting 3rd Ending, always pick the new NG++ Exclusive Missions (all of which are listed below), which weren’t available during the 1st and 2nd playthrough. In “Mission 06: Attack the Dam Complex”, I chose “ACCEPT” (not sure if this affects ending but making this choice is 100% confirmed to lead to 3rd Ending in NG++). So just pick “ACCEPT” in Mission 6 which will lead to attacking your allies, and then play all new missions listed below and you’ll get the last Ending.
Mission 7-B: Escort the Weaponized Mining Ship [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE] [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
Mission 09++: Prisoner Rescue [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
Mission 10++: Obstruct the Mandatory Inspection [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
Mission 11++: Attack the Watchpoint [ALT MISSION] [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
Mission 13++: Stop the Secret Data Breach [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
Mission 19++: Survey the Uninhabited Floating City [ALT MISSION] [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
Mission 26-B: Coral Export Denial [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE] [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
Mission 29-B: Underground Exploration – Depth 2 [ALT MISSION] [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
- Finishing this mission unlocks the final opponent in ANALYSIS ARENA – make sure you defeat all Arena Opponents you have left, they give new parts. Do this now! The last 3 arena bosses become unavailable after finishing New Game++, making their Parts MISSABLE. If you don’t do it before the final mission you’d need a 4th playthrough to unlock them again.
Mission 33-B: Eliminate V.III [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE] [DECISION]
- No Part Containers
Mission 33++: Unknown Territory Survey [ALT MISSION] [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
Mission 34: Reach the Coral Convergence [ALT MISSION] [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
- No Part Containers
Mission 36-C: Regain Control of the Xylem [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- Part Container #18: IB-C03W3: NGI 006 – Immediately after the mission starts turn left and drop down. In front of you will be the container (use
scanner to highlight it).
- Part Container #19: IB-C03W4: NGI 028 – In the final room where you must destroy 2 modules, where the mission ends. It sits between the 2 modules in the last room. (straight across from the door that’s marked as the mission exit after destroying all modules)
Mission 37-C: Coral Release [NEW GAME++ EXCLUSIVE]
- No Part Containers
For everything else needed to obtain 100% completion refer to Armored Core VI Strategy Guide.
Rorad says
There is a fourth crate in Mission 12 with AC-3000 Wrecker – have to go through the pipe at the furnace that doesn’t have lava in it and then drop down to fight Nosaac.
Vengie says
in explore the depths 3: one part is on one of the upper platforms you navigate near the big structure in the middle in the big cavern, the one you must enter to turn off the laser grid for the mission objective. A 2nd part is found on one of the UPPER anchoring supports that radiate out from the upper plate (the one with all the laser cannons sniping you) towards the walls of the cave.
in reach the coral convergence, your first foray into the institute city: One part is found AFTER you deal with the AC squad, the first objective of the mission. Kill the AC duo and then turn to heading 335, in that direction on a small building is a part container. There’s also the moonlight greatsword, in the segment after the fight with the AC squad there will be a big bridge with a large wheel enemy on it, at the end of that bridge, bellow you, there are a bunch of wheel enemies sitting around a container. that’s the moonlight blade. The enemies there also carry logs for the loghunt objective and in that same lake area with the wheels opposite relative to the bridge to where the chest is you will find a lore log in a wrecked mech.
Miles says
Great! That’s all for frame & inner. Still missing weapon btw.
Relkin43 says
Depths 3 – the circular platform with snipers has bridges coming out of it. At the end of one of these guarded by a log hunt enemy is the ephermal core part.
Pikeax says
Mission 34: Reach the Coral Convergence
Under the far end of the suspension bridge, down in the lake, on an island protected by the auto grinder enemies is a container with the Moonlight laser wave blade.
Big Chungus says
Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086
First part container contains HC-3000 Wrecker. Second part container contains CC-3000 Wrecker. Third is AC-3000 Wrecker
stalindlrp says
Prisoner Rescue, Stop the Secret Data Breach, are not gated behind new game++ but are gated behind the alt option in Attack the Dam Complex. I got them while doing my new game+ run to get fires of raven as I foolishly did the other one first. liberation hits way harder in new game+ then in first run.
Miles says
Mission 36-C: Regain Control of the Xylem – one in the third area
Pikeax says
Mission 36-C: Regain Control of the Xylem
There are two part containers in this mission.
IB-C03W3: NGI 006
Coral Missile Launcher
From the start, drop down to the immediate left and destroy the two crawler enemies. The container is just past them.
IB-C03W4: NGI 028
Coral Shield
The container is in the same room as the last hacking devices. Once the timer stops, you can explore the room for it. From the exit door, turn around and move directly away from the door, looking to the right for a drop down with the container.
klinestife says
There are two parts containers in Regain Control of the Xylem. One is in the start, you just need to turn left at the start and hop off. The second is in the last area, found by turning around after finishing the objectives but before progressing.
TimeToGetSmitty says
In: “Reach Coral Convergence”
You travel right immediately from the start before engaging the AC duo, there is a chest there that gives you I believe the IA-c01G: Aorta… if it isnt that part is is something else. it is there go grab it.
Also in this mission at the end of the bridge part between the duo ACs and the end mission boss, there is a zone beneath the end that has 6 rolly gear bois that has the Moonlight sword!!!!!!1
TimeToGetSmitty says
Correction: IA: C01W3: Aurora is to the right of spawn!
PowerPyx says
Guide is complete now 🙂
Capt says
And a solid guide it is! Thanks, to both you and the other commenters for their input!