This guide show the locations of all 21 Side Quests (Detours) in Forspoken. Most of the Side Quests are missable. When advancing the story to the next chapter, many quests become unavailable. They are all started in the hub city called Cipal, where you go between chapters. You first arrive there in Chapter 3, there are no quests before then.
Because most quests are missable, it’s highly recommended you do them as you go through the game and alternate between manual save slots. This way, if you missed one you can reload the nearest save. Check the map fter each objective, especially before leaving Cipal. During the same visit to Cipal you often get more quests to pop up after talking to people and advancing objectives. This makes them especially easy to overlook.
The 9 Cat Chases are of particular interest because they give you the 9 Poppets for the A Roaring Trade. The good thing is, if you miss a cat they respawn after the story. So don’t worry, if you missed one early on and realize this a few chapters later just keep playing and do that Cat Chase after the story. They only become unavailable temporarily during the story, then they become available again. However, other than the Cat Chases the other quests don’t matter for trophies anyway. The only extra precaution you should take is to get the 2 missable equipment pieces in Chapter 7 and Chapter 10, they are highlighted red in the guide.
Quests also give you Archive Entries which help with the 80% Archive Completion for Archivist. It’s highly recommended to also do
Events whenever you see them. Those also spawn in Cipal, check your map each Chapter before leaving Cipal. They aren’t proper quests, they are just short conversations but also grant you archive entries. Missing any quests or events is okay for trophy purposes, there are more archive entries than you need for trophies, you only need 464/580 entries. Even if you were to completely ignore every single quest and event you would still be able to reach 80%, it would just require doing more extra collectibles. Most of the archive entires actually come from collectibles and automatic story progress but the more you get from side quests and events the easier it will be to reach 80%. All quests are listed chronologically in their unlock order.
Chapter 3
#1 – Chasing the Calico Cat
Chase after the cat and pick up the pouch at the end of the chase.
Reward: Poppet, 50 XP
Chapter 4
#2 – A Guided Tour
Follow the man through the town. This automatically transitions into “Feeding the Sheep” detour.
Reward: Archive entries, 50 XP
#3 – Feeding the Sheep
Started while doing the previous detour “A Guided Tour”. Simply feed the sheep.
Reward: 100 XP
#4 – Chasing the Black and White Cat Part 1
Chase after the cat and pick up the pouch at the end of the chase.
Reward: Poppet, 50 XP
#5 – Chasing the Gray Cat Part 1
Chase after the cat and pick up the pouch at the end of the chase.
Reward: Poppet, 50 XP
#6 – Chasing the Black and White Cat Part 2
Becomes available during Chapter 4 after having done Detour #3 “Chasing the Black and White Cat Part 1”. Simply chase after the cat again, this time it’s found in the sheep area near the graveyard in the east of Cipal.
Reward: Poppet, 50 XP
#7 – Robian’s Treasured Memories
This becomes available after exiting the archives in Chapter 4 when you walk back to the lower city (not available from the start). You will get an onscreen notification that new Detours are available at this point. Talk to the old man, then you can search areas in Cipal to find his property. First at the blue-glowing tree in the west of town where you met him. Talk to the guard behind the tree, he says to look in the upper town. Then talk to the people there (you can always press to highlight them). One of them gives you a tooth but that’s not the item you need. The next search area is in the lower city, talk to the boy and he gives you a book. Then return to the old man to finish the quest.
Reward: 3 Archive Entries, 50 XP
#8 – New Perspectives
Introduces photo spots, occurs automatically before leaving Cipal (can’t miss it). This reveals the photo icons on the map, there are 50 total. You finish this by taking all 50 photos and returning to the kids in Cipal (easiest way is to go to every viewpoint “Belfry” first to unfog the whole map, then the photo spots get marked). You can still return to the kids after the story to show them the photos. You don’t have to do this now. Don’t worry about it right now, do it after the story, you will still be able to free-roam everywhere then. Right now you wouldn’t be able to reach late-game regions anyway.
#9 – Chasing the Gray Cat Part 2
Becomes available during Chapter 4 after having done Detour #4 “Chasing the Gray Cat Part 1”, and just before leaving Cipal (after being given Detour #7). Starting spot is near the wall just southwest of the group of children. Chase after the cat and pick up the pouch at the end of the chase.
Reward: Poppet, 50 XP
Chapter 6
#10 – Dancing in Cipal
Talk to Pilo in the Cipal Tavern during the celebration to start this. Agree to dance with him and press all buttons that show on the screen. If you fail a button you can retry the dance from the start as often as you need. The button sequence is the same each time so you can memorize it.
Reward: Archive Entry, 50 XP
Chapter 7
#11 – Sila’s Pact
Enter the archives in the north of town by using the door at the stairs, below where people are praying. Talk Johedy in the archives. She sends you to Pranoest to find an item. Defeat the enemies in the marked town, then collect the item from the building. Finally, return to Johedy. This grants a missable Necklace equipment.
Reward: Necklace “Nemeni Prisaha” (Missable Equipment), Archive Entries, 100 XP
#12 – Helping the Broken
After doing Detour #12 “Sila’s Pact”, head out the archive and there will be 2 men in the square, they have a yellow event marker (“?”) on the map. Talk to them, then this detour becomes available. It’s started by talking to Auden in the courthouse in the north-west of Cipal.
Reward: Archive Entries, 100 XP
#13 – Chasing the Striped Cat Part 1
This becomes available after doing the main objective “Find Robian” in the west of Cipal (after going to the tree). Do it before leaving Cipal. Run after the cat and pick up the pouch at the end.
Reward: Poppet, 50 XP
#14 – Chasing the Striped Cat Part 2
Becomes available after Detour #13 “Chasing the Striped Cat Part 1”. It starts in the upper city, in the east corner. Run after the cat and pick up the pouch at the end.
Reward: Poppet, 50 XP
Chapter 10
Equipment: Necklace – Naee Aasha (Missable Equipment)
This is not a side quest but an important sub-event. In Chapter 10, after the story makes you go to the archives in Cipal, talk to Johedy inside the archives (this is during objective “Head to Junoon”, just before leaving Cipal). She will be marked on the map as an event (“?” icon). *As per the trophy description for Kit and Caboodle the equipment pieces from sub-events are not needed, so this should not be necessary for the trophy. Just to be safe it’s recommended to get this, that’s what has been tested and confirmed to unlock the trophy after getting all other Equipment.
Chapter 13 (Post-Story)
After the story you will be asked to create a save. Do this, then it boots you to the Title Screen and you can click “Continue” to start Chapter 13 which is the Endgame for cleanup. Some new side quests will spawn now. If you missed any of the “Chasing Cat” quests they will respawn now after the story. All other trophy-related quests spawn now after the story.
#15 – Chasing the Black Cat Part 1
Starts at the entrance to the upper city, available after the story (Chapter 13). After finishing Chapter 12 it will ask if you want to create a save, do this and then click “Continue” in the title screen to keep playing. Then this will be marked on the. Chase down the cat and pick up the pouch at the end.
Reward: Poppet, 50 XP
#16 – Chasing the Black Cat Part 2
Available after doing Detour #14 “Chasing the Black Cat Part 1”. Chase the cat and pick up the pouch at the end.
Reward: Poppet, 50 XP
#17 – Cipal Reborn
Available after finishing the story (Chapter 13). After finishing Chapter 12 it will ask if you want to create a save, do this and then click “Continue” in the title screen to keep playing. Talk to Pilo in the lower city to start this quest. You must help 3 people (get cat food, find flowers, find bench parts). All objectives will be marked on the map, you can hold for Cuff to show you the way.
Reward: Rebirth, 100 XP
#18 – Dancing in Cipal: Encore
Available after Detour #16 “Cipal Reborn”. Talk to Pilo in the Cipal Tavern to start this. Agree to dance with him and press all buttons that show on the screen. If you fail a button you can retry the dance from the start as often as you need. The button sequence is the same each time so you can memorize it.
Reward: 300 XP, 17 Mana
#19 – Dancing in Cipal: Finale
Available after Detour #17 “Dancing in Cipal: Encore”. Talk to Pilo in the Cipal Tavern to start this. Ask him to dance and press all buttons that show on the screen. If you fail a button you can retry the dance from the start as often as you need. The button sequence is the same each time so you can memorize it.
Reward: Moves, 500 XP
#20 – Lost Lullabies
Available after finishing the story (Chapter 13). After finishing Chapter 12 it will ask if you want to create a save, do this and then click “Continue” in the title screen to keep playing. Talk to Johedy in the upper city of Cipal, she’s on the stairs in the middle. All objectives will be marked, you can press to have Cuff show you the way. You must go to the archives, then enter the prison tower and ask Jannesh some questions, then head to Junoon Castle to take out the enemies and find an item inside the castle.
Reward: Promises, 1000 XP, Detour: A Blast from the Past
#21 – A Blast from the Past
Automatically started when finishing Detour #19 “Lost Lullabies”. This quest will make you revisit several of the story boss fights. This time you get a rating for those fights but it will be easier because you are already leveled up and have better spells and gear. The same strategies as during the story will apply.
Reward: Unlocks all Tanta bosses and other main bosses for replay (can now be replayed at any time)
That’s all quests in Forspoken. Your next step should be to clean up collectibles, see Forspoken Collectible Guide.
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