In Far Cry 5 you can craft some homeopathics recipes that give you special buffs. This page lists what craftables there are and what ingredients they require.
To craft them you need to open the weapon wheel with /
then press
to open the utility wheel. Finally, press
to craft the recipe.
Crafting Recipes
- Liquor: The cause and solution to many, many problems.
- Ingredients: 1 x Liquor
- Oregano: Surprisingly good in brownies.
- Ingredients: 1 x Oregano
- The Fast: Increases your Speed for a limited time
- Ingredients: 2 x Bliss Oil + 2 x Jimson Weed
- The Furious: Increases your melee attack damage for a limited time.
- Ingredients: 2 x Bliss Oil + 2 x Prairie Fire
- Ultimate Hunter: Automatically tag all the animals and enemies in your sight and make predators flee.
- Ingredients: 2 x Prairie Fire + 2 x Mustard + 2 x Jimson Weed
- Ultimate Survivor: Reduce considerably the damage you take
- Ingredients: 2 x Lupine + 4 x Prickly Lettuce
Ingredients / Components
Click the links for their fixed locations (where they can always be found, some are just random and have no fixed spots).
- Blasting Cap: Randomly found from looting bodies or containers.
- Bliss Oil: Randomly found from looting bodies or containers.
- Fasteners: Randomly found from looting bodies or containers.
- Jimson Weed: Found by the road sides, next to structures, and urban sites.
- Liquor: Randomly found from looting bodies or containers.
- Lupine: Found close to water.
- Mustard: Found in forests and at forest edges.
- Nitro: Randomly found from looting bodies or containers.
- Oregano: Found in the world and on bodies.
- Prairie Fire: Found in rocky formations, gravel, and close to cliffs.
- Prickly Lettuce: Found in the grasslands and plains.
- Casing: Randomly found from looting bodies or containers.
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