Perils of Baking Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 3 hours
- Offline Trophies: 39 (1, 5, 7, 26)
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: None
- Glitched trophies: None
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: N/A
- Minimum Playthroughs: One with cleanup
Welcome to the Perils of Baking Trophy Guide! This is a quick and easy 2-3 hour platinum. The game is a retro 2D platformer. If you liked Super Mario back in the day you will like this too!
Step 1: Complete the standard 40 levels of the game.
There are 40 levels in this game, 10 in each world. Any worlds that have a white banner on the door with a red question mark on it will either have a Secret Warp Pad or a Bonus Room. Simply play each level to completion to complete the game.
Step 2: Unlock any Bonus Rooms or Warp Pads you may have missed.
Any levels with a red question mark on the door instead of a green check mark will still have a secret left in them. Replay them until you find whatever the secret was whether it be a Warp pad or Bonus Room. Once you have all the trophies related to the Bonus Rooms and finding the Warp Pads you are ready for the next step.
Step 3: Complete all 4 Secret Levels.
The Secret Levels are by far the hardest levels in the game. There are more enemies chasing you and larger gaps to cross and are overall less forgiving. Once you have completed all the Secret Levels its time to finish the platinum.
Step 4: Clean-up.
If there are any remaining trophies at this point you have not collected this is the time to finish. Once you are done with this step it means you have your nice new shiny platinum, enjoy!
Perils of Baking Trophy Guide
Rewards of Baking Earn every other trophy |
Earn all other trophies in Perils of Baking to unlock platinum. | ||
If I wasn’t a baker… Then why would I wear this hat? Reach full health |
For this trophy you will have to simply reach full health for the first time. While it sounds really easy you still have to avoid being hit by the enemies while collecting cookies, cupcakes and other treats to fill the FOOD counter in the top right corner of the screen. For each 50 Food you collect you will receive 1 Heart. When you start the game you will start with only 1 Heart so you will have to collect a lot of baked goods to reach Full Health. If you are having trouble with this trophy you can simply play the first level “Rambunctious Reception” over and over leaving through the Warp Point. Each time you will collect Popcorn right by the Warp Point which is worth a full heart.
Collect B-A-K-E will also fill your healthbar. |
Soggy popcorn Reach a checkpoint underwater |
For this trophy you are going to have to reach the checkpoint in the first water level, World 1: Level 5 “An Underwater Engagement”. The checkpoint will be the popcorn machine halfway through the level. Simply swim through the popcorn machine and a bag of popcorn will show up, collect the bag of popcorn to pop this trophy. | ||
Warp 1 Unlock the first warp |
You can get access to the very first warp in the game in the very first level “Rambunctious Reception”. To get to the warp simply load up and continue through the first level until you get to the Popcorn Machine. Jump down to the floor below the ledge the popcorn machine is on and walk into the wall going left. The game will inform you that you have found a secret warp and complete the level for you. This will trigger this trophy to pop. | ||
Warp 2 Unlock the second warp |
You will get access to this warp in World 2: Level 17 “Who Wants Ice Cream”. Work you way through the level until you get to the portion of the level after the E Cookie where there is an oven. Right before the oven is a small alcove with an Ice Cream shooting projectiles out of. Destroy the Ice Cream enemy with a frying pan and jump your way into the alcove to discover this warp and obtain this trophy. | ||
Warp 3 Unlock the third warp |
You will get access to this warp in World 3: Level 22 “Candy Apple Catwalk”. Continue the level past the first couple of Big Cookie monsters you come across until you get to a Pancake jump pad. Bounce up the jump pad and there will be a stone block behind you with a flame running on it and just past that will be a cloud with an oven on it. Hop up to the cloud with the oven on it and you will see another set of clouds you can jump up back to. Continue following that path until there are no more clouds to follow and then jump up to trigger this Secret Level and unlocking this trophy. | ||
Warp 4 Unlock the fourth warp |
You will get access to this warp in World 4: Level 37 “Sweet and Flour”. Continue the level and head past the Popcorn Machine. Shortly after you will come to a sign with an exclamation point in it. On the platform just below will be two Big Cookie enemies walking into a wall. Take out the two Bic Cookie monsters and head through the wall they were walking towards to find this final Warp Point. | ||
Boss 1 Win the first Boss Fight |
For this trophy you will need to complete the level World 1: Level 10 “Boss 1”. Simply balloon your way up to the top of the level where you will confront the boss, your brother. This encounter is fairly simple, just jump on his head to do damage to him. There is a small cooldown window where you can’t damage him too soon but keep jumping on his head as he paces back and forth to do damage to him (When his eyes are brown again you may damage him again). He will spawn a few enemies in the process, just take them out or if its a flame do your best to avoid it. Once you take his healthbar down all the way the level will be complete and you will receive this trophy. | ||
Boss 2 Win the second Boss Fight |
For this trophy you will need to complete the level World 2: Level 20 “Boss 2”. Work your way across the moving platforms over the lava until you get to the popcorn machine. This is right before the boss fight. There will be a few smaller enemies with the boss before you go into the boss area so don’t get caught off guard. If you have a hat you will have a much easier time with this fight. The boss can’t fit under the alcove and the flames he will spawns will be too high to fit under the alcove also. You can stay in the area you dropped down to from the popcorn machine and just throw frying pans at the boss until he is defeated. If you don’t have your hat you will have to do it the old fashion way by jumping on his head while his eyes are brown. Be careful to watch out for the other enemies he will spawn and when you deplete his healthbar to nothing he will be defeated and you will complete this level. Once this level is complete you will receive this trophy. | ||
Boss 3 Win the third Boss Fight |
For this trophy you will need to complete the level World 3: Level 30 “Boss 3”. Ride the minecart all the way until it ejects you and then ride the wrapped candies platform to the Popcorn Machine. Right after the popcorn machine is the boss. Drop down and head into the boss room and use the same method to take him down, shoot at him with Frying Pans or jump on his head while his eyes are brown. He will continue to create enemies to get in the way so be careful not to get hit by them. He will also create an oven that burns the baked goods and sends fireball enemies after you. Deplete his healthbar again to defeat him, clear this level and unlock this trophy. | ||
All Bosses defeated Win the final Boss fight |
For this trophy you will need to complete the level World 4: Level 40 “Final Boss”. Head through the level avoiding all the fire enemies and burnt toast flying in the air and make you way to the popcorn Machine at the other end of the room. Hop down into the boss room and it will be more of the same as the last couple boss fights you have fought. Taking him out at range is best but you can also bounce off his head if you don’t have your chef hat. Once you have defeated him by damaging him while his eyes are brown you will receive this trophy and the credits. Congratulations, you have finished the game. | ||
Finish the game Complete the 40 main levels |
For this trophy you will have to complete all the levels in the game minus the Secret Levels. There is a total of 40 levels in all and the final level is the final boss noted in the trophy “All Bosses Defeated” | ||
Secret Connoisseur Finish all secret levels |
For this trophy you are going to need to complete all 4 Secret Levels. Please refer to each Secret Level’s corresponding trophy to learn how to unlock and complete it. | ||
Secret 1 Finish the first secret level |
To complete this level you will first need to find the Warp Point in World 1: Level 1 “Rambunctious Reception”, location is noted in the trophy “Warp 1”. Once you have the Warp Point found head down to the warp pad below the level. This is going to be a much more difficult level than any other ones you have played. You will need to use your skills of jumping on enemies to cross large gaps and make your way over to the finish of the level. It may take a few retries but this level isn’t the most difficult level ever so with patience you will finish the level and get this trophy. | ||
Secret 2 Finish the second secret level |
To complete this level you will first need to find the Warp Point in World 2: Level 17 “Who Wants Ice Cream”, location is noted in the trophy “Warp 2”. Once you have the Warp Point found head down to the warp pad above the level. Much like its predecessor this one will test your ability to make it across long gaps but this one incorporates the flip feature where it makes you run and jump along the ceiling. Complete this level one half at a time by working off the checkpoint. A few attempts and you will see yourself complete this level and earn this trophy. | ||
Secret 3 Finish the third secret level |
To complete this level you will first need to find the Warp Point in World 3: Level 22 “Candy Apple Catwalk”, location is noted in the trophy “Warp 3”. Once you have the Warp Point found head down to the warp pad below the level. This one is actually the easiest of the four Secret Levels. The biggest issue in this one will be dealing with the lava which isn’t too horrible. Make your way to the end of the level working slowly as to make sure you don’t get rushed and die. Upon completion of the level you will receive this trophy. | ||
Secret 4 Finish the fourth secret level |
To complete this level you will first need to find the Warp Point in World 4: Level 37 “Sweet and Flour”, location is noted in the trophy “Warp 4”. Once you have the Warp Point found head down to the warp pad above the level. This level is the ultimate test of special levels. The level will start off putting you in a minecart and have you make your way right. It will eventually dump you out and you will have to traverse water which if you keep jumping you will be safe among the top of the water. You will hit a checkpoint and have to balloon your way through most of the remaining part of the level. Continue forward until you lose the balloon and continue heading a short distance to the right where you will complete the level and unlock this trophy. | ||
5 bounces Bounce on 5 enemies in a row without touching the ground. |
This one can be a little annoying. What you have to do is defeat 5 enemies in a row by bouncing on their heads. The absolute earliest you can get this trophy is in World 1: Level 4 “Doughnuts for Dinner”. Near the very start of the level there will be two enemies trapped between blocks and each one has two enemies standing on their heads. Jump off while holding the run button and as you land on their head press the jump button to get a bit of a higher jump so you can place your landing on the next enemy but remember they will not stop moving so this may become frustrating trying to accomplish. However, with enough practice this can be done. I recommend doing it at this spot also because if you die you aren’t very far from trying to attempt this trophy again. Once you get to World 3: Level 24 “Toasty Tombstone” you will have no choice but to jump across 5 enemies in a row to make it across a large gap so if you haven’t gotten it by that point then you will essentially need to get it to complete this level. | ||
Learning to eat (500 food) Collect 500 points worth of food |
Please refer to “Morbidly obsessed with collecting food (10,000 food)”. | ||
Casual snacker (1,000 food) Collect 1,000 points worth of food |
Please refer to “Morbidly obsessed with collecting food (10,000 food)”. | ||
Eating isn’t just a hobby! (5,000 food) Collect 5,000 points worth of food |
Please refer to “Morbidly obsessed with collecting food (10,000 food)”. | ||
Morbidly obsessed with collecting food (10,000 food) Collect 10,000 points worth of food |
Food is essentially the currency you collect to fill up your hearts throughout your gameplay. For these trophies you will need to cumulatively collect 10,000 points worth of food which isn’t as bad as it may sound. Treats are plentiful and you should have this trophy near the end of world 3 or the beginning of World 4. If you are having an issue collecting food the fastest farm for it might be to reach a popcorn machine near a cliff. The machine is a checkpoint and will always spawn a bag of popcorn which is worth 50 points, simply collect the bag and die and repeat to start bringing the number up. You can check the progress of how much food you have collected by pausing the game either in a level or Overworld. Once you reach 10,000 food collected this trophy will pop. | ||
Finish High and Dry, high and dry Complete level 39 while in a minecart |
In order to obtain this trophy you must complete World 4: Level 39 “High and Dry” using the minecart they provide at the beginning. Unlike all other levels containing a minecart this is the first one that you can find yourself losing the cart and having to finish the level on foot. The key here is to ignore any and all pickups and just focus on jumping up the rails in the beginning and getting on the clouds. Once on the clouds you are pretty much set. Keep riding along until you run out of clouds, at this point there is only one more tricky jump where you have to bounce off an enemies head. once you reach the end if you are still in the cart you will receive this trophy. | ||
Learning to drive Finish the first minecart level |
For this trophy you simply need to finish World 1: Level 3 “Ragged Rails”. The entire level is a Minecart level and propels you forward constantly in a cart and you will need to jump from platform to platform while the cart moves you forward. Upon completion of Level 3 you will be awarded this trophy. | ||
Learning to swim Finish the first underwater level |
For this trophy you are going to need to complete the level in World 1: Level 5 “An Underwater Engagement”. The level is very linear and you will just need to avoid the Candy Corn fish and pretzels. Once you reach the finish the level this trophy will unlock. | ||
Learning to fly Finish the first balloon level |
For this level you will have to finish the first balloon level you come across which will be World 1: Level 9 “A Baker’s Flight”. You will have to traverse the level floating up and down on a balloon with nothing but plates to throw at your enemies to fend them off. Simply complete the level to unlock this trophy. | ||
Friendly fire A cupcake explodes killing another enemy |
For this trophy you will need to defeat a Cupcake cart that has a candle sticking out of the top of it jumping jumping on top of it. That will kill the cupcake and light candle. The candle will now become a bomb, exploding when the wick is done. That explosion must kill another enemy to trigger this trophy. The easiest place to obtain this trophy is the first candle cupcake you come across at the beginning of World 1: Level 4 “Doughnuts for Dinner” just past the two stacks of three doughnut enemies. simply hop on it as soon as you can and the next enemy should walk right into the explosion, giving you the trophy. | ||
Learning to bake Use an oven |
For this trophy you will need to come across an oven in the game. The first place you will find an oven is in Level 4 “Doughnuts for Dinner”. while traversing the level you will get to a point where it wants you to go up, instead of going up continue to the dead end and there will be an oven at the end:
Walk in front of the oven and it will have an up arrow above the oven. Simply press up on the D-Pad and a few cookies will pop out and this trophy will pop. |
Get out of the kitchen Have an oven send out flame enemies |
This trophy is a bit RNG based. What that means is every time you see an oven there is a chance of instead of rewarding you with a delicious looking baked good it will instead shoot out a few fire enemies. You will likely get this trophy before completing the game but if for some reason you would like to farm it you can revisit the same oven over and over again located in the “Learning To Bake” trophy above. | ||
Find all bonus rooms Find all bonus rooms |
For this trophy you will need to find and complete each secret room in the game. Once all 13 have been found and completed you will receive this trophy. Below is images of where each Secret Rooms is located:
Find 5 bonus rooms Find 5 bonus rooms |
For this trophy you will need to find and complete 5 total Secret Rooms and their levels. The earliest you can obtain this is in World 2: Level 3 “Peaks, Plunges, Pancakes”. Please refer to ‘Find all bonus rooms” located above for images of all Secret Rooms. | ||
Find 1 bonus room Find your first bonus room |
For this trophy you will need to find and complete just the first Secret Room. The first Secret Room you will come across is in World 1 Level 4 “Doughnuts for Dinner”. Please refer to ‘Find all bonus rooms” located above for images of all Secret Rooms. | ||
Bubble expert Throw a projectile into a bubble jet |
In order to obtain this trophy you will need to go into a water level while wearing your hat. Wearing your hat will allow you to throw your frying pan. To unlock this trophy you will have to simply find one of the many little bubble jets and throw your frying pan inside. | ||
Overworld death The fish in the overworld got you |
For this trophy you will need to complete World 1: Level 5 “An Underwater Engagement”. Upon completion you will be allowed to move towards Level 6. Halfway across there is a box with an exclamation mark in it. This is where the fish will jump up and try to attack you. Simply run back and forth between Level 5 and Level 6 in World 1 until the fish is able to get you to unlock this trophy. | ||
Hat reclaimed Grabbed a hat pickup after losing it |
After collecting a hat in any level and have full health with the hat symbol lit up simply take damage from an enemy. Once you have taken damage your hat will fall off. When it falls off and lands on the ground it will stay there for just a moment before disappearing. As long as you run it over before it disappears you will pick the hat back up. Doing so for the very first time will reward you with this trophy. | ||
Big cookie, big fall Lure a big cookie off an edge, to it’s death |
For this trophy you are going to need to come across a Big Cookie enemy that is on a walkway that has nothing blocking the enemy from walking off the edge. The earliest you can obtain this trophy is in World 1: Level 6 “Half Baked Science”. Just past the A Cookie will be the Big Cookie Enemy. To obtain this trophy simply jump on the cookie to knock off the chocolate chips and aggravate the enemy, then jump across the gap back to the platform prior to lure the cookie to the gap. The cookie will try to chase you and fall through the gap killing itself and netting you this trophy. | ||
No hats allowed! Leave a hat behind in a no hat zone |
For this trophy you will need to start a level that doesn’t allow second hits. Starting up Level 3 while wearing a hat will take the hat off of you as you actually start the level giving you this trophy. | ||
Learning to spell Collect the B-A-K-E cookies in one level |
For this trophy you are going to have to collect all the BAKE cookies. These cookies stand out among all the other cookies because they have a pink glaze with one of the fourth letters on it. You will need to collect all four of these cookies before completing the level to get this trophy. The cookies are fairly easy to spot in the first level and are all in order. Once you collect the fourth letter the trophy will pop. | ||
Quickdraw Shoot a spike as it is falling |
To obtain this trophy you will need to find a spike ceiling that has darker grey spikes in it along the ceiling. The darker grey spikes are spikes that will fall when you get too close. For this trophy you are going to need to be able to throw frying pans by having your hat on. With your hat on head towards one of these spikes and throw your frying pan at the spike. If timed properly you will hit the spike on its way down and trigger this trophy. |
Hakoom says
Thanks for the guide !
David K. says
Thanks for The guide. I am however not satisfied with The difficulty of 2. In My opinion it should 3.
1= Telltale Adventure – no Choice matters
2= Point and Click Adventure where you have to do specific choices
3= Anything that needs some Gaming Skills
Zulqarmessi says
Thanks Broken :-)