Monster Culling is a main quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Monster Culling main mission.
- Starting Location: Stardrop Inn in Vernworth at night
- Quest Giver: Captain Brant
- Requirement: having completed Seat of the Sovran
- Reward: Expeditioner’s Cloak, 7000 G
- Quest Description: Your efforts to aid the kingdom’s soldiers in their monster-culling duties earned you considerable renown as the Arisen. Though this is but the first step in your ascension to the throne, it is valuable progress all the same.
- Deal with the Monster Threats
- Report Back to Captain Brant
Starting Location: Stardrop Inn in Vernworth
To start this quest, go to “The Stardrop Inn” in Vernworth, talk to the barkeeper and choose to pass the time until it’s night. Then talk to Captain Brant who is standing at the bar, he will walk outside to the balcony. Follow him and talk to him again to accept a series of main quests. The first dialogue “Tell me of Monster Culling” will start this quest.
Deal with the Monster Threats
You are tasked with defeating monsters in 3 faraway locations in the Vermund region. This will be a lengthy quest so make any final preparations before going on this adventure.
If you look at the world map carefully and zoom in, you can see gray outlines in the black fogged areas. Those are the outlines of roads. You will want to stick to the roads to get to the main objectives. Do not step into water, you cannot swim in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and water will instant kill you and your pawns (pawns that drown cannot be revived). It is recommended to fight the smaller enemies along the way to level up, and rest at every campfire to recharge health. If you encounter powerful enemies you can press to command your pawns “To Me!” and then run past the enemies – they will follow you for about 300 meters but will then stop chasing. Have at least one mage on your team to cast Anodyne (the green bubble, default
move) which lets you heal the gray part of everyone’s health bar. If you play as a mage, which we recommend, you should unlock the spells “Palladium” and “Levin” at the Vernworth Vocation Guild, west of Stardrop Inn. Palladium lets you take 3 hits without suffering damage and can be refreshed infinitely so you’ll never take damage. Levin lets you cast lightning magic from a safe distance and it should be your primary attack spell for this quest. If you play any other vocation buy any skills from the guild that you can afford.
We will visit the locations as numbered on the map below (the red lines show the path to take):
Location #1: Trevo Mine – This mine is found west of Vernworth.
While going further into the mine, you will pass through a big room with a chest. Open the chest for the Greatsword, which you need for Side Quest: Vocation Frustration to unlock the Warrior vocation.
Also in this mine is the Archistaff to unlock the Sorcerer class for the same side quest! From the room with the above greatsword go through the door to the left of the chest. This leads to another large room with a bunch of bridges. Go to the bottom of the area and go into the dark path on the east of the room. This leads to a lower dead-end spot with another black chest that contains the Grievous Horns Archistaff.
Now go all the way to the end of the mine and you’ll find some soldiers being attacked by goblins. Defeat the goblins, afterward talk to the soldiers to finish this objective. Note that you can exit through the north of the mine to find a Forgotten Riftstone for 30 RC, but the path north of the mine is filled with high-level enemies. We recommend backtracking through the mine the same way you came, the goblins there don’t pose much of a threat. Then proceed to the 2nd quest marker.
Location #2: Harve Village – Found a few minutes’ walk south of the first location.
There will be some powerful enemies along the path, a wolverine enemy and a dragon, they are quite strong so feel free to run past them. They chase you for a while but will eventually stop following you.
When you arrive in Harve Village, head to the south of the village to find another cave entrance.
The cave is filled with lizard-type enemies which are relatively resistant to magic, so just let the melee characters in your party do the damage. At the end of the cave are trapped soldiers, defeat the enemies around them and lead them back outside to the cave entrance. Explore the other corners of the cave first for valuable loot.
After leaving the mine you will be prompted with Side Quest: Scaly Invaders, now is a good time to do this quest.
Location #3: Campsite – found east of Vernworth outside in the forest
The game will often have you chase from one end of the map to the other. To save some time, feel free to use one Ferrystone to teleport back to Vernworth. You can make a pit stop there to store items in your storage, via the inn next to Stardrop Inn (items in storage don’t perish and there’s no weight cap), and you can buy new vocation skills if you ranked up your vocation. The head east of Vernworth to find more soldiers being attacked near a campfire
Report Back to Captain Brant
With the three monster cullings done, return to Vernworth and report back to the Captain to end this quest. You can find him in Vernworth’s Stardrop Inn at night only, just like before. Speak to him in the back of the inn, then select “Tell me of the monster culling” to complete the quest.
This finishes Monster Culling main quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
For all other Quests refer to Dragon’s Dogma 2 Walkthrough.
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