This guide shows where to find all Weapon Shop Locations in Cyberpunk 2077. Weapon Shops are the vendors that sell firearms (ranged weapons). They also sell crafting blueprints (Specs) and some Weapon Mods.
Weapon Shops are marked on the map by a white scissors icon . You can zoom in on the map and press
to filter for Service Points to make them easier to see.
For Melee Weapon Vendors refer to:
In the images below the City District and sub-district is shown in the bottom right corner.
Weapon Shop #1 – Watson
Weapon Shop #2 – Watson
Weapon Shop #3 – Westbrook
Weapon Shop #4 – City Center
Weapon Shop #5 – Heywood
Weapon Shop #6 – Heywood
Weapon Shop #7 – Heywood
Weapon Shop #8 – Santo Domingo
Weapon Shop #9 – Santo Domingo
Weapon Shop #10 – Pacifica
Weapon Shop #11 – Badlands
Weapon Shop #12 – Badlands
Weapon Shop #13 – Badlands
This Weapon Shop Vendor is found at the Aldecaldos Nomad camp, but they move their camp when you advance their questline. Therefore, the location of this Weapon Shop will vary. Below is the location after doing all of Panam’s Side Questline for the Aldecaldos Nomads. Earlier on it will be in the middle of the Badlands.
There is another optional and missable weapon vendor in Watson (Maelstrom Heat). This one is only available if you got a peaceful outcome in “The Pickup” main quest, for example by buying the Flathead Militech with your own money instead of shooting Royce or using Meredith Stout’s infected Credit Chip.
For all other map markers check out the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Peter.Goezinya says
Did you know that many of these weapon shops have hidden Firing Ranges behind them?
I don’t know if they are cut content or if this was something recently added by a game patch. The one in Japantown, named “Rifles & Pistols” has a fully functioning firing range under it, with a woman in the middle of giving somebody shooting lessons. There is a PC down there that unlocks a door, when you go inside you’ll see a UI notification that says “Get into position”. But it’s set as a No Combat zone currently so V can’t pull out a weapon. You’ll need to be on PC and have mods that can unlock doors or NoClip.
I’ve been trying to search about these firing ranges, but the only one that comes up is Wilson’s, over by V’s starting apartment. Hopefully we’re gonna see new firing ranges with the upcoming expansion.aa