This guide shows how to get money fast in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77) with a breakdown of all ways to make money in the game.
There are a few different methods to gain money in Cyberpunk 2077. Let’s go over each method starting with the best (fastest) ways to earn the currency Eurodollars, also called Eddies.
Fastest Money Exploit / Duplication Glitch
The following exploit has been confirmed on Patch 1.06 (December 24, 2020) is works for all platforms PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PC, Stadia.
This Cyberpunk 2077 Exploit / Glitch gives you Unlimited Money by exploiting a quest item found in Space Oddity Side Job. It can be sold repeatedly for $4000 and bought back for $5, making a $3995 profit every few seconds. You will get $20,000 every Minute / $1,000,000 every 50 Minutes using this money glitch.
It works like this:
- Complete Side Job “Space Oddity”, started in Santo Domingo district. You must at least have completed the 11th Main Mission “Playing for Time” to trigger this quest (early in the game). At the end of the quest you pick up a purple quest item from a space probe in the desert. The item is called “Untitled 18 – Brancesi, 2021”. This is what we will use for the money exploit.
- Go to any Drop Point on the map. It’s recommended you make a Manual Save now, in case something goes wrong.
- You’ll want to sell “Untitled 18 – Brancesi, 2021” for $4000.
- Then exit the Drop Point (
), interact with it again. Now the item can be bought back for $5 instead of $4000. Buy it back for $5!
- The item can be sold again for $4000. You make a $3995 profit each time you do this and it only takes a few seconds. Repeat as often as you like.
- After the Drop Point runs out of money, skip time by 24 hours via the Menu. Then it will have $20,000 again and you can farm as much money as you like. Just don’t leave the item inside the Drop Point machine when you skip time because then it would disappear. Always make sure you got it in your inventory before you skip time!
You need $1.8 Million for the “Autojock” trophy / achievement to buy all vehicles. This will take around 90 Minutes to grind out. You don’t get nearly enough money from doing all side tasks legit so this exploit comes in very handy.
Should it get patched in the future, you can get the disc version of the game and stay offline so it can’t update to the newest patch (play unpatched version 1.00). Then you can play through the first few main missions to get this quest, use the exploit to get 2 Million Eurodollars and then update the game to continue playing on the latest patch.
From Looting Enemies and selling the Loot
As you go through the game you should loot everything enemies drop. This will mostly be weapons and armor. They can be sold to vendors and Drop Points (if a vendor runs out of money, you can skip time by 24 hours from the menu to restock them). Even if your inventory gets maxed out halfway through a mission you can dismantle the items that are worth the least, which gives you crafting components. Buy the Perk “Pack Mule” under the Body Attribute > Athletics Skill Tree. It increases your carry capacity by 60. Buying Clothing Mods from Clothing Vendors can further increase your Carry Capacity. The more you can carry, the better for this.
As you level up and increase your Street Cred, enemies will drop more expensive items. After reaching Level 50 (the maximum) you will get a lot more purple (Epic) / orange (Legendary) items to drop. In the early game enemy weapons might only be worth $25 so. In the mid-game this is already increased to about $300-$500 per enemy weapon you sell. Remember this as you go through all Gigs, Quests and World Events (especially in High-Level areas such as Heywood & City Center).
Most enemies are found during NCPD Scanner Events (see NCPD Section further down in the guide, they are marked blue on map). The problem is that these go away once the event is complete, so the more side tasks you do the fewer enemies remain. If you still have many of these events left, just keep in mind to loot all enemies you defeat and sell their gear. It’s also worth noting that police don’t drop any items and cannot be looted for their gear, unfortunately.
Phantom Liberty DLC / Update 2.0:
The Phantom Liberty DLC has added a new district “Dogtown” and raised the level cap to 60. Finishing all Phantom Liberty quests will give you extra money without grinding. Once you reach Level 60, farm the enemies in Dogtown, there are many close together and they drop loot that can be sold. At level 60 the weapon drops will be worth around $2500 a piece, making this a much more efficient way to farm money.
Money from Gigs
Gigs are very quick mini-jobs. They are shorter than Side Jobs and a little less story-driven (most only have 1-2 objectives like stealing an item). These are the type of jobs you want to do for some quick money. There are 86 Gigs in total – see Cyberpunk 2077 All Gigs List & Walkthroughs.
Gigs are marked on the map by yellow question marks. When you approach them, you will get a call from that district’s Fixer. You gain access to new districts and fixers by advancing the main story.
There are the following 7 types of Gigs:
= Gun for Hire
= Search and Recover
= Thievery
= Agent Saboteur
= SOS: Merc Needed
= Convoy
= Cyberpsycho Sighting
Money from NCPD Scanner Events
NCPD Scanner Events are crimes (little enemy encounters) that go on in the open world. You just go to them and defeat a small group of enemies (and in some cases you need to loot a cache for evidence or files). These are super quick to do and you get an instant payment. There are 156 NCPD Scanner Events in total – see Cyberpunk 2077 All NCPD Scanner Events.
There are 3 types, all of which have blue icons on the map:
Also remember to loot the items they drop and sell them at the nearest Drop Point for money (especially in late-game areas where loot is worth more).
Money from Side Jobs
Side Jobs are longer version of Gigs. Some are the Length of Main Jobs, while others are very short 5 minute tasks. You can combine them with your search for Gigs. They reward you with some money, but if you’re looking to make money quickly it’s better to go for NCPD Scanner Events and Gigs.
= Side Job
Money from Main Jobs
= Main Job
Main Jobs are the worst way to make money. They do give small amounts but they take quite long (around 30-45 Minutes each) which makes them ineffective for earning money, compared to the much shorter Gigs and World Events. To give you a better idea, I tried a story speedrun and didn’t sell any items or do any side activities. I ended up with only 15,000 Eurodollars at the end of the story (because the mission “Ghost Town” also requires spending 15,000 Eddies, otherwise I would have ended up with 30,000). Subtracting the 15,000 Money you have to pay to advance the story, the entire ~20 hour story only gives you around €$15,000.
That’s all of the main ways you make money in Cyberpunk 2077.
For more guides check out the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Terra says
The money exploit from the ‘I Walk The Line Mission’ is much better 30k every 20 secs
Queijo says
Plus level up XP and Street Cred.
Ad says
Still work in patch 1.06?
PowerPyx says
It’s still working for me (playing the PS4 version on a PS5 console).
Joe says
It should be pointed out that the disc version (PS4, don’t know for certain about other consoles) cannot be played without an online update. Literally ~45 GB of the 109 came from the download, and only ~64 from the 2 disc install.
So, if the game is later updated, there would be no way to use this exploit after it’s removed, even from the disc copy. So it probably has a shelf life.
Silverhand says
Still works till this day
Alex says
Anyone know if the newest update 1.05 patches the exploit?
Marek says
Its work
Kaur says
It worked for me, using PS4 and 1.05
Declio says
Confirmed still working after patching today.
Vlasov Artem says
The exploit is still working on PS5 with patch 1.05
Bart says
Can conform dupe glitch still working and painting price hasn’t changed.
Safe to update
Matheus says
Not patched
Xero says
It still works for me as of 12/19/20
Drdrax777 says
Axel says
It still works.
Sefftone says
It is not patched with the new update. Exploit can still be used.
Russell says
I can confirm it still works on patch 1.05 on PS4 Pro
BaldWombat says
Still good, I was able to use it last night still.
Kristen says
I just used it on version 1.05 and it worked for me.
Joe says
On PS4, just confirmed that this glitch still works after v1.05 update. Dupe glitch also intact.
Matheus says
Here’s how you can duplicate the painting you get from Space Oddity so you can make money a lot faster
Go to a drop point
-Sell the painting and close the shop;
-Open the shop by pressing Triangle and Options at the same time. If you do it right, you’ll notice the “Level” on the top left corner will be cropped
-Buy back the painting over and over again.
DieGelbeWandBVB says
Still works on update 1.05
Andrew says
Can anyone confirm if the “I walk the line” or “Space Oddity” glitches are still working after the 1.06 update? Want to update so it stops crashing so much but I need to level up to finish Space Oddity first. It’s a pretty hard mission (at least, if you’re doing a stealth nethacker build like I am)
PowerPyx says
Just tried, still working on 1.06.
Theodore says
I just tried it. It seems to not work on PC. 4000 sell, 4000 buyback.
Daniels says
I’ve just tried this exploit (december 28th 2020), got the oddly painting, went to sell it but when I did, its value wasn’t $5 anymore, but $4000. I’m playing it on the 1.06 patch version, and I already did the main quest “I Walk the Line” as well. Guess they patched this already, and now the exploit isn’t going to work on this version, only on a previous one.
PowerPyx says
Which platform? Still works for me.
Daniels says
I play on a PS4 as well but I think I know what I did wrong. I’ve just noticed that I forgot to exit the Box when I sold the painting, and this might have been the reason why I wasn’t able to buyback it for $5. I will get back to that Drop Box I went to see if I can do this trick once again.
KISSfan81 says
No longer working on PS5.
KISSfan81 says
Scratch that. Still works. I wasn’t exiting the sale properly. Thanks for the tip!
PowerPyx says
Still works for me on PS5 at patch 1.06.
However, I did pick up the quest item before the patch, not sure if that would make any difference.
Piccy says
Still working for me on PS5!
Dollillama says
Anyone lose their map!? I left it at a merchant.. lol now I trying to retrace my steps looking for it.
Marco Vogelezang says
Is this still possible on 1.1?
Pachink0 says
Ren says
Is it still work on 1.11?
Revengemoon says
The money exploit with the Space Oddity reward appears to no longer work with the latest update on PC as of 3/29.
Tested at two different drop points and while it sold for 4k the buyback price after re-entering the shop is now 9090 instead of 5.
JMR8 says
Yea, they patched the “Space Oddity” money exploit as of v1.20 but the money and XP exploit in main mission “I walk the line” still works (you can get 15K-30K per reload and level up your street cred).
Oni says
So I have a problem right now, I had the disc since release date but after I saw all the problems it had I didn’t touch it. After seeing that the game is coming back to the store I decided to play it. Since they patched the exploit with 1.23 I tried to run the game without connecting to the net nor trying to update but the game won’t work, it keeps telling me to update the game to start with 1.0
Is there a way to play the game with 1.0 or a way for the exploit to work with 1.23? The only trophy left is the car and I only need 500k eddies to get the last few cars
akashkiran says
This glitch is not working for me. I am playing PS4 disc version unpatched v1.o. I got the item and can sell it at drop points for $8000 and buyback costs $5, but no matter what I do the drop points don’t replenish. Someone please help I wanna get this over with so I can play the patched version because the game has so many bugs.
akashkiran says
Aight all good guys I got my 2M eddies. Couldn’t get the drop points to replenish so ended up using the I Walk the Line exploit instead.
BP says
Hey there, I used the sasquatch exploit as well but my save got corrupted lol gotta restart all over. How did you managed yea?
Eric says
Does this work on the PS5 upgrade? Too low of a level to start that mission.
mark Guo says
The money method is blocked on ps4 patch 1.51. the object that obtain from mession, is not visiable anymore in the inventory.
Antony says
It doesn’t work anymore