The Barrens contains 18 Collectible Locations in God of War Ragnarok. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in The Barrens Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story.
- Nornir Chests: 1
- Legendary Chests: 3
- Lore: 4
- Artifacts: 3
- Buried Treasure: 1
- Odin’s Ravens: 2
- Draugr Holes: 1
- Berserker Gravestones: 1
- Remnants of Asgard: 1
- Secret of the Sands: 1
When you first visit the area in the story, you are still missing the unlockable skills needed to reach some collectibles. This walkthrough is intended for use after the story.
Collectibles Overview:
#1 – Favor: Secret of the Sands
This favor is granted to you upon entering this region for the first time. You complete it as part of going through “The Below” region – see The Below Collectibles Guide. After you are done with that region and finish the favor, the collectibles will go away and the chests that were blocked by sand will become available. Only then you can start to fully explore the region.
#2 – Artifact (Tributes to Freyr – Harp)
In the south-west of the region, must squeeze through a gap to find it in a little side area (glows purple).
#3 – Legendary Chest (Rönd of Affliction – Shield Attachment)
Same place as the previous Artifact. You must first clear out the 3 red glowing sacks. Stand next to the one by the legendary chest, then throw the axe at the mirror. The axe will deflect from the mirror to hit the two sacks upstairs, then press to quickly recall your axe so that it hits the third sack before the other two grow back.
#4 – Remnants of Asgard
In the south-east of the region. Only spawns after finishing the main story. It will spawn 2 minibosses, defeat them both, open the red reward chest behind them for materials and hacksilver.
#5 – Berserker Gravestone (Amulet Enchantment: Asgard’s Security + Armor: Berserker Cuirass + Frozen Flame)
In the east of the region. Interact with the Berserker Gravestone, defeat the two bosses. Focus of Sisters of Illiska first, due to having less health. Then Svipdagr The Cold is all by himself and easier to defeat. If you find it too difficult, come back when you are at Gear Level 9 and set difficulty to the lowest setting in gameplay options. Also craft a Resurrection Stone at the blacksmith in the Special Items section, allows you to self revive if you go down. The Berserker Gravestones become available from story progress.
#6 – Lore (Lore Marker – Gulon Cull)
Behind the Berserker Gravestone.
#7 – Buried Treasure (Treasure Map – Vulture’s Gold + Accessory: Lethal Detonation)
In the north, buried inside a big dragon head, in the dirt. For the treasure to spawn you must first have collected the Treasure Map, it’s from the Lore Scroll collectible found in Alfheim > The Canyons. See The Canyons Collectibles: #1 Lore (Treasure Map – Vulture’s Gold). You’ll get it automatically when going for 100% completion in The Canyons region. Backtrack here afterward, the treasure will then glow golden on the ground.
#8 – Lore (Lore Marker – The Desert of Our Ignorance)
From where you found the Buried Treasure climb up into the dragon head. A Lore Marker, Artifact, and Legendary Chest are in here.
#9 – Artifact (Kvasir’s Poems – Celestial Construct)
From the Lore Marker climb up the wall.
#10 – Legendary Chest (Belt of Radiance – Waist Armor)
Next to the Artifact.
#11 – Odin’s Raven
Sitting in the eye of the big Dragon Skull, above the Buried Treasure.
#12 – Nornir Chest
In the north, on a rock. You must first throw your axe through the 3 red glowing sacks from the north side of this rock (line them up to hit all 3 in one throw). Then light the 3 braziers on fire. Two are near the ground, can be reached with Chaos Blades +
. One is at the top, must hit the explosive vase next to it, which is revealed after you cleared the 3 red sacks.
#13 – Lore (Lore Marker – The Tower’s Purpose)
At a little tower building.
#14 – Artifact (Tributes to Freyr – Horn)
Next to Lore Marker (glows purple).
#15 – Odin’s Raven
Same place as the Lore/Artifact, under the tower. Has a Lore Scroll, Legendary Chest, Raven all in same spot.
#16 – Lore (The Lost Pages)
Same place as the Lore/Artifact, under the tower. Has a Lore Scroll, Legendary Chest, Raven all in same spot.
#17 – Legendary Chest (Gauntlets of Radiance: Wrist Armor)
Same place as the Lore/Artifact, under the tower. Has a Lore Scroll, Legendary Chest, Raven all in same spot.
#18 – Draugr Hole (Chaos Spark)
On a rock in the south-west of the region, defeat the Draugr enemy.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in The Barrens area in God of War Ragnarok.
Next Up: The Burrows
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete God of War Ragnarok Collectibles Guide.
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