Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronada is a Side Job in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). This walkthrough will guide you through all steps of the Beat on the Brat: Arroyo Side Quest.
Area: Santo Domingo (Rancho Coronada)
Quest Giver: Coach Fred
Requirement: Complete Main Job “The Rescue”
Reward: 950 XP / Street Cred XP
Mission Info: A fight in an Animals’ club? Oof… feel sorry for you, I do. These guys play hard, V. It won’t be easy… and it won’t be fun.
- Go to the Animals’ club
- Talk to the Animals champion
- Defeat Rhino
- Talk to the Animals champion
This quest is part of a longer questline:
- Beat On The Brat
- Beat On The Brat: Arroyo
- Beat On The Brat: Kabuki
- Beat On The Brat: Pacifica
- Beat On The Brat: Rancho Coronado
- Beat On The Brat: The Glen
Starting Location: Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado
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Go to the Animals’ club
Follow the marker to the location in Arroyo. This is the same location as Gig: For My Son, and if you do that Gig before doing the objective for this then there are some other potential outcomes for what happens here. If you’ve never been to the fight club before, there will be a bouncer outside, who you either need to pay €$3800 to get by, or intimidate if you have 10 BODY attribute.
If you had come here already and finished For My Son then you would have done this step so could just walk right inside. If you resolved For My Son in a peaceful manner then you would still finish this the normal way doing the fight, but if you finished it by just shooting everyone at the club you won’t have an opponent to fight, and Coach Fred will have just given you a free win and you won’t need to do this Side Job.
Talk to the Animals champion
If you are progressing the intended way and doing the fight, you can find the champion sitting on a chair to the left of the arena.
Rhino likes fighting purely for the sport of it, so she doesn’t actually ask for any wager here, but then no monetary reward when you win. This means that you can basically try again as much as you want without reloading a save if you lose because you never lose any money and you’re healed to full health when the fight ends.
Defeat Rhino
Rhino basically acts the same as Buck does in Arroyo, charged kicks and heavy punches just you’re now in a smaller, closed in arena. She hits very hard, on normal difficulty at level 31 I would lose all my health from two consecutive hits, so you want to try and avoid her kicks at all times. If you are using Gorilla Arms cyberware, your best bet is likely to continually use strong attacks to stagger her, as she seems to be able to be continually staggered as long as you have stamina when doing the strong attack. She will also heal at about 20% health, so be aware of that.
Talk to the Animals champion
Talk to Rhino again once you have won the fight to complete this Side Job.
This finishes Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado side quest job in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77).
For all other Quest Walkthroughs, check out the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough.
fishy says
Not only “for my son”, in “I fought the law” side job Rhino is actually the animals boss at the club, so when you take her down in that side job you get a free win for this fight as well. I got very confused there when it says I completed this job.
Cosmin Calugarescu says
I did all the other side jobs without killing her so she is still in her chair….