1. Basics
1.1. A For Effort (Complete Tutorial Mode)
1.2. Krypt Secrets (Hidden Chests & Extra Koins)
2. Story-Related
2.1. Back In Time… (Beat Story Mode)
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. Block This! (Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter)
3.2. The Grappler (Perform every fighter’s forward and backwards throws)
3.3. Finish What You Start! (Perform a Fatality with all playable fighters)
3.4. All Secret Fatalities (No Trophy / Achievement!)
3.5. Stage Fatalities (No Trophy / Achievement!)
3.6. e-X-cellent! (Successfully land every playable fighter’s X-Ray attack)
3.7. Ultimate Humiliation (Perform every fighter’s hidden finishing move)
3.8. You’ve Got Style! (Unlock all Alternate Costumes)
3.9. Tower Master (Complete all Tower Missions)
4. Hidden Kombatants
4.1. You Found Me! (Hidden Kombatant 1)
4.2. Hide and Seek (Hidden Kombatant 2)
4.3. Pit Master (Hidden Kombatant 3)
4.4. Brotherhood of Shadow (Hidden Kombatant 4)
A For Effort
Complete Tutorial Mode.
Enter tutorial mode by choosing “Training” > “Tutorial” in the main menu. You need to complete all 15 tutorials in order to get this trophy or achievement.
Krypt Secrets
There are 4 hidden chests that can be found in the Krypt. Each chest will give you a bonus of 5000 Koins. It takes just a few minutes.
Each area has one secret chest. You have to examine a certain object to make it appear. Stand in front of it for a couple seconds until the chest pops out. The fact that you need to look at it for so long makes those things very easy to miss. Check out your map and compare it with the map shown in the video to reach the places fast and easy.
Back In Time…
Complete Story Mode 100%
Beating the Story will unlock some nice rewards for you.
You will receive two trophies / achievements, called ‘Back In Time…’ and ‘Quan-Tease’. Moreover, Quan Chi will be added to your roster of playable fighters.
This final bossfight can turn out as a pretty annoying and time consuming event. Actually, you will need nothing but the teleport and uppercut attacks. Teleport yourself each time Shao Kahn is taunting or shooting his spear / hammer on you. Try to keep as much distance to Kahn as possible. This will make it more likely that he performs one of his pointless taunts. If luck is on your side, you will have no trouble getting this in your first couple tries.
Block This!
Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter.
This is pretty easy. Sonya’s X-Ray attack does a total of 11 hits and will automatically unlock the trophy or achievement. You can do this in any game mode, but practice mode works best. You can also get this automatically during the first couple missions of the Challenge tower, in a mission where you need to perform Sonya’s X-ray.
The Grappler
Perform every fighter’s forward and backwards throws.
The vidoe below was captured in Practice Mode for an easy demonstration. In order to get the trophy or achievement you have to do this in any mode that involves real fights (I recommend ladder mode).
Actually, this is pretty simple. You just need to keep in mind whose throws you have already done. I suggest to perform their forward and backwards throws in the order I did. Play the ladder mode on beginner. When entering the next match you pause the game and select the next fighter. Do this for the first 8 matches, then go back to the main menu and start with the next 8 fighters. It helps to set the amount of rounds per match down to 1 in your general gameplay options (main menu).
In total there are 28 playable fighters. Two of them (Cyber Sub-Zero & Quan Chi) are unlocked in Story Mode. Head over to my ‘Back In Time…’ Guide, if you need help with the final bossfight of the Story.
Finish What You Start!
Perform a Fatality with all playable fighters
In order to get the Trophy / Achievement you have to do this in Ladder Mode! I was playing in Fatality Training to give you a better overview where you need to stand and which buttons need to be pressed. Moreover, this video includes the primary Fatalities only! Head over to the video for the secret Fatalities if you want to see the rest (not needed for Trophy).
Secret Fatalities
This does not unlock a Trophy or Achievement!
Secret Fatalities can be bought in the Krypt.
That’s it… there is nothing else I need to say. Enjoy the following 10 minutes of insane brutality and blood.
Stage Fatalities
In total there are 9 different Stage Fatalities that can be performed! Not every single arena has its own Fatality. Keep this fact in mind. PS3 Users have exclusive access to the God of War Arena which includes 3 Fatalities (also included in this video). The Pit can be played at day and night. The Stage Fatality can be performed on both and is exactly the same one.
When searching in the Move List you will end up finding lots of question marks in the Fatality section. The required key combinations are different for each fighter and can be unlocked when performing the stage Fatality at least once. Please head over to the Youtube Video description for a full list of each fighter’s Stage Fatality button input.
Successfully land every playable fighter’s X-Ray attack
This Trophy and Achievement can’t be obtained in Practice Mode! It’s highly recommended to do it while playing through the ladder. Change your fighter after each match and follow the given order. Play with the standard setting of 2 rounds per match. This will make it easier to get a full Super Meter. There is only 1 X-Ray attack for each fighter and some of them require special starting positions.
Ultimate Humiliation
Perform every fighter’s hidden finishing move.
Finishing Moves are also called ‘Babalities’. Instead of the brutal Fatilities, you will turn your enemy into a funny baby. You can’t unlock the required key combinations in the Krypt or anywhere else. Only if you performed them at least once you can see them in the Move List. Well, I did this for you and show you all the keys that need to be pressed.
You’ve Got Style!
Unlock all Alternate Costumes.
The Costumes can be unlocked in two ways. You can either buy them in the Krypt or complete Ladder Mode with the fighter. The 3rd costume of Scorpion was unlocked with a promotion code and is not required. The 3rd costume of Mileena can be gained by beating Challenge #300 in the Challenge Tower (or by spending 50.000 Koins to skip the last Challenge). This one is not needed as well. Keep in mind that the Alternate Costume of Kratos can’t be bought. On PS3 you have to finish the Ladder at least once to unlock the Costume. Moreover, you have to visit each fighter in the Nekropolis to make the Trophy pop. Cyber Sub Zero has no second Costume, but Quan Chi has one (you get him by finishing Story Mode).
Tower Master
Complete all Tower missions.
This Challenge is getting easier each time you lose! Instead of starting to fight right away, you should get yourself killed for at least 10 times. Don’t choose retry in the Pause Menu manually. Wait until the fight is over and choose the retry option there. Your opponents will fight less aggressive and tend to taunt a lot more. Their AI difficulty will be reduced with each defeat. Moreover, Shao Kahn won’t spell so many negative buffs on you. The buffs of your opponents will decrease drastically. Probably, the best thing is the health you can regain after each round. You have nearly no chance without a health recharge.
When it comes to the fighters, you should definitely choose Scorpion. His spear attack is very helpful and hard to handle for the AI. In bad situations you can also make use of his teleport to get away from your enemy for a moment. It seems that the AI is defenseless against cross-over jumps. Right after jumping from one side to the other you hit your enemy with one or two simple hits, followed by the special attack ‘Spear’ and the ‘Doom Blade’ combo.
You Found Me!
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 1 in Arcade Ladder
It’s highly recommended to play on Beginner Difficulty!
First you have to set the amount of rounds per match to the standard setting of two. This can be done in the options, found in the main menu. Use a fighter of your choice and play Ladder until you reach Shang Tsung in round 8. Until then you are not allowed to lose any round. Not even a single time! Moreover, you can’t change your fighter during a match. This will cause a lost round and lost match. When finally reaching Shang Tsung the real fun starts. You must win both rounds with a Flawless Victory. At the end you need to take him out with a Fatality! This is for sure the hardest hidden Kombatant to reach. Anyway, all you have to do during the fight is jumping and doing Uppercuts. Works very well on Beginner. The following tip should help you a lot:
If you fail, you do not have to start all over again! Finish the match and take out your enemy with a normal attack (no Fatality!). Now you will receive your Koins. Pause the game immediately and choose ‘Player Select’. It won’t count as a defeat then. Of course, you can now choose another fighter as well or simply continue with your last one.
Hide and Seek
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 2 in Arcade Ladder
This can only be done while playing the Forest map in Ladder Mode. Usually, right after the beginning of the match you can see the Character ‘Smoke’ behind a tree on the far right. Press Select + Down (PS3) or Back + Down (X360) and the fight will end immediately. Instead of your current opponent, you will fight against Smoke and the Trophy / Achievement will pop as soon as the first round starts. It is possible that Smoke pops out of another tree but the shown one will work in most cases. The following trick can help you with all the Hidden Kombatants:
If you fail, you do not have to start all over again! Finish the match and take out your enemy with a normal attack (no Fatality!). Now you will receive your Koins. Pause the game immediately and choose ‘Player Select’. It won’t count as a defeat then. Of course, you can now choose another fighter as well or simply continue with your last one.
Pit Master
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 3 in Arcade Ladder
This can only be done while playing the Pit level (that’s the one with the giant moon in the background) in Ladder Mode. The difficulty and your fighter don’t matter. You have to fulfill two tasks. Win both rounds with a Flawless Victory and perform a Stage Fatility at the end. In case you fail, you can simply pause the game and go back to the player select screen. After you fulfilled the conditions you will see a loading screen after the match. You will go into the Pits and fight the classic Reptile. Beside all of this you will be rewarded with a nice amount of Koins.
If you fail, you do not have to start all over again! Finish the match and take out your enemy with a normal attack (no Fatality!). Now you will receive your Koins. Pause the game immediately and choose ‘Player Select’. It won’t count as a defeat then. Of course, you can now choose another fighter as well or simply continue with your last one.
Brotherhood of Shadow
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 4 in Arcade Ladder
This can only be done on the Temple Map. Make sure to set the amount of rounds to two (standard settings). You can make changes in the options section of the main menu. Play Ladder Mode until you get to the shown map. This might take a while and is pure luck. Try to combine it with other Trophies / Achievements or keep restarting Ladder Mode if you are not willing to fight your way through it over and over again. When playing on the Temple Map you have to fulfill two relatively simple tasks. Win both rounds (in other words: don’t lose) and don’t use your Block ability. Don’t even think about pressing the block-button. Moreover, you have to hurry up a bit. In the second round you will see ‘Noob Saibot’ (the black colored guy) standing in the background. He is the hidden Kombatant. Win the match while he is standing there. For additional tips regarding all of the hidden Kombatants please read the following lines:
If you fail, you do not have to start all over again! Finish the match and take out your enemy with a normal attack (no Fatality!). Now you will receive your Koins. Pause the game immediately and choose ‘Player Select’. It won’t count as a defeat then. Of course, you can now choose another fighter as well or simply continue with your last one.
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