Dead Space Remake (PS5 / PC version) has 12 Marker Fragment Locations. Finding all Marker Fragments is required for the New Secret Alternative Ending and to earn the Reunion trophy / achievement.
Marker Fragments are a new collectible type in the Remake of Dead Space. They did not exist in the PS3 version. The Marker Fragments are exclusively available in New Game Plus. They do not spawn on the first playthrough. After beating the game for the first time on any difficulty (story difficulty will suffice) you can start New Game+ on your second playthrough and the Marker Fragments will spawn.
Upon completing the game, you will be rewarded with the following items for use in New Game Plus:
- 50,000 Credits
- 10 Nodes
- 5 Logs (Side Missions)
- Advanced Soldier Rig (Suit Level 6) – purchasable in New Game Plus for 99,000 Credits
If you completed the game on Impossible, you will also be rewarded with the following:
- Burnished Suit
- Hand Cannon
New Game Plus will contain the 12 Marker Fragments to collect, which must be collected in order to unlock the new alternative ending. There will be one in every chapter, except Chapters 5/10, which will have 2 each, and Chapters 9/12 which won’t have a fragment. All collectibles from your previous playthrough carry over into New Game Plus, so if you missed anything, you can collect it during this playthrough. This guide also contains the last suit upgrade which you can buy during New Game+ for 99,000 credits to unlock Maxed Out, but this isn’t needed for the Fragments or secret ending.
Marker Fragment Locations
Marker Fragment 1
Chapter 1, Objective: Find the Data Board. On a shelf inside Maintenance Bay Office, next to the Data Board you need to progress. Melee the shelf to be able to grab the fragment.
Marker Fragment 2
Chapter 2, Objective: Find a Shock Pad. After clearing the quarantine in Main Lab, enter Dr. T. Kyne’s office. Use kinesis to move the shelf to the side to find the fragment in the hidden room.
Marker Fragment 3
Chapter 3, Objective: Manually Ignite the Engines. In the Engine Room, head behind Power Sub-Station 03 at the end of the room to find the fragment in the corner. You have to place a battery in this sub-station for story purposes.
Marker Fragment 4
Chapter 4, Objective: Reroute Power from Electrical Systems. On Floor 3 of the Bridge, enter the Break Room. The fragment is sitting on the floor.
Marker Fragment 5
Chapter 5, Objective: Lift the Lockdown. Inside Dr. C. Mercer’s office, on the desk.
Marker Fragment 6
Chapter 5, Objective: Acquire the Liquid Nitrogen. Inside Cryogenics where you freeze the Hunter, on top of the cryogenic chamber. Use kinesis to grab it.
Marker Fragment 7
Chapter 6, Objective: Inject Wheezer 07. On the top gantry of East Grow Chamber, where Wheezer 06 is located. The fragment is stuck in some corruption in the corner, use kinesis to grab it.
Marker Fragment 8
Chapter 7, Objective: Find the SOS Beacon. After upgrading to Security Clearance Level 3, enter Mineral Samples while still in the Mineral Processing Area to find the fragment on a shelf.
Marker Fragment 9
Chapter 8, Objective: Activate the Comms Array. When doing the puzzle to power on the Comms Array, the fragment will be floating inside a corruption-covered hole to the left of the Communication Control panel.
Marker Fragment 10
Chapter 10, Objective: Destroy Tendril in Deluxe Quarters. In the hallway with the second tendril, enable the doors at the circuit breaker. Then head inside the bottom Deluxe Shift Bunks and the marker will be on a desk.
Marker Fragment 11
Chapter 10, Objective: Destroy Tendril in Chief Steward’s Office. In Inquiry Desks where the tendil is located, the fragment is sitting on a desk opposite the door.
Marker Fragment 12
Chapter 11, Objective: Engage the Cargo Crane. In Cargo Bay where you must move the Marker, the fragment can be found sitting on a shelf in the south-eastern corner of the room.
Unlocking Secret Ending & Reunion Trophy
Before continuing the story, head to Crew Deck and go to the Executive Quarters. Enter Captain B. Mathius’ office (labeled as Lt Commander V. Holt on the map) and there will be a table with twelve pedestals. Place the 12 marker fragments on these pedestals, then continue to complete the game to unlock the alternative ending and Reunion trophy.
That’s 100% of the Marker Fragments in Dead Space Remake.
For all other Collectibles, refer to Dead Space Remake Collectibles Guide.
yip says
If you miss a Marker in the chapter it’s first available, can you get it near the end of the game (e.g. start of chapter 11)?
Archavia says
Yes, they can all be collected in Chapter 11 before leaving the Ishimura if you choose. The Chapter/Objective is simply listed to make it easier to locate them as you play.
Slumpyy says
Will i have enough nodes at the end of this play through to upgrade all weapons??
Archavia says
As long as you either collect a fair few in this playthrough, or use your credits to buy the remaining ones, you should. It’s still wise to try and collect all the nodes throughout the game, but after finishing NG+ I had well over 100k credits to spare from collecting everything, with plenty of stuff still to sell, so there’s leniency if you miss collecting some nodes in NG+. Worse case scenario, you can go into NG++ for the final upgrades if need be.
June says
I found all the marker frags in my new game plus thanks to you, but something stange is happening
I’m in my new game++ and I can’t find the fragments again on those locations. Are they in captain’s room where we left them? If they are can we remove them to see the normal ending?
Rogen says
Help! I followed all the guide but when I tried to put in the captain’s room there’s one missing. So I went back to all the locations, all markers gone (collected). Captain’s room again, still one missing.
Bryce says
I’m having same problem,you ever get a fix?
Mac says
I was confused at the beginning when you said 5/10 and 9/12. I finally figured out you meant 5 & 10 and 9 & 12.