1. Collectibles
1.1. All Intel Items
2. Story-Related
2.1. Deer Hunter (Chapter 1)
2.2. A Man of Patience (Chapter 7)
2.3. A Man of Action (Chapter 7)
2.4. Damned if You Don’t (Chapter 9)
2.5. Damned if You Do (Chapter 9)
2.6. Unfriendly Fire (Chapter 11)
2.7. Friendly Fire (Chapter 11)
2.8. A Line, Held (Chapter 13)
2.9. A Line, Crossed (Chapter 13)
2.10. A Farewell To Arms (Chapter 15)
2.11. Too Late The Hero (Chapter 15)
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. In Your Face – Kick an enemy by vaulting over a cover
3.2. Preventive Diplomacy – Kill an enemy just as they are throwing a grenade
3.3. Army of One – Kill 3 enemies with a single grenade
3.4. Damn Close – Kill an Edged Weapon Expert while he is up to 5 meters away
3.5. Close Combat Carnage – Kill 4 enemies with a shotgun in 10 seconds or less
3.6. The Human Factor – Kill an enemy by tagging him with a sticky grenade
Intel Operative
There are a total of 23 Intel Collectibles in Spec Ops: The Line. Once an intel has been collected it will be saved automatically. If you die or start a new campaign the progress won’t be lost. This can be done over multiple playthroughs.
Finding all of them will unlock three trophies / achievements:
Spotter [Bronze / 10G]
Recon [Silver / 25G]
Intel Operative [Gold / 50G]
Deer Hunter
Kill an oryx. (campaign only)
Location: Chapter 1
In the beginning of chapter 1 you will have to rappel down a cliff. Before you do that aim to the right and shoot one of the deer.
A Man of Patience
Playing it smart.
Location: Chapter 7
This is decision based and missable.
At the end of chapter 7 you will come to a place where soldiers execute civilians. Do not interfere and wait till the soldiers move on. Attach a silencer to one of your weapons and follow your teammates. Take out the enemies that are in your way, but do it without being detected. The trophy / achievement unlocks at the end of the chapter.
A Man of Action
Play it loose.
Location: Chapter 7
This is decision based and missable.
At the end of chapter 7 you will come to a place where soldiers execute civilians. Kill all three soldiers when they start the execution. Multiple waves of enemies will approach your location. Kill all of them and follow the waypoints to finish the chapter. The trophy / achievement unlocks when chapter 8 starts.
Damned if You Don’t
Buck the chain of command.
Location: Chapter 9
This is decision based and missable.
During chapter 9 you will come to a place with two hanging persons. You will be told to shoot one of them. Do not shoot them and kill the enemy soldiers instead.
Damned if You Do
Follow your orders.
Location: Chapter 9
This is decision based and missable.
During chapter 9 you will come to a place with two hanging persons. Shoot one of them to unlock this trophy / achievement.
Unfriendly Fire
Save a bullet.
Location: Chapter 11
This is decision based and missable.
Shortly after chapter 11 starts you will see a wounded soldier. You can shoot him with your weapon or let him burn in the fire. Walk away and let him burn to unlock this trophy / achievement.
Friendly Fire
Show mercy.
Location: Chapter 11
This is decision based and missable.
Shortly after chapter 11 starts you will see a wounded soldier. You can shoot him with your weapon or let him burn in the fire. Kill him with your weapon to unlock this trophy / achievement.
A Line, Held
Choose restraint.
Location: Chapter 13
This is decision based and missable.
Towards the end of chapter 13 you will encounter a large group of civilians. You can kill or scare them. Shoot in the air to make them run away and do not kill anyone to unlock this trophy / achievement.
A Line, Crossed
Choose vengeance.
Location: Chapter 13
This is decision based and missable.
Towards the end of chapter 13 you will encounter a large group of civilians. You can kill or scare them. Kill some of the civilians to unlock this trophy / achievement.
A Farewell To Arms
You are relieved.
Location: Chapter 15
This is decision based and missable.
At the end of chapter 15 you will have to make the final decision of the game. Shoot the imaginary guy or wait till he shoots you.
For this trophy / achievement you need to wait till he shoots you.
Too Late The Hero
Carry on, soldier.
Location: Chapter 15
This is decision based and missable.
At the end of chapter 15 you will have to make the final decision of the game. Shoot the imaginary guy or wait till he shoots you.
For this trophy / achievement you need to shoot him.
In Your Face
Kick an enemy by vaulting over a cover. (campaign only)
Location: Chapter 2
After killing the first three enemies in the 2nd chapter you will come to some sort of bar. In the center of the room is a mounted machine gun. It is surrounded by a circular table. Kill all of the enemies except for the machine gunner. Cover behind the circular table and vault over it when the Circle (PS3) / B (X360) Button is displayed. It’s recommended to play on the easiest difficulty. The machine gun will probably kill you otherwise.
Preventive Diplomacy
Kill an enemy just as they are throwing a grenade. (campaign only)
Location: Chapter 2
The perfect opportunity to get this is in chapter 2. After fighting through a building, a short cutscene will begin to play and after that you are walking through a damaged corridor. At the end of the corridor you will see an enemy running down a little hill. Do not shoot this enemy! Take cover in the corridor and you will see how the enemy pulls out a grenade. Shoot him immediately. This is a scripted event and the enemy will always try to throw a grenade! Reload the last checkpoint in case you need to try it again.
Army of One
Kill 3 enemies with a single grenade. (campaign only)
Location: Chapter 2
After fighting through a building in chapter 2, a short cutscene will begin to play and after that you are walking through a damaged corridor. At the end of the corridor you will see an enemy running down a little hill. Do not shoot this enemy! He will throw a grenade and group up with two other enemies near a mounted machine gun. Once all three enemies are grouped up you throw the grenade. Reload the last checkpoint in case you need to try it again.
Damn Close
Kill an Edged Weapon Expert while he is up to 5 meters away. (campaign only)
Location: Chapter 5
About halfway through chapter 5 you will come to a sandy rooftop. The rooftop will start to crumble and you will fall to a lower level. After you are back on your feet the first edged weapon expert will spawn (this is the earliest chance to get the trophy / achievement). He has a knife in his right hand and is running towards you very quickly. Hide behind a cover in front of your teammates and shoot the weapon expert when he is nearby. Restart the checkpoint if you need to try it again.
Close Combat Carnage
Kill 4 enemies with a shotgun in 10 seconds or less. (campaign only)
Location: Chapter 6
In the very beginning of chapter 6 you can pick up a shotgun. When the chapter starts move right and you will see it on the ground, next to a box of frag grenades. In this area you will have to fight lots of enemies. Quickly take out 4 enemies with your shotgun. Replay this chapter on the easiest difficulty if you have trouble.
The Human Factor
Kill an enemy by tagging him with a sticky grenade. (campaign only)
Location: Chapter 7
In the area where you encounter the first group of enemies is a weapon box with sticky grenades. It’s in the sand, in front of an orange car. Open it to get some sticky grenades. If you move slowly and hide behind cover the enemies won’t notice you. Throw a sticky grenade at one of the still standing soldiers and wait for the explosion.
Reload the checkpoint if you run out of grenades.
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