1. Walkthrough
1.1. Perfect Medal Walkthrough
2. Collectibles
2.1. All Bonus Level Collectibles
3. Story-Related
3.1. Basic Training (03. Second Nature)
3.2. Heavy Boots (03. Second Nature)
FuturLab Certified
Gain 50 PERFECT medals
Getting a perfect medal on every level will earn you 4 Trophies:
FuturLab Certified [Gold]
Now You Know [Gold]
Wheat From Chaff [Silver]
Intermediate [Silver]
You should play through the game before attempting the perfect medals! Lots of abilities are unlocked automatically throughout the story and these will come in very handy when going for a perfect score.
To get a perfect medal you must beat the level without dying within a certain time limit, collect all survivors & crystals, destroy all enemies and all glass objects in the level. All of these requirements must be met in one playthrough! If you die or miss an object you have to restart the level. The levels get increasingly harder and longer. There are 50 levels in total.
For a more detailed overview with individual links to each level, as well as the score requirements, please click here:
Velocity 2X All Perfect Medals Overview
Level 1-10 Video Walkthrough
Level 11-20 Walkthrough
Level 21-30 Walkthrough
Level 31-40 Walkthrough
Level 41-50 Walkthrough
Bonus Onus
Unlock all bonus levels (25)
There are a total of 25 Bonus Level Crystals in Velocity 2X. Finding all of these collectibles is required for 4 Trophies:
Bonus Onus [Silver]
Lucky Find [Bronze]
Ralan’s Mission [Gold]
Background Reading [Bronze]
The Bonus Collectibles are scattered across the story missions. Picking them up will unlock the playable bonus missions and earn you the “Lucky Find” and “Bonus Onus” trophies. You can access bonus missions in the Flight Computer. Beating them is then going to give you the “Ralan’s Mission” gold trophy and will unlock the concept art folder in your flight computer. View all folders and you will get the “Background Reading” trophy as well.
None of the collectibles are missable! You can get all of them via level select at any time. They are saved automatically when you pick them up. There is no need to reach the next checkpoint and you may quit the level immediately to return to level select. You can see which ones you have found by accessing the Bonus menu.
Lots of collectibles require certain abilities that are unlocked later in the game! Because of this you should play through the story first before collecting anything.
Click here to view the Velocity 2X Bonus Crystals Text Guide
Basic Training
Heavy Boots
Boost all the way through level 3
Complete a level without letting go of boost
Level 3: Second Nature
To get this trophy you must hold down R1 from the beginning of the level till the end. You must already be holding down R1 when the level is loading up.
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