This page contains the full Red Dead Redemption 2 Compendium, 100% complete with all entries. The compendium in RDR2 allows you to track certain items and tasks including: Animals, Equipment, Fish, Gangs, Plants, Horses, Weapons, Cigarette Cards.
You find the compendium in the Pause Menu under Progress. Clicking on a compendium entry lets you view more info about it. Alternatively, you can keep track through Rockstar Social Club.
Everything below is in the in-game Compendium order (not alphabetical). This means row by row, page by page how the items are displayed in the Compendium of your game!
For 100% Game Completion refer to this Checklist: Red Dead Redemption 2 – 100% Checklist & Guide.
Animals Compendium (178 Total)
- American Alligator
- American Alligator (small)
- Nine-Banded Armadillo
- American Badger
- Little Brown Bat
- American Black Bear
- Grizzly Bear
- North American Beaver
- Blue Jay
- Wild Boar
- Whitetail Buck
- Whitetail Deer
- American Bison
- Angus Bull
- Devon Bull
- Hereford Bull
- American Bullfrog
- Northern Cardinal
- American Domestic Cat
- Cedar Waxwing
- Dominique Chicken
- Dominique Rooster
- Java Chicken
- Java Rooster
- Leghorn Chicken
- Leghorn Rooster
- Greater Prairie Chicken
- Western Chipmunk
- Californian Condor
- Cougar
- Double-crested Cormorant
- Neotropic Cormorant
- Florida Cracker Cow
- California Valley Coyote
- Cuban Land Crab
- Red Swamp Crayfish
- Whooping Crane
- Sandhill Crane
- American Crow
- American Fox Hound
- Australian Shepherd
- Bloodhound
- Bluetick Coonhound
- Border Collie
- Catahoula Cur
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever
- Siberian Husky#
- Labrador Retriever
- Poodle
- Mutt
- Rufus
- Standard Donkey
- Mallard Duck
- Pekin Duck
- Bald Eagle
- Golden Eagle
- Reddish Egret
- Little Egret
- Snowy Egret
- Rocky Mountain Bull Elk
- Rocky Mountain Cow Elk
- American Red Fox
- American Gray Fox
- Silver Fox
- Banded Gila Monster
- Alpine Goat
- Canada Goose
- Ferruginous Hawk
- Red-tailed Hawk
- Rough-legged Hawk
- Great Blue Heron
- Tricolored Heron
- Desert Iguana
- Green Iguana
- Collared Peccary
- Common Loon
- Pacific Loon
- Yellow-billed Loon
- Western Bull Moose
- Western Moose
- Mule
- American Muskrat
- Baltimore Oriole
- Hooded Oriole
- Californian Horned Owl
- Coastal Horned Owl
- Great Horned Owl
- Angus Ox
- Devon Ox
- Panther
- Florida Panther
- Carolina Parakeet
- Blue and Yellow Macaw
- Great Green Macaw
- Scarlet Macaw
- American White Pelican
- Brown Pelican
- Ring-necked Pheasant
- Chinese Ring-necked Pheasant
- Berkshire Pig
- Big China Pig
- Old Spot Pig
- Band-tailed Pigeon
- Rock Pigeon
- Virginia Opossum
- American Pronghorn Buck
- American Pronghorn Doe
- Sonoran Pronghorn Buck
- Sonoran Pronghorn Doe
- Baja California Pronghorn Buck
- Baja California Pronghorn Doe
- California Quail
- Sierra Nevada Bighorn Ram
- Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep
- Desert Bighorn Ram
- Desert Bighorn Sheep
- Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ram
- Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
- Black-tailed Jackrabbit
- North American Raccoon
- Black Rat
- Brown Rat
- Western Raven
- Red-footed Booby
- American Robin
- Roseate Spoonbill
- Herring Gull
- Laughing Gull
- Ring-billed Gull
- Merino Sheep
- Striped Skunk
- Red Boa Snake
- Rainbow Boa Snake
- Sunglow Boa Snake
- Diamondback Rattlesnake
- Fer-de-Lance Snake
- Black-tailed Rattlesnake
- Timber Rattlesnake
- Northern Copperhead Snake
- Southern Copperhead Snake
- Midland Water Snake
- Cottonmouth Snake
- Northern Water Snake
- Scarlet Tanager Songbird
- Western Tanager Songbird
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow
- American Tree Sparrow
- Golden Crowned Sparrow
- American Red Squirrel
- Western Gray Squirrel
- Black Squirrel
- Western Toad
- Sonoran Desert Toad
- Eastern Wild Turkey
- Rio Grande Wild Turkey
- Alligator Snapping Turtle
- Eastern Turkey Vulture
- Western Turkey Vulture
- Gray Wolf
- Timber Wolf
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Legendary Bull Gator
- Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear
- Legendary Beaver
- Legendary White Bison
- Legendary Tatanka Bison
- Legendary Boar
- Legendary Buck
- Legendary Cougar
- Legendary Coyote
- Legendary Fox
- Legendary Elk
- Legendary Moose
- Legendary Giaguaro Panther
- Legendary Pronghorn
- Legendary Big Horn Ram
- Legendary Wolf
Equipment (74 Total)
Some of the equipment is from Story Missions and Stranger Missions. A bunch is from crafting, Trinkets, Talismans, and rewards from Challenges.
- Lasso
- Binoculars
- Fishing Rod
- Electric Lantern
- Old Lantern
- Camera
- Upgraded Bandolier
- Upgraded Gun Belt
- Upgraded Holster
- Upgraded Off-Hand Holster
- Ingredients Satchel
- Materials Satchel
- Valuables Satchel
- Tonics Satchel
- Legend of the East Satchel
- Kit Satchel
- Provisions Satchel
- Alligator Tooth Talisman
- Boar Tusk Talisman
- Bison Horn Talisman
- Bear Claw Talisman
- Tatanka Bison Horn Trinket
- Beaver Tooth Trinket
- Buck Antler Trinket
- Cougar Fang Trinket
- Coyote Fang Trinket
- Elk Antler Trinket
- Fox Claw Trinket
- Moose Antler Trinket
- Owl Feather Trinket
- Pronghorn Horn Trinket
- Ram Horn Trinket
- Eagle Talon Talisman
- Raven Claw Talisman
- Iguana Scale Trinket
- Wolf Heart Trinket
- Lion’s Paw Trinket
- Panther’s Eye Trinket
- Bandit Bandolier
- Bandit Gun Belt
- Bandit Holster
- Bandit Off-Hand Holster
- Explorer Bandolier
- Explorer Gun Belt
- Explorer Holster
- Explorer Off-Hand Holster
- Gambler Bandolier
- Gambler Gun Belt
- Gambler Holster
- Gambler Off-Hand Holster
- Herbalist Bandolier
- Herbalist Gun Belt
- Herbalist Holster
- Herbalist Off-Hand Holster
- Horseman Bandolier
- Horseman Gun Belt
- Horseman Holster
- Horseman Off-Hand Holster
- Master Hunter Bandolier
- Master Hunter Gun Belt
- Master Hunter Holster
- Master Hunter Off-Hand Holster
- Sharpshooter Bandolier
- Sharpshooter GUn Belt
- Sharpshooter Holster
- Sharpshooter Off-Hand Holster
- Survivalist Bandolier
- Survivalist Gun Belt
- Survivalist Holster
- Survivalist Off-Hand Holster
- Weapons Expert Bandolier
- Weapons Expert Gun Belt
- Weapons Expert Holster
- Weapons Expert Off-Hand Holster
Fish (30 Total)
» Red Dead Redemption 2 All Legendary Fish Locations
- Bluegill
- Chain Pickerel
- Redfin Pickerel
- Rock Bass
- Smallmouth Bass
- Bullhead Catfish
- Perch
- Lake Sturgeon
- Largemouth Bass
- Steelhead Trout
- Channel Catfish
- Longnose Gar
- Muskie
- Northern Pike
- Sockeye Salmon
- Legendary Bluegill
- Legendary Chain Pickerel
- Legendary Bullhead Catfish
- Legendary Redfin Pickerel
- Legendary Rock Bass
- Legendary Smallmouth Bass
- Legendary Perch
- Legendary Lake Sturgeon
- Legendary Largemouth Bass
- Legendary Steelhead Trout
- Legendary Channel Catfish
- Legendary Longnose Gar
- Legendary Muskie
- Legendary Northern Pike
- Legendary Sockeye Salmon
» Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Hideout Locations
- Lemoyne Raiders
- O’Driscoll Boys
- The Murfree Brood
- The Skinner Brothers
- The Laramie Gang
- Del Lobos
Plants (43 Total)
» Red Dead Redemption 2 All Plant Locations
- Alaskan Ginseng
- American Ginseng
- Bay Bolete
- Blackberry
- Blackcurrant
- Burdock Root
- Chanterelles
- Common Bulrush
- Creeping Thyme
- Desert Sage
- English Mace
- Evergreen Huckleberry
- Golden Currant
- Hummingbird Sage
- Indian Tobacco
- Milkweed
- Oleander Sage
- Oregano
- Parasol Mushroom
- Prairie Poppy
- Ram’s Head
- Red Raspberry
- Red Sage
- Vanilla Flower
- Violet Snowdrops
- Wild Carrot
- Wild Feverfew
- Wild Mint
- Wintergreen Berry
- Yarrow
- Acuna’s Star Orchid
- Cigar Orchid
- Clamshell Orchid
- Dragon’s Mouth Orchid
- Ghost Orchid
- Lady of the Night Orchid
- Lady Slipper Orchid
- Moccasin Flower Orchid
- Night Scented Orchid
- Queen’s Orchid
- Rat Tail Orchid
- Sparrow’s Egg Orchid
- Spider Orchid
Horses (19 Total)
» Red Dead Redemption 2 All Wild Horse Breed Locations (note: this guide focuses only on the wild and unique horses, the rest can be found from stables and also on the streets of towns).
- American Paint
- American Standardbred
- Andalusian
- Appaloosa
- Arabian
- Ardennes
- Belgian Draft Horse
- Dutch Warmblood
- Hungarian Halfbred
- Kentucky Saddlers
- Missouri Fox Trotter
- Morgan
- Mustang
- Nokota
- Shire
- Suffolk Punch
- Tennessee Walker
- Thoroughbred
- Turkoman
Weapons (60 Total)
» Red Dead Redemption 2 All Weapon Locations
- Cattleman Revolver
- Granger’s Revolver
- Flaco’s Revolver
- John’s Cattleman Revolver
- Double-Action Revolver
- Algernon’s Revolver
- Micah’s Revolver
- Schofield Revolver
- Calloway’s Revolver
- Otis Miller’s Revolver
- Volcanic Pistol
- Semi-Automatic Pistol
- Mauser Pistol
- Midnight’s Pistol
- Carbine Repeater
- Lancaster Repeater
- Litchfield Repeater
- Varmint Rifle
- Springfield Rifle
- Bolt Action Rifle
- Rolling Block Rifle
- Rare Rolling Block Rifle
- Carcano Rifle
- Sawed-Off Shotgun
- Double-Barreled Shotgun
- Rare Shotgun
- Pump-Action Shotgun
- Semi-Auto Shotgun
- Repeating Shotgun
- Bow
- Unarmed
- Fire Bottle
- Volatile Fire Bottle
- Dynamite
- Volatile Dynamite
- Throwing Knife
- Improved Throwing Knife
- Poison Throwing Knife
- Tomahawk
- Improved Tomahawk
- Homing Tomahawk
- Ancient Tomahawk
- Cleaver
- Machete
- Broken Pirate Sword
- Hunting Knife
- John’s Knife
- Antler Knife
- Civil War Knife
- Jawbone Knife
- Wide-Blade Knife
- Ornate Dagger
- Hatchet
- Hewing Hatchet
- Stone Hatchet
- Viking Hatchet
- Hunter Hatchet
- Rusted Hunter Hatchet
- Double Bit Hatchet
- Rusted Double Bit Hatchet
Cigarette Cards (144 Total)
» Red Dead Redemption 2 All Cigarette Card Locations
Famous Gunslingers
- No. 1 Frank Heck
- No. 2 Otis Miller Boys
- No. 3 Jack Hall Gang
- No. 4 Butcher Brothers
- No. 5 Flaco Hernández
- No. 6 Slim Grant
- No. 7 Landon Ricketts
- No. 8 Black Belle
- No. 9 Billy Midnight
- No. 10 Emmet Granger
- No. 11 Jim ‘Boy’ Calloway
- No. 12 Bart Love
Artists - No. 1 Edith Corinne
- No. 2 Elsie Rose
- No. 3 W. G. Hoyt
- No. 4 Aldous Bramley
- No. 5 Preston T. Stephenson
- No. 6 Evelyn Miller
- No. 7 Slick Hutton
- No. 8 Laurence Carson
- No. 9 Miss Maud Delancey
- No. 10 Charles Châtenay
- No. 11 George Dixie
- No. 12 Richard McCullough
Vistas of America - No. 1 New York
- No. 2 Saint Denis
- No. 3 Blackwater
- No. 4 Armadillo
- No. 5 Rio Bravo
- No. 6 The Grizzlies
- No. 7 San Francisco
- No. 8 Tall Trees
- No. 9 Valentine
- No. 10 Chicago
- No. 11 Rhodes
- No. 12 Annesburg
Gems Of Beauty - No. 1 Leila Stetson
- No. 2 Isabelle Barlow
- No. 3 Hattie Langtry
- No. 4 Isabelle Standish
- No. 5 Maud Engel
- No. 6 Sadie Russell
- No. 7 Geraldine Emerson
- No. 8 Agnès Guyon
- No. 9 Jennie Willetts
- No. 10 Ilga Ulmer
- No. 11 Fay Delaro
- No. 12 Pauline Henderson
Flora of America - No. 1 Golden Currant
- No. 2 Hummingbird Sage
- No. 3 Oleander Sage
- No. 4 Yarrow
- No. 5 Indian Tobacco
- No. 6 Black Mangrove
- No. 7 Longleaf Pine
- No. 8 Desert Fan Palm
- No. 9 Coastal Redwood
- No. 10 Horse Crippler Cactus
- No. 11 Blazing Star
- No. 12 Carolina Lupine
Stars of the Stage - No. 1 Laurence Dunn
- No. 2 Louis Durand
- No. 3 Jesse Raymond
- No. 4 Augusta Tremlow
- No. 5 Mabel Potter
- No. 6 Robin Koninsky
- No. 7 Isadore Reid
- No. 8 Irene Grubb
- No. 9 Nettie Palmer
- No. 10 Jim Cobb
- No. 11 Mittie Comstock
- No. 12 Robert Elliot Patchen
Fauna of America - No. 1 Black Widow Spider
- No. 2 Bloodhound
- No. 3 Blue Jay
- No. 4 Catfish
- No. 5 Coral Snake
- No. 6 Grouper
- No. 7 Large Mouth Bass
- No. 8 Panther
- No. 9 Parrot
- No. 10 Pheasant
- No. 11 Snapping Turtle
- No. 12 Turkey
Marvels of Travel - No. 1 Packet Ship
- No. 2 Schooner
- No. 3 Camel Caravan
- No. 4 Elephant Carriage
- No. 5 Goat Carriage
- No. 6 Hot Air Balloon
- No. 7 U.S. Frigate
- No. 8 The Showboat
- No. 9 Balener Whaling Vessel
- No. 10 Stagecoach
- No. 11 Steam Locomotive
- No. 12 Velocipede
World Champions - No. 1 Greco Roman Wrestler – Percy Wood
- No. 2 Billiards – Edwin A. Rowe
- No. 3 Pugilist – Theobaud Getzin
- No. 4 Oarsman – H. T. Slocum
- No. 5 Cyclist – R. S. Harradon
- No. 6 Walker – E. D. Ewing
- No. 7 Lawn Tennis – Patsey Hill
- No. 8 Weightlifter – William Sleicher
- No. 9 Pigeon Shooting – Edwin Singerly
- No. 10 Skater – Felix Hawley
- No. 11 Hammer Thrower – Capt. Jack Page
- No. 12 Club Swinger – Axel McCormack
Amazing Inventions - No. 1 Steam Locomotive – 1814 – George Stephenson
- No. 2 Camera – 1814 – Joseph Nicephore Niepce
- No. 3 Electrical Execution Apparatus – 1888- H.P. Brown, A. Kennelly
- No. 4 Typewriter – 1829 – W. A. Burt
- No. 5 Revolver – 1836 – Daniel Buck
- No. 6 Telegraph – 1837 – Samuel Morse
- No. 7 Manned Glider – 1885 – Charles Kinnear
- No. 8 Dynamite – 1866 – Alfred Nobel
- No. 9 Cylinder Phonograph – 1877 – Thomas Edison
- No. 10 Player Piano – 1881 – Edward Leveaux
- No. 11 Electric Light Bulb – 1878 – Thomas Edison
- No. 12 Fountain Pen -1884 – Lewis Waterman
Horses - No. 1 American Paint
- No. 2 Appaloosa
- No. 3 Andalusian
- No. 4 American Standardbred
- No. 5 Nokota
- No. 6 Ardennes
- No. 7 Dutch Warmblood
- No. 8 Turkoman
- No. 9 Hungarian Halfbred
- No. 10 Mustang
- No. 11 Thoroughbred
- No. 12 Missouri Fox Trotter
Americans - No. 1 President Fisher
- No. 2 President Hardin
- No. 3 Lillian Powell
- No. 4 Leviticus Cornwall
- No. 5 J. D. McKnight
- No. 6 Luther Covington
- No. 7 Harvey Griggs
- No. 8 Henrietta Beatrice Woods
- No. 9 General Quincy Harris
- No. 10 General Cornelius Palmer
- No. 11 Senator Thaddeus Waxman
- No. 12 President Alfred Macalister
That’s the full Compendium of Red Dead Redemption 2! Remember you can keep track of everything through the in-game menu or use Rockstar Social Club on any device as your checklist.
For every RDR2 guide you’ll need for 100% completion, check out our full Red Dead Redemption 2 Strategy Guide.
Bmc says
Hey Pyx, glad to see you are still around. I have a weird bug. I have been collecting cigarette cards. I recently picked up #7 of the Amazing Inventions set (Manned Glider), but it isn’t showing as collected in my compendium. I have in my satchel, and have looked at it several times, but won’t show in the collection.
Any ideas?
KAdamsy1 says
i got a problem with my weapons, ingame says i got 40 yet social club only shows me having 26
Magnus says
You have to use them.
DF13 says
You probly need to use them got same issue as u
menoxie says
Magnus says
Just skinning is ok
DF13 says
there is not a category on them that says study
DF13 says
in the comendium ofc
Paul says
I am attempting to complete 100% in the compendium for the gangs. I am stuck on LeMoyne and O’Driscolls. I can’t find the last gang camps for them. It seems that I have wiped all of the camps out and I still do not have 100%.
Popps says
Just a heads up, you a have a typo under the horses, specifically the Tennessee Walker, you missed the first E. Salut
PowerPyx says
Well spotted, thank you! This is fixed.
Luke says
The odriscolls are up in hanging dog ranch and lemoyne raiders are at shady belle
Brady says
I killed the vampire and even picked up the knife and I can’t use and it says I haven’t even collected it tried going back to find the vampire but he doesn’t show up please help I don’t get it and don’t want to restart
Mike says
Where is the husky and why a # sign next to it????
GOAT says
The husky is at Manzanita Post. You can sneak there at the start of Ch.2 while it’s still in the red zone, if you like.
The # is just a typo, as it’s next to the return key, which they’d obviously pressed at the same time when making a new line.
Ricki Ek says
Carolina Parakeets ? Extinguished or not I need to kill the 25 or get rid of quest WHAT TO DO same with Dreamcatcher
Jan says
In my game it shows me 60 of 64 weapons and I have all weapons currently listed, but what are the unlisted weapons which I have yet to get?
Ricki Ek says
How long before goldbars respawn ?
I started my game 3 month ago and directly looked for hidden treasures.Found them all ( I think ) playing every day and this week all had respawned .
When can I get them again
Zeke says
Story mode – gold bars do not respawn.
Online mode I cannot confirm since I have not played yet
Alex says
The gold bars in Limpany and the Braithwaite manor respawn every once and a while. I’d say like a week of in game time. Although that can vary because sometimes when I went back they weren’t there but would respawn after checking back again after a while. Treasure hunt gold bars do not respawn. Also I wouldn’t do the treasure hunts until you play as John.
Dr. Gutowski says
The PC version added some new talismans it seems, specifically they were insterted into the Equipment tab after #38 Panther’s Eye Trinket:
39: ???
40: Hawk Talon Trinket
41: Cat Eye Trinket
42: ???
43: Shark Tooth Trinket
the it continues
44: Bandit Bandolier
Daniel A says
I’m on PS4, and I’ve got a similar situation:
33: Raven Claw Talisman
34: Wold Heart Trinket
35: Lion’s Paw Trinket
36: Panther’s Eye Trinket
37: ???
38: Hawk Talon Trinket
39: ???
40: ???
41: Shark Tooth Trinket
I’m guessing I’m missing the iguana scale trinket, the cat eye trinket, and the eagle claw trinket.
Also, I have a total of 77 equipment slots.
Lj says
I’m on Xbox one and I’m showing 63 weapons and and 79 equipment? These definitely aren’t listed including like you said the sharks tooth trinket.
kingphin says
37: Turtle Shell Trinket
38: Hawk Talon Trinket
39: Cat Eye Trinket
40: Crow Beak Trinket
41: Shark Tooth Trinket
those are the ones i found so far on PC
Dr. Gutowski says
There are also 4 weapons (not counting the Stone Hatchet) missing:
High Roller Double-Action Revolver
LeMat Revolver
M1899 Pistol
Evans Repeater
PowerPyx says
I believe these are new additions from the PC Version. I will update it shortly.
Thanks for pointing this out!
Mateo says
I actually have all those on the PS4 version so not just PC
Lj says
I’m on Xbox one and unassuming it’s the same update? I could be wrong but I’m showing more than what you have here.
Animals: 178
Equipment: 79
Fish: 30
Gangs: 6
Plants: 43
Horses: 19
Weapons: 63
Cigarette cards: 144
Just a heads up. Not sure what’s been updated and what hasn’t
Terry Wren says
You are also missing the crow beak trinket
GOAT says
I am looking for a weapons compendium which can be compared to my blank spaces in-game.
Unfortunately, “8. Schofield ; 11. Volcanic”, shows that this list can’t be used. In-game they’re 9 and 13, respectively.
Goatlips says
1. Cattleman Revolver
2. Granger’s Revolver
3. Flaco’s Revolver
4. John’s Cattleman Revolver
5. Double-Action Revolver
6. Algernon’s Revolver
7. Micah’s Revolver
8. High Roller Revolver
9. Schofield Revolver
10. Calloway’s Revolver
11. Otis Miller’s Revolver
12. LeMat revolver
13. Volcanic Pistol
14. Semi-Automatic Pistol
15. Mauser Pistol
16. Midnight’s Pistol
17. M1899 Pistol
18. Carbine Repeater
19. Lancaster Repeater
20. Litchfield Repeater
21. Evans Repeater
22. Varmint Rifle
23. Springfield Rifle
24. Bolt Action Rifle
25. Rolling Block Rifle
26. Rare Rolling Block Rifle
27. Carcano Rifle
28. Sawed-Off Shotgun
29. Double-Barreled Shotgun
30. Rare Shotgun
31. Pump-Action Shotgun
32. Semi-Auto Shotgun
33. Repeating Shotgun
34. Bow
35. Unarmed
36. Fire Bottle
37. Volatile Fire Bottle
38. Dynamite
39. Volatile Dynamite
40. Throwing Knife
41. Improved Throwing Knife
42. Poison Throwing Knife
43. Tomahawk
44. Improved Tomahawk
45. Homing Tomahawk
46. Ancient Tomahawk
47. Cleaver
48. Machete
49. Broken Pirate Sword
50. Hunting Knife
51. John’s Knife
52. Antler Knife
53. Civil War Knife
54. Jawbone Knife
55. Wide-Blade Knife
56. Ornate Dagger
57. Hatchet
58. Hewing Hatchet
59*(Requires #GTAO account). Stone Hatchet
59/60. Viking Hatchet
60/61. Hunter Hatchet
61/62. Rusted Hunter Hatchet
62/63. Double Bit Hatchet
63/64. Rusted Double Bit Hatchet