This guide shows where to find the Gorilla Arms location in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). The Gorilla Arms are a legendary Cyberware and can be used as a melee weapon. They are stronger versions of your fists and a great way to knock out enemies. They can be obtained as a reward for beating the story or you can buy them at Ripperdocs after reaching Street Cred Level 20.
Gorilla Arms – Location #1:
The first option is to simply beat the main story. After the Credits finish rolling you can pick “One more Gig” and it will put you back before the Point of No Return.
You will get a notification that some rewards have been unlocked for beating the story and to check your inventory. Well – if you’re looking at the inventory and wondering “where is my reward?”, it’s actually the Gorilla Arms. The trouble is they aren’t visible in the inventory at all. You must head to a Ripperdoc to install them. Any one of them will do.
Then select the “Arms” category and you will see the Legendary Gorilla Arms have become available for free. They don’t cost any money. Interestingly, you get these for each of the endings. So if you replay the last mission you can unlock another pair of Legendary Gorilla Arms, but there’s not much use to that. They automatically scale to your level, no need to upgrade them.
Once you installed them at the Ripperdoc, they can be selected from the weapon wheel ( /
). They are basically more powerful fists.
Gorilla Arms – Location #2:
The second option is to reach Street Cred Level 20. You level up your Street Cred by Main Jobs, NCPD Scanner Hustles, Gigs, Side Jobs. Level 20 is actually pretty quick to achieve early on if you go do the side activities. At Street Cred 20 new Cyberware becomes available at Ripperdocs. You can check your Street Cred Level at any time in the Menu (Map Screen / Inventory) in the top left corner. It’s the green level number.
This one won’t be for free though and costs some money.
That’s all there is to finding the Gorilla Arms Location in Cyberpunk 2077.
For more items and anything you need for 100% completion, check out the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
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