Country Pursuits is the 55th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Country Pursuits Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.
Country Pursuits is unlocked after completing Urban Pleasures.
Quest Giver: Dutch
Chapter: 4
Region: Lemoyne
Gold Medal Requirements:
- Return Jules to the skiff within 1 minute 40 seconds
- Shoot the Bullgator 5 times
Starting Location: Shady Belle, Lemoyne
Talk to Dutch
Dutch is convinced that you have to take out Angelo Bronte before you hit the bank in Saint Denis. To pull off his plan you will need a boat. Get on your horse and head to Lagras with Dutch.
Once there, you will meed up with Dutch’s contact, Thomas. He agrees to help row a group of people to Bronte’s mansion at night, but first he has to consult with his partner Jules and collect the crawfish from his traps.
The casual warning about gators isn’t exaggeration either. They’re fast and deadly, as you’ll probably see soon enough.
When you reach the first set of traps, check it for crawfish. Continue to follow Thomas through the swamp, checking traps as you go.
When Thomas spots a gator, he quickly advises you to stop moving. You are strongly urged to listen to him.
Once Thomas says it’s clear, continue to follow him. The next trap will be stuck in the mud, and Thomas will ask for assistance.
Follow the prompts to help free the trap, and discover that it has been smashed open. Its at this point that Thomas will reveal a piece of information that would have been better told before you walked out into the middle of a deep swamp at night.
Again Thomas will warn you to stop moving while gators are swimming through the area. By the way, if you happen to wander too close to the gators, Thomas will not appreciate you trying to get back to dry land. Just stand still until they pass, and think still thoughts.
Follow Thomas when he starts moving again. By now, he’ll start to worry that you haven’t found Jules yet. Dutch decides to split up and search, sending you off to the right.
Start moving towards the yellow objective area. You can also press / to call out to Jules. Try looking for any light sources in the area to start with.
When you get close enough, he will respond to you from a branch of a tall tree.
Get beneath Jules and you will be able to beckon to him, but he is in a panic and won’t come down, rambling about seeing a monster.
Go and get his skiff, which will be stuck against a nearby fallen tree. A cinematic will play as you free the boat, and Thomas and Dutch will catch up to you. Skip this cinematic.
As you pole back to the dock, you run into something in the water that has caught up the boat. Thinking its a tree stump, Thomas tells Jules to jump into the water and free the boat, but Jules isn’t convinced.
A split second after he pulls you out with your tow rope, he gets pulled under the water and disappears.
- GOLD MEDAL: Return Jules to the skiff within 1 minute 40 seconds
Don’t hesitate, as soon as you can jump out of the boat and go after Jules. Start moving towards the yellow objective area and start looking. It can be tough to see him in the dark, but Jules’s head will be sticking up out of the water and he’ll call out to you.
If you don’t reach him in time, he will be pulled under the water again and change positions. Listen for his yelling and look for his waving arms.
As soon as you reach Jules, you will automatically carry him on your shoulders.
Hurry back to the skiff as fast as possible to make the time limit for the gold medal requirement. Come alongside the boat where Dutch is reaching and he will haul Jules in, with you climbing in behind him.
Last but not least, break out your ranged weapon of choice and locate the gator in the swamp swimming towards you.
- GOLD MEDAL: Shoot the Bullgator 5 times
For the gold medal requirement, you’ll need to shoot the gator, five times. With a full Dead Eye meter, you can give the Bullgator twice that number of hits even using a bolt action rifle, so this shouldn’t be hard.
Once the Bullgator runs, you will have to treat Jules’s wounds. Press & or & to apply pressure.
If you missed it the first time, you’ll get a second chance at a much closer range to put more ammo into the Bullgator as you get near the docks.
Thomas pulls the boat up, and Jules is carried away to be treated. Next stop, Angelo Bronte’s mansion.
This finishes Country Pursuits main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest Revenge is a Dish Best Eaten starts.
Next Up: Revenge is a Dish Best Eaten
For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough.
PoisonJam says
That time limit is ridiculous. It’s not possible to reach Jules without him being pulled under and moving.
Casyle says
I have a gold medal on every mission up to this point, but getting Jules to the skiff in 1 minute 40 seconds is proving harder than anything else I’ve tried! This is asinine.
My Arthur has lvl 8 stamina, and I’m pounding A the entire time to Jules and back to the boat, yet it’s still not fast enough. I’m starting to think the only way to achieve this is to just race straight ahead , or to the left, after Jules gets dragged under and get lucky enough to have chosen the correct direction that Jules will pop up in. There’s no other way to be quicker….
Casyle says
Ok, that had to have been a bug. My first 6 attempts I was getting to him so fast our characters were touching before he was drug under, but I noticed in a video that he should have been getting drug under before I ever got near him.
On my 7th attempt he got drug under way earlier, and I even wasted time guessing wrong and going in the wrong direction, yet I still got the gold for this mission. My gold medal run was slower than the previous 6, so I can only assume I hit a glitch.
bojacks says
use first person. during the saving of jule . easy gold
Tactic: Once he is drown under, take few steps left and drink a stamina potion. Since you are to the left of yellow area he will spawn to your right. After drinking start walking to the right and he should spawn closeby. If he doesnt or you feel you failed, just dynamite selfkill, and restart from checkpoint. It doesnt effect gold.
Leonardo says
Have tried for six times and I’m still getting silver. This mission, as some other, shouldn’t have to be difficult at all, it’s just walk! There’s no sense keeping repeating this over and over considering that you’re not able even to skip the horse trip or dialogues. Man, I loved this game, but these kind of things is getting my nerves.
Mary says
It is not letting me move onto the next mission. Arthur is stuck behind the shack and will not move no matter what I do. If I reboot the game I have to do it all over again can someone please help me out here
wulfeyes77 says
Did combo between bojacks and HGEVHER – did first person, and walked left after he got dragged under, sipped a stamina potion (he still spawned left when I started running right though), but I think going first person was the trick, as I was able to move as soon as I was out of the boat.