This guide shows all of the Doom Eternal Collectible Locations. Doom Eternal has the following types of collectibles:
- Secret Encounters – Unique Combat Encounters that award you with Weapon Upgrade Points and add to the Demonic Corruption Counter in the mission
- Cheat Codes – Unlock unique Cheats. You can replay missions via mission select to play with cheats enabled
- Modbots – Unlocks new Weapon Modes
- Sentinel Batteries – Can be used in the Hub Area “Fortress of Doom” to unlock additional upgrades
- Sentinel Crystals – Increases Health, Armor, Ammo Capacity
- Toys (Secret Question Marks) – They show up as Question Marks in the game world, needed for trophy / achievement
- Codexes – They are burning red pages usually in plain sight, needed for trophy / achievement
- Albums – Shows up as question mark in game world, needed for trophy / achievement
- Praetor Suit Points (Tokens) – Allows you to unlock passive Suit Upgrades including Grenade and Freezing Grenade Upgrades
- Runes – Unlocks Rune Perks (can equip up to 3 at same time)
- Slayer Keys – Used to open Slayer Gates
- Slayer Gates – Used to get Empyrean Keys. The Slayer Gates are the hardest combat encounters in the game, marked by a purple area on map
- Empyrean Keys – Used in the Hub Area “Fortress of Doom” to unlock the Unmaykr secret weapon
- Mastery Tokens – Allows you to bypass the mastery requirements of weapon mods and instantly unlock the mastery outright
- Extra Lives – If your health reaches 0 you get to keep playing without death
Finding them is required for the following trophies and achievements:
- Treasure Hunter
- Master of Fasting
- Running Up the High Score
- Crystal Craving
- King of the Crystals
- They’re ALL My Favorite
- Homemaykr
- Extra Extra Lives
- Bonus Stage
- Breaker of Gates
- Gunpletionist
- Meet Your Unmaykr
None of the Collectibles are missable! You can still get them after the story via Mission Select. In Mission Select you can also see how many items you found in each mission!
At the end of each mission you unlock fast travel (works only within that mission). This allows you to go back through the level before advancing the story. Use this to find the collectibles you missed so you don’t need to replay the entire mission later.
All Collectible Locations are pointed out on the map via Question Marks “?” when you get near them. If you buy the Praetor Exploration Suit Upgrade “Item Finder” it will show all collectibles on the map by default without needing to go in their proximity to discover them. This way it effectively shows you all collectibles by default. While most are in plain sight, some can still be tricky to find as they require you to solve environmental puzzles such as breaking walls or shooting specific objects.
The following items aren’t officially counted as Collectibles in the Mission Select: Extra Lives, Secret Encounters, Slayer Keys, Slayer Gates. The Extra Lives are more useful for Extra Life Mode on higher difficulties. The Secret Encounters and Slayer Gates add to your “Demonic Corruption” counter in each mission, which awards you with weapon upgrade points (green bar in top right corner of each mission select screen).
Between some Missions you will go to the Hub Area called “Fortress of Doom”. It’s not counted as a Mission in Mission Select. However, you can spend Sentinel Batteries there to unlock rooms that contain Collectibles and Upgrades for you. These are also needed for various collectible trophies & achievements.
From Mission 3 onward (Cultist Base) the missions also include 3 Challenges. Each Challenge unlocks an additional Sentinel Battery to use in the Fortress of Doom (Hub Area). There are actually more of Sentinel Batteries than you need for all upgrades in the Fortress of Doom, so it doesn’t matter if you miss a few Challenges. The Challenges take place over the entire chapter and are often combat-related.
Below are links to all Missions with their Collectibles in Doom Eternal:
- Mission 1: Hell on Earth
- Hub Area: Fortress of Doom
- Mission 2: Exultia
- Mission 3: Cultist Base
- Mission 4: Doom Hunter Base
- Mission 5: Super Gore Nest
- Mission 6: Arc Complex
- Mission 7: Mars Core
- Mission 8: Sentinel Prime
- Mission 9: Taras Nabad
- Mission 10: Nekravol
- Mission 11: Nekravol – Part II
- Mission 12: Urdak
- Mission 13: Final Sin
DLC #1: The Ancient Gods Part 1
Refer to the links above for all of the Collectible Locations in Doom Eternal.
Wettek98 says
Please, will you add last DLC The Ancient Gods Part 2?
Thank you
Doomguy says
Yes! Please add Ancient Gods Pt.2! This is the best guide that I have found!
Slicee-of-Lifee says
Please add The Ancient Gods Part 2. Your guide is the best among others.
dragonfly says
awesome guide