Ghost of Tsushima Iki Island has 6 Unwritten Tales for the Common Courtesy trophy. This guide shows all Unwritten Tale Locations and Solutions.
Unlike normal Tales, the Unwritten ones aren’t marked on the map and don’t get added to your Journal. “Unwritten” is the game’s way of saying “Unmarked”. They have no waypoints and there’s no in-game tracker for them, which makes them so difficult to find. They are all very quick 1-minute quests in which you help some side characters around Iki Island. This will result in a short cutscene where they thank you.
Only the 6 Unwritten Tales listed here are needed for the trophy (update: #6 is no longer required since patch 2.10 on September 16, 2021). Nothing else matters. Rescuing hostages or helping raiders fight against Mongols in the wilderness is NOT needed. Only these 6 specific ones.
No story progress on Iki Island is needed. You can head to all 6 of them right away when entering Iki Island for the first time. They all spawn from the start.
For the last Unwritten Tale you must have played through the Legends story (online mode) which requires an online connection. However, for trophy purposes it’s no longer required as of September 16, 2021.
Potential Bug Warnings – if you don’t get the trophy after doing all 6 it’s bugged, try the following to fix it:
- Tale #4 has reports of not counting correctly in some cases. Players were able to pop the trophy by returning to this Tale’s location and running around the area (lakes in Buddha’s Footprints region) for a few minutes. If you don’t get the trophy after doing all 6, try running around the lake where this Tale takes place. Also try running all the way to Shrine in Shadow, some players got it there.
- Tale #5 has reports of delayed trophy unlocks if it happens to be your last one, particularly on PS4. It should unlock within 30-60 seconds after finishing the required Archery Challenge if you did all other tales already. Furthermore, #5 is known to not count correctly in some cases. If you don’t get the trophy after doing all 6, try redoing the archery challenge with a better score (silver/gold) or at least faster time. This fixed it for some players.
- Tale #6 (no longer needed for the trophy via patch 2.10 as of September 16, 2021) – has reports of Legends Mode progress not being imported into Iki Island correctly. A confirmed fix is to replay the last Online Legends Mode Story Mission (9th Mission). Then load the Autosave it creates and return to the Woman in the hut, you should now be able to tell her the Legends Tale.
- If none of this works, your best bet is to load an older manual save and redo all Unwritten Tales in one sitting. So to be safe, make a manual save before doing any of these and don’t overwrite it.
Unwritten Tale #1: Bury Ship Captain
At the northern beach of Iki Island where your ship crashed you can bury the captain. This will trigger a short cutscene where you stand in front of his grave.
Unwritten Tale #2: Hachibee the Beekeeper
In the west of Iki Island, in the area called “Old Gambler’s Wood” you can talk to a beekeeper in front of his house. Then several waves of Mongols will spawn to attack the beekeeper’s place. Kill all the Mongols and talk to the Beekeeper again to get a cutscene.
Unwritten Tale #3: Helping Kodama at Burned House
Interact with the banner at the burned house. Then a cutscene starts and a woman called Kodama will talk to you. Follow her, she’ll point uphill towards the purple-leafed trees. Here you must press to use the Survey Point. Now run uphill towards the purple trees, some Mongols are between the trees (it doesn’t matter if you duel them or kill them by other means). Defeat them, afterward you should hear Kodama laughing from behind the trees. Then return to the burned house. There on a tree stump Kodama will have left some supplies and a scroll for you. The scroll says “If man is to heal, so must the land”. This ends the Unwritten Tale. Make sure you complete all of the steps and get the scroll at the end.
Unwritten Tale #4: Saving Peasants from Mongols drowning them in Lake
At Buddha’s Footprints in the south of Iki Island you can find some Mongols drowning the peasants in a lake. Defeat all of them and it will trigger a cutscene where you rescue the peasants.
Potential Bug: There are several reports that after doing all 6 Unwritten Tales, the trophy didn’t unlock for some players but unlocked later when returning to the lakes at Buddha’s Footprints. The tracking of this particular Tale might be buggy in rare cases. If you don’t get the trophy after the 6th tale, try returning here and run around the lakes for a few minutes and run all the way from lakes to Shrine in Shadow, this unlocked the trophy for some players.
Unwritten Tale #5: Archery Challenge at Raider Memorial
First, you must have completed at least one Archery Challenge, which are a type of Collectible marked on the map by “?” icons and can be tracked through a guiding wind upgrade (Techniques > Samurai > Exploration > “Wind of Concentration” > Go to World Map and press to track this Collectible Type > A dotted line on the map will show you the way, or you can swipe Touchpad up to see a gust of wind blowing in the direction of the nearest one).
Next, you must talk to the man by the bow rack at the Raider Memorial fast travel point (he’s only there after starting at least 1 other Archery Challenge). To get a new Archery Challenge from him you must be wearing Tadayori’s Armor which was unlocked in the main game by completing Mythical Tale “The Legend of Tadayori“. If you wear any other armor he won’t give you the Archery Challenge, it has to be this specific one! You can equip it under Gear > Outfit > Armor. Complete his Archery Challenge with at least a bronze rating. This will result in a short cutscene after the Challenge is over.
Potential Bug: Some players who didn’t get the trophy after doing all 6 Tales, got it by replaying the Archery Challenge again. So if you don’t get the trophy try redoing it, as it seems to have some tracking issues.
Unwritten Tale #6: Retelling Legends Mode Tale to Uta
No longer needed for trophy as of patch 2.10 from September 16, 2021 onward.
This requires having played through the Legends Mode story (online). Legends is the online-only mode of Ghost of Tsushima and requires an internet connection to use. It’s started from the Title Screen. Talk to Uta who is sitting in a hut at Yahata Forest, in the east of Iki Island. When talking to her the first time she’ll ask you to seek out Gyozen the blind chronicler of legends. Interact with her again immediately after to tell her the tale of Legends Mode. If she gives you the item “White Kitsune Mask” you’ve done it correctly and it counted. If you cannot talk to her a second time, it means you don’t have enough story progress in Legends Mode.
Some players have reported that they needed to replay the last (9th) story mission in Legends Mode for it to work, but others didn’t have to replay anything. So if you have played through Legends before but don’t get Uta’s second dialogue, try replaying the last story mission in online Legends Mode, then load back into Iki Island and you should be able to talk to her.
That’s all of the Unwritten Tales in Ghost of Tsushima Iki Island DLC. After having completed all 6 of them you’ll earn the Common Courtesy trophy.
Special thanks to the following contributors for helping to narrow down the trophy-relevant events: Exploet, Black_Revive, dalailama1989, FranciRoosters, Yayaka.
For more guides, check out our complete Ghost of Tsushima Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Warlord99956 says
I have done all these (and a lot more tales) and the trophy has not popped
Warlord99956 says
I just fast travelled to “shrine in shadow” to check the drowning people event again. As soon as I spawned in the trophy popped. This is similar to the comment by someone in the dlc trophy guide thread who said he was running around in buddhas footprints and the trophy randomly popped. Maybe make a note in the guide to return here if the trophy doesn’t unlock?
PowerPyx says
Yeah good point, will add a note just in case! Might be slightly buggy then.
HellOfaHunter says
Just Re-Played Archery Challenge at Raider Memorial and got the trophy.
RedPepperChut says
Didn’t pop for me did all 6 and returned to
the lakes at Buddha’s Footprints and still nothing.
RedPepperChut says
Went back to the archery challenge and it popped
VoltFieber says
I got the Trophy after getting the Mask from #6 and getting Bronze Score at the Archery, after doing the Sidemission there. I got Silver at my first attempt.
Throw7 says
I was not able to speak to Uta a second time despite having finished all the Legends story missions months ago. Instead of replaying the 9th mission, I just loaded into the 9th mission (with matchmaking turned off) and then immediately quit out once the mission started. Upon returning to Uta I was able to trigger the second conversation without having to replay the whole mission again.
Mastz says
Thank you for this, also worked for me and saved a lot of time.
Jako says
I fulfilled all the conditions by finishing the stories but nothing … I also tried the advice given above in the event of a bug. No more trophy. Today’s update 2.05 is installed, but nothing helps.
Jako says
And I don’t know where we can talk to the peasants of story # 4. They are not anymore at the edge of the Bouddha’s Path pond.
PowerPyx says
If you have an older save, load it and redo all 6 tales and it should hopefully pop this time.
Jako says
It is indeed a possibility. I will still wait a few days to see if there will be any patch to download.
Jako says
I got the trophy! It’s my fault: I forgot to pick up the rewards Kodoma left on the tree stump near the burnt house. Thank you all the same for taking the time to answer me.
Creedance says
I too forgot the kodama rewards. Went back and got trophy!
Sari says
Unwritten Tale #4: I forgot to walk back to the tree stump. ?
No bug for me ?
Jaedon says
Ran around the Buddha’s Footprint lake for 30 minutes. Ran to the Shrine of Shadow. Replayed the hidden Archery Challenge. Already picked up the items on the stump. I have no clue what else to do. I still don’t have the trophy. It makes no sense.
PowerPyx says
Try redoing all Unwritten Tales in one go on an older save. Do them exactly as shown in the video guide.
Nams says
I also couldn’t get the trophy to pop and then I randomly went back to fune’s town via fast travel and it popped
DarkFlow says
Playing mission 9 worked for me to talk to this lady again
Mod says
Hey, just popped this trophy. I didn’t pick up the Kodama reward, it’s very subtle and easy to miss. Was running around the lakes for no reason ffs.
Tiago says
For anyone still having issues with this Trophy. I read on a reddit thread from the user “MakeMine5” after the Kodama mission, go back to the house area and there’s a scroll on top of a log and after collecting it, the trophy popped. It was driving me insane and hopefully this helps someone else
Just got the Trophy did them all except number 6 cause trophy popped after the Archery challenge, glitch definitely..
Protothomas says
Same here, haven’t done #6 but got the trophy while doing the side tale A Mother’s Law.
Don says
I was able to get this trophy to pop just doing the 5 tales. I have never played Legends mode.
Kira7171 says
This guide can be updated recent patches made Tales #6 is not needed anymore
furys12 says
can confirm previous comment, recent patch makes #6 no longer required for this trophy you only have to do the 5 that are entirely contained within the single player aspect of the DLC, the ingame interface has been reflected to cover this to with progress saying x/5