Metal Hellsinger Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10 (When using 100% on beat accessibility option) / 5/10 without
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 5-10 hours (skill dependent)
- Offline Trophies: 29 (1
, 6
, 11
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: None, can replay levels as much as you want
- Glitched trophies: Potentially
No Rest for the Wicked
- Hardest trophies:
Not Shaken, Nor Stirred (If you don’t use the accessibility options)
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can play on any difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 + replays of specific levels for misc trophies
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: TBD
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Can replay levels at any time
- Release Date: PS5 – September 15, 2022 / PS4 – December 9, 2022
Welcome to the Metal Hellsinger Trophy Guide! Metal: Hellsinger is the first game released by The Outsiders, a studio founded by developers who formerly worked on the Battlefield series. At its core, the game is basically as if Doom were a rhythm game, fighting your way through hordes of demons in each level, but with you doing better the closer you can be to the beat of the song playing in the background.
For trophy purposes, the game is rather easy overall. You can play on whatever difficulty you want for a full playthrough of the game, then just complete extra Torment levels you unlock on completion of the normal full Hell levels. After that you will just need to replay levels a handful of times for any of the miscellaneous requirements.
Step 1: Play through All Hells & Torments
Hells are what the normal levels are called, and Torments are what the extra challenge levels are called. For the first step, just play through all 8 Hells and all 21 Torments. It doesn’t matter on what difficulty you play, choosing the easiest difficulty is fine. You could leave the Torments to the end if you wanted, but completing them with three “stars” unlocks new Sigils and upgrades for them, which can make playing the normal levels easier or allow you to get a higher score, so it’s helpful to try and get three stars on most of them if you can. Try to play all of the Torments on the same difficulty, even though they don’t track separately. It seems the trophy can not unlock if you don’t complete all of them on the same difficulty and will require replaying them to have the trophy unlock.
Step 2: Clean up Miscellaneous Trophies
After you’ve played through all Hells and Torments, you’ll likely just have to clean up the remaining miscellaneous trophies that require a bit of grinding or playing levels in specific ways. The only trophy that is any difficulty is for completing a Hell without hitting offbeat, but you can do this on the first Hell (Voke) and go as slow as you want, so it will just require a bit of practice to do, or do it the really easy but slow way. Note that none of the requirements for completing Hells in specific ways can be completed in the Tutorial, they need to be done in one of the 8 normal levels, they are most easily done on Voke.
Note about Accessibility Options
In a patch, the developers have added accessibility options, including among them an option that makes all hits on beat 100% of the time. This trivializes Not Shaken, Not Stirred, as you can enable this option and complete any level and the trophy is guaranteed to be awarded. This can also help for the hit streak trophies, as you cannot drop streak by missing shots, only by taking damage.
Metal Hellsinger Trophy Guide
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Trophies Are a Girl’s Best Friend All Trophies obtained |
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Earn all other trophies in Metal: Hellsinger to unlock Platinum. | ||
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Breaking the Law Destroyed the Red Judge aspect in Voke |
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Voke is the first Hell of the game, functioning basically as an extension of the tutorial the first time you play through it. You gain the shotgun Persephone in the first combat arena part, then are reminded of some other movement abilities and gameplay mechanics as you play the level the first time. There isn’t anything specifically noteworthy about this level or later ones, other than to point out that the boss at the end of the level is basically the same boss you fight in all level except the final one. They’re all a variation of the flying head in an arena with hazards, with some fights having different gimmicks to them than others.
Finally, you have the last weapon in the game, the Hellcrow. These are basically a pair of boomerangs you throw from each hand, which can hit enemies as they move away from you and when they return to you. They don’t have ammo like other weapons, you can just only throw the weapons when they have returned to you. They can be used to attack through Shield Cambions, but they don’t stun them like Terminus hits, so you’re typically better off using that. The boss in this level is fairly simple on its own, it generally will only attack you with homing balls that it sends out in waves, which you can avoid relatively easily avoid by strafing to one side for each wave. The more interesting aspect of the fight is that there is a pillar in the middle of the arena which rotates and shoots fire outward. It never moves very fast so is easily avoided, but watch out how far you’re walking when the fire is active. |
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For Whom the Bell Tolls Destroyed the Red Judge aspect in Acheron |
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Acheron is the seventh Hell, the second last level of the game. The new “mechanic” for this level is that you aren’t able to use Paz due to story reasons, though unless you’re very specifically trying for high score this basically won’t matter. This level also has some very long combat encounters, so be aware of that in some locations like the small tunnel midway through the level, you’re actually stuck in there for quite a while.
The boss in this level is easily the most mechanic-heavy of all of the Aspect bosses, pulling attacks from most others, while also being in an arena where the floor is always moving because you’re standing on three large gears. When you go in keep in mind that all of the Health Crystals are on the wall that you enter through, so you need to get back there to grab health. During normal phases the boss shoots the typical homing orbs at you, so you always want to keep moving around then. When you get through a damage phase watch out for when the boss throws a number of mines all over the arena because they stick around for a while and damage you. You can normally move to one of the other three gears that will be more clear of mines than the other two. |
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Dead and Buried Destroyed the Red Judge aspect in Gehenna |
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Gehenna is the fifth Hell, and the first where you don’t gain any new weapon, so are completely free to pick which you want to use. It has one new enemy type, the Seraph. These enemies float in the air and only have two attacks: either an area explosion around themselves if you’re very close, or a long beam along the ground if you’re far away, similar to how the Judge in Stygia would attack. They generally aren’t much of a worry over the ground enemies, as they’re relatively weak, especially compared to the Hierophant which show up more.
The boss fight in this level is largely an area gimmick, where in certain waves it will start sucking you onto the platforms in the middle of the area. While this is happening some of the platforms will drop into the lava below, so you need to watch where you are standing. Otherwise the boss sticks with the generally simple attack patterns of the prior boss, either shooting orbs directly towards you across the middle of the area which you can avoid by just moving to the side, or a series of orbs that drop from above which you can avoid by walking in one direction around the arena until all the orbs hit the ground. |
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Rise, Rebel, Resist Destroyed the Red Judge aspect in Incaustis |
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Incaustis is the fourth Hell of the game, throwing another handful of new mechanics at you, along with the final new weapon. The two new enemies you’ll start dealing with are the Hierophant and the Siege Behemoth. The Hierophant is a normal enemy that will start apparently relatively often. They work basically as a summoner and don’t really attack you directly as much as they summon other enemies to attack you. They typically summon either two copies of themself which move to attack you, or a black blob that moves along the ground and explodes when it gets near. The Siege Behemoth is an Elite version of the normal Behemoth, but it now has ranged attacks. When it jumps to attack you it instead will send out a shockwave on the ground, and if its at range it will shoot projectiles at you. | ||
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Ain’t No Mountain High Enough Destroyed the Red Judge aspect in Nihil |
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Nihil is the sixth Hell of the game. Here you will encounter the final new enemy type, the Void Stalker, because normal Stalkers weren’t annoying enough. The Void Stalkers operate similarly to the Siege Behemoth, in that they gain an area wave attack they’ll use when near you, and will attack with ranged projectiles much more frequently.
The boss in this level is the most interesting mechanics-wise of the Judge Aspects, in that there is always more than one in the fight. You need to pay attention for which the real one is that you can damage. You can differentiate it by it being the one that has the 4 spikes on its head, and it is also the only one that will show score numbers when shot. If you use The Hounds then the Echo will also only shoot the real aspect, which is helpful. Once the boss gets down to about a quarter health and enters the final damage phase, watch out because it will actually summon two additional copies, so there will be 3 that you can’t shoot and one that you can. All the Aspects start shooting projectiles at you during this phase, so be aware of your health and the crystals you can grab in the center of the arena. |
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When She Falleth Destroyed the Red Judge |
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This trophy is earned for completing Sheol, the 8th and final Hell. This level doesn’t unlock any more Torments when completed so it is in effect the final part of the game. There’s not much to say about the parts leading up to the final boss, the combat arenas will be the same as you’ve seen before and are about as long as in Acheron.
When you reach the final boss it is much different than any of the prior ones though. The final boss is the Red Judge in full skeletal form, and she comes with a whole set of unique mechanics and an entirely unique song. She requires a bit more precision to damage than the Aspects, but is generally self-explanatory. First for what attacks she uses, through all phases she attacks with the usual orb shooting. Lighter orange orbs shot towards you don’t track and can be dodged by strafing, then darker red orbs shot into the air will land on the ground and create shockwaves you need to jump over. To damage her in the first phase you need to shoot the glowing organ sticking out of the bottom of her ribcage. Once you damage her enough the first glowing spot will disappear and she will fly away. At this point, you need to quickly make your way up the stairs on the left of the arena to the platform at the top. The Judge will crashing onto the ground floor of the arena, then will stand and face you on the ledge where you will fight her for a bit. She will have more glowing spots on her hand, sword, and shoulder you now need to shoot to damage her. She will alternate slowly swinging the sword around the platform or shooting shockwave orbs, so keep avoiding those by jumping. After dealing enough damage more her wings will disappear and she will fall back to the ground, so you can jump back down. She will summon three Aspects like you fought in prior levels, and they will attack you for a bit. Shoot them until they disappear, then you will go back to attacking the Judge. The final spot you will deal damage to her is her eyes, and she will basically just continue alternating between waves of the orb attacks. Once she gets down to about 1/8th of health remaining she will slide off the platform and summon three waves of enemies for you to deal with. When they are dealt with, walk all the way back to the end of the arena where you entered, and the Judge will crawl towards that end. You will now have one final eye to continue shooting while she does some basic attacks, until you run out her health and complete the level. |
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Smoke on the Water Destroyed the Red Judge aspect in Yhelm |
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Yhelm is the third Hell of the game and throws probably the most new mechanics at you at once in one level. First, there are two new enemy types: the Shield Cambion and the Eyeless. The Shield Cambion is the first “elite” enemy in the game, but they do show up quite often as you’re progressing. Their shield blocks attacks from the front, EXCEPT if you stand directly beside them and hit them with Terminus. This is normally the easiest way to deal with them, as Terminus stunlocks them so you can just smack away until they die. Eyeless are a flying bug enemy that shoots poison gas at you, which if you walk into it deal a small amount of damage and slow you down. They aren’t very strong, so a couple shots will kill them.
The final new mechanic is the second last weapon, Vulcan. Vulcan is a crossbow that shoots explosive bolts, and is probably meant to help deal with Shielf Cambions, but is better for killing large groups of Marionettes. The boss for this level is designed more specifically around using the Vulcan on it. During the fight it will put up a dome of rocks around itself, with an opening on the bottom. You can walk close to it and shoot it from underneath, or use Vulcan and just shoot the rock doom to deal damage to the boss because the splash damage goes through the dome. |
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If I Can Make It Here Destroyed the Red Judge aspect in Stygia |
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Stygia is the second Hell of the game. If you played the demo you will be familiar with it, as it was the same level used for the demo. You gain The Hounds, the dual handguns, in the second combat arena in this level, and are also introduced to the Stalker enemy type. These enemies are generally the most annoying in the game, as they warp around quickly while attacking you, making them hard to take out. They’re generally a very good usage of your ultimate to clean them up quickly.
The boss in this level is quite different than the prior one and shows the general unique attacks you’ll start to see in future bosses. Most commonly they send out waves of bullets along the ground for you to jump over or go under, or shoot a laser directly towards you along the ground. Watch during the second enemy wave that the boss summons as there is a Stalker included with the other enemies, and they can mess you up quickly in the small arena. |
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This Pounding Heart Reached Hit Streak: 10 |
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See “This Pounding Heart IV” for more information. | ||
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This Pounding Heart II Reached Hit Streak: 20 |
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See “This Pounding Heart IV” for more information. | ||
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This Pounding Heart III Reached Hit Streak: 35 |
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See “This Pounding Heart IV” for more information. | ||
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This Pounding Heart IV Reached Hit Streak: 50 |
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This trophy requires you to reach a total hit streak of 50 during gameplay. If you are decent at the game you will almost certainly earn this without trying, but if you need to work for it a bit there are a couple of things you can do to help make it easier.
First, you can use the Streak Guardian Sigil. This Sigil prevents you from dropping hit streak either when taking damage or hitting off-beat. The higher level of the Sigil the more it protects your streak. so it’s very useful in normal gameplay even if you aren’t specifically trying for this. Second, you can somewhat farm streak if you are using Paz. Paz is the weakest weapon in the game, so takes the most hits to kill enemies. If you’re wanting to try to get a very high hit streak in a level (even though the game doesn’t give that much extra score for it anymore) then the way to do it is just by only using Paz. You can use this method to reach the 50 hit streak requirement if needed. Note that these trophies specifically can be earned in the tutorial level if you’re really struggling, but are just as easily done in Voke since you can actually use whatever weapon you want, instead of being forced to use Terminus and Paz for the tutorial. You can also enable the 100% on Beat Accessibility setting in the options menu to help with these trophies. This makes it so all hits are on beat, and the only way you can drop streak is by taking damage. |
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Heavy Metal Is the Law Completed a Torment |
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Torments are small challenge levels that you unlock after completing the first 7 Hells. You pick them in the “Enter Hells” screen, available after having completing their respective Hell. For this trophy you need to complete any single one, completing meaning reaching at least the first-star level. | ||
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Three of Pentacles Achieved the top result in a Torment |
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The top result in a Torment means reaching the three-star level, which is also what is required to earn the Sigil upgrade for that Torment. Completing any single one will earn this trophy and this is not hard to do on the early ones.
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Queen of the Underworld Killed 50 Behemoths |
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Behemoths are the large walking enemy with one blade arm that you fight in every level of the game other than the tutorial. Like the other kill trophy there isn’t a way to track this, but you will earn it without trying midway through a normal playthrough because of the number of these enemies that appear throughout the game. | ||
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No Rest for the Wicked Completed all Torments |
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This trophy requires you to “complete” all 21 Torments that are available in the game. You need a 3-skulls rating (best score) to unlock the next Tier of each challenge. There are 3 Tiers per challenge type. However, on the third Tier you only need 1 skull for them to count as “completed” towards the trophy. Only on Tier I & Tier II you must get 3 skulls in order to unlock the next Tier.
NOTE: It seems the trophy can not pop if you complete Torments on different difficulty levels, even though they aren’t tracked separately in a visual manner. Try to play all Torments on the same difficulty, and if you complete them all and didn’t earn the trophy you will need to try replaying some until you have completed them all on the same difficulty. Voke Killing with Rhythm: I – Killing with Rhythm Torments require you to kill a certain number of enemies on the beat, with a very short available time limit that only increases by 3 – 4 seconds with each kill. Stay using Persephone the entire time during this Torment, as it will one-shot everything except Behemoths, which only actually need 2 or 3. You can save your Ultimate for one of the Behemoths if you are low on time to kill it instantly. Weapon Trickery: I – Weapon Trickery Torments cause your weapon to switch with every kill that you make, but otherwise this Torment is functionally the same as Killing with Rhythm. In this one you switch between Terminus and Persephone, so you can plan your kills out a bit by using Terminus to kill the Marionettes and Persephone to kill the Cambions. When the Behemoth spawns that will be all the enemies, so once you reach that point you’re basically done and just need to clear the final enemies for 3 stars. Relic Thief: I – Relic Thief Torments require you to kill a certain number of enemies, but you also have a number of pickups sitting in the arena that temporarily increase your damage, give you unlimited ammo, and allow you to use your Ultimate very quickly. Typically it alternates between waves of harder enemies (in this case groups of Behemoths) and normal enemies. Grab a pickup immediately to deal with the first wave of Behemoths, then you can coast through all the Marionettes and Cambions until the next wave of Behemoths spawn, at which point you can grab another relic. Stygia Giantslayer: I – Giantslayer Torments require you to specifically kill large enemies to score (in this case Behemoths), while the game takes away your weapons at certain kill numbers (4 and 8 total). Other enemies do also spawn at the same time, and you should try to take them out first so you can just focus on the Behemoths. When you’re using The Hounds make sure to pop the Ultimate before you reach the kill total where the weapon disappears because the placed Echo of Death will stick around and still shoot enemies, very helpful when you’re just left with Terminus. You don’t heal from Slaughters, but there are still Life Crystals around the arena if you need to heal. Death’s Edge: I – Deaths’ Edge Torments require you to kill a large number of Demons, but you can’t heal in any way and the damage you deal increases as your health lowers. This might seem quite tough starting out, but once your health lowers you can switch to using The Hounds which will one-shot Marionettes after taking a small amount of damage, and you can summon the Echo of Death to help out. When you’re on low health you also gain Ultimate charge extremely fast, so just keep summoning the Echo as quickly as you can when it runs out. Relic Thief: II – The first repeat Torment, this one almost identical to the first Relic Thief one, except you can now use The Hounds, and Stalkers will also spawn instead of some Behemoths. Because you can use The Hounds this one is generally easier though. Right at the start grab a pick-up, then use the Ultimate for The Hounds as soon as it’s available to summon the Echo of Death. While the damage bonus is active it will deal with most enemies on its own. After the initial wave you can just wait through the enemies until the second group of Stalkers appears, then grab another pickup and repeat what you did before. After the second wears off you can immediately grab the third to finish off the Torment. Yhelm Ultimate Mastery: I – Ultimate Mastery Torments require you to get kills specifically with the Ultimate attacks on weapons. If you’re going to skip doing 3 stars on any of the Torments, these are the ones to pick in my opinion because they’re much more annoying than the others. You want to try and build up your Ultimate on Persephone by shooting the Cambions and Behemoths around the arena, then try to line up as many Marionettes as possible and multikill them with one shot. Repeat as more enemies spawn until you’re done. Killing with Rhythm: II – The second Killing with Rhythm Torment, in this one you have The Hounds instead of Persephone, and a couple of Stalkers and Shield Cambions will appear during the waves. When the Shield Cambions spawn switch to Terminus and take them out as quickly as you can, then switch back to using The Hounds. When you have the Ultimate for The Hounds you can use it to help out, if the Echo kills enemies it still counts as being on rhythm, even though the rate it shoots doesn’t always look like it is. Weapon Trickery: II – The second Weapond Trickery Torment, in this one you also switch through both The Hounds and Vulcan. The main thing to note for this one is that you actually have unlimited ammo during this Torment, which means you can shoot Vulcan extremely fast. Try to use it specifically to kill the Behemoths and Stalkers because it does the most damage. If they appear and you’re not currently using it, you can kill the other enemies until you switch, then focus the bigger enemies. Incaustis Slaughter Mastery: I – Slaughter Mastery is the final type of Torment, and requires you to specifically kill enemies with Slaughters to score. The trick to these is to not just use the same weapon. You start with The Hounds equipped, but if you shoot the Marionettes with them on beat you instantly kill them. You want to use The Hounds on the Cambions, as two shots will make them available to Slaughter, then switch to Paz or Terminus for all of the Marionettes. You can either shoot them three times with Paz, or hit them once on beat with Terminus to make them available to Slaughter. Giantslayer: II – Like the prior Giantslayer, but this time you are fighting Stalkers and use the Hellcrow and Hounds. The same general strategy applies though, try to use The Hounds ultimate right before the 4th kill so that the Echo sticks around, then you’ll need to be careful using the Hellcrow because they have somewhat limited range. You really need to watch your health in this one due to the Stalker’s quick attacks, so be aware of where the Health Crystals are around the arena. Relic Thief: III – The final Relic Thief Torment, in this one you are using Vulcan and Hellcrow, but the same strategy as before still applies. Grab one relic at the start, then stick with the Vulcan the whole time as you have unlimited ammo so can shoot it constantly while the relic is active. When you have the ultimate available make sure to shoot it into the middle of the area so that it pulls all the enemies together. You’ll want to use the second pickup a little early this time, around 35 kills because another wave of Stalkers spawns earlier, then the final pickup for the last 10 enemies. Gehenna Death’s Edge: II – Another Death’s Edge Torment, the strategy for this one is the exact same as before, as the only difference to the first Torment is there are now the occasional Seraph and Hierophant. Keep using The Hounds the whole time, and use the ultimate whenever you have it available. Killing with Rhythm: III – The final Killing with Rhythm Torment, this one the main difference is that your only weapon is the Hellcrow. These are alright for this though because they kill most of the enemies in one hit, and as long as your first hit is on beat the return hits also will be if they hit any other enemies. Make sure to watch your health because you probably won’t get many Slaughters though, and use the ultimate when it’s available as hits from it always count as on beat. Weapon Trickery: III – The final Weapon Trickery Torment, this one the main thing to keep aware of is that you cycle through all weapons (other than Paz). Still try to use Vulcan on the Behemoths and remember that you have infinite ammo, so always be attacking. Nihil Ultimate Mastery: II – The second Ultimate Mastery Torment, this one is slightly easier than the first one because you have the Hellcrow. Your basic aim is to attack only the larger enemies to charge your ultimate, then use it and walk around while it is active so that it kills all the Marionettes. Slaughter Mastery: II – The exact same weapon setup and strategy as last time, the only difference is now Seraphs also spawn and there are less Marionettes. Seraphs take 4 on-beat-hits from The Hounds, but enemies still spawn frequently enough that you shouldn’t have an issue as long as you Slaughter everything possible Giantslayer: III – The final Giantslayer Torment, this one is unique in that the Elite demons aren’t just one enemy type. They appear in the following order and grouping: Siege Behemoth, Shield Cambion, 2x Shield Cambion, Void Stalker, Shield Cambion, then all at once a Siege Behemoth, Void Stalker, and Shield Cambion. To get through this, deal with the first Siege Behemoth using Persephone (use the ultimate if you charge it before it is killed), then use Terminus on the next 3 Shield Cambions that spawn, but don’t use the ultimate from it. You’ll now have The Hounds to use, so use them to take out the Void Stalker and charge its ultimate. Once the next Shield Cambion spawns pop the Ultimate and then kill it using Terminus. Assuming you are quick enough the Echo should still be up for the final enemy wave, helping you out as you use the ultimate for Terminus to deal with the remaining enemies as quickly as you can. Watch out for the Void Stalker if you have it left but run out of Terminus ultimate, because it will do the wave attack if you are standing near it, which will kill you very quickly. Acheron Death’s Edge: III – The final Death’s Edge Torment, this is the only one of the three you will really need to be careful during because you have the Vulcan and Hellcrow instead of The Hounds. It’s best to generally stick with the Vulcan because of the range and splash damage. You can kill all enemies by just shooting at the ground near them instead of needing to actually aim, and can deal with the Shield Cambions by shooting just behind where they are standing. Make sure to use the ultimate when it is charged to pull in nearby enemies, as this will stop even Stalkers and Behemoths from attacking you momentarily. Ultimate Mastery: III – In my opinion the hardest of all of the Torments, it has the same issue as the first Ultimate Mastery Torment, but you’re also dealing with a bunch of Stalkers. Using Persephone over The Hounds works better for Ultimate kills in this situation as you can’t control what the Echo is doing, and you can more easily charge your Ultimate and deal with enemies using Persephone. Once you get close to 30 don’t hesitate to use your ultimate on a single Stalker if needed, because at points it won’t spawn a new wave until all the Stalkers have been killed. Slaughter Mastery: III – Basically a victory lap after the previous Torment, the main difference in this Slaughter Mastery is that there are a couple of Siege Behemoths added along with the normal enemies. The first one spawns immediately and you need to deal with it, but when the second one appears you can actually ignore it if you want. As long as everything else is dead except the second Siege Behemoth more enemies will spawn, so you can just finish up the Slaughter kills on the others. |
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Soaring in the Deep Soared (Dash + jump) 100 times |
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Soaring is a movement ability that isn’t really explained in-game. If you dash and then immediately jump, you’ll be propelled forward at high speed, allowing you to move around quickly. Perform this move a total of 100 times during gameplay to earn this trophy. | ||
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Piece of My Heart Died in a Chaos Crystal explosion |
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This trophy requires you to die from damage caused by a Chaos Crystal explosion. Normally these don’t damage you very much, so there is a high chance you won’t earn this naturally.
If you need to earn this purposely, the fastest way is likely to play Sheol (the final level) on Beast difficulty. Ignore all the enemies in the first section where you’re traveling up the long stairways, and go all the way forward to the first combat arena area. Here there are two Chaos Crystals, one on the left in the tower, and one on the right just outside the tower. Let the first wave of Marionnettes attack you until you’re very low health, then stand directly beside the Crystal and shoot it to damage yourself. If the first one isn’t enough, shoot the second to have it kill you. |
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Highway to Hell Got 666 kills (game total) |
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This trophy is awarded for killing a total of 666 enemies through all Hells and Torments. There, unfortunately, isn’t any way to track this, but if you are completing each Torment as you unlock them while playing through the levels you should earn this midway through the game. | ||
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Material Girl Obtained all weapons |
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Effectively a story trophy, you are required to pick up the weapons at certain points in each of the first 4 Hells, so you will earn this trophy once you pick up the Hellcrow midway through the 4th Hell, Incaustis. | ||
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Kill Your Demons Multi-killed 2 enemies |
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This trophy is awarded for achieving a multi-kill for killing at least 2 enemies at the same time. You’re effectively guaranteed to get this through normal play with Chaos Crystals or certain weapons, but if you somehow don’t manage to you will for sure earn it when earning “Raining Blood”, which is just for muli-killing a specific enemy. | ||
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Not Shaken, Nor Stirred Never hit off-beat in a Hell |
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This is really the only hard trophy in the game, and it requires you to complete a full Hell without hitting an enemy off-beat, missing a dash, or reloading beat, which means you always need to either do Good or Perfect actions through the entire level. While possible to do without specifically trying for it, most people will likely need a couple of tries specifically going for this to earn it. You’d want to leave this for after you’ve done a full playthrough of the game so that you generally have had a lot of natural practice and understand all the mechanics.
NOTE: The developers have added an Accessibility option which makes all hits on beat 100% of the time. This completely trivializes this trophy, as it guarantees 100% on beat hits when enabled and completing any level. The original methods are still included below. There are two ways you can try this, the “normal” way, or the really easy but slow way. For the “normal” way, you will want to play Voke on Lamb difficulty. Weapon choice can be up to you, but using Persephone is recommended because it will make you go a little slower, over say using The Hounds, even though they can still one-shot Marionettes on Lamb difficulty. Sigil choice doesn’t really matter, you will NOT want to use Streak Guardian though. Because it stops you from dropping combo on off-beat hits, this would make it harder to know if you had actually missed a shot. Not using it means that as long as you’re aware when you take damage, you can know if you’ve hit off-beat because you dropped your hit streak, even if you’re not paying attention to your Good or Perfect rating 100% of the time. For the easy but slow way, you want to play on the same level, but this time specifically use The Hounds and Hellcrow, along with the sigils Last Breath Aegis and Ultimate Sovereignty (preferably both at level 3 from completing Torments). Ultimate Sovereignty charges the ultimate for your equipped weapon each beat, which means that you can basically just wait around constantly for your Ultimate, then use it on either weapon and you don’t actually need to do anything. The ultimates for Hellcrow and The Hounds always count as “perfect” hits, so you’re basically only worrying about walking around and avoiding enemies while the Ultimates do the work for you, making this method easy but very slow in comparison to playing the level properly. Other tips:
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Who Wants to Live Forever Died 20 times |
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This trophy is awarded for dying a total of 20 times while playing. If you’re not playing on high difficulty then you’re not likely to die a lot, so will likely need to farm this.
The quickest way to farm deaths is to play Sheol on Lamb difficulty. Playing on Lamb gives you 4 revives during a level, so you can revive after dying instead of needing to go through all the extra loading. When the level starts, continually jump off the ledge to the right to damage yourself, then once you get down to very low health you need to allow the enemies to damage you to actually die, as jumping off the ledge won’t fully kill you. Repeat as many times as needed to earn the trophy. |
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The Empress Killed 25 enemies while maintaining a Hit Streak |
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This trophy is earned for killing a total of 25 enemies on the same hit streak. The tips for this would be somewhat the same as for “The Pounding Heart” trophies, though you would want to use a stronger weapon instead of using Paz, along with the Streak Guardian Sigil. You can replay Voke on Lamb difficulty using Persephone like you would for “Not Shaken, Not Stirred”, but with Streak Guardian you should easily be able to hold streak through the first few sections of the level where most of the enemies are Marionettes. | ||
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Raining Blood Killed two Seraphs in one attack |
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Seraphs (or Lesser Seraph as they’re called in the Bestiary) are the angel enemies that first appear in the 5th Hell, Gehenna. They only actually have two attacks, either shooting a large laser towards you from far away or an explosion around themselves if you are close.
If you don’t manage to earn this trophy during your normal playthrough, then the easiest location to earn it is in the 6th Hell, Nihil. Have one of your weapons set as the shotgun Persephone, then play through the level until the final combat arena (indoor area, open ceiling, four short pillars with fire on them in the middle). Use Persephone until you have the Ultimate ready, then sit on it. The final enemy round in this arena is a Void Stalker and two Seraphs. Deal with the Stalker and any remaining enemies first, then wait with Persephone out until both the Seraphs are close to each other, then shoot them with your Ultimate and it should kill both in one hit. |
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The Ferrywoman Killed 8 enemies in 4 seconds |
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This trophy is awarded for killing a total of 8 enemies in a 4-second span. You might earn this naturally while playing through Hells or Torments, but if you need to specifically earn it then one of the easiest locations is in the Stygia Death’s Edge Torment. Early on in this Torment, there will be large groups of Marionettes that spawn surround the Chaos Crystals on each side of the arena. If you shoot the Chaos Crystal right after the enemies spawn, it will instantly kill the entire group, which is enough enemies to earn this trophy in one shot. | ||
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Pazifist Cleared a Hell using only Paz |
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This trophy requires you to complete any Hell with attacking enemies only using Paz. You can replay the first Hell, Voke, on Lamb difficulty, then switch to Paz immediately when you start and never switch away from him. Most enemies will take a few more hits than normal to kill, but you will almost always have Slaughter kill opportunities so you can use them to quickly finish off enemies and regain health.
Once you reach the boss at the end of the level this functions basically the same as normal, it will just take longer to kill. Paz has an alternate attack you can use by holding |
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The Sword is Sharper Killed a Judge’s Aspect with Terminus |
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This trophy is awarded for killing the final boss of a Hell using Terminus, the sword you always have equipped. It doesn’t matter what you use for the rest of the level, you just need to get the killing blow on an Aspect with the sword, what you use otherwise during the fight doesn’t matter.
You can do this on basically any of the bosses if you are aware of the requirement. Just pull out the sword when one of the bosses is nearly dead and finish it off with the sword. If you need to do a run specifically for this then it’s easiest to just replay Voke on Lamb difficulty, run through the level however you want and use the sword to finish off the boss. |
Chubby says
So if I’m reading it correctly I can still take damage for the Not Shaken, Nor Stirred trophy, just can’t hit off-beat. Right?
Gage says
Correct, you should still avoid it if possible though just because it’s easier to tell if you miss a beat because you drop combo ;)
Dani says
For Not Shaken, Nor Stirred make sure that you hit (perfect, good) at least once if you do it the easy way. I made the mistake that I only used the ultimates and the trophy did not pop (on the stat screen -> 0%).
Raúl says
Will you make guide for Valkyrie Profile Elysium? Thanks
Diddi89 says
No Rest for the Wicked
Completed all Torments
Gibts hierzu ne Bestätigung das lediglich die erste Stufe zählt? Ich krieg hier angezeigt dass man Vorstufe XY erst Erobern muss (3 Totenköpfe) und die Folgestufe freizuschalten. Bitte mal kontrolieren und ggbfls umändern
Basti says
It seems you need 3 Stars to unlock the next Torment on Release.
So you have to 3 Star every single torment now… :/
PowerPyx says
I retested it and you’re right, to unlock the next Tier you need 3 skulls on previous Tier. Getting just 1 skull or 2 skulls won’t unlock the next Tier of the Torment type.
But on Tier 3 you only need 1 skull to count it as “complete” for the trophy.
Updated it in the trophy “No Rest for the Wicked”.
Nik says
My complete all tourments won’t work. I replayed them all on lamb getting 1 star and it will not unlock. I never changed difficulty in the first place either :/
Sublimehawk says
I have to disagree with the difficulty rating. This is easily the hardest game I’ve played in 2022. Some of the torrents are very challenging to get 3 skulls on. Killing with rhythm 2 took me about 4 hours of trying to get 3 skulls. Now I’m stuck on weapon trickery 2. It’s more like a 7/10 in difficulty. Don’t waste your money on this if you are expecting an easy Plat – it really isn’t.
SmileyXD666 says
Today there was a patch introducing a Beat Assist Mode maybe this will make the Beat a hell without miss a Hit extremly easier?
D says
Do we know about the save/trophy transfer yet now that the PS4 version is out?
Paul says
Hi all, could someone explain to me what the accessibility option is, as I am tempted to buy this game but know very little about it.
Wheresxbildo says
It will not autopop trophies on the ps5 version. No way to upload save.