1. Miscellaneous
1.1. Up High, Down Low – Gave Claptrap a high five
1.2. Tribute To A Vault Hunter – Got an item from Michael Mamaril
1.3. Better Than Money – Purchased 5 items from the black market
1.4. Sugar Daddy – Tipped Moxxi $10,000
1.5. High-Flying Hurler – Killed a flying enemy with a thrown Tediore weapon
1.6. What does it mean? – I can’t even capture it on my camera
1.7. Goliath, Meet David – Allowed a Goliath to level up four times before killing him
1.8. Build Buster – Killed a Constructor without it ever building another bot
1.9. Feels Like The First Time – Opened the chest at the bus stop in Fyrestone
1.10. So Much Blood! – Gunzerked continuously for 90 seconds
1.11. Definitely An Italian Plumber – Killed Donkey Mong
1.12. Cute Loot – Killed a Chubby
1.13. Well That Was Easy – Completed the mission “Shoot This Guy in the Face”
1.14. Unseen Predator – Remained in Zero’s Deception mode for ten seconds straight
1.15. Thresher Thrashed – Defeated Terramorphous the Invincible
Up High, Down Low
Gave Claptrap a high five
This can be done after completing a side mission called “Claptrap’s Hidden Stash”. The mission can be started by talking to Claptrap in Sanctuary. He will give you a really short quest where you have to open a cupboard right infront of him. After completing the quest press Trianlge (PS3) / Y (X360) to prompt him into the high five position. Quickly hit his hand with a melee attack.
You can only bring him into the high five position once! Leave the game (without saving) if you mess up. Later on there will be other missions such as “Wildlife Preservation” where you can high five him, too!
Tribute To A Vault Hunter
Got an item from Michael Mamaril
Michael Mamaril can be found in Sanctuary at any time. However, he will not spawn anymore after Sanctuary has been attacked. He has 10 different spawn points and each time you enter the town he will be somewhere else. Talk to him and he will give you a free item. You only have to meet him once for the trophy / achievement. This is also a fantastic way to get good weapons quickly! Everytime you enter the town (or restart the game) he will respawn and have a new item for you. After Sanctuary is flying in the air he spawns very rarely though.
Better Than Money
Purchased 5 items from the black market
The black market can be found in Sanctuary. You will reach this town pretty early by following the path of the story. From the outside the black market looks like a simple, purple door. It’s at the eastern wall of Sanctuary, next to Moxxxi’s Bar.
To buy items you need Eridium. Eridium can be gained by completing missions or by killing rare enemies. Sometimes it can also be found in chests. Each basic item / upgrade costs 4 Eridium.
Sugar Daddy
Tipped Moxxi $10,000
Moxxi can be found in Sanctuary. She has her own bar in the south-eastern corner of the town. On the counter is a jar where you can leave some money for her.
Give here 10 x $1000! Since you won’t get anything in return it’s a good idea to leave the game without saving. Sell your equipment to get money quickly.
High-Flying Hurler
Killed a flying enemy with a thrown Tediore weapon
Tediore is a firearm manufacturer in Borderlands 2. Each weapon of the Tediore brand has the special ability that you will automatically throw its hologram away while reloading. This attack can damage and stun enemies. The easiest way to get a Tediore weapon is by buying it from the weapon store in Sanctury. If such a weapon shouldn’t be available then re-enter the city or back out to the main menu and hit continue.
Once you have the gun, fast travel to the Southern Shelf area. There will be some low level Rakk’s (they look like crows). Shoot one of them and the swarm will attack. Now instead of shooting the birds press the reload-button (Square on PS3 / X on Xbox 360). If your character is on XP level 10 or higher this should be a one-hit kill. One of the birds has to die by the force of the thrown weapon.
What does it mean?
I can’t even capture it on my camera
Head to the Highlands area (by using fast travel) and go to the Hyperion enemy camp. The entrance is to the north of the “Highlands – Outwash” map exit. There’s also a Catch-a-Ride station in front of the camp.
Fight your way through the camp until you reach a bridge with a constructor enemy. Kill it and go to the other side. You will be on top of a mountain now. At the back of the area is a huge metal door. Jump down the cliff to the right of this door. You will fall down to a plateau with a tent. Stand in front of the tent and an audio tape will begin to play. Two rainbows will appear in the sky. Listen to the recording and enjoy the view until the trophy / achievement unlocks!
Goliath, Meet David
Allowed a Goliath to level up four times before killing him
Low level Goliaths can be found in the Frostburn Canyon area. You will discover this area automatically by following the story missions. Use fast travel to get here quickly. A Goliath is a humanoid looking enemy with a white, burning mask. They spawn randomly, but there’s a good chance to find a bunch of them in Frostburn Canyon – even if you have completed this area already. To make enemies respawn you can re-enter the area or back out to the main menu and reload the game.
Shoot off his mask and he will go into rage mode. You must now protect him so that he can kill enemies. Killing enemies is what gives him XP and makes him level up. Kill the strong enemies that would cause him to much harm and weaken the small ones so that he can get one-hit kills. Once Goliath reaches the rank “Fatal God-Liath” (displayed below his health bar), you are free to kill him.
I recommend to reach at least level 15 before attempting this.
Build Buster
Killed a Constructor without it ever building another bot
One Constructor always spawns in the Hyperion base in “The Highlands”. Fight your way through this area until you come to a bridge. On your first playthrough the Constructor that spawns will be around level 20. The higher your own level, the easier this will be. Shoot the Constructor with a Rocket Launcher and throw some grenades. A real quick tactic with Salvador (the Gunzerker) is to activate your special Gunzerk ability and equip two rocket launchers. This deals massive damage and takes out every enemy in a few seconds.
To make the Constructor respawn you can back out to the main menu and hit continue or re-enter the Highlands area.
Feels Like The First Time
Opened the chest at the bus stop in Fyrestone
Fyrestone is in the northern section of the “Arid Nexus – Badlands” area. This is the place where the original Borderlands 1 started. Look out for a red building in the desert. Jump up that building and once on top you will notice a red chest. Open that chest for some nice loot and the Feels Like The First Time trophy / achievement.
So Much Blood!
Gunzerked continuously for 90 seconds
To do this you need to reach level 25 with Salvador (Gunzerker Class) first! You have to buy the following skills: “Last Longer” and “Yippee Ki Yay”. To respec your skill points you can head to Sanctuary and use the Quick Change machine. This can be done how often you want, but it costs a small fee.
Once the above mentioned skills are maxed out, head to the Frostburn Canyon. Here are lots of low level enemies. The key aspect is to kill as many enemies as you can. Each kill will give you +3 seconds Gunzerking time. Clear the huge starting area first and then move into the cave with the Spiderants.
If you have trouble getting this in your first try then back out to the main menu and hit continue. All enemies will respawn!
Definitely An Italian Plumber
Killed Donkey Mong
Donkey Mong is an ultra rare monster that spawns in the south-western part of “Eridium Blight”. You will enter this area automatically during a story mission. He looks like one of the common Bedrock Bullymogs, but throws explosive barrels at you.
Donkey Mong has only one single spawn point. However, he spawns very rarely. He can spawn at any daytime though. You do not have to kill any other monster in this area to make him spawn. Your XP level does not matter either.
What I did was to travel back and forth between Arid Nexus – Boneyard and Eridium Blight. It took me over 60 minutes to make him spawn!
Use a vehicle if you are not level 30 yet. He can be a pretty rough enemy otherwise.
Cute Loot
Killed a Chubby
A Chubby is not a specific enemy, it’s just a very rare “fat” version of one of the following enemies: Varkid, Spiderant, Skag, Stalker, Midget, Rakk.
The best place to find a Chubby Varkid is in the starting area of the Caustic Caverns. It has a fixed spawn point where the first group of Vakids is located, right next to the fast travel station. You can back out to the main menu and hit continue to make all enemies respawn.
Playing co-op greatly increases the chances of finding a chubby enemy! With a group of 4 people you will stumble across such a Chubby very soon. In single player it can take hours or days. The Caustic Caverns also have other areas where Chubby Varkids and Chubby Spiderants can spawn. Just roam around this area with a bunch of friends in co-op mode to find them more quickly. Only the person who kills the Chubby will get the trophy / achievement.
Well That Was Easy
Completed the mission “Shoot This Guy in the Face”
This is a secret trophy / achievement and it requires you to complete a side mission in the Thousand Cuts area. This side mission will become available when reaching Thousand Cuts during the “The Once and Future Slab” story mission. There will be a yellow exclamation mark in the northern section of the map. Go there and talk to Face McShooty. Accept his mission and give him a headshot.
Unseen Predator
Remained in Zero’s Deception mode for ten seconds straight
To do this you need to reach level 31 with Zero (Assassin Class)! You have to buy the skill called “Many Must Fall”. To respec your skill points you can head to Sanctuary and use the Quick Change machine. This can be done how often you want, but it costs a small fee.
Once you have acquired the above mentioned skill, head to the Frostburn Canyon. Here are lots of low level enemies. You will need to kill 3-4 enemies with melee attacks while Deception mode is active. Each kill gives you +1,5 seconds stealth time. Shooting your weapon will end Deception mode immediately.
Thresher Thrashed
Defeated Terramorphous the Invincible
Terramorphous is an enemy that you have to kill during a side mission called “You. Will. Die. (Seriously.)”. This mission becomes available after beating the story for the first time. Talk to Tannis in the Crimson Raiders HQ (Sanctuary) to start the quest. Then travel to Thousand Cuts to enter Terramorphous Peak. Entering this area costs 4 Eridium!
Before starting the fight:
– Make sure that you are on level 50 and buy all SDU’s from the black market to carry more ammo
– Have a high Badass Rank and redeem Badass Tokens
– Get some good level 50 equipment
– Play Normal Mode, not Vault Hunter Mode
– Do this in a Co-Op game, it’s much easier than doing it solo! If you die in solo mode, Terramorphous will completely refill his health.
Strategy for Terramorphous Fight:
I recommend using a level 50 Gunzerker when trying this solo. If you are a Gunzerker then make sure to equip two rocket launchers. Shotguns and Slag weapons are also very helpful. Especially Slag Grenades are a must have if you want to make this a quick fight.
Since Terramorphous deals heavy damage you will probably go down a few times. Kill one of the tentacles while in last stand. This will revive you automatically. When he comes out of the ground quickly throw a bunch of slag grenades and attack with your strongest weapons. His weak spots are shown as yellow glowing dots. Attack them for critical hits. Jump around a lot to dodge incoming attacks from other tentacles. When you stay behind Terramorphous then he won’t be able to attack you. Always walk in big circles around him and keep some distance.
Ian says
It is 2024 and I need help with this trophy! I have tried more than 100 times, solo and with a party to defeat this boss only to meet failure over and over again. If there is a God of Games, please hear my pray and lead to my way strong warriors who will help me to take down this boss!! PSN: ian_gr