Borderlands 3 (BL3) has 223 Named Locations and this guide shows where to find them. You need all Named Locations for the following trophies and achievements:
- Master Of All You Survey – Discover all named locations.
- A Hundred Names For Sand – Discover all named locations on Pandora.
- City Slicker – Discover all named locations on Promethea.
- Swamped – Discover all named locations on Eden-6.
- Exoarchaeolo – Discover all named locations on Nekrotafeyo.
None of the named locations are missable! You can still discover all of them after the story in free-roam. You can go back to all relevant places during the endgame. However, you must collect them all in one playthrough. When you start True Vault Hunter mode (New Game+) the statistics can break and this can reset the locations you already found.
To keep track of your progress, open the map and hit the L3 / Left Stick. You can zoom to Orbit to view total progress (how many of 223 named locations you found), zoom on the planet (how many per planet you found) or zoom to a specific map (see how many you found in that area). You also need the locations from all Circles of Slaughter and Proving Ground Trials!
When you find something new it always says “Area Discovered” with the location name in the middle of the screen. All you have to do is step into every uniquely named area in the game. There is no need to uncover (turn blue) the whole map, you just need to stand in the specific spots to register them. By uncovering all of the maps you will find most locations automatically along the way, but some require very specific positioning as the locations can be tiny.
It’s best to keep the locations for last and do all side missions first. The reason being that certain areas are locked behind specific side missions. After having done every main- and side mission in the game you will be able to access all places. Until then some named areas are unreachable. If you don’t get the trophy for all named locations, double check that you got the Circles of Slaughter and Proving Grounds and check the tracker for each map again.
All Named Locations (by Planet)
Click the links below for each planet:
- Pandora (78 Named Locations)
- Promethea (43 Named Locations)
- Athenas (5 Named Locations)
- Eden-6 (63 Named Locations)
- Nekrotafeyo (27 Named Locations)
- Slaughterstar 3000 (1 Named Location)
- Ghostlight Beacon (1 Named Location) – Trial of Cunning
- Gradient of Dawn (1 Named Location) – Trial of Survival
- Precipice Anchor (1 Named Location) – Trial of Discipline
- The Hall Obsidian (1 Named Location) – Trial of Supremacy
- The Skydrowned Pulpit (1 Named Location) – Trial of Fervor
- Wayward Tether (1 Named Location) – Trial of Instinct
For all other Borderlands 3 Collectibles check out our full Borderlands 3 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
BoomMan says
Got all 223 Locations and didn’t get the Trophy on PS4?
PowerPyx says
Click on every single map again and check the tracker, as the tracker in Orbit is often wrong and there’s still something missing on an individual map.
Make sure you fully explore the Trial Proving Grounds & Circles of Slaughter as well (full map in blue color).
If the trophy is bugged hard, reinstalling the game has a small chance to fix it (just going through some areas again – but if you have an old save before finding last areas that’d be better to trigger it after reinstall – check PS+ cloud for backup save if you didn’t make a manual one).
The tracking in this game is completely broken for all collectibles and everything else. I also had the trophy for all Eridian Slabs glitch out and show 36/30 and there are many other glitch reports on various trophies. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is another bugged one. Let me know if you’ve found a way to fix it in your game, as that might help others as well.
krayzie_1988 says
I had the same problem, had 223/223 but no trophy.
Then i remembered that there was one location that i had visited during my normal run which i had not visited during tvhm.
True enough as soon as i visited that location (which was “The Hall Obsidian”), the trophy popped. Hope this helps.
ShubaMan says
Neon arterial; last stretch of caves, walk on the right side and climb up hugging the right after the new u station, the area to recieve this area is very small
BoomMan says
I might have to just try it again on VHM (Vault Hunter Mode). Ive explored everything 100% except that 1 Eridian Door Room in the Ascension Bluff. It’s the only trophy i’m missing for platinum as well. And if i’m going to go through all the areas again I might as well beat the game again. Gonna try and reinstall the game first
Gladsadpanda says
Can’t click link for promethea
PowerPyx says
It’s not available yet.
I’m working on it, will be ready in a few hours.
Edit: Promethea is added now.
Kira_Natsu says
Hi Powerpyx i need help 6hours i search last location on eden6 in the first zone ( i dont know the name in english ) but i cant find him…
Kira_Natsu says
Nevermind i find him i have platinium :D
PowerPyx says
The guide for Eden-6 / Floodmoor Basin is coming in a few hours. It’s the last planet I have left for the locations guide.
IncursioKirito says
When will the Eden-6 be available to view? I’m on 222/223 for the whole game 🙁
PowerPyx says
At some point today it will be ready, I’m halfway done with it.
xXxMegaBallzxXx says
I guess you are missing waterfall location on Eden 6 at the eridian slab on upper left side of the map. You need to basically put your nose in on that sign to the left of it for the location to register
Kubilay says
My tracker says i have 7 of the 8 locations in lectra city but iv bin in every location in lectra city pls help
Daniel Augustine says
I have the same problem, did you find a fix for this?!?!? I have 222/223 because of this, I personally visited all 8 spots a second time and nothing changed, still 7/8. So frustrating, spent so many hours trying to get this 🙁
TheNickofbe says
Any update on when the Eden-6 location guide will be ready? Thanks
PowerPyx says
Available now 🙂
Ryuuko says
I don’t know why the slaughter star 3000 location says 0/1
PowerPyx says
It’s just the tracker being buggy.
My Cistern of Slaughter also said 0/1 but I got the trophy for all locations. You can step into the Circle of Slaughter again in case it didn’t count before. But I’m pretty sure it’s just the tracker being messed up.
Jesus says
It says 4/5 for Athenas despite me visiting each zone. Also it say 32/33 for Pandora, but each individual zone shows I’ve been in every location.
Jonathan Luis-Jorge says
Im at 222 of 223 but each individual planet and trial has full locations. Gutted.
Jared says
for me my city slicker trophy is bugged I have 43/43 locations discovered and it still is not giving it to me. and plus I’m at 223/223 on all location and I didn’t get that trophy either.
Eric says
Go back through all the areas on Promethea. Fortunately it’s the tracker that is bugged, not the actual save file. It SAYS you have 43/43, but the actual game thinks you’re still missing one. When you go back through this area (whichever one decided to glitch out) you will get “Area Discovered” despite having already gone through before, and your trophies should pop.
There’s no way to tell exactly which location specifically bugged, but since your trophy for Promethea didn’t pop, it’s definitely one of the locations there, so go revisit all 43 locations and you should be good.
Roman says
Devils Razor, I have all 13 Locations but the Game says I found 12/13?
Mike says
Revisited every single spot in the game since it showed every region completed and 223/223 ! Still no trophy and I tried reinstalling the game smh
GroceryDaddy says
my tracker for each planet says I have all the locations, but total says 221/223… why??
PowerPyx says
All the trackers in the game broken right now. We need to wait for a patch.
Lukas says
Slaughterstar 3000 i cant discover the location.
Christopher says
Hi I am having trouble with pandora. The big overview of all areas of pandora says I am missing one area but when I go and look at each particular area of pandora it says I have discovered all locations. Is this a glitch or is there an area where you cant fast travel to
Brian Scigliano says
Cistern of slaughter location will not ding as location found been there several times played and beat the slaughter, what gives??
MacDog94 says
Hi, I’ve got every single location on every planet. I have received the trophies for these planets.
I am currently missing 1 location and that’s Slaughterstar 3000.
I’ve completed Slaughterstar 3000 received the trophy and also removed the trophy for completing all side missions.
But due to missing this 1 location I’m not able to get my platinum.
What do you suggest I should do?
Daniyal says
The location trophies are still bugged I’m done with Promethea and Eden-6 yet my trophies haven’t popped
Driver0 says
You have to revisit all 223 locations in one sitting. I did it today and finally got Master Of All You Survey trophy.
Daniyal says
I did exactly that with every planet but Pandora’s trophy is the only one that refuses to pop it’s so tedious to do it again honestly
TheBlueFruit says
As Driver0 said, you have to revisit all locations in one go, without quitting the game or travelling to Sanctuary. It’s frustrating as hell and takes a while (~3 hours if you know all the locations) but it worked for me. Some locations do save though.
Gabriel says
I did that, but the pandora trophy dit not unlock and my game crashed so i have to discovery all the locations again. Do you guys think that 2 k is going to correct that in the next patch? It was really frustrating to spend 5 hours and have to do it all over again
Jwalker707 says
Even with revisiting each location with power pyx guide perfectly multiple times I can confirm this trophy is 100% broken. Only fix will be a patch which the developers refuse to release. No matter this platinum takes no effort & skill would care less to have it after all of this.
DickyChung says
Thank you very much for this introduction. According to this, I got all named places, but I still can not get the “Discover all named locations”. I think maybe it’s the problem of “Slaughterstar 3000”, Cause I can not get any information like “Exploring … place” or “Found …. place”. Is there any way to solve this problem? Trust me,I have been every places and point.
Mo says
I’m having the same problem as you guys! I only have (Master Of All You Survey) trophy left! I’ve tried to visit all locations in one go but my game crashed when I only had Nekrotafeyo to visit. I’ve sent a ticket to 2k support hopefully they will do something about it.
MikkDC says
I think what is breaking this for most people is Slaughterstar 3000. All other locations either say ‘Area Discovered’ or ‘Now Entering’ when you go to them, but when you fast travel to Slaughterstar 3000 you don’t get either of them popping up at all and you can’t even travel back to Sanctuary 3, travel to Slaughterstar 3000 and use the drop pod because returning to Sanctuary 3 is apparently what resets all your discovered progress on all previous worlds.
brun0 says
I wanted to add this because I followed SO many guides after 12+ hours running through each planet listed above at least 3x each.
In order to get the “Master Of All You Surveyed” trophy, you must ALSO discover all named locations in Midnight’s Cairn as well. By following guides I found like this one, none of the mentioned Midnight’s Cairn so I overlooked it (facepalm). Ran through it and the trophy finally popped.
Hopefully this can help someone else as well.
Seaz says
Let’s talk about bugs, I have the “Master Of All You Surveyed” trophy unlocked, but don’t have the Pandora and Eden-6 locations trophies… can’t beat that!
GB, fix your game please!
Col-Crazy88 says
Thank you very much for this guide Powerpyx! Spent 7 hours yesterday running through Borderlands 3 and finally got the platinum. What a headache!
I confirm it is possible in one go.
a few tips:
– Do not go to sanctuary or main menu!
– If slaughterstar 3000 wont discover, go online for another circle of slaughter co-op and then navigate to drop pod on 3000. worked for me
– Dont kill any bosses, you wont be able to go to vaults, otherwise try going for co-op online and renavigate.
– check every proving ground again.
– if a map is discovered, usually all areas are too, visa versa
– in areas where you spawn in the area itself, always backtrack from next area. (see pitt stop, but also pyre of stars area itself for examples)
After multiple tickets more than a year ongoing, gaerbox developers cant seem to fix this bug!
Good luck to anyone who is attempting this!
Heck, I know every map by heart! ?
Grtz. Col- Crazy88
Vex says
Followed this guide perfectly TWICE and all in one sitting both times. Was so mad when trophy still didn’t pop. Only needed this trophy in order to get platinum… HOWEVER, thanks to a comment earlier by brun0, after I followed this guide the second time, I traveled to Midnight’s Cairn and dropped down from the starting cliff. As soon as I dropped down at Midnight’s Cairn, the trophy popped for me!!! \(^_^)/
Hope this helps some of you, don’t forget to try Midnight’s Cairn immediately after following this guide!!!!!!!
Élisson Michael Fernandes Meirelles Araújo says
Thanks for sharing this, going to try it right now
Fernando Villagomez says
Anybody down to do the firing range trophy?
My ID is BuStAkAS
Feel free to hit me up!