Crumbling Farum Azula is a main story area in Elden Ring. You may have seen this area referenced for other items or bosses and are wondering how to get there. It’s actually an unmissable region at the very end of the story.
The below image shows Crumbling Farum Azula, where this guide will lead you:
1. Defeat the boss Fire Giant
You will have to defeat the main boss Fire Giant in the south-east of the Mountaintops of the Giants region.
He is a very tough boss, if you need help see the below video for an easy exploit.
2. Use Forge of the Giants to get to Crumbling Farum Azula
After the Fire Giant boss, go across the big chains to the forge. On top of the forge take the path to the left, riding across the upper walls of the forge without falling down. At the end you find the site of grace called “Forge of the Giants”. Sit down and use the option to talk to the girl. Then a cutscene will play and she will set the tree on fire, then teleports you to Crumbling Farum Azula. See the exact image of the forge below.
Do note that once you reach Crumbling Farum Azula, you will be locked there until you interact with any site of grace there. After you sat down at any site of grace you can fast travel back to anywhere else on the map. Another warning, be sure to grab the missable legendary weapon Bolt of Gransax, it will become unobtainable after defeating Maliketh at the end of Farum Azula.
That’s all there is to reaching Crumbling Farum Azula in Elden Ring.
For all other secret areas check out the full Elden Ring Wiki & Strategy Guide.
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