Meath contains 8 Artifact Locations in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV). This walkthrough will guide you to all Artifacts in Meath Territory and how to get them. None of the Artifacts are missable. This region is part of Ireland in the Wrath of the Druids DLC expansion (DLC #1).
Artifact Collectibles get marked by white icons on the world map automatically when synchronizing the viewpoints. They include the following types of collectibles: Rigsogur Fragments, Treasure Hoard Maps, Flying Papers, Roman Artifacts, Cursed Symbols. Finding all Artifacts in Ireland is needed to complete all Territories for the Irish Legend trophy or achievement.
Also in this region:
Artifact #1: Irish Cycle Page
Inside a house, on the upper floor.
Artifact #2: Flying Paper
Chase the flying paper.
Artifact #3: Treasure Hoard Map
Inside a hut, on a table.
Artifact #4: Uí Néill Artifact
Go underground (entrance screenshot below) and shoot an explosive arrow at the wall above the trap.
Artifact #5: Cursed Symbol
Enter the church and climb up the tree until you can’t go no further. Aim at the cursed symbol found behind the wooden barricade.
Artifact #6: Treasure Hoard Map
At a small bandits’ camp. You might want to get rid of the bandits before picking the map up.
Artifact #7: Cursed Symbol
Start by going to the location below. From here, you should see a small hole in the wall. Shoot an explosive arrow through it to blow up the wall on the other side. Reach the other side to reveal the artifact.
Artifact #8: Treasure Hoard Map
Near a broken cartwheel and a chest.
That’s 100% of the Artifacts you can find in Meath Region of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV).
For all other Artifacts check out the complete Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Artifacts Guide. For the other Collectibles in this region check out the Wealth Guide and Mysteries Guide.
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