Paldea Pokedex: #366 Braviary
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Keen Eye/Sheer Force/Defiant
Height: 4’11”
Evolution: Rufflet > Braviary (Level 54)
Characteristics: The more scars they have, the more respect these brave soldiers of the sky get from their peers.
Braviary Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet:
- Evolves from Rufflet at Level 54
Biome: Desert (10% Chance), Mountain (20% Chance), Rocky (20% Chance)
- Area: North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two)
- Biome: Grass (15% Chance), Rocky (15% Chance)
- The Great Crater of Paldea
Time: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night
Version: Scarlet, Violet
Held Item: None
Braviary Stats:
- HP: 100
- Attack: 123
- Defense: 75
- Special Attack: 57
- Special Defense: 75
- Speed: 80
- Total Combat Points: 510
For where to find all other Pokemon Locations, check out Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – All Pokemon Locations
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