Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77) has 20 Tarot Card Locations, also called Tarot Graffiti Murals. Finding all Tarot Cards and scanning their Graffiti Murals is needed to finish the Fool on the Hill Side Job. This also unlocks The Wandering Fool trophy or achievement.
Tarot Cards are a type of Collectible in Cyberpunk 2077. The Tarot Cards automatically get marked on your map over the course of the story. They will all be marked on your map after the story. Go to their locations and scan the Graffiti Mural (press /
to use your scanner). Upon scanning the Tarot Graffiti you will be rewarded with the Tarot Card.
After finding your first Tarot Card you will automatically get the “Fool on the Hill” Side Job added to your Journal (might take a few minutes to trigger this). After you’ve found all 20 Tarot Cards talk to Misty, the girl at Viktor the Ripper Doc’s Office. You can track the quest from your Journal.
None of these Collectibles are missable. After the story you will be put back before the Point of No Return and can still find all of them in free roam. This guide shows them by district going from north to south.
Tarot Card #1: The Hanged Man
On the side of the water tower.
Tarot Card #2: The Emperor
One of the advertisement signs on the side of the road.
Tarot Card #3: The Magician
On the wall under the highway.
Tarot Card #4: The Fool
Just outside V’s apartment, on the wall to the right of the door.
Tarot Card #5: The Sun
On a wall on the side of the road.
Tarot Card #6: The World
On the balcony / rooftop, above Misty’s shop (near Viktor Ripperdoc). Must use the elevator to get up there.
Tarot Card #7: The Chariot
In an alleyway of a market area.
Tarot Card #8: The Empress
Go down the stairs to the Afterlife club, then turn around to find it on a wall (before entering the club).
Tarot Card #9: The Hierophant
On the side of a short tunnel with a lot of trashbags in it.
Tarot Card #10: The Lovers
Inside the Drive-in Theater. If the gate is closed, read the messages on the computer and it will reveal the door code is 0000. You will open up this area automatically during Side Job: Blistering Love.
Tarot Card #11: The Moon
A Graffiti of Wolves on a wall.
Tarot Card #12: Temperance
In the North Oak Columbarium.
City Center
Tarot Card #13: The Tower
A gallery picture inside a building.
Tarot Card #14: The High Priestess
Inside a hotel, on the top floor (must enter the building and go upstairs). This is the same building where Main Job: Search and Destroy also takes place.
Tarot Card #15: Death
On the side of Embers building (outside, not inside).
Santo Domingo
Tarot Card #16: Justice
In an enemy area.
Tarot Card #17: Strength
On the side of a small building.
Tarot Card #18: The Hermit
On the side of the Voodoo Boys’ Chapel.
Tarot Card #19: The Star
On the side of a small building.
Tarot Card #20: Wheel of Fortune
By the trash outside Sunset Motel.
That’s all of the Tarot Graffiti in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). Remember to track the Side Job “Fool on the Hill” from your Journal to deliver them to Misty (the girl you meet during the story at Viktor the Ripper Doc’s office). After ending that quest you get The Wandering Fool trophy or achievement.
For more guides check out the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
North says
Thank you!
kia says
simply tnx
sophie says
ok but on the tarot cards in the menu there is 22 ? so where are the last 2?
PowerPyx says
I think they are from “The Devil” Ending – one found during Adam Smasher boss fight (can be scanned in the arena where you fight him), and the “Devil” face you get when you break open the rubik’s cube during that ending (automatically).
But doesn’t look like they are needed for anything really (not needed for finish the side job or trophy).
Vincent says
He gave me the trophy and I still have 2 graffiti missing, and they no longer appear on the map. Will that bug affect me to unlock the rest of the trophies?
Cole Patrick Maclean says
No bug read above you straight forward
worldisadance says
Hello, completed both finales related to the 2 cards, Judgement is appearing in my Tarot Card menu, but not the ”Devil” … read around that this happened to other players as well. Is there a way to have all 22 cards showing in the Tarot menu ? Has anybody been able to achieve this?
Thank you,