Temple of Light contains 10 Collectible Locations in God of War Ragnarok. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Temple of Light Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story.
- Nornir Chests: 1
- Legendary Chests: 3
- Lore: 2
- Artifacts: 2
- Odin’s Ravens: 2
When you first visit the area in the story, you are still missing the unlockable skills needed to reach some collectibles. This walkthrough is intended for use after the story.
Collectibles Overview:
How to Get Back to Temple of Light after the Story:
You can get back to Temple of Light by going all the way through “The Strönd” region. At the end is a bridge is a gate that leads into the Temple of Light.
#1 – Lore (Scroll – The Bifrost Bridge)
Go through the temple until you must use two grappling points to jump across a gap, then you reach a spiral staircase going up (it’s the only way forward, can’t miss it). Halfway up the spiral staircase you can drop down the left. In that area you find 3 collectibles. The first is the lore scroll in the left corner (glows golden).
#2 – Legendary Chest (Hades Retribution – Light Runic Attack)
From the lore scroll turn around and drop down ledge on right.
#3 – Odin’s Raven
Across from the Lore scroll, throw axe at the purple mirror, this will deflect your axe at another mirror which then hits the raven behind the gate.
#4 – Artifact (Kvasir’s Poems – Visions After Rest)
Go all the way up the spiral staircase. After exiting, before going through the archway, turn right and you can climb up a wall. There you find the artifact (glows purple).
#5 – Legendary Chest (Relic – Hilt of Gram)
After Kratos pushes open a gate, there’s a wooden wheel on the left you can turn. Next to that wheel is a gate you can go through. Then pull the chains all the way up to raise a mirror, throw axe at the mirror to make it get stuck behind, then let go of the chains, recall the axe so that it hits the blue lock holding up the legendary chest. As the axe flies back to you it rips the chain, then the legendary chest falls down and can be collected.
#6 – Artifact (Kvasir’s Poems – Spirits Within Walls)
Same area as the legendary chest, climb back up, after the next archway the artifact is on the left.
#7 – Legendary Chest (Rune-Engraved Release)
In the next room there’s a climbing section. The legendary chest is there in plain sight, basically on the main path of the story and impossible to miss. If this is your first story visit the gate will be locked – go on the platform, look towards the door, you’ll see a prompt to grab a hanging piece with your Blades of Chaos. Grab it, then pull it to the right. It’ll swing, and then you want to quickly hit it with your Leviathan Axe. It’ll deflect and crack a crystal which opens the door.
#8 – Nornir Chest
In the next room the Nornir Chest is on the right. You must hit the 3 seals in quick succession by throwing the axe. #1 is the furthest left of the chest, #2 is the closest left of the chest, #3 is in the corridor to the right of the chest (must first shoot green arrows to clear the rubble in front of it). The chest opens when you hit all 3 seals quickly enough. If you’re too slow you can retry. Use the quick throw with +
#9 – Odin’s Raven
In the same room as the Nornir Chest, enter the next platform and the Raven will set on the left.
#10 – Lore (Rune Read – Limitless)
From the last collectible follow the linear path, after pushing open another 2 gates you briefly come outside, then you go back into the temple. On the right you can shoot a sonic arrow at what looks like a golden spear of a statue. This will reveal a grappling point, use it to swing across, then turn right for the Lore.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Temple of Light area in God of War Ragnarok.
Next Up: The Canyons
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete God of War Ragnarok Collectibles Guide.
Chilops says
#7 : For me the door is closed, what should I do?
Void says
For #7 – from the locked door, backtrack slightly until you’re on the platform. If you look towards the door, you’ll see a prompt to grab a hanging piece with your blades of chaos. Grab it, then pull it to the right. It’ll swing, and then you want to quickly hit it with your Leviathan Axe. It’ll deflect and crack a crystal which opens the door
Benerg says
I have the same issue, did you found it already?
TestTubeBaby1982 says
Just got stuck here myself. you have to drop onto the big platform below, use the chains to swing the crystal and the throw the axe at the crystal so it bounces off and gets rid of the light wall, then go left and get up from that side. Hopefully thats not too bad an explanation
PowerPyx says
Added a note about this to the guide, thank you guys for asking/answering in the comments 🙂
Dakota says
The gap to the strond doesn’t have the button prompt to get in. How do I trigger it? I need the raven and remnants
PowerPyx says
Try reloading last autosave, it should fix it. I had the same with a gap in The Jungle of Vanaheim where I couldn’t interact with it, but reloading last autosave fixed it for me.
Can also try rebooting game or travel to another realm and return. I had also finished the story when I collect everything in this region, not sure if maybe something gets locked temporarily, so if reloading save doesn’t fix it just try again after the story.
Cam says
When I try to backtrack for the collectibles after completing the story, I get stuck at the base of the elevator surround the column of light. The elevator platform is above me and I cannot find a way to call it down. Any solutions?
Nummer31 says
I’m also stuck here
TM says
I cant get the pendle to move for the last legendary chest.
The chaos blades will hook onto it, but it dosent move at all. Am i missing something?
Tried checkpoint resett and travel to another realm. No luck sadly.
Messi says
Manual save the game. And close application not just quit. Then continue game. you should be outside the door and you will be able to swing the pendulum.
Rattled says
Lore 2 is missable after finishing the temple story. You can’t progress back up to where the elevator is. You can only go up to the location of #7.
So far it seems to be the only item missable that is needed for 100% completion.
PowerPyx says
This is not true. I got all collectibles, including this one, after the Story. You can definitely go back there.
Cod of War says
I was stuck here forever. Forget all the directions, take every passage going DOWNWARDS, as far DOWN in the temple as possible.
Sy says
Lore #4 kvasirs poem Vision is not there when I have got there.