Devil May Cry 5 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 10/10 – among the hardest platinums
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 60 Hours+ (entirely skill dependent how many tries you need to S-Rank Hell and Hell difficulty, rest of trophies is doable in 30 hours)
- Offline Trophies: 49 (1
, 3
, 5
, 40
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: Nothing Yet
- Hardest Trophies: Worthy of Legend, Highway to Hell
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat the game on every difficulty setting including doing all S-Ranks on “Hell and Hell”
- Minimum Playthroughs: 6 (Human, Devil Hunter, Son of Sparda, Dante Must Die, Heaven or Hell, Hell and Hell) & many replays to get S-Ranks
- Do Difficulty Trophies stack?: No, beating a game on a higher difficulty does not unlock the trophies for lower difficulties. Must play through it on every difficulty.
Welcome to the Devil May Cry 5 (DmC5) Trophy Guide! The first thing you’re probably wondering is why this platinum is a 10/10 difficulty. What makes it so challenging is that you must gain S-Ranks on Hell and Hell difficulty. Hell and Hell difficulty means you die in one single hit while enemies have the same amount of health as in Son of Sparda (which is 4 times the health they have on Human difficulty). If you take only a single hit it will void the S-Rank since you lose the no-hits and no-continues damage. Furthermore, the game grants you only 3 retries per mission. You can’t revive with red orbs or your gold orbs like you do on lower difficulties. If you die 3 times you have to replay the mission from the start, there are no checkpoints. To get an S-Rank the only option is to not take a single hit. To make things even worse, you aren’t allowed to use the Infinite Devil Trigger unlock because it reduces ranks by -80% and makes S-rank unobtainable. Enemies not only have much more health and kill you instantly, they also attack faster, more enemies spawn, stronger enemy types spawn earlier in the game. Even just beating Hell and Hell is hard enough but doing it without a single hit is a true challenge. Without Hell and Hell you can still earn 82% trophies which will be the endpoint for most players and takes about 30 hours to do. If you go for platinum there’s no telling how long it will take since it’s entirely skill dependent. On top of that, you must repeat the S-Ranks on all other difficulties except Heaven or Hell.
- Human = Enemies have 100% health and 100% damage
- Devil Hunter = Enemies have 200% health and 200% damage = Unlocks Son of Sparda
- Son of Sparda = Enemies have 400% health and 400% damage. Enemies attack much quicker. New enemies spawn. = Unlocks Dante Must Die and “Irregular Full Custom” skill for Dante.
- Dante Must Die = Enemies have 800% health and 800% damage. Enemies are most aggressive and the enemy groups are same as Son of Sparda. = Unlocks Heaven and Hell, Hell and Hell, and Infinite Devil Trigger costumes
- Heaven or Hell = You and enemies die instantly in 1 hit
- Hell and Hell = You die in 1 hit. Checkpoints are disabled. Only 3 revives per mission. Enemies are based on Son of Sparda (400% health, same attack speed and enemy spawns as Son of Sparda).
Step 1: Human Difficulty Playthrough + Collectibles (Blue Orbs, Purple Orbs, Secret Missions) + Miscellaneous Trophies
Beat the game on the lowest difficulty “Human”. Enemies have the least health in this mode. You unlock Son of Sparda difficulty for completing it.
Along the way be sure to gather all Collectibles:
- 12 Secret Missions – Secrets Exposed trophy
- 32 Blue Orb Fragments – Physical Perfection trophy (All Health Upgrades)
- 8 Purple Orb Fragments – The Devil’s Own trophy (All Devil Trigger upgrades)
Refer to the Devil May Cry 5 Collectible Locations Guide, it contains everything in chronological order. The gold orbs are not required for anything, they simply act as a self-revive and can be bought in infinite quantities from the in-game shop and are rewarded as daily login bonuses.
Also work on the mission specific trophies as outlined in the Trophy Guide. Each mission has one trophy tied to it. Some are automatic unlocks for beating the mission, others are for doing a specific task. If you missed anything you can redo it via chapter select immediately or do it on one of the next 5 playthroughs. Try to get as many S-Ranks as you can to reduce replays. This means no deaths and no restarting checkpoints manually (because you get a x1.20 score multiplier for not restarting checkpoints). If you don’t get an S-Rank the first time don’t worry, keep playing and when you’re fully upgraded you can redo it later.
Step 2: Devil Hunter Difficulty Playthrough
On Devil Hunter enemies have 200% health and deal 200% damage. Play through this difficulty and work on any trophies you have missed previously. Try to go for S-Ranks to reduce replays.
Step 3: Son of Sparda Difficulty Playthrough
On Son of Sparda enemies have 400% health and deal 400% damage. The enemy spawns change and they start to be much more aggressive and attack faster. Beating this mode unlocks a new skill for Dante called “Irregular Full Custom” which is required to complete all of Dante’s skills. You will probably die a lot more in this mode. It’s fine to use gold orbs when necessary or pay with red orbs to revive yourself. Gold Orbs can also be bought from the in-game shop. S-Ranks get significantly harder in this mode, but try to get what you can.
Step 4: Farm 3,000,000+ Red Orbs, Unlock All Skills, “Dante The Gambler” Trophy
Now that you’ve beaten Son of Sparda you will have access to all skills!
In preparation for Dante Must Die farm for red orbs. These can be used to pay for revives, essentially letting you pay your way through Dante Must Die. You’re going to have to farm at least 3,000,000 (3 Million) red orbs to buy all skills anyway. There are 3 characters and each of them has an ability that costs 3 Million red orbs. You have to buy this skill for EVERY character, not just once. However, by backing up and restoring the save you can get back the orbs after buying the skills for one character. Then repeat the same for the next character. Otherwise we’d have to farm 9 Million Orbs but with this trick we can spend the 3 million x3 times. You may want to farm a little bit more to pay for the other remaining skills so go for 4 Million to be safe. Also get the trophy for spending 500,000 red orbs with the Dr. Faust weapon this way. Simply equip that weapon and hold to shoot away the Red Orbs. This is a complete waste of red orbs so be sure to copy back the save afterward.
See Devil May Cry 5 Infinite Red Orb Farming Exploit (5 Million Orbs per Hour)
PS4 Backup: Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Copy to USB Storage (if you back up to PS+ Cloud be sure to disable Auto-Upload or else it will overwrite your save).
Xbox One Backup: Quit the game after getting 4 Million Orbs to trigger the automatic cloud upload > (double-check that it really uploaded to the cloud) > buy all skills for a character WITHOUT EXITING THE GAME (exiting the game overwrites cloud save!) > as soon as achievement pops, press Home-Button > scroll down to Devil May Cry 5 > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync/download your save from cloud! If in doubt about any step please test it on a secondary dummy account first where you don’t run risk losing much progress.
Step 5: Dante Must Die Difficulty Playthrough
On Dante Must Die enemies have 800% health and deal 800% damage. Now that you have Millions of Orbs you can essentially pay your way through Dante Must Die. Whenever you die, you can buy the most expensive red orb revive and it will take away roughly 30% of the boss’s health bar. Gold Orbs also revive you at full health but don’t hurt the enemy. The red orb cost maxes out at 585,000 Orbs per revive. If Dante Must Die gets too hard you can simply farm a couple million more orbs to make things easier.
Beating this difficulty unlocks the “Super” costumes for each character which give you infinite Devil Trigger. You also unlock the difficulties “Heaven or Hell” and “Hell and Hell”.
Step 6: Heaven or Hell Difficulty Playthrough
On Heaven or Hell everything dies in 1 hit (you and enemies). This is a super short mode. Just shoot everything with your gun. Even bosses die instantly. Here you’ll also get the secret prologue ending for killing the first boss (I’ll Be Damned trophy).
Step 7: Hell and Hell Difficulty Playthrough
This is the platinum blocker. On Hell and Hell difficulty you die in 1 hit but enemies are the same as Son of Sparda (they have 400% health and 400% damage, are faster, more aggressive, more enemies spawn than on Devil Hunter). There are no checkpoints. You only have 3 lives per mission. If you take 3 hits you have to redo the entire mission. Practice A LOT on Son of Sparda before even attempting this. For just beating this difficulty you may use Infinite Devil Trigger.
However, to get S-Ranks you will have to do it without Infinite Devil Trigger. Using it gives a -80% score deduction which makes S-Ranks impossible. The way you get S-Ranks is to not take a single hit. By not taking a hit you get a x2 multiplier and another x1.20 multiplier for not dying. So in total a x3.20 score increase. Even if you only do horrible D-Rank combos you are guaranteed to get S-Ranks if you haven’t taken a single hit, due to the multiplier effect. Not being hit a single time is really challenging without Infinite Devil Trigger though (especially during some boss fights such as the Final Boss). Try to get through it for now and worry about the S-Ranks later, it’s unrealistic on the first try anyway.
Step 8: S-Ranks & Mop-Up
For trophy “Worthy of Legend” you have to clear all missions with S-Rank on all difficulties (except Heaven or Hell). This includes Hell and Hell difficulty. You have to beat all missions on Hell and Hell without taking a single hit and without using Infinite Devil Trigger. As if that isn’t bad enough, you have to do the same on all other difficulties too, including Dante Must Die. If you ever die it pretty much voids the S-Rank because you lose out on the x1.20 multiplier. A surefire shot to get S-Ranks even with bad combos is to not take a single hit. Not taking a hit gives you a x2.00 multiplier (+x1.20 for no checkpoint restarts is x3.20 multiplier). In mission select you can see which Rank you got in each mission but be warned that this is extremely difficult to complete. If you still have anything else left, go get it via chapter select. Without the “Hell and Hell” playthrough you can still get to 82% trophy completion.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Devil May Cry 5 All Collectible Locations (Blue Orbs, Purple Orbs, Secret Missions, Weapons)
- Devil May Cry 5 Secret Missions Walkthrough
- Devil May Cry 5 Boss Guide – All Boss Fights
- Devil May Cry 5 Infinite Red Orbs Farming Spot (5 Million Orbs per Hour)
- Devil May Cry 5 How to Change Active Devil Breaker
- Devil May Cry 5 How to Unlock Infinite Devil Trigger
- Devil May Cry 5 How to Change Costumes
Devil May Cry 5 Trophy Guide
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Devil May Cry Unlock all trophies. |
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Earn all other trophies in Devil May Cry 5 – DmC5 to unlock Platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Let’s Rock! Complete the game on Human mode. |
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See trophy “Highway to Hell”. | ||
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Showtime! Complete the game on Devil Hunter mode. |
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See trophy “Highway to Hell”. | ||
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Doing Daddy Proud Complete the game on Son of Sparda mode. |
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See trophy “Highway to Hell”. | ||
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Dance with the Devil Complete the game on Dante Must Die mode. |
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See trophy “Highway to Hell”. | ||
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Stairway to Heaven Complete the game on Heaven or Hell mode. |
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See trophy “Highway to Hell”. | ||
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Highway to Hell Complete the game on Hell and Hell mode. |
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Hell and Hell is the highest difficulty in the game.
Here’s an overview of all difficulties:
What makes Hell and Hell so tricky is that you die in a single hit but enemies have full health how they did on Son of Sparda. You only have 3 revives and if you die you have to replay the entire mission, there are no checkpoints. To make things easier you can use the “Super” costumes that give you Infinite Devil Trigger. Those are unlocked from beating Dante Must Die difficulty. However, be warned that using Infinite Devil Trigger voids S-Ranks. You’re still going to have to S-Rank all missions on Hell and Hell for trophy “Worthy of Legend”. Another tip for Nero’s missions is to stock up 8 “Ragtime” Devil Breakers before every mission, then hold You’re going to die a lot. It’s best to prepare in Son of Sparda. Play through the longer levels multiple times in Son of Sparda before attempting the same level in Hell and Hell. This will give you good practice, especially for bosses. Study their attack patterns and learn to do them perfectly without taking a hit. When you’re ready, play through the mission on Hell and Hell. With enough practice it’s possible but requires quite a bit of dedication. |
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Fall from Grace Clear the Prologue Mission. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Protect the People Defeat all enemies in Mission 01. |
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There’s only 1 “hidden” enemy in Mission 01. After you drop down the broken bridge (after cutscene midway through the level) turn around immediately. There’s a red mantis guarding a blue orb fragment. Make sure you kill it. The rest of the enemies are in plain sight. The level is just one long bridge with enemies on it, you can only go in one direction and the enemies are easy to see. Just kill all of them. |
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Where the Red Orbs Grow Collected Red Orbs from an unexpected spot in Mission 02. |
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After the very first enemy encounter in Mission 02 the street will split up between left and right (there’s a yellow ambulance on the street here). Take the right path. On the right side of the road jump up to a hole in a building, behind it you find the red orbs that unlock this trophy. Punch the orbs to destroy them. |
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Reunion Clear Mission 03. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Backroad Destroy a certain wall in Mission 04. |
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In Mission 04 after passing the train bridge, you’ll go through a warehouse building and then enter a street. A huge fight takes place on this street and you get a tutorial how to use Devil Trigger Buffs for Shadow and Griffon. At this point charge up 3 bars on the purple Devil Trigger Gauge (by killing enemies). Then press |
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Break a Leg Fend off a menace from above in Mission 05. |
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The “Menace from Above” is a big tentacle that comes through the ceiling to attack you. There are multiple of these in Mission 05. The first one is at the start of the warehouse where you must destroy the 2nd Blood Clot of this mission. It’s unmissable because you have to destroy the Blood Clot to advance. However, killing the Menace from Above is optional. Just attack it with everything you’ve got. You can focus on it with |
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End of the Line Clear Mission 06. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Share the Pain Clear Mission 07 with both Nero and V. |
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Self-explanatory. In Mission 07 you can decide which character to play (Nero or V). Pick either one and then replay the mission with the other character to pop this trophy. | ||
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Light in the Darkness Clear Mission 08. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Eagle-Eyed Destroy a certain wall in Mission 09. |
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After the first enemy encounter in Mission 09 (where you fight a huge frog-like enemy), head straight to the end of the area and jump up the rocks. You will reach a dead end. A wall is blocking the path, if you look carefully you can see a gold orb glimmering behind the wall. Press |
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This Ain’t Over Clear Mission 10. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Don’t Mess with the Best Use proper timing to get a leg up in a close-quarters battle against the boss in Mission 11. |
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Equip the Devil Sword Sparda |
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The Qliphoth Clear Mission 12. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Each In His Own Way Clear Mission 13 with Nero, V, and Dante. |
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Before mission 13 you can pick one of three characters. Nero, V, Dante. Pick whoever you like and then replay the mission with the other two from the Main Menu. | ||
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Gotta Hurry Clear Mission 14. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Slick Moves Proceed with caution and avoid unneeded damage in Mission 15. |
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During Mission 15 there are two paths you can take. Regardless of which one you take they will always cross at the Divinity Statues (shops where you buy skills). There are 3 sections in total where the path splits up and you must navigate some traps to get ahead. For this trophy you just can’t take any damage from traps during the free-roam sections. Taking damage from enemies is okay and doesn’t void the trophy. Taking damage from the endboss is fine too. To make things easier though, run past all enemies in free-roam. Recommended Paths:
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Obedience Training Go on the offensive without relying on brute force in the Mission 16 boss battle. |
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This takes place during the Mission 16 boss fight at the end of the level. Don’t use your Devil Trigger gauge during this fight (don’t press ![]() |
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Back to Life Clear Mission 17. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Man on a Mission Clear Mission 18. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Battle for the Ages Clear Missions 19 and 20 without using continues (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell). |
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Self-explanatory. This is best done on the lowest difficulty “Human”. Just don’t let your health bar deplete. If you go down, retry the mission. You must complete both Mission 19 & Mission 20 without your health getting depleted. You can retry this as often as you want. | ||
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Not Too Shabby Perform a Stylish Rank S combo. |
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See trophy “Seriously Stylish Slaying!”. | ||
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Steppin’ up the Style Perform a Stylish Rank SS combo. |
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See trophy “Seriously Stylish Slaying!”. | ||
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Seriously Stylish Slaying! Perform a Stylish Rank SSS combo. |
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Most likely, this will come naturally during one of V’s levels on higher difficulties where enemies have more health. To get SSS combos you must attack with different moves and kill enemies quickly. The character “V” is by far the easiest. He doesn’t fight himself but lets his pets do the work. Buy V’s “Promotion” skill so you can mount the Nightmare (big colossus). Enemies can’t hit you while mounted. Attack enemies with Colossus while also attacking with Griffon A great place to do this is in the first enemy encounter of Mission 05. Even on Devil Hunter it’s doable here. On higher difficulties it gets easier since enemies stay alive longer and you can do more combos on them. Just attack with Griffon and Shadow without getting hit (no need to summon Nightmare here). Other good places are in Mission 07, playing as V in the Train Station. There are some big encounters here. The last checkpoint of Mission 13 also works well because there are lots of enemies that keep respawning. |
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Secrets Exposed Clear all secret missions. |
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There are 12 secret missions in the game. They are indicated by red patterns on certain walls (like a graffiti). When you see such a pattern, there’s a red glowing dot nearby on the floor. The dot only lights up when you’re walking over it. Then you need to stand above the red dot and look at the pattern / graffiti to start the secret mission. They are like little challenges, each one with different tasks. If you are just looking for the Secret Mission specifically refer to this guide: » Devil May Cry 5 – All Secret Mission Locations & Solutions They are also included in the Collectble Guide along with all other items if you prefer that: |
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The Quick and the Dead Defeat 5 enemies in 1 second. |
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You can get this early on in the first enemy encounter of Mission 02. Play on “Human” or “Heaven or Hell” difficulty and make sure you have the “Helter Skelter” devil breaker equipped before starting the mission. It can be bought from the shop. Kill the first 3 enemies. Then 5 more enemies spawn. Let them get close to you and hold An alternative method is to use Super Nero’s “Maximum Bet” skill. You unlock Super Nero by beating Dante Must Die difficulty. It’s a huge shockwave move that kills everything in its path. On Heaven or Hell difficulty it’s easiest because enemies die in a single hit. This difficulty is also unlocked after beating “Dante Must Die”. |
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Well I’ll Be Damned Wield overwhelming power to exact an unexpected conclusion. |
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You earn this trophy for seeing the secret ending in the Prologue. To trigger the secret ending you must beat Urizen, the boss in the Prologue. This will automatically happen in “Heaven or Hell” difficulty. In that mode all enemies die in 1 single hit, including this boss. You can also do it on Human difficulty but that’s much harder. If you’d rather do it the hard way, you have to shoot the red crystal of the boss and evade his attacks. When the red crystal is gone you can attack him for a few seconds on his throne but he will repair the red crystal within a few seconds. Then you have to repeat the process until he’s dead. Just do it in Heaven or Hell difficulty because it’s a guaranteed unlock in that mode and takes no effort whatsoever. |
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Hell of a Hunter Clear all missions with S rank. |
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For this you must beat all 20 Missions + Prologue with S-Rank. It counts this across all difficulties. For example, you can S-Rank Mission 1-5 on Human difficulty, Mission 6-10 on Devil Hunter and 11-20 on Heaven or Hell. You do NOT have to get all S-Ranks on the same difficulty. Combining it between all difficulties is fine. Furthermore, in the missions where you can play as different characters, only 1 S-Rank with one character is needed (the S-Rank with 2nd or 3rd character are not needed).
The easiest way by far is to do this on Heaven or Hell. On this difficulty all enemies die in 1 hit. Just use your revolver / pistols to kill everything instantly. This makes it super easy to not die. By not dying you get a x2.20 multiplier + x1.20 multiplier for no checkpoint restarts. This guarantees an S-Rank in all missions. Heaven or Hell is also the quickest mode to complete. Just be sure you’re not equipping the “Super” costumes that give you infinite Devil Trigger. Those reduce the score by -80% and make it impossible to earn S-Ranks. Stick with the normal costumes. |
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Worthy of Legend Clear all missions with S rank on all difficulties except Heaven or Hell. |
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You must get an S-Rank in every mission across every difficulty setting. There are 20 missions and a Prologue on each difficulty. There are 6 difficulties but Heaven or Hell is not needed (because it’s the easiest). That leaves you with 5 difficulties x 21 Missions = 105 S-Ranks.
The Prologue is the hardest mission to S-Rank. It requires you to beat the Prologue boss which is a long and tedious battle. A surefire way to get an S-Rank in every mission 100% of the time is to do the mission without taking a single hit. Not taking a hit gives a x2.20 Multiplier and on top of that another x1.20 Multiplier for not using checkpoint restart / not dying. Even if you do horrible combos it will still give a guaranteed S-Rank due to the multipliers. Getting S-Ranks on Hell and Hell difficulty is particularly hard and will be the platinum blocker for most players. Because you die instantly on this difficulty, taking just one hit will void all bonuses and make the S-Rank basically impossible. So what it comes down to is that you have to beat the hardest difficulty without taking a single hit. The only way to survive this madness is to practice a lot on other difficulties until you know all attack patterns of mobs and bosses and can evade them perfectly every time. Focus more on not taking a hit than trying to score crazy combos and the S-Rank will be a sure thing. You also earn lots of points from so called “Extra Bonuses”. These are special combat bonuses that you can do to beef up your final score. There are also negative penalties that reduce the score. Possible Penalties:
Possible Extra Bonuses: Whiff King – 100 *Unconfirmed Note: given that “Hell of a Hunter” only requires you to get S-Rank with one character in the missions that can be played with two or three characters, it can be presumed that the same applies to this trophy (e.g. in Mission 13 you only need 1 S-Rank with 1 character, not 3 S-Ranks with each of the 3 characters). Until someone has the trophy it can’t be said for sure. There’s a good chance you can manage the duplicate S-Ranks in multi-character missions. If you manage to get this trophy, leave a comment so we can have confirmation on this. |
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I Believe I Can Fly Rack up a total of 60 minutes in the air by jumping or other means. |
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You will be getting this naturally on your first playthrough. It counts airtime whenever you jump or do air-juggle combos (press ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Nothing’s Impossible Acquire all of Nero’s skills. |
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To buy all skills for Nero you will need around 4-5 Million Red Orbs.
» Devil May Cry 5 Infinite Red Orb Farming Exploit (5 Million Orbs per Hour) Once you have 4-5 Million Red Orbs don’t spend them right away! Instead, back up your save game first. Then buy all skills for one character. When you’re out of orbs, copy back the save to have your orbs back. Buy the skills for the next character and repeat. PS4 Backup: Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Copy to USB Storage (if you back up to PS+ Cloud be sure to disable Auto-Upload or else it will overwrite your save). Xbox One Backup: Quit the game after getting 4 Million Orbs to trigger the automatic cloud upload > (double-check that it really uploaded to the cloud) > buy all skills for a character WITHOUT EXITING THE GAME (exiting the game overwrites cloud save!) > as soon as achievement pops, press Home-Button > scroll down to Devil May Cry 5 > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync/download your save from cloud! If in doubt about any step please test it on a secondary dummy account first where you don’t run risk losing much progress. Below are all Nero skills. Abilities:
Blue Rose:
Red Queen:
Devil Bringer:
Devil Breaker:
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Be the Legend Acquire all of Dante’s skills. |
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To buy all skills for Dante you will need around 4-5 Million Red Orbs and have finished Son of Sparda difficulty first! After beating Son of Sparda you unlock the last skill “Irregular Full Custom”. You must also find the “Kalina Ann” weapon in Mission 11 because it’s needed to get the Double Kalina Ann weapon which has skills tied to it. All other weapons unlock automatically from story progression.
» Devil May Cry 5 All Collectible Locations (with Weapons) » Devil May Cry 5 Infinite Red Orb Farming Exploit (5 Million Orbs per Hour) Once you have 4-5 Million Red Orbs don’t spend them right away! Instead, back up your save game first. Then buy all skills for one character. When you’re out of orbs, copy back the save to have your orbs back. Buy the skills for the next character and repeat. PS4 Backup: Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Copy to USB Storage (if you back up to PS+ Cloud be sure to disable Auto-Upload or else it will overwrite your save). Xbox One Backup: Quit the game after getting 4 Million Orbs to trigger the automatic cloud upload > (double-check that it really uploaded to the cloud) > buy all skills for a character WITHOUT EXITING THE GAME (exiting the game overwrites cloud save!) > as soon as achievement pops, press Home-Button > scroll down to Devil May Cry 5 > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync/download your save from cloud! If in doubt about any step please test it on a secondary dummy account first where you don’t run risk losing much progress. Below are all Dante skills. Abilities:
Devil Sword Sparda:
Devil Sword Dante (unlocked in Mission 12):
Cavaliere (unlocked in Mission 11):
King Cerberus (unlocked in Mission 16):
Ebony & Ivory:
Kalina Ann (found in Mission 11 at the entrance of the Ruins after destroying the 3 Blood Clots):
Double Kalina Ann (unlocks in Mission 18 if you found Kalina Ann in Mission 11. If not you must go back to collect Kalina Ann in Mission 11):
Dr. Faust (unlocked in Mission 13):
Royal Guard:
Sin Devil Trigger:
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Demon Breeder Acquire all of V’s skills. |
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To buy all skills for V you will need around 4-5 Million Red Orbs.
» Devil May Cry 5 Infinite Red Orb Farming Exploit (5 Million Orbs per Hour) Once you have 4-5 Million Red Orbs don’t spend them right away! Instead, back up your save game first. Then buy all skills for one character. When you’re out of orbs, copy back the save to have your orbs back. Buy the skills for the next character and repeat. PS4 Backup: Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Copy to USB Storage (if you back up to PS+ Cloud be sure to disable Auto-Upload or else it will overwrite your save). Xbox One Backup: Quit the game after getting 4 Million Orbs to trigger the automatic cloud upload > (double-check that it really uploaded to the cloud) > buy all skills for a character WITHOUT EXITING THE GAME (exiting the game overwrites cloud save!) > as soon as achievement pops, press Home-Button > scroll down to Devil May Cry 5 > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync/download your save from cloud! If in doubt about any step please test it on a secondary dummy account first where you don’t run risk losing much progress. Below are all V skills. Abilities:
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Physical Perfection Upgrade your vitality gauge to max. |
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For this you must find all 32 Blue Orb Fragments and buy the 6 Blue Orbs from the Shop to obtain a total of 20 Health Gauge segments. See the Collectible Guide for more info and their locations: » Devil May Cry 5 – All Collectible Locations (Blue Orbs, Purple Orbs, Secret Missions) |
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The Devil’s Own Upgrade your Devil Trigger Gauge to max. |
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For this you must find all 8 Purple Orb Fragments and buy the 5 Purple Orbs from the Shop to obtain a total of 10 Devil Trigger Gauge segments. See the Collectible Guide for more info and their locations: » Devil May Cry 5 – All Collectible Locations (Blue Orbs, Purple Orbs, Secret Missions) |
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A New Job Accept a new job from Morrison after the Red Grave incident. |
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During the Epilogue / Credits, you can kill enemies while the credits are rolling. Kill a lot of enemies to trigger two bonus cutscenes at the end which unlocks this trophy. The difficulty doesn’t matter for it, can be unlocked on any difficulty setting. If you didn’t get it you need to replay Mission 20 to try again. It should come naturally in one of your 6 playthroughs. | ||
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Jackpot! Collect more than 1,000,000 Red Orbs total. |
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You will get over 1 Million Red Orbs automatically within 2 playthroughs of the game. If you want to farm it, see the method below.
» Devil May Cry 5 Infinite Red Orb Farming Exploit (5 Million Orbs per Hour) |
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Demon Destroyer Defeat 1,000 enemies total. |
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You will kill over 1,000 enemies automatically within 2 playthroughs of the game. If you want to farm it, see the method below that can be combined with infinite orb farming:
» Devil May Cry 5 Infinite Red Orb Farming Exploit (5 Million Orbs per Hour) |
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Rearm and Repeat Collect more than 100 Devil Breakers during missions. |
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This can be farmed via Checkpoint Restart. The fastest place to farm it is in Mission 15. Play through the trap section until you reach the first Divinity Statue in the mission. Go behind the Divinity Statue and you’ll see a short cutscene of a blue orb fragment on top of a mountain. In this area there are 7 Punch Line Devil Breakers sitting close together. They only take 30 seconds to collect. Immediately destroy them by pressing |
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Dante The Gambler Use more than 500,000 Red Orbs total with Dr. Faust. |
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First you’ll have to amass 500,000 Red Orbs. This will happen naturally as you play if you don’t spend them on skills, but for a quick farming method see the guide below:
» Devil May Cry 5 Infinite Red Orb Farming Exploit (5 Million Orbs per Hour) Once you have 500,000 Red Orbs, equip the Dr. Faust Weapon with Dante. This is unlocked in Mission 13 automatically. It’s a ranged weapon. Equip it and hold PS4 Backup: Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Copy to USB Storage (if you back up to PS+ Cloud be sure to disable Auto-Upload or else it will overwrite your save). Xbox One Backup: Quit the game after getting 4 Million Orbs to trigger the automatic cloud upload > (double-check that it really uploaded to the cloud) > buy all skills for a character WITHOUT EXITING THE GAME (exiting the game overwrites cloud save!) > as soon as achievement pops, press Home-Button > scroll down to Devil May Cry 5 > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync/download your save from cloud! If in doubt about any step please test it on a secondary dummy account first where you don’t run risk losing much progress. |
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Who Needs Weapons Anyway? Clear Mission 11 without equipping a weapon set for Dante (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell). |
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First you must beat the game on Son of Sparda difficulty and then again on Dante Must Die difficulty. Beating the game on Son of Sparda unlocks Dante’s skill “Irregular Full Custom”. It can then be bought for 100 Red Orbs from the shop. It lets you completely unequip all weapons. However, the problem is you can’t attack with bare fists. So we must beat the game again on Dante Must Die to unlock the “Super Dante” Costume which gives you Infinite Devil Trigger. Then you can use your 2nd Devil Transformation to spawn powerful weapons. After you have beaten the game on Dante Must Die, do the following:
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Unarmed and Dangerous Beat Mission 07 without any starting Devil Breakers equipped (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell). |
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This is best done on the difficulty “Human”. For Mission 07 select Nero. In the Mission Menu (before mission) press ![]() ![]() |
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Pet Protection Clear Mission 05 without V’s demons getting stalemated (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell). |
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The only hard part in Mission 05 is the endboss. You can’t let your two demon pets Griffon & Shadow go down. In the top left corner you can see their health bars. Luckily, their health instantly recovers when summoning the Nightmare with This gives your pets much more health. The ability “Trigger Heart” is also useful as it makes the Devil Trigger Gauge deplete at a reduced rate when you summon the Nightmare, so that it lasts longer. Start Mission 05 on the lowest difficulty “Human” with the above skills equipped. At the endboss, when he powers up an attack, retreat so your pets don’t get hit. If one of your pet’s health is below 50% summon the Nightmare real quick with |
Nicolas Navarro says
10/10? Sorry man I don’t buy it. Reviewers have been saying that the game is easier than any other, calling Son of Sparda the “Standard” difficulty and if other the previous games are anything to go by, not getting hit in “normal” mode after getting the hang of the controls and fully powered up doesn’t seem that hard to me. Youtuber’s have also said that the bosses in this game are landing on the easier side of the franchise and that is really something considering how Belial first traumatized people in DMC4.
I haven’t played the game yet, so I’m just talking outta my ass right now. But by as far as I know 10/10 difficult plats are for games like Super Meat Boy and Trials Fusion, where you have a needle as room for error when going for their trophies and considering how imbeciles judged games like Ace Combat 5 a 9/10 and even 7/10 when is truly a 4/10 I can easily see new guides considering DMC5 a 8.5/10 or a 9/10 if they stretch it a bit.
I might be extremely wrong, but I’ll keep skeptical until the plat is mine.
PowerPyx says
When reviewers start taking Son of Sparda as a measure it tells you they haven’t even beaten Dante Must Die. Take it from someone who has actually been playing Hell and Hell. 99% of “reviewers” haven’t.
To me it’s an impossible thing. It’s not only Hell and Hell with S-Ranks but having to repeat the same on Dante Must Die. One Death and there goes your S-Rank.
I can only say good luck to whoever attempts this madness and congrats to whoever manages to get the plat. 10/10 doesn’t mean it’s impossible, by the way.
Dudemon says
I’m curious did you get the plat my super hero friend?
Creolur says
yeah, you are extremely wrong. Hell and Hell is hell by definition, some missions even really hard to beat alone. However, virtually all of Dante’s missions can be pretty much cheesed with Faust, but still required some luck on some parts.
The crazy parts are Nero and V in DMD and HaH, and their Bloody Palace is also pretty hard. Getting S-Ranks on DMD are also pretty hard on some levels.
p says
Ayeeee 10/10
Abdullah says
Doesn’t seems like 10/10 to me, based on what I’ve played from the demo the game itself is easy and the enmies will wait for a while before acting, as for hell and hell, you’ll need to not get hit anyway for better chance of getting S rank
I bet you’ll end up lowring the rating :p
PowerPyx says
Let me know your rating when you’ve gotten the plat 🙂
Colossi_Argus says
Holy mother… This is a tough one!
PowerPyx says
Videos are still unlocking over the next hours. Trophy Guide is done. Good luck everyone!
Danny says
I’m hoping to see Nero’s love interest from DMC 4…. not heard anything about her as of yet but hoping they haven’t just killed that off
d3mystic says
Damn 10/10. Call me insane, but seeing that makes me even more excited about this game.
Thanks for the guide as always.
JhOnNY_HD says
82% for me thanks.
Division 2 & sekiro along the corner no time to waste in stupid 1 hit ko dificulties.
Daniel says
Thanks powerpyx for providing this guide. However I won’t buy this game as I don’t think I can beat spartan difficulty…
The Division 2 hype!!! says
Thank you for guide. I not get it because of tough works for trophies / achievements.
So I had cancelled order today. Avoid it. So Crapcom would’t have my money for it.
Right I cannot wait for The Division 2 that out next week!!!
Darthdracu says
Cancelling a pre order and not buying a game because it has a hard platinum? You are beyond stupid
Test247 says
Considering purchasing a game based on trophies? Don’t be pathetic.
Devi says
I’ve played DMC 5 on “Human” and it unlocked “Son of Sparda” difficulty for me 🙂
Devi says
Ok, nevermind. I thought you wrote that only “Devil Hunter” unlocks “Son of Sparda”. Anyway, great guide! <3
PowerPyx says
Yeah already says in guide that playing on Human unlocks SoS. Thanks anyway 🙂
skidracket says
Can you still get a S rank on DMD mode using orbs?
Roof1975 says
What a stupid unnecessary hard list for no reason. They will actually lose sales for this lol I’m playing. But I know many guys who won’t now. Just because of that lol.
joepit says
Meh they won’t really …. most people don’t care to plat games .. even stuff like Telltales games got a much lower % of completion , when all they gotta do is finish them . Plus the difficulty is something any devil may cry fans probably expects
Ynnmth says
Hi PowerPyx ✌?
I’m not a huge fan of the DMC franchise but if I like a game and thought it was too hard for me, I’m STILL going to play it even if a can’t get that platinum trophy ?
NOT BUYING A GAME because you think the ultimate goal having the Platinum trophy is the must important thing, it’s just stupid.
Playing a game is for fun, people seem to forget that. Jesus.
Thanks anyway for all your hard work with the guides you make.
Peace ✌?
Ian Young says
And calling what someone else does for their gaming pleasure stupid is just not warranted. If that’s what they find fun then so be it. Everyone doesnt have to play games for the exact same reason
DingleSchmitt says
Agreed. Anyone who refuses to buy an amazing game because it has a “difficult platinum” is beyond pathetic. I will try, slowly, to get this platinum over the coming years. Finally managed to do so in every other DMC game, so I will do so here as well.
Plus, it could be worse. It could be the level of bullshit that was Wolfenstein II’s plat. Imagine trying to complete Hell and Hell on a single life without saving!
Noah Kendall says
Oh yeah baby, just what I love to see. Devs that don’t care about fake gamer casual cry babies. Let them jump rope and hop scotch in d2. Amazin.
Vault13 says
Powerpyx, are the only end of mission bonuses No Damage and No Continue?
How about penalties like in DMC4?
PowerPyx says
Those two (no hits, no checkpoint restarts) are the only POSITIVE multipliers I’ve seen.
There are, however quite a few of negative penalties. Those include using Infinite Devil Trigger, paying for revives (the more often you revive the more points you lose), using Auto-Assist (does combos for your automatically).
Ti0sile says
I’m gonna pass on this, I’m at 400 hours on wolfenstein 2 and still at 99% overall. Think difficulty 7-8s are my max.
Alex says
I will just skip this game.
Marcelo Junior says
Dont do that man. This is game is really good. I have 112 platinum trophies some of them are gran turismo 5 and midnight club los angeles. It took me years after some giveups to finally platnum those. I feel i wont be able to platinum this one and ive been playing it for a while. But this game deserves to be played. Platinum or not..
Better 80% on this than a telltale platinum. Think about it.
Great guide btw powerpix. Youre awesome.
Yugi says
Great guide, fast and thorough as always. And to anyone saying the 10/10 rating isn’t accurate, beat hell and hell with out even going for s ranks and tell me this isn’t one of the hardest plats you’ll achieve. I’ve been playing for over 10 years and hell and hell is still an insane challenge, especially trying to go for s ranks.
John says
Do you think this can be a hard task for someone who got the platinum on all DMCs until now ?
Bruh says
Kind of sad to see all of the people skipping an incredible game because of a hard trophy. Yikes. Go enjoy those Telltale games I guess.
Ynnmth says
PowerPyx says
Hey guys,
need some confirmation on trophy “A New Job”. For me it popped automatically when I finished my first playthrough (on Human difficulty). As far as I can tell it’s supposed to be an automatic unlock from a cutscene after the story, on any difficulty.
I had some people comment on my endings video that some of those cutscenes were missing for them and also had someone report to me that the trophy didn’t unlock.
Would like to know if that has been the case for anyone else. I didn’t do anything special for it. Maybe you need to defeat a certain amount of enemies in the epilogue / outro for it.
Steam ChqMate says
I can Confirm that “A New Job” is missable. I finished the game on Devil hunter and Son of Sparta and haven’t got it. i also did not get 2 of the ending cut scenes: the one where Lady and Trish fight over Devil may Cry’s ownership and the one where Dante and Vergil endlessly fight on the other side. after reading your comment here i replayed mission 20 on devil hunter and tried and kill as much demons as possible in the credits and i actually got the ending and “A New Job” achievement.
I hope this helps someone out there, i know i didn’t get any answers when i tried to google a way to get the achievement
PowerPyx says
Thanks for confirming. Then it looks like it’s just tied to killing enough enemies in the credits, as suspected. I wouldn’t classify it as “missable” though, since you only need to replay the last mission for it.
If anybody else doesn’t get this trophy first try and could replay credits while killing more enemies to confirm this, that’d be nice! The trophy description is rather mysterious. The more feedback we have on this the better! It seems an easy enough trophy to unlock either way, so within 6 playthroughs should come naturally at some point.
Anthological says
Can also confirm this. When playing as Nero in the credits, nico will say when you’ve killed enough demons. With Dante there’s two things I’ve heard him say, “I win this this one” or something to that extent and “You beat me this time, but the battle’s just begun.” Obviously you want the former quote. The only thing I’ve ever heard Nico say “Oh come on! You can do better than that!” Not sure if that constitutes as a pass or fail but I think that as long you pas with Dante you should get both scenes.
Kaz says
How do u even pull off no damage run for Mission 8 and the prologue? In these missions, Nero must die and take the L for the cutscene to pop. Am I suppose to just jump around and shooting gun for 10 minutes until Urizen whoop my ass with the cutscene? At least in Mission 8, I think the cutscene plays when I take down his shield. In mission 10 with Dante, i think u just need to run around for 1 minute.
PowerPyx says
You just need to keep shooting that red crystal of the boss. When it’s destroyed you can attack the boss for a few seconds until he repaired the red crystal, rinse and repeat.
Kaz says
I know how it works about the shield, I just want to know how long do I need to keep doing it. Is it until the boss health go down to a certain point? Because with Dante, u just need to run around and shoot for 1 minute.
Starscream says
Man the people who say jts not 10/10 and it should be lower are the same people who admit that they haven’t even played the game yet LMAO!
Dante's still > Nero says
Yeah right? So bad… I just beat it on my first playtrough (devil hunter) and man, reading ppl say It#s not thaaat bad and blablabla… just “devil triggers” me lol. I plat DMC 3 on PS3 and the Reboot on both PS3 and PS4 (however the PS4 was quite a lot easier with the changes in the trophy list) but seeing this stuff is where I say “Ok, no platinum for me.” What’s even better is that these people not only say “Hey it’s probably lower than 10/10, just don’t get hit that’s all” also insult everyone else to be crybabies, imbeciles or other things… amazing.
Either way, as someone who played all of the DMC games and being a fan of DMC 3 and the reboot mostly, I really liked what Capcom did with this game. Not being able to get the platinum trophy should be no reason to not buy a great game. I get it that everyone plays games for different reasons but damn, that is just pathetic.
So to whoever just wants to play a nice DMC game, enjoy this one and to all those haters who think they can plat this trophy list, good luck at not getting your backside handed to you. 🙂
Marcelo Junior says
I couldnt agree more. To imagine mission 13 on HaH with those sharp spinning creatures. Jeez.
sNaKe says
Just a note on the prologue and S ranks – I managed an S rank on human without beating Urizen. He killed me after his shield went back up the first time so I think you can style your way to an S even without defeating him. Hopefully more people can try it out and feedback
UberSaru says
One note on the Prologue; you don’t have to defeat the boss to get S Rank. After finishing the game you will be able to use to wire snatch during the mission. You can jump and then loop air snatch -> jump cancel -> air snatch with Nero to boost your Style Rank as high as A (hard), but easily to B without doing any damage. Do this first and then kill the enemies; just killing them at B or A will be enough to give you 4500+ points from the first encounter. Repeat for the other encounters (you can skip the stairs if you like, a score will still appear but doesn’t seem to change). Then you can even just die on the boss and get an S.
Doesn’t help with S on H&H but then what does…
NarkDoir says
What do you get for the plat? Icon? Theme? Is it worth it?
Shibuya2123 says
My platinum list haha
Roof1975 says
And I thought red dead 2 was stupid. This is just a joke. So make a list to annoy, Rage and frustrate even skilled gamers, who will get pissed and then hate your game and move on lol.
Trophy list doesn’t respect my time. Once Sekiro comes out, it’s bye bye.
p789cs says
powerpyx,thanks for your guide.
but today i think you need to change 10/10 to 9.5/10
well,its hard.but not impossible.(today my friend got this platinum,and more DMC fans in the future.)
i think 10/10=impossible platinum,don’t you think?
PowerPyx says
As long all trophies are obtainable, no platinum is “impossible”. A 10 to me means that 99.9% of players won’t be able to do it, but it can be earned.
Will see how many people get the plat and what their rating is in the end. I think a 9.5/10 rating is also acceptable. To me personally and the people I talked to it’s a 10. If good strategies are found to make it easier I wouldn’t be opposed to adjusting the score.
Akumu Mode says
I did akumu mode on evil within ps3 & ps4. do you think i can do this ?
Finally a worthy platinum to have and one of the few i may attempt. none of that bullshit ubisoft / sony 1st party baby sucking on a dummy 1/10 difficulty (horizon, god of war , far cry etc)
well done capcom i salute you. just wish you made the s ranks for re2 remake hardcore difficulty mandatory for the plat
Hidan says
I just wanted to point out to everyone that it is possible to 100%. What makes it so difficult is that it’s tedious, but doable nonetheless.
I will not rest until I hve platinum. I got S rank on all missions and difficulties on DMC3, DMC4, and DmC: DMC (Also Platinumed those 3 and DMC4 was the hardest of the 3. Did not care to do BP in DMC 2 for the trophy).
Maybe it’s just me but I can’t get passed the higher difficulties on DMC1. That game is fucking hard. (Probably Camera Angles).
I will say though, not looking forward to S ranking Hell and Hell in DMCV (I just beat Devil Hunter) some enemies cheese you and some bosses are rediculous. I think I’ll have the most trouble on the bosses alone.
My advice, practice on the bosses the most during your play throughs. Once BP comes out next month it will definitely make things easier.
ASH says
Hey what’s the BP mood or difficulty doesn’t make a plat easier ?
ASH says
Hey do the BP mode or difficulty make the plat easier or is the BP an DLC for extra content
GhostSasuke says
Thanks PowerPyx for the awesome guide.
10/10? Yeah I agree with you. Hell and Hell is no joke and you gotta be absolutly tight with your gameplay. I just beat the game on Human. Gonna clean up with secret missions and orb pieces, and then start moving up in difficulty.
I’m pretty confident with Nero when it comes to S ranks. I’m shaky with Dante as I always struggle with style changes on the fly and weapon changes on the fly. V is….cool. I like using him and enjoy his combat, but I’m no where ready to start S ranking easily with him.
Anyways great guide, and great game. Anyone reading this, it’d be unwise to skip this game based on trophy difficulty. That’s my opinion. I personally think Capcom is on fire right now and is doing quite well.
Dante's still > Nero says
I agree with pretty much everything you say 🙂 I personally find it the easiest to S rank fights as Dante. (Only using the Swordmaster style and just switching between his weapons every now and then, make sure to get a lot of skills for every melee weapon and max out Swordmaster to get a big arsenal of moves to mix.) I hope that this helps you out. I never liked Nero in DMC 4 when it came to fighting with style, it was tricky for me. In this game, I have less difficulty with that. V is interesting and fun and S-Ranks kinda happen lol.
When it comes to the platinum and beating Hell and Hell with S-Ranks, apparently it’s more about trying to beat the missions without ever getting hit / dying in order to get the rank bonus for beating a mission without using continues, without getting hit etc.. That way you don’t even have to fight with style and still get an S-Rank because of the crazy multiplier. It would probably be too hard anyway to try fighting with an S, SS or SSS-rank in a boss battle on HaH anyway, knowing that you can’t take a single hit.
I will try my best to plat this game (hoping for some guides in the future.) Just like you said, don’t skip this great game (well done Capcom, just like MHW and RE 7 :)) because of the super super frustrating trophy list.
The rev says
I just got the platinum today… Hell and hell is hard but not impossible.. There are alot of tricks you can use too your aid when attempting the only missions that are difficult are mission 8,10,12&5..if you’d like too discuss the platinum or want help add me on psn TheRevener2011
alee says
Amazing Guide Thanks for your All your hard work.
I Agree with Your 10/10 difficulty level.
I will try too get the Platinum because I love the game so much & it only comes every 10years So why not lol.
Great work Man Cheers.
Vinster says
Geez, I was so looking forward until the Hell & Hell S-rank trophy. 🙁
I managed to 100% DMC4 and while pretty hard, was doeable. The Bloody Palace on DMC4 was the most nerve wrecking and time consuming (approx 2 hours just to complete the 100 levels per each character).
With the Bloody Palace DLC expected for DMC5 soon, I can only imagine the 100% will be like 11/10! I like a challenge but I think this may be too much. Then again, looks like on psnprofiles that some have achieved the Platinum already. Amazing
Danny says
Hi first of all thanks for this amazing guide. I dont know if you can help i got a bug on the trophie battle for the ages, i already replayed both missions on human to be easy for the no continue, but the trophie still doesnt pop up. If you could help i ll be realy thankful.
Once more thanks for the guide
PowerPyx says
Hey, my recommendation is to reinstall the game. Do make a manual save game backup beforehand just so it doesn’t get deleted by mistake (PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management).
Reinstalling the game often fixes bugged trophies. Then simply redo the trophy requirement. No need to replay everything since your save game is backed up.
Sertac says
Btw, you can get a S rank in Hell and Hell if and only if you don’t die 3 times and have a total of more than 5500 stylish points after your death. This is because you don’t get a penalty for dying 1 or 2 times and have a 1.0x multiplier. If you die 3 times then you get 0.5x making it impossible. So it is possible but at a low rate due to not being able to get enough stylish points afterwards.
Just wanted to mention it as I got a S rank with a death on Hell and Hell.
PowerPyx says
Maybe in some missions if you do constant SSS combos (which in my opinion is harder and more risky than cheesing the enemies and not getting hit). In most missions it won’t be possible to get S without the multipliers from not taking a hit since the point requirement for Hell and Hell S-Rank is higher than other difficulties.
Joshua says
on “hell and hell” difficulty, perhaps uploading your data to playstation plus after each mission? sorta like Until Dawn Rush of Blood. If you die, reload it from PS Plus 🙂
PowerPyx says
There are no checkpoints or autosaves in Hell and Hell so this won’t work.
Osu says
Hello ! Just got the platinum trophy and I can confirm you don’t need to S rank mission 7 or 13 with all characters for the Worthy of Legend trophy ! 🙂
skidracket says
congrats! I just got done s ranking hell and hell. going through dmd to s rank. what was the hardest missions for you? any tips?
Osu says
Thx ! On DMD I was doing pretty well until playing as Dante, struggled a lot on his missions but I found after some tests that you can actually S rank missions pretty “easily” with back up saves.
Like mission 8, 10 or 12 which are hard to reach 5000 (x 1.2) style points, rather go for the no damage multiplier because quitting the game and resuming it do not void the no continue and no damage multiplier ! So you can back up your save after each checkpoints and reload it if you get hit by accident. ^^
Very useful tip especially on HAH with Nero and V, activating Devil Trigger grants invincibility frames. For Dante juste use Dr Faust charged attack, it’s really OP ! (against some bosses you still have to know their behavior and when you can charge)
Hope it may help !
skidracket says
dude, thank you!
ASH says
Is Hell and Hell difficulty required for this trophy Worthy of Legend trophy
KCykes says
Yes, it’s one of the reason why it’s hard to plat this game.
KCykes says
I just finished platting this game.
I can confirm that for Worthy of Legend, you do NOT need to do every character for mission 7 + 13.
You only need to do one to proc the trophy.
I am done, this was definitely a ridiculous game to plat.
Thanks for the guide like usual!
skidracket says
I got the platinum trophy. Thank you for the guide. what a ride.
BodyChipper says
Thank you for the guide, as always. I will not be platting this one, but your guide helped me get what I could nonetheless. I don’t have the patience to get an S rank on every mission/every difficulty, but I’ll get pretty much everything else.
I’ve read elsewhere that you don’t need infinite devil trigger to get Who Needs Weapons Anyway. You can use RG moves with no weapons equipped to obtain DT and fill the bar in Mission 11.
Also, I’m not sure on Obedience Training, but I definitely used SDT mode and still got the trophy. I think you just have to knock out the heads (when they have stars over their heads) multiple times in the fight, possibly all of them at one time, or maybe even across multiple fights, to get it to register. I had to restart the checkpoint about 5 times and tried what you said and also went all out with SDT on the heads and it unlocked later in that same fight after nocking them out a second time with regular weapons. That could be the trick, but I read that some others used SDT and still got it.
BodyChipper says
I can also now confirm that while having the infinite DT costume would certainly make Who Needs Weapons Anyway? a lot easier/faster, you can just roll into Mission 11 after obtaining the Irregular Full Custom skill for beating Son of Sparda and use the RG stance w no weapons equipped, just make sure to max RG and your DT/SDT skills our first. I played on human and never came close to dying. I just kept spamming R1+O against enemies until I either countered them for damager or I filled my SDT gauge and used that instead. You can still hit the blood clots and crystals with R1+O too. There are only 3 fights I think you have to fight to get through a barrier, run past the rest, and then the boss, who I killed in one bar of SDT.
Just in case you don’t want to have to beat Dante Must Die mode to do that one.
GhostSasuke says
Hi PowerPyx,
I think there’s a bit more to Obedience Training. I got the no devil trigger bonus but it doesn’t seem to want to pop for me. Not sure if Royal Guard is affecting this or not.
I’m going to look into it and keep trying.
AvengeRofDeviL says
I was trying to get it as well. Spent like an hour not using devil trigger, but it did not work for me. Another hour was spent by only shooting from rocket launchers. Then I tried to hit only heads of a hound, didn’t work as well. I get mad, activated sin devil trigger and start smashing this f@#ng dog, suddenly trophy pop up almost at the begging of the fight. I have no idea what triggered it, but I saved video and will upload it later today after analyzing it. I’m 100% sure you CAN use sin devil trigger (holding L1) as wrote BodyChipper, however not sure about regular devil trigger (pressing L1). Hope at list using sin DT will make life easier for someone. And guide should be updated with this information, it misleads me at first.
AvengeRofDeviL says
I guess it will be hard to believe that it is valid video, since there will be no trophy popping up (apparently it is not included in video capturing due to my settings). Nevertheless, this is fight that unlocked trophy for me.
It really must be something about preventing specific attack. That would make cerberus obedient and trophy name make sense then.
GhostSasuke says
I tried Sin Devil Trigger too afterwards. Been trying to test different things but haven’t had much luck.
Gonna try guns only. Also I want to try using royal guard only as well. I tried attacking multiple heads so they go to what looks like a weakened state, but still didn’t work. Any info I discover and can share, I will do so.
GhostSasuke says
So I finally got it. I really took my time to analyze this during the fight.
I used only Royal Guard and the basic arial triangle combo with Devil Sword Dante. I only attacked a head that was active. Once it drops, something that looks similar to stars appears over its head.
So started with fire. Attacked it enough. Then it went to thunder, and I didn’t attack it enough to drop with the “stars”. It switched to freeze and I was able to down it. So now I had two heads with “stars” and noticed that the thunder one was still missing.
Eventually it switched back to fire and I proceeded to Royal Guard until it switched back to thunder. Once it did, I whaled on the thunder head enough to down him. Once I downed him, all three heads had the “stars” or dizziness above their heads….
…Trophy popped.
So I dunno PowerPyx. Might be buggy might not be. Don’t think it relates to Devil Trigger but it needs testing. Dunno if someone else wants to test this out to make sure I just didn’t get lucky. I’d test my method out with devil trigger and without. My run was without, I simply only kept it to basic arial attacks with DSD.
Hopefully that helps with the guide. Cheers!
Boris Bacic says
Hey PowerPyx, I actually managed to complete all missions on Hell and Hell with S rank and while it’s intimidating, it’s definitely not as hard as we originally thought, so I would definitely give it a lower difficulty rating, since DMC4 was way harder for me with the bloody palace.
Ok, here are some things to keep in mind for those struggling to complete the game:
1. You can actually cheese your way through the game with Dante’s Dr Faust by either holding square for a rapid fire attack or using the forward + circle attack with gunslinger to summon a meteor that kills all enemies (this attack can also kill bosses instantly if charged enough). You gotta keep in mind that you need a TON of red orbs before you attempt this.
2. While it’s possible to get the S rank even if you get hit twice, it’s recommended to complete all missions with no damage (mission 8 and prologue are an exception to this. This means mission 8 is the ONLY mission where you need to actually get enough Stylish points AND have to complete it with no damage, save for the final hit from Urizen)
3. Swap L1 and square with V and Nero in the controls. This allows you to attack with your melee weapons, while still charging the gun / griffon attack (recommended to charge it fully)
4. You can use Ragtime on bosses with Nero to make things easier
5. You can kill Vergil with Dante easily by stunning him with Swordmaster Red flying swords and then using Faust to launch the meteor
Overall, Dante Must Die was way harder than Hell and Hell
Hammad Altaf says
The backup process for saving orbs is not working?
Am i doing ut wrong ?
BodyChipper says
Is auto upload turned off as well?
Alex says
Hi dudes, could someone give some tips for dmd as nero?
i’m noob but i need help to manage this difficulty T.T
Alastor says
I got the platinum and it wasn’t a 10/10 difficulty, so you can lower the score because it doesn’t make sense for this to be higher than wolf2:)
PowerPyx says
What’s your rating?
Alastor says
I think it’s a solid 8 because there are some cheese methods that were discovered after the game came out but it still requires practice. It doesn’t punish you as much as a permadeath mode like wolf2 had
d3mystic says
Just got the platinum. Depending on who’s playing (a DMC newbie or someone like me who is quite familiar with the series yet not an expert), a rating of 9-10 seems reasonable. Personally, I’d give it a 9. It’s not only quite difficult but the scoring system in the game is weird in some missions. It is possible to get S ranks on Hell and Hell if you die twice, but only if you maintain your style average (Using all 3 orbs gets you a three revive penalty). I was getting S/SS quite consistently throughout the game so it helped a lot but there are some missions where it is much easier/essential to get S ranks from the No Hit and No Checkpoint Bonus. For me, those missions were Mission 5 (V), Mission 10 (Dante) and Mission 12 (Dante). I also went for No Hit on missions which were bosses only (later stages).
And you don’t need to clear every character-specific mission with each character on every difficulty for the All S ranks on every difficulty trophy.
Some Tips which I found quite useful:
1) Nero – Use Ragtime to get out of sticky situations. And always keep Buster Arm Devil Breaker for bosses. B.A. Devil Breaker does more damage (holding circle) than your Devil Bringer arm. A bonus tip is to keep pressing L2 to rev your sword while attacking. Might not work always, but you can sometimes get Exceed or Max Act which helps your style points and damage.
2) V – At least have one familiar alive at all times. With Griffon, a double jump will get him out of danger and for Shadow keep evading/side-stepping to get him by your side instantly. Also, you can use V’s cane against bosses to deal extra damage. I used it against Shadow Artemis.
3) Dante – Dr. Faust is OP. I only used this weapon for Mission 18, to get No hits bonus. The red cage move of Dr. Faust is extremely effective against Urizen’s crystal in Mission 12. It breaks the crystal really fast. And the red meteor move is the strongest exploit ever. Can kill bosses in one go if fully charged. I also used Devil Sword Dante’s spinning swords move quite a lot to keep the enemies busy.
4) Taunts – Using Air Taunts is also quite useful when it comes to Dante and Nero. For Nero, it is a Style Bonus + Extra Jump. For Dante, his air taunt will stun/damage the enemy if the rose he throws hits them. V doesn’t have useful taunts like that but if you get to SS rank, his Air Taunt is different than normal and I guess it looks cool.
5) Style points – The scoring system doesn’t remain constant throughout the missions. In some, you’ll get 5500+ points for doing less and in some, you barely manage to reach 4500 for doing more. It looks like the points you get at the end of the mission are the one that the multipliers are applied to. (+/- 10 points). The other fights and points help in increasing/decreasing your final/average score. In most of the missions, you do not need to fight the optional fights. But Mission 8 for me was quite difficult to S rank. I managed to get S rank on Mission 8 SOS by fighting only the compulsory fights, but for DMD I had to fight one optional fight (the pit with Empusas and one Behemoth) to get the average high enough. And that fight also helped me with Hell and Hell. I got S rank on that mission even without any bonus just because my average was so high.
And finally, enjoy the game. As PowerPyx said, it is hard but obtainable. Just needs some dedication.
And thanks for the guide, PowerPyx.
7amodii_87 says
i need your advice
i played the EU Ver. and after i finish the game i got the USA deluxe edition
so if i played the USA deluxe edition all my trophy from the EU ver. will continue or i must start from the beginning ??
PowerPyx says
Your trophies will still count. But the save game from EU game might not be compatible with US version. So you may have to restart the game from scratch but your trophies will still be there! Trophies don’t need to be redone since they’re synced to PSN (same for all games).
Lucas says
Sorry, this game is not 10/10 but rather a 7/10 at most a 8/10. Dmc4 is much more difficult!
Alex says
i think 10/10 is almost correct because the rating counts all the people.
If you are a kid who plays 3/4 hours per day and/or someone who has played the older dmc it’ s obvious to think it’s easier than 10/10.
But someone who wants to play a dmc for the first time and who wants to get the plat playing only 3 hours per week due the job or the family i thinks that 9.5 is the correct rating.
I never played the older dmc and i can play only 1 hour per day and i’m very close, i need only to S rank 4/5 mission on HaH to get the plat but 4 me it’s definitely a 9.5.
David says
Its probably quite some time since you made the guide (which is great other than what I am writing about). However, I would like to point out that your comment about getting all the skills after farming the 3000000 orbs with xbox does not work. You have made similar comments on previous games where I also tried it and it did not work. I guess you don’t own an xbox? When I tried your “delete the save and reload from the cloud” method I simply lost all the orbs I had farmed and I didn’t even have the skills unlocked. The sync mechanism of the xbox is random and frequently does not update even when it seems to. So, I might as well have just kept the skills unlock and just farmed another 3M orbs. Would have been better than losing 3M and having to do it all over again.
PowerPyx says
As of late more people have reported issues with it, so you’re not the only one. I had similar reports for Sekiro where some people said they got it to work but for many it didn’t. There are videos on YouTube showing that method (for various games), but I’ll give it another look soon to check if something has changed. And yes I own all game systems including XB1, Nintendo Switch to test exactly stuff like this. I recommend to always test on alternate account first if there’s any potential for losing game progress on main account. Glad you brought it up, thanks for reporting!
GampiS says
PowerPyx as always I am so happy for your guide! I am only commenting to let you know your 10/10 rating is accurate. Maybe foe the pro players who played every DMC this one is 8/10 or even less but I played only DMC 4 twice on X360 and since then only God of War 3 on normal difficulty so for casual player this is at least 10 if not impossible. So always rate it as if it was for casuals or do 2 ratings if people wont stop ranting, one for casuals and one mockingly for pros which sits o 1/10 all the time since they should plat it with ine hand behind back haha.
Bless you man and thanks once more, hope you are doing great!
Hamza Manzoor says
In mission 7 and 13, u need S rank with one character because i got my platinum and the worthy of legend trophy by completing these missions by V . The rating for me was 10/10 because the game gets much harder as u play through the difficulties. But i really enjoyed it and this is now my favourite game
Paulo Dos Santos says
If it can help, remaping makes harder difficulties a little less difficult. I have a picture of my controller configuration, just don’t know how to send it
Paulo Dos Santos says
Like this
Melee/Shadow – Triangle
Jump – X
DT/Nightmare – Square
Gun/Griffon – R1 (easy to hold for chargeable mechanics on all)
Lock On – L1 (easy to hold)
Devil Bringer – Circle (just like the old times)
Devil Breaker – R2 (easy to hold for Breakage)
Exceed – L2 (easy constant presses during Red Queen combos)
Break Away – D-pad (only needed for breaking out of grabs)
Badder Hammad says
Is it possible to get Worthy of Legend with Vergil?
d3mystic says
Not sure if you’ll see this, but for the Obedience Training trophy, you can use DT or SDT. I got it by luck when I played the original, but during Special Edition I just couldn’t get it to unlock. Tried without DT, with DT and SDT. Turns out that the trophy needs you to break the cycle of the heads. The heads will cycle from fire-lightning-ice and repeat. You need to disrupt this. For example, if the fire head is active, keep attacking the lightning head to stun it, so that when it changes it jumps directly to ice (skipping lightning because it is stunned). That’ll earn you the trophy.
Claksterdk says
Exactly right!
Chandra Gohil says
I’ve been playing Devil May Cry since DMC 1 and I love this game series. DMC 5 is easier than DMC 1 however, that doesn’t mean you can just button smash and get a platinum.
Can I say a massive thanks to powerpyx for this amazing guide. DMC 5 is my highest trophy achievement for a DMC game.
Thanks again.
vergilmaycry says
damn these difficulty locked platinums, guess i’ll have to be satisfied with jack