Going Up or Down? is a Gig in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). This walkthrough will guide you through all steps of the Going Up or Down? Gig (Side Quest).
Area: Heywood (The Glen)
Quest Giver: Sebastian ‘Padre” Ibarra
Requirement: Street Cred Level 22
Reward: €$10,900 / 565 XP / Street Cred XP
Mission Info: Gig type: Thievery
Objective: Scandium rods
Location: Megabuilding H1, Congress St.
This isn’t your run-of-the-mill gig. Client this time is me. You know the H1 megabuilding in the Glen? City within a city – crumbling tower of concrete and faulty wiring. That it hasn’t already collapsed is thanks to a guy named El Gallo. Brilliant techie, he was. Past tense.
It’s the same old story. El Gallo’s got a drug problem. A big one. He’s completely lost touch with reality, goes from one score of syn-coke to another. Needless to say, he’s in no state to repair any creaky doors. But for some reason he got it into his head that everything’ll be better if he could just get his hands on some scandium rods, so he stole them from a corpo warehouse.
These rods are rare parts. Rare and very expensive. I wouldn’t want to see them go to waste. Go to H1 (access code’s already taken care of) and get them from El Gallo before that junkie pawns them. I don’t care how you do it, so long as it gets done.
- Go to El Gallo’s workshop
- Look for the scandiom rods
- Steal the scandium rods
- Go outside
- Deposit rods in the Drop Point
Starting Location: Going Up or Down?
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Go to El Gallo’s workshop
Your objective for this gig is to go into the basement of the megabuilding and steal a specific item. This is an extremely short gig, with only one potential enemy and that’s all. Follow the objective down the stairs into the basement of the building.
Look for the scandium rods
Once downstairs you will need to look for the scandium rods required for the gig. They are directly in the middle of the room in the elevator car in a box, so are relatively easy to get to. You can take out the only enemy in the room in stealth before doing for them, so this is relatively painless. There is no one else in the room so you can loot it as well if you want.
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Go outside
Once you have grabbed the rods, retrace your steps back outside the building.
Deposit scandium rods in the Drop Point
Follow the objective to the nearby drop point to deposit the rods and complete the gig.
This finishes Going Up or Down? gig in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77).
For all other Quest Walkthroughs, check out the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough.
lurkOasis says
It’s also possible to do this mission peacefully by letting him spot you and then talk to him. There’s an 18 int skill check where you convince him he can fix the elevator without needing the rods, but might be possible without the skill check too
Anonymous says
With intelligence 13 you can opt for the “convince” way.
In this short gig I got 2 skill shards, one of them within the rods box.