Deus Ex Mankind Divided Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4,5/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30h story mode, 20h breach mode
- Offline trophies: 46 (36
, 8
, 2
- Online trophies: 5 (4
, 1
- Number of missable trophies: 37 (almost everything – there’s no mission select and you can’t go back to mission specific areas. Some trophies require certain story decisions. Most side quests will fail when going past mission 13, the point of no return)
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, you have to beat it on “I Never Asked For This” (highest difficulty). It’s unlocked after beating the game on any difficulty for the first time.
- Minimum Playthroughs: 2+ (1 x all miscellaneous trophies, collectibles & first ending, 1 x highest difficulty with stealth and no kills). NG+ may be required for some of the upgrade related trophies, depending on how well you allocated your upgrade points.
Step 1: Play on easiest difficulty. Get all eBooks, do all Side Missions, get miscellaneous and combat trophies. Play Bank Heist Story Path after Mission 10.
On the first playthrough you should thoroughly explore and get pretty much all trophies out of the way. The only things you should have left after this are “Pacifist”, “Foxiest of the Hounds”, “I Never Asked for This” and some story decision-based trophies. You are advised to create a manual save at the start of every mission. You have 10 manual save games. Create a backup of your saves on a USB device or PS+ Cloud after mission 10. This is where you have to make story decisions that will change the outcome of the game. By backing up your save and making a save game in every mission you can quickly go back and mop things up you may have missed.
- Do all the side missions as they pop up on your mission list. If you miss one you can get it on your next playthrough. It would be best if you get everything here, so you don’t have to deal with it in permadeath mode.
- Grab every collectible. Most of them are missable. Always overwrite a different save, so you can go back if you missed one.
- You can do most combat trophies right after main mission 3. Get them out of the way as soon as possible. They can all be farmed in the same spot, see trophy videos in the guide.
- After mission 10 you can either do a bank heist or save Allison. Your choice affects what trophies you’ll get at the end. I suggest you go with the bank heist first, this will let you get the “He’s [Not] Dead Yet, Jim” trophy.
- Optional: Don’t kill anyone and complete game without triggering any alarms. While you can do it on the next run it would certainly make things easier if you don’t have to deal with it in permadeath mode. It’s also good preparation for permadeath. Best to stay stealthy and avoid combat whenever possible.
It’s highly beneficial to get these augmentations right after mission 3 (needed for trophies, side quests, collectibles): Social Enhancer, Hacking Capture Lvl 5, Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis (Punch Through Wall & Optimized Musculature), Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis.
During this playthrough you are advised to unlock trophies in this order:
- A Heated Combination
- Adept of the Metaverse
- Singh No Swan Song
- Ghost
- Time Traveler
- Honor Holds Us All Together
- And Embrace What You’ve Become
- Humanity+
- Ground Mail Was a Better Option
- The Invincible Body, Fighting an Iron Devil
- Slow & Sharp
- This is Great for Spring Cleaning
- Ramming Speed!!
- Express Elevator to Hell, Going Down
- ****! Taser Fist!
- I Can Only Fight Enemies I Can See
- Neon Nights
- The Golden Ticket
- Cult of Personality
- The Golden Rookery
- Between Technology & the Divine
- So Many Cucumbers
- The Net is Vast and Infinite
- Ballsy
- Fresh Out of the Package
- Samizdat
- The Harvester
- 01011000
- All in the Family
- Handle with Care
- Core Driller
- K is for Kazdy
- The Last Harvest
- He’s [Not] Dead, Jim
- Tablet Collector
- Laputan Machine
- Invisible War
- We Are Human Beings
- Spokes in Two Wheels
- The Supreme Enlightened
Optional Step: New Game+, Mop Up (Upgrade a Weapon and Augmentations)
If you are still a few praxis kits short of “The Jack of All Augments” (Invest in at least one augmentation in every branch of the Aug Tree) or haven’t fully upgraded a weapon yet, you can easily do it in NG+. If you followed my advice from step 1 and backed up your save game in every mission you can also go back now to mop up things you’ve missed.
During this playthrough you are advised to unlock trophies in this order:
- Ruthless Efficiency
- The Jack of All Augments
Step 2: Beat “I Never Asked for This” (Permadeath Mode). Play Allison Story Path after Mission 10.
All you do here is stay undetected, never cause any alarms, never kill anyone (including the endboss) and beat the game on hardest difficulty. Unfortunately New Game+ is not available for this mode, which means you can’t carry over your progress from the previous run. When you die in permadeath mode you have to start the story from scratch. An easy trick to “cheat” this is to back up your one manual save game on a USB device / PS+ cloud. So when you die you can copy back your save and won’t have to start from scratch. After mission 10 play the Allison Story Path to get those story related trophies.
During this playthrough you are advised to unlock trophies in this order:
- God Killer
- Pacifist
- Foxiest of the Hounds
- I Never Asked For This
Step 3: Online Trophies (Breach Mode)
Pretty straight forward. Select breach in main menu and complete that mode. This is an online-only mode and cannot be played offline.
Trophies unlocked in this step:
- Data Detective
- Data Disciple
- Data Expert
- Data Master
- #CantKillProgress
GLITCH WARNING: As of patch 1.03 (September 4th, 2016) breach mode is heavily glitched. As you play that mode it will freeze at some point. Whenever you want to start breach mode again it will freeze during the “sit-down” cutscene. When this happens you just need to wait a few minutes in the game (do not close application). After 2-3 minutes the game will resume, but it can freeze again at any time. An alternate fix is to wait 60 seconds when it freezes during the “sit-down” cutscene, then quit the application and start breach mode again – it should now let you access the mode without a freeze.
This appears to be a widespread problem and for me it started freezing after mission 4. Reinstalling the game and starting on fresh save game doesn’t help. We have to wait for a patch. The developers are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. The reason is likely the number of PSN friends. If you have more than 100 people on your friends list breach will freeze on you very often. The breach mode related trophies are not glitched, just the game mode itself is very glitchy and freezes a lot.
Igor says
uuhuhuhuhuhuh gooodd!!!!
Pelotedeneige says
Hi Powerpyx. Very nice job. I want to ask you something : why not beating “I Never Asked for This” in NG+. Wouldn’t be easier to remain undetected with all your upgrades ?
PowerPyx says
There’s no NG+ for that mode. You have to start from scratch. Can’t carry over your things into that mode.
Pelotedeneige says
Ok, thanks for the reply. 🙂
Alex says
Excellent job PP! This guide is very helpful and timely – much appreciated. I was searching for a guide while the game installed to avoid skipping over any missable achievements. Hopefully there are no hidden virtual books in Mission 1.
PowerPyx says
There is one missable ebook in the first mission. It’s by that jammer after the third tutorial (before going to area with helicopter and singh).
dtp says
AT the end of the first mission, when you have to disable the helicopter, it’s near impossible to avoid being spotted. Does this count against Foxiest of the Hounds?
PowerPyx says
Make sure it gives you Ghost or Smooth Operator bonus, then all is good. I literally unlocked the “Ghost” bronze trophy in that section.
Just use your cloak ability and sneak behind the boxes on the far left side while staying crouched.
And I think there isn’t even an alarm in that area? Being seen doesn’t matter as long as there isn’t an alarm. I ran through it and still got the ghost bonus.
dtp says
I got the Ghost achievement there, too, right before I got to the copter. Still, I wanted to be sure I’d get Ghost even for the last part, so what I did was turn on the glass shield, and ran straight for the helicopter, barely managing to get there without being spotted, and I got Ghost in addition to “Getting Things Done” when I disabled it. Thanks for you help!
blazinboredom says
are you sure there is “smooth operator” bonus on the first mission with helicopter? I didn’t get it, I only got “ghost”, but i thought it was ok considering there were no alarms on that level.
Fawaz says
Hi how are you? Is there any guide for the inline trophies as it is very hard to get 100% ?
SayWord says
Thank you for this guide! I have a question that I really hope you can answer.
In Side Mission 01, section DEAL WITH DRAHOMIR. I was able to expose him to the police, however the police ended up killing him. Will this screw up my Pacifist trophy?
PowerPyx says
I don’t think it will affect Pacifist. I had similar situations with characters being killed by someone else and got the Pacifist trophy in the end. As long as you don’t kill them directly it shouldn’t matter.
People dying as part of the story / side missions / cutscenes don’t matter.
SayWord says
Thank you that is kind of reassuring.
Also keep up the great work with all these guides and videos, you make trophy hunting that much more enjoyable with your work.
Strykerius says
With the suggested Augs that recommend, can you buy all of them in the game and max them out or should you buy what you can with the Praxis that you get from Koller to get at least lvl 1 of all of them?
Drew says
Don’t worry about Praxis, you’ll find/earn loads of them. I’m 70% maxed out and still have 10 Praxis left (along with 20,000 credits) just by playing the game. Augment Social Enhancer, Hacking Capture, Implanted Rebreather, Energy Converter, Arm Prosthesis, Icarus Landing, Reflex Booster, Typhoon, Cloaking, P.E.P.S,, and Remote Hacking. Everything else is a bonus.
Cocomuffin says
It would be nice if there was a list of the order you can get the trophies in. Since it’s pretty confusing to scroll through dozens of them to see which order they are in.
PowerPyx says
Good idea. I’ll make some updates to the roadmap with a list of trophies.
PowerPyx says
It’s in the roadmap now 🙂
Cocomuffin says
I love your trophy video guides. I’ve been using them for years on youtube. I didn’t even know you had a website :D
Thanks for all the great work you’ve done over the years.
fuzzyfantom says
Hey Powerpyx, nice guide so far! So I have a question you might know the answer to : I chose not to kill/warn off Gallois after taking the upgrades from Botkaveli, and now he’s threatening me. Could this potentially mess up my foxiest of the hounds playthrough later on? Thx in advance
PowerPyx says
I’ve never been in that scenario myself, always helped Otar. But I don’t think it will mess up Foxiest of the Hounds. I don’t see this triggering an alarm.
fuzzyfantom says
Ok thx for the answer! I’ll see what I do, may just reload an earlier save as to not risk messing up my walkthrough. C ya!
Murray says
Just wondering how come you put 51 offline trophies at the top of the guide when there’s an online mode (Breach)? In what way is the mode online / offline?
PowerPyx says
Sorry about that, fixed it now.
Vaughn says
Can you miss side mission 4 by getting the calibrator early? It is nowhere to be found and I’ve completed main mission 4.
PowerPyx says
Yes doing the Time Traveler trophy will lock you out of that mission. I’ll clarify it in the guide.
PoisonSting123 says
For The Last Harvester quest/trophy, the doctor never tells me the password and there is no option to press L2 while he is talking. I believe I looked at all the clues in the apartment (including the emails), but I definitely did not “follow the trail” as was stated in the list of objectives. Should I have done that?
PoisonSting123 says
I just realized that you did not mention that you required the social enhancer augment to get this password. Is there a way I can get a praxis kit without cancelling out this mission, or if I continue with the main mission will it cancel out this side mission? I am currently at the part where the streets are all restricted and you have to stealth the entire section.
Also, please go through the roadmap and let people know that you require the social enhancer augment to do some of these 🙂
Knigit says
Hey PowerPyx, thanks for the guide 🙂 just to be sure, I gotta ask – do you need PS+ for the online trophies? I know it is a dumb question probably, but some games have online trophies too and don’t require that silly subscription.
Thank you 🙂
Igor says
whats aug i need for the trophy “jack of all augments”? just give me a example of augments.
sunny says
do the ebooks carry over in new game plus
PowerPyx says
No, they don’t.
Igor says
i have to upgrade all augments with praxis just once?
“jack of all augments”
PowerPyx says
Yes I think so. I’ll add it to the guide when I find out (should be getting this trophy tonight).
igor says
i confirmed …for this trophy …we have to use praxis in all augs.. but we dont need to full upgrade all of them. i get this trophy now.
CottonEyeJoe says
Thanks for the guide, got all the story mode trophies in 3 playthroughs.
Will there be a Breach walkthrough?
I still need those trophies and would prefer a helpful walkthrough to get me through that horrible, forced mode as quickly as possible.
igor says
man… if we have to use the hyperlink..then my friend the breach mode is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE kkkkkkkkkkk.. because the hyperlink need 100% network
CottonEyeJoe says
Just got the Tier 1 trophy, you don’t have to use the Hyperlink but there are some hidden servers in the areas, to get to them you need to use Free Movement (Hold R2/RT) and look around the area.
This seems doable now.
PoisonSting123 says
Do you have to collect all of the data things in each level or do you just have to beat/finish all of the servers? If you just have to finish them, then I’ll do it, but if you have to collect every data box I’m not sure.
GojiraMan says
For the Breach Trophies, does it mean we have to get the high scores on all levels or just complete them?
igor says
Until now …i think so T_T
jason rivera says
So why is it that we can’t use the Drill in M13 or knock anyone out?
jason rivera says
“Failed Hacks (Timer reaches 0:00/Access Point is traced) – ALWAYS back out of the hack before time runs out or you are traced.”
Does that include when it says “Trace Program Initiated”?
SayWord says
I would like to know this as well. If the trace alarm goes off and the countdown starts, do we have to reload?
jason rivera says
Mission 2: Morning Comes Too Soon
Instead of following the normal story path you must do the objective of “Side Mission 4: The Calibrator” before this side mission even starts. Here’s how you do it:
At the start of main mission 2 use the subway to travel to the north-“””EASTERN””” point of Prague. Now go to the Russian underground casino. In the office on the top floor is a safe. Get the calibrator from the safe (hack the keypad near safe to open it). Now go back the way you came and follow the waypoints to “Mission 3: Getting in Top Shape Again”. Complete Mission 3 and at the end Koller asks you for the calibrator. Give it to him and the trophy unlocks.
The description for Time Traveler, you say it’s the station to the North East, when in fact it’s the North West.
Jimmy says
I’m not getting the trophy Jack of all augments!!!
Not only spent praxis on each aug, I HAVE ALL AT MAXIMUM!!!
No more upgrades to do and still not getting it!!
igor says
glitch :/
Jimmy says
PowerPyx says
Are you sure you upgraded the Typhoon? For me it showed in green (fully upgraded) even though I was completely missing the upgrade. That was what I missed. Upon buying the Typhoon the trophy popped.
Jimmy says
MY GOD!!!! It was exactly THAT!!!
Thanks very much!!
JJ says
Double check Typhoon. It shows as green even when you haven’t bought it. If it says “0/1” then you haven’t bought it.
fuzzyfantom says
Hi Powerpyx! Small question : in mission 13 you said take the electrified tunnel and don’t hack the door in the 1st zone for foxiest. I did hack it but didn’t get noticed, so no alarm. Is there some hidden alarm that goes off that I didn’t notice? Didn’t see smooth operator at the end, so maybe?
Btw, I tested that the first time you set one off, you get a short ‘tutorial’. Maybe a tip to keep in mind as to track that you never set one off.
Thx in advance
igor says
when we hack that fucking door…you go down and show :searching… and everybody is suspicious… BUT i finished the game witch this glitch and i earned the trophy.
fuzzyfantom says
Ok, cause when I did it, nobody went suspicious but I still didn’t get ghost or smooth operator. They did go weird in the first hall (for no reason) and start searching. It said ‘search completion : x%’ under radar.
Weird… might have to reload I guess…
PowerPyx says
Going through the electrified pipe is just way easier as you can skip the entire enemy section between Hangar 1 & Hangar 2. It’s not a must-do, just a recommendation. The only real requirements here are to call Vega instead of Miller and not to use the drill. Calling Miller or using the Drill will trigger alarms later in the GARM facility. Going through the door is fine, just not the easiest path.
fuzzyfantom says
Ok thx for the answer, worked out fine, got foxiest and pacifist! :-)
Austin Cooper says
How do I know when I have to reload for the foxiest of the hounds achievement. I just beat the game and thought I did it what is the criteria for alerts
Ghst says
I have a problem with alarm, using the companion app every time that i go to tf29 the app say that i have trigger alarm and idk Why..
alex87 says
Same to me, this invalidate the troppo? Or i can continue story?
PowerPyx says
You mean main mission 04 (when you go to TF29 for first time)? That’s odd.
Did you do a side mission or something else in between? And I haven’t tried the companion app. Could be that the app is just glitchy or the game is. Make sure you go to the TF29 directly after mission 3 without doing anything else. Since this is very early in the game you might be better off starting a new playthrough.
Moses says
This is an awesome guide. An awesome comments as well. Thanks you PP and thanks everyone for the useful comments.
I didn’t start playing yet and thought to checkout the guide (without going much through it).
I guess I am going to enjoy this game for the next couple of months.
Thanks again and keep that awesomeness going man.
Igor says
There are people here with doubt in the trophy (Foxiest of the Hounds). I’ll tell you how I got mine.
First: I just did the main mission (NO SIDE MISSION)
Second: I followed the instructions of PowerPyx.
* Running red laser grid into (INVISIBLE ALWAYS)
* Failed Hacks (Timer Reaches 0: 00 / Access Point is traced) – ALWAYS back out of the hack before Team Runs Out or you are traced. (AVOID Reaches 0:00)
* Enemy activates Alarm Panel. (HOSTILE)
* Enemy finds someone’s body, Then goes on to trigger an alarm (HOSTILE)
* Security camera finds the body (BECOME RED)
* Shooting security camera / security robots (HOSTILE)
* Security cameras going full red
* Turrets going full red and shooting at you
* At the start of mission 13 (GARM)
– FIRST: you must call Vega and not Miller. Calling Miller will cause an unavoidable alarm in the first section enemy of this mission.
Do not use the drill (skip “Core Driller” trophy) and do not take out any enemies in the first hall. To get to the next area go through the electrified pipe in the corner of the hall instead of using the keypad at the door. (IN MY GAME, I REACH THE fisrt HALL AND EVERYBODY BECOME SUSPICIOUS … I DONT KNOW WHY (GLITCH) AND I USED THE KEYPAD). AT END I DIDNT EARN “Ghost” or “Smooth Operator”. (GLITCH)
* In mission 15:
– FIRST: you must do the optional objective “Neutralize All Enemies in the CSO 10/10”. If you do this do not the reception area of mission 16 will be hostile and have an alarm.
– SECOND: You must go to Miller.
– THIRD: Fight Marchenko.
Kyle Holmer says
I don’t think this is right. Granted I haven’t finished my first playthrough, but I’ve read elsewhere that you can be noticed by humans as long as they don’t trigger an alarm (or as long as they don’t go into open combat and alert others with gunfire).
I could be completely wrong, but everything regarding the trophy description and other users seems to indicate it only counts if an actual alarm is triggered meaning you you can’t be spotted by electronics (fully spotted), you can’t fail a hack (although you can back out), and you can’t cause a human to physically trigger an alarm.
Obviously if you make sure that no character ever spots you in the world, that an enemy never goes fully red you’ll get the trophy but I don’t think that its required.
Also, what about Panic states? I’ve noticed there will be some instances where maybe you fire a gun or destroy a wall and while you’re never outright spotted and no enemies come looking for you, people around will be in panic mode until a timer ticks down. I assume it doesn’t matter, but its probably best to avoid just to be safe.
Alex says
To Igor
At MISSION 13 GARM, you actually CAN use the drill, it wont effect the Foxiest of the hounds trophy, I used the drill and unlocked the trophy in the same playthrough
rubhen925 says
Thanks for the guide Powerpyx. Without you, this platinum would have taken me twice as long. Big thanks.
On a side note, permadeath was pretty manageable. My problem with the game was the Breach mode. It was atleast 4-5 times harder than the main game. If you’re down on money, ammo, or resources, you’re pretty much screwed in breach. I was at the last breach mission for two hours because I ran out of resources and money to revive myself.
Thanks for the tip to have less than 100 friends. I took their names down, deleted them, got platinum, and will add them back later.
PowerPyx says
Congrats to the plat! Glad the guide helped you out 🙂
How long did breach take you? And did you have to get 100% in all breach levels? It froze on me and I’m not gonna delete my friends because of it. I’ll have to wait for a patch to play this freaking mode :D
Cocomuffin says
I just played through with complete stealth and didn’t get the Foxiest trophy. The only point in the game where I had a red alert was because of an unavoidable NPC interference during the main mission where you need to go to Duvali HQ.
I did the 01011000 Side Mission and it caused the person to interfere when I reached the start of the red light district. They blew up some stuff and a red search started. Nothing I tried could avoid this. I ended up sprinting through and down into the sewers where it didn’t show, but I suspect it counted anyway.
I also didn’t get Ghost or Smooth Operator for the GARM facility, despite not being seen by anyone. I suspect the area is glitchy, because I had to reload to before I went there when the first time I kept getting a red search when I was just sitting in the Drill room not moving at all.
Cocomuffin says
Yay! Got the Solid Snake (Foxiest) trophy just now while on Permadeath mode.
I basically only did the main missions and followed the instructions.
I went with the Allison path because it’s easier and spoke to miller so he died, then sprinted to rescue the delegates with stealth and silence augs active. Then sprinted back to fight the boss and used the EMP mine trick. You can also use a regular pistol EMP round right as the fight starts after he moves towards you if you’re behind him, but the timing is a little odd. You have to wait until that spherical effect falls before you can down him.
SayWord says
Does M16 give off a scripted alarm? **SPOILERS** after speaking with Marchenko and I exit the room **SPOILERS END** alarms go off out of no where.
SayWord says
never mind, I read above. Thanks!
Crevlis says
Do trophies like Foxiest of Hounds and Pacifist work in NG+?
DJ says
yes they do work in NG+. I would advise to do so for the simple fact that you have a ton of abilities and biocells from the start.
Dan says
You can do it in any order I did it first and trophy popped.
Dan says
Sorry that should be on the “net is vast….” post below
Thomas says
The Net is Vast and Infinite
I think the last data store must be the middle one. I did it in a different order and I am nearly 100% sure that I didn’t trigger a alarm but the achievement. Then I did it like you did it and it worked.
bb says
Are there ghost or smooth operator bonuses in the mission “getting in top shape again”? I’m sure I didn’t trigger alarms and nobody saw me, but ghost didn’t pop up for me after I spoke with Koller.
DJ says
I just got my trophy and a lot of the missions didn’t give either of those. As many have already said the game gives you a poor idea of true stealth in some instances.
XMG says
Slow & Sharp Achievement
“Do not shoot on the ground or at another object, hit the enemy directly.”
I tried this a few times and didn’t work for me. Then I tried to shoot on the ground, the blade exploded after a few seconds, killed 3 enemies and I got the achievement. And the enemies weren’t even on alert.
SayWord says
Just to clarify this statement:
“Failed Hacks (Timer reaches 0:00/Access Point is traced) – ALWAYS back out of the hack before time runs out or you are traced.”
When the trace countdown starts, as long as we hack the system before it reaches 0:00 we are good?
Albert says
Hi thenx so much for your guide! Man the game freeze in breach mode just for a 40 seconds more or less, in the part you mentioned. No close the game, wait and the animation will continue. F._. the people ho created the breach mod, is the worst thing in the entire Deus Ex franchise.
DJ says
Thanks for the awesome guide powerpyx. I’ve been using your site a lot recently and have been very pleased with the clarity of some of the more vague trophy descriptions. Keep it up brother
DJ says
I would suggest using the killswitch on Marchenko’ for the foxy run. I believe what screwed me the 1st run was the robots going hostile as i was taking him down with a melee.
DoublePlusKirk says
I was worried about this also but I still got foxiest despite the drones going red
NeilBeforeZod says
Finished my first playthrough last night. I don’t remember tripping any alarms, I chose to contact Vega in GARM, knocked out all the guards in Mission 15, and I went to Miller first before fighting Marchenko. Did not get the Foxiest trophy.
I have noticed when I do hacks that if I captured the tracing node (the red “enemy” node), I got all the bonuses from the datastores, but the timer automatically goes to zero regardless of how much time was left when I captured it, even though the hack is successful. Could that be the source of the problem?
DJ says
this may sound silly and i have no proof that this was the cause of my first run failing, but i didn’t use any multi tools the 2nd time around. I’m sure someone can disprove this, but the real issue with people seems to be what the game qualifies as a “failed hack”. Just food for thought.
Scorpio28 says
A tip for breach mode. I had breach mode freeze on me but I think I figured something out..
When loading breach mode and it freezes at the sitting down intro scene, just wait about 5 minutes and it will unfreeze. I’ve tested this multiple times, it freezes, I wait 5 minutes or so and its been unfreezing every time I load it up. hope this helps anyone with it. Just give it time. my friend and I both tested it and it works like a charm!
Anthony Smith says
Hi have you got all the trophies for online: if you have can help me with something please.
PoisonSting123 says
Just letting you guys know, when you start Breach and it freezes on you, if you leave your game open for 2-3 minutes, it will unfreeze and continue as normal. JUST MAKE SURE TO NOT PRESS THE PLAYSTATION BUTTON/XBOX HOME BUTTON during the freeze (as it will result in a game crash).
The Breach trophy requirements confuse me, do I make sure that the “completion” bar on the top left is at 100% or do I just make sure to do every server in each tier and not worry about getting all of the data and what not?
Scorpio28 says
I’ve gotten two trophies so far for Breach mode and I can confirm all you need to do is complete all of the servers. You don’t have to do the rewards, the hyperlinks or the 100% completion. All you need to do is complete, for example, “01” all the way to the last one “09”. Make sure you have them all done and the trophy will pop for you. Hope this helps!
Anthony Smith says
I’am not sure what you mean by “01” all the way to the last one “09” i might be dump but what do you mean lol do you need to do the Challenges?
Reza says
hey. thanks for ur great roadmap.
u said “In mission 15 you must do the optional objective “Neutralize All Enemies in the CSO 10/10””;
do we have to kill people? does it effect the Pacifist Trophy?
PowerPyx says
You can knock them out by non-lethal means (stun gun / tranquilizer rifle / close combat).
johnyfive says
hi, i have a question about ne w game plus, can I achieve Pacifist, Foxiest of the Hound, I Never Asked For This trophies during ng+ walktrough? it looks like the trophies are disabled on ng+, is it true? regards
Romulus says
You cant do I never asked for this on Ng+ it wont let you, for the other ones, yes you can earn trophies on ng+
Targa says
Foxiest of Hounds:
You need to add to your warnings that on Mission 10, Facing the Enigma, you MUST use invisibility and exit the way you came in. Exiting through the sewers triggers an auto-alarm.
Matt says
I managed to do foxiest of the hounds pretty easily on my first run, the easiest way to track it is with the alarm information that pops up if you set one off, if that happens load a previous save. I had plenty of enemies go suspicious and even hostile but as long as that info doesn’t appear in the list then an alarm wasn’t triggered
liak says
Any chance the achievements in your list be changed to order in which they should be completed? i find it a nuisance to scroll down every time to find it
Targa says
All trophies in 1 playthrough (except playing on highest difficulty):
1. Don’t go near the part of the sewers near Adam’s apartment where drones are flying and attacking civilians (will count against Foxiest of Hounds).
2. Save before talking to Miller at the helipad to start mission 13 (GARM). There’s a bug if you load a save from the start of GARM, even if you selected to contact Vega. If you load that save you will cause an auto-alarm as you enter the first area. So make sure to play mission 13 flawlessly from the helipad to the end. (See next note)
3. Get the Core Driller trophy at the start of M13, then load your save from before talking to Miller at the helipad to start M13 and this time stealth through following the guide.
4. In Mission 10, use invisibility to exit the way you came in to avoid the auto-alarm triggered by entering the sewer. Create a save immediately after exiting the Tourism Offices. (See next note)
5. After creating the above save, choose to save Allison (not bank heist). Go to the church of the machine god and get Ballsy trophy (drop basketball from roof above the basket). As well as the trophy for talking Allison out of killing herself. Now load the save you made outside the Tourism Office and do Bank Heist. When in Prague while it’s under police lockdown, go to the church of the machine god and collect the 3 E-books.
6. At the end of Mission 15, after you’ve neutralized all 11 guards, grab Marchenko’s kill switch from under the desk where the last guard was sitting (or the pne you may have tranquilized through the bent vent grate). Also grab the Security Stash keycard next to him. Create a save here, BEFORE opening the door where Miller is.
7. From above save, talk to Miller, choose Marchenko. Talk to Miller again, give him the antidote for that trophy, run to Marchenko and use the Kill Switch for that trophy. Now load your save from before talking to Miller and choose to save the delegates.
8. Create a save after selecting the above mission. Go to the first 2 guards by the turret and cloak, take one down for the Invisible War trophy. Reload your save and now sneak to the delegates. From the room with the delegates, open the hidden door in the wall to the left of the bar and go to the elevator in the back room to immediately face Marchenko. This time use an EMP and Takedown so you can get the trophy for not killing anyone.
After this (and as long as you’ve carefully collected all ebooks), the only trophy remaining should be for completing the game on “I didn’t ask for this” difficulty. Now you can play that game and not have to worry about alarms or anything…
Targa says
P.S. If you follow the above, of course you’d create a save in your first game after mission 3 to get all the combat related trophies, then load your save back.
Targa says
Foxiest of Hounds:
Failing a remote hack must also count against this trophy. That’s the only explanation I can come up with after a 2nd playthrough and not getting it. Never failed a computer or alarm panel hack. Never got the Alarms tutorial. Got Ghost and/Smooth Operator on every mission, etc… and yet still didn’t get the trophy. I’ve been playing DE since the first game, so I know what I’m doing. Either that or it’s just bugged.
Memphis says
Does anyone know if Eliza helping you during mission 14 voids Foxiest trophy? Also, when she blows up the turret a person near it dies, I was wondering if this also voids Pacifist.
DoublePlusKirk says
Just finished. Eliza blew up the turret and I still got pacifist and foxiest.
Siralextraffo says
Hey there, first of all thanks for all your guides, pretty awesome job you’re doing here!!
Regarding this one I’m following, you say there are only 51 achievements, but Steam is counting 58?
Am I missing something or there are 7 achievements not listed?
PowerPyx says
The extra steam achievements are for the System Rift DLC which hasn’t been released yet. It releases september 23rd.
For some reason the DLC list has been on steam from the start, but it’s not on PS4 / Xbox One yet.
Dan says
You can complete “Hell in an elevator…” in the prelude when you Icarus jump into the helicopter zone… As you jump activate Icarus landing followed by typhoon *pop* – no praxis cost!
Anthony Smith says
Hi I was just wondering if someone can help me out, i am just doing the online trophies on Dues ex. It says that we don’t need to get 100% or do hyperlinks for Tiers just complete all of the objectives in the Tier, i have done that for 1st Tier but the trophy didn’t pop up, do i need do the 4 challenges as well, I need HELP!!!
Reza Arbain says
yeah, same here, i have done all the S0 on network 00, 1A, 1B servers, but the trophy won’t pop, did i need to accomplish anything ?
claudio says
I’ve a big problem after patch 1.12: I can no complete a breach servers; every time I get to the point of exit disconnects me from the game server.
Do you have any advice? Thanks
Timo says
what does tier 1 network mean? does that just mean network 1a through 1b?
Mark says
For mission 10, after the meeting with Janus the drone are immediately in red “searching” will that void the trophy for Foxiest of the hound????
zeebles says
The Marchenko kill switch is also found at GARM