Life of the Party is a side mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Life of the Party Side Quest.
Life of the Party is unlocked when you complete Boom Boom Boomtown.
Planet: Pandora
Area: Devil’s Razor
Quest Giver: Mordecai
Requirement: Complete Boom Boom Boomtown
Recommended Level: 27
Reward: $3,838 + 6,548 XP + Dastardly Amazing Grace unique gun
Mission Info: Give Mordecai a hand and grab some of Grace’s favorite flowers. Bring them to the birthday girl and enjoy the party.
- Collect special flowers: 0/5
- Meet Mordecai
- Place Flowers on Grave
- Talk to Hirschim
- Attend the Party
- Have some cake: 0/2
- Optional: Break Gracey’s record: 0/12
- Move to grenade range
- Throw grenades: 0/5
- Optional: Tell Hirschim you’re tired
- Optional: Break Gracey’s record: 0/50
- Move to shooting range
- Pat Bobsie to start
- Optional: Let record stand
- Optional: Break Gracey’s record: 0/30
- Talk to Hirschim
- Destroy Pinata
Starting Location: Life of the Party
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Collect Special Flowers: 0/5
Mordecai wants your help bring some flowers to a girl’s birthday party. Head up to the marked location, and once you get there all 5 of the flowers will be individually marked, go grab them all.
Meet Mordecai
Once you have all the flowers, head over to the marked location to meet up with Mordecai.
Place Flowers on Grave
Place your collected bundle of flowers on the grave in front of Mordecai.
Talk to Hirschim
Turn around and speak to the other man standing in the area with you.
Attend the Party
Follow Hirschim up the hill to the party area.
Have Some Cake: 0/2
Hirschim wants to have a cake eating contest, and you can eat two pieces if you want here and continue, but…
Optional: Break Gracey’s Record: 0/12
You want to grab all 12 pieces around the area to break here record and complete the extra objective and basically be garbage person to Hirschim.
First group of cake turn South, there’s 3 on a desk.
Now turn and face East looking at the fire, there’s one to the North on a box, then another just underneath the pinata on another box.
Go up on the platform where Hirschim is, there’s 4 on the two benches closest to the building, then another two near the large rock.
Then for the final piece head inside his house, and look on the bed in the corner.
Move to Grenade Range
Now Hirschim wants to do a grenade throwing challenge, head to the marked area.
Throw Grenades: 0/5
For the main objective, you just need to get a grenade through any of the holes 5 times.
Optional: Tell Hirschim You’re Tired
If you want to quit after just getting 5 in, speak to Hirschim.
Optional: Break Gracey’s Record: 0/50
But for the optional objective, you want to get a total of 50 points by hitting the grenade targets. Middle target is worth 1 point, left target is worth 5 points, and right target is worth 10 points.
If you want you can just toss 5o total grenades through the middle hole, or you can go for either of the sides. If you have a longbow that’s potentially slightly easier for the side two as those travel in a straight line where you aim, but not exactly at your crosshair so they need a bit of fiddling. If you need to buy more grenades you can use the nearby ammo vendor.
Move to Shooting Range
Now for the last competition head over to the marked shooting range.
Pat Bobsie to Start
When you’re ready to begin, interact with the pet Skag.
Optional: Let Record Stand
If you feel like being nice to Herschim, you can just not break the record but not shooting.
Optional: Break Gracey’s Record: 0/30
But if you feel like continuing being mean, you can break her record. Once you pat Bobsie’s head, a bunch of Rak will spawn off the cliff edge. You need to shoot down a total of 30 of them. The easy way to do this is to stand on the edge and look straight down to the rocks, this is where all of the Raks spawn from. So if you have a SMG or other high ammo weapon you can just sit and spray ammo at the cliff to kill the Rak as they’re spawning. If you have something like a grenade with flamer (spews flames in a circle when it lands) or something with other extended duration effects that’s even easier, because you just toss them on the cliff and they kill the Rak right as they spawn.
Talk to Hirschim
Now that you’ve finished crushing the man’s memories of his daughter, speak to him.
Destroy Pinata
Head over near the fire and destroy that pinata to complete the mission and get your reward.
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This finishes Life of the Party side mission in Borderlands 3. Now the next quest Wildlife Conservation becomes available.
For all other Side Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Borderlands 3 Side Missions Walkthrough.
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