1. Basics
1.1. Unlimited Money, Ammo, Weapons, Armor, Items Exploit
1.2. Unlimited XP Exploit (2500-3000 XP in 10 Minutes)
1.3. Item Duplication Exploit & Unlimited Attribute Points
1.4. More Inventory Space Exploit
1.5. Power Armor Locations
1.6. Fusion Core Locations
2. Collectibles
2.1. All Vault-Tec Bobblehead Locations (…They’re Action Figures)
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. …The Harder They Fall – Kill 5 Giant Creatures
3.2. Future Retro – Play a Holotape Game
3.3. Prankster’s Return – Placed A Grenade Or Mine While Pickpocketing
3.4. Touchdown! – Get a Touchdown
3.5. Homerun! – Get a Homerun
3.6. Tradecraft – Join the Railroad
3.7. Benevolent Leader – Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement
3.8. Mercenary – Complete 50 Misc. Objectives
4. DLC – Far Harbor
4.1. Far From Home – How to start & access the DLC
4.2. The Islander’s Almanac – Collect all “The Islander’s Almanac” magazines
4.3. Push Back The Fog – Unlock 3 Far Harbor Workshop Locations
Vendor Exploit – Unlimited Money, Ammo, Weapons, Armor, Items
Unlimited XP Exploit (2500-3000 XP in 10 Minutes)
Power Armor Locations Early in the Game
Fusion Core Locations Early in the Game
…They’re Action Figures
Collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
There are 20 Bobbleheads in Fallout 4. Finding every bobblehead location unlocks the “They’re Action Figures” and “They’re Not Dolls” trophy / achievement. Each of these collectibles also earns you a new perk or increases one of your special skills. So instead of just being collectibles, they actually provide useful bonuses and make you stronger.
None of them are missable! Some require you to have beaten certain quests, but you can still go back to all areas later on. In your inventory under “Misc” you can see exactly which ones you have found. Each bobblehead has its own name, making it easy to keep track.
You can find most of them right after the game starts, but they are in high-level areas. If you put the game on very easy and bring lots of healing items you should be able to run past the enemies (except where you must kill someone for a keycard etc.). If you don’t want to take any risks, wait till you are level 25 and you should be able to get them without much trouble.
Click here for an extended version with a text breakdown of all individual bobbleheads: Fallout 4 All Bobblehead Locations
…The Harder They Fall
Kill 5 Giant Creatures
For this you must kill 5 Behemoths or Mirelurk Queens. Those are the strongest enemies in the game and they drop some rare loot. Bring a Mini-Nuke Launcher (Fat Man) or Rocket Launcher and also wear Power Armor. Otherwise they might one-hit kill you if you are underleveled.
These boss monsters don’t respawn. You will also encounter some of them during quests. As long as you land the final shot it will count towards the trophy / achievement.
Future Retro
Play a Holotape Game
Holotape games can be played at Recreation Terminals. There is one in the very beginning of the game when you enter Vault 111. It’s in the kitchen on the lower floor. You can either pick it up when you first visit the vault, or return later at any time. As soon as you start the Holotape Game the trophy / achievement unlocks. You don’t have to beat it.
You can also pick up the holotape games from terminals to play them later in your pip boy.
Prankster’s Return
Placed A Grenade Or Mine While Pickpocketing
Buy the Pickpocket Perk (Rank 2) in the Perception skill tree. Rank 2 of this perk lets you place a live grenade in someones inventory and increases the chance of success by 50%. You can find or buy grenades. For example, several merchants in Diamond City Market sell fragmentation grenades. You will get to Diamond City in the first few hours of the game as part of a main quest.
Once you have the grenade and perk, enter sneaking mode and approach someone from behind, then select the mine from your weapons to place it on the other person. The mine will explode and the trophy / achievement unlocks. Make sure you create a manual save game before doing this. You can reload it to get your skill points back.
Get a Touchdown
For this you must get killed by a “Super Mutant Suicider”. They spawn in many parts of the Commonwealth, odds are you will this trophy / achievement without trying when you progress through the game. They are easy to spot because they have a red, blinking bomb with them. They come running towards you and blow themselves up. There’s one in a train wreck in the south of the map, between Somerville Place and Hyde Park.
Get a Homerun
This can be done in Diamond City Market. You get to this location automatically in the first few hours of the story. There are 4 markers on the ground. You need to walk over all of them in the correct order to unlock the trophy / achievement.
Join the Railroad
Road to Freedom is a Quest in Fallout 4. It is needed to find & join the Railroad Faction and also to progress in the main quest “The Molecular Level”. Joining the Railroad unlocks the Tradecraft Trophy / Achievement.
What makes this particular quest tricky is the lack of waypoints and map markers. The quest can be started in several ways: by overhearing people in Diamond City Market or by progressing in the “The Molecular Level” main quest. The first waypoint at Park Street Station will show up on your map.
Now normally the quest wants you to follow some lanterns and pick up password pieces along the way. But you can skip all that. Just head directly to Old North Church. Go to the basement and enter the password “Railroad” and you’re in. To actually join the Railroad you must complete the follow-up quest “Tradecraft” which then unlocks a trophy / achievement with the same name. The quest is given to you by Deacon after your first talk with the Railroad leader.
Benevolent Leader
Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement
This is what you need:
– Sanctuary is a large settlement, so do it there.
– Be charisma rank 10 to bring in 20 settlers (it works with fewer people and less charisma, but it will go faster with more people).
– Have 20+ beds inside buildings, 20+ water, 20+ food, 140+ defense, 20+ surgery centers (tier 3 clinics).
The key is to build the tier 3 clinics. Each one costs 1800 bottle caps, but they give by far the biggest boost to your settlement’s happiness. Building tier 1 & 2 clinics will not be enough as you will get stuck at 94 happiness or so!
Assign 3-4 people to food production, so your food status isn’t shown in red. Assign EVERYONE ELSE to work at the Surgery Centers. Every single person in your settlement must be working.
As for defense you will want to build turrets only. No guard posts that require people (you need them in the clinics).
When you have everything set up, just stay at your settlement until happiness reaches 100. Takes between 2 and 10 hours of real time. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR SETTLEMENT! Leaving the settlement randomly decreases happiness sometimes.
It goes a little bit quicker if you sleep for 24 hours, then wait a few minutes until happiness increases and sleep again. But sleeping is optional, you can simply leave the console running if you want. Make sure there isn’t a warning sign behind any of the settlement stats in the workshop section of your pip-boy.
Complete 50 Misc. Objectives
You can farm 50 Miscellaneous Objectives very quickly with a simple trick. You must be on good terms with the Brotherhood of Steel and must have completed their quest “Show No Mercy”.
It works like this:
Step 1: Buy Vertibird Signal Grenades from Proctor Teagan (Available after Brotherood of Steel Quest “Show No Mercy”)
Step 2: Sit in chair by the bar and wait for 48 hours to refresh his stock
Step 3: Repeat until you have 50 grenades
Step 4: Throw grenade and wait for Vertibird
Step 5: Get into the Vertibird and Exit it again (this counts as a misc objective)
Step 6: Fast travel to new area and repeat until the trophy / achievement unlocks
You can check your progress anytime in the pip-boy under “Stats” – “Quest”.
Far From Home
Complete the quest “Far From Home”
You must have completed the “Getting a Clue” main quest line to start this DLC (this is an early story mission). There are no specific level requirements.
Once you’ve done this main quest and downloaded the Far Harbor DLC, go to the northeastern corner of the map. There is a new area available called “Nakano Residence”. Here you will meet parents looking for their missing daughter. Talk to them and get the daughter’s last holotape from the safe in the boathouse. There’s a key to the safe in the picture frame near the safe. Talk to the parents again and they will offer you their boat. Accept, climb aboard and you will reach the Far Harbor DLC area.
Doing this will also unlock the Far From Home trophy / achievement.
The Islander’s Almanac
Collect all issues of “The Islander’s Almanac” magazine
There are 5 issues of this magazine. After reaching Acadia you can collect them all. Just like the magazines in the main game they give you certain skill bonuses.
#1 – Far Harbor Sightseer’s Guide – 0:05
#2 – Children of the Atom Expose’ – 0:39
#3 – Recipe Roundup – 1:21
#4 – Pincer Dodge – 1:59
#5 – Precision Hunting – 2:55
Push Back The Fog
Unlock 3 Far Harbor Settlement Workshop Locations
For this you must unlock 3 settlements. There is a workshop in each settlement. You have to do quests for all of them. The workshop cannot be used until you have completed the necessary quests.
The 3 easiest are:
#1 [0:05] Longfellow’s Cabin – Do quest “Walk in the Park”. It starts by talking to Longfellow in the bar of Far Harbor. Go with him to Acadia, then you can visit the settlement just north of Far Harbor.
#2 [1:44] Dalton Farm – Do quest line “Blood Tide”. It starts by talking to Cassie outside the bar of Far Harbor. After completing all her quests you unlock the settlement.
#3 [3:00] National Park Visitor’s Center – Do quest “Rite of Passage”. It starts by talking to Teddy in Far Harbor. Becomes available after doing the above quests. After completing this quest, go into the Far Harbor bar and talk to Mitch. He will give you the quest “The Hold Out”. Do the quest and the trophy / achievement will unlock.
There are more settlements than this. These are just the easiest 3 to get early. You can start doing these as soon as you reach Far Harbor.
Daz says
With the next gen update I’m starting a new play through but would like to try platinum it in one play go I know it’s possible with saves so I come to read up on it but I can only see a guide for only a few of the trophies am I missing something
game_over6655 says
thats what i want but unfortunaly powepyx doesnt have a full guidance fir this game