East Anglia contains 18 Mysteries in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV). This Assassin’s Creed Valhalla East Anglia Mysteries Walkthrough will guide you through all Mystery Locations in the East Anglia Territory. None of the Mysteries are missable, you can still find everything in free-roam after the story. It’s recommended to collect everything as you go through the regions to level up.
Mysteries get marked by blue icons on the world map automatically when synchronizing the viewpoints. Mysteries are side quests and other open world encounters. Finishing all Mysteries is needed to complete all Territories for the Completionist All the Way! trophy or achievement.
Also in this region:
Mystery #1: Standing Stones
The solution for this puzzle is shown below. Stand direct west of Seahenge, facing direct east.
Mystery #2: Cairn
Adjust the stones so they reach the appropriate height. One such solution is below.
Mystery #3: Daughter of Lerion (Regan)
You will fight Regan and the fight works very similarly to Goneril in Grantebridgescire. It is recommended to be at least Power level 110 before taking on this fight as it’s a step up from story bosses and even Zealots. Regan likes to teleport and duplicate, so use the Axe Throw ability to hit her, as others like charging or ranged abilities will miss. Your best tactic again is to constantly dodge and hit her with light attacks because she staggers if her powerful rune attacks don’t land. Parrying will also land you an opportunity for a quick attack. After you take off half her health, she will start using fire attacks and it’s almost impossible to prevent yourself being set on fire, so keep an eye on your health and roll aroud to put it out. Always be on the move, getting hits in when you can, and she’ll go down with some patience.
Mystery #4: Offering Altar
Place 200 Silver in the bowl. Thankfully no hunting or fishing required!
Mystery #5: World Event (Green Children of Anglia)
This only appears after completing Mystery #4. Use Odin’s Sight to follow the trail to two children in the woods. Head up the ladder to the tree house and interact with the log stool to sit on it. Make a dialogue choice and finish this mission.
Mystery #6: Fly Agaric
For the first gate, go through the one on the right of the three in between two statues. Climb some rocks and then go through the gate on the right again with two shields propped up against it. Finally, go through the gate in the middle with the light blue flowers in front of it.
Mystery #7: Treasure of Britain (Grime’s Graves)
Do a Leap of Faith down into the deep hole below. You now have a fairly long platforming section through a number of rooms and across various poles and ledges, but the path is very linear. You’ll pass through a Cursed Symbol Artifact area and on the other side there is some more platforming. Pass through a curtain with a skull painted on it before you reach the Treasure which is on a table. It’s inside a vase, scan with /
to see a blue highlight of the treasure, destroy the vase to pick up the treasure.
Mystery #8: Lost Drengr (Thor the Fishmonger)
Thor is a tough battle and you’ll need to be at least Power level 100 to make it easier on yourself. As always with duels like this, the best way to proceed is dodging the rune attacks (with a red tint) and getting a quick attack in to whittle down some health, and parrying the yellow-tint moves to deplete his stamina for a Stun Attack which takes off nearly half his health bar. Keep an eye on your health and don’t get too greedy and he’ll go down.
Mystery #9: World Event (The Wayward)
The girl’s summoning doesn’t seem to be working, so do it yourself! Run across the river, mount the horse and ride it back to the girl.
Mystery #10: Flyting (Chadwick, Monger of Gossip)
Pick the following options to win:
- Then you’re speaking to fools, and their knowledge is flawed.
- And they’re sorely mistaken, I’m known for my might.
- Then you’ve clearly mishead them, my wit is immense.
Mystery #11: World Event (Edmund’s Arrows)
Loot some of the arrows off the throne and then either sell them to the woman for Silver or keep them.
Mystery #12: World Event (Freyja’s Friend)
Speak to the cat and then the girl who comes running after it. Follow the girl to the cat again and interact with it to catch it.
Mystery #13: World Event (Hide and Hunt)
Talk to the child to play a game of hide-and-seek. There are a number of places you can hide, such as the roof of one of hte huts. Wait a couple of minutes and the child will give up.
Mystery #14: Daughter of Lerion (Cordelia)
The recommended Power level to fight Cordelia is 340, so it’s recommended to come back to this when you’ve finished the story.
(Strategy to be added)
Mystery #15: World Event (A Blood Hymn for Edmund)
Defeat the woman in combat.
Mystery #16: Animus Anomaly
Complete the fairly straightforward platforming section and pick up the data packet.
Mystery #17: Legendary Animal (Black Shuck)
Defeat the monster using your best dodging and parrying skills. Stick to quick attacks and abilities to damage him as he moves fast.
Mystery #18: World Event (Life-Blood)
Look to the west and see the Seer in need of reviving. Do so, then carry her and take her back to the house where the farmer is.
That’s 100% of the Mysteries you can find in East Anglia Region of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV).
For all other Mysteries check out the complete Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Mysteries Guide. For the other Collectibles in this region check out the Wealth Guide and Artifacts Guide.
reyhan says
thanks alot of information