Doom 64 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10 using passwords
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 1 – 2 hours using passwords
- Offline Trophies: 10 (0
, 1
, 5
, 4
- Online Trophies: 0 (0
, 0
, 0
, 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must complete “No Escape” level on Watch Me Die difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 4 full level completions
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Passwords can be used as Level Select
- Release Date: March 20, 2020
Welcome to the Doom 64 Trophy Guide! It’s the first official release of Doom 64 on any system in 23 years. The list for the game is very easily done using the password system that is still in the game, allowing you to complete all trophies in 1 – 2 hours, while only completing 4 full levels.
Step 1: Earn the Trophies
There is really only one step for doing the game if you are using passwords. You can basically just go down the list of trophies doing them in the listed order using the given passwords, which will allow you to get all trophies. Doing this you will complete the “No Escape” level last, which is basically the hardest thing you need to do, though still not a very hard feat.
The game doesn’t show controls or explain anything to you when you start, so unless you look in the menu you likely won’t know what to do (and even then they’re slightly confusing). Below are the two basic controls you need to pay attention to outside of movement.
Interact: this means with any buttons, switches, or doors you need to manually open.
Switch weapons: The inventory doesn’t loop at all, so be aware you have to manually switch between weapons left and right to get to which you want. Hitting
while at the left end of the inventory will just swap between fists and chainsaw over and over, but doing it on the right with
won’t switch at all. The weapons go in your inventory with the below order, with the pistol being the default starting point of the inventory.
Chainsaw, Fist, Pistol, Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher, Plasma gun, BFG 9000, Unmaker
Passwords and Saving
Because of when it was released Doom 64 didn’t originally have a built-in save system on the cartridge, so you saved your progress using passwords given at the end of a level. This is still included in the rerelease, which allows you to jump to whichever level you want with whatever loadout and items you want at the start of a level. For the purposes of the guide, the trophies that need it have passwords listed already that take you to the required level and give the max gear where required. If you want to mess around with passwords on your own you can use the password editor here: DOOM 64 Password Editor
Because this is a new release though, the game now has a built-in save system. At any point during the game you can pause and make a save, and it will save exactly where you are with what items and what enemies alive or dead exactly in place. Because of this you can basically use it as save states, and if you need to make frequent saves to reload if you die or mess something up.
Doom 64 Trophy Guide
» Also check out the DOOM ETERNAL Trophy Guide & Roadmap
» DOOM ETERNAL Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Tetsnoobn says
Thanks for the quick guide! Super disappointed there is no Platinum…..I loved this game when it came out on my N64….Oh well. Still a great nostalgic trip ^_^
NewHereBeNice says
Thanks PowerPyx I’m amazed at how fast you make these available. I spent way to long trying to shoot through level geometry for “Escape Artist” and ran out out bullet ammo twice. Figured out it’s actually easier to just open up those pillars ASAP and as soon as they are defeated the trophy clicks no need to clear the room first and you can use which ever gun does the most damage on them fast.
AdrPayne says
Thank u so much dude … I love your work PowerPyx !
Lee says
For Mother May I? How do you interact with the plates? Where do you get the keys? Just I’m unable to interact with them?
For the plates once you enter the password go through the middle to make the npc’s respawn after that go straight to the plates and press (X) if on PS4 or (A) if on XB1 then the plates will go down, Notice this can be done only after you enter the password you can’t redo this if you died and replayed the mission without hitting the password, Hope this helps! Happy hunting 🙂
I recommend making a walkthrough for Doom 64 in YouTube.
Dominick says
Thank you, the code for completing no escape on watch me die helped a lot. I did not have to play through the whole game again as my first play through was on I own doom.
Pierre McClellan says
Wow!!! i haven’t played this since it 1st came out n 1998. man this brings back memories… thanks
Dragon says
For shooting through the bars in Escape Artist you can actually use the last weapon. I don’t know what it’s called, the really good red beam one.
AngryAtStuff says
I can’t active those boxes in mother may I…. so how do I active them?
Guy says
Your right it was easy. Thanks!
Reyes says
Thank you so much! It was so fast to get all the trophies.