Red Dead Redemption 2 Online mode contains a camp. It’s quite a bit different from your singleplayer camp though, so we’ll go through what changed and what your camp does in RDR2’s multiplayer.
- Your camp has only one companion called “Cripps” who is unlocked after the tutorial. You can buy new costumes for Cripps at camp and also buy camp upgrades from him. Some upgrades give gameplay bonuses, while others are purely cosmetical. Generally, the camp upgrades are not that useful though and better kept for later after you’ve bought all weapons.
- You can cook meat at the campfire.
- You can have purchased items delivered to your camp through the portable catalog
. They are then found inside a big lockbox at camp.
- You can change your outfit at your tent.
- The camp acts as a safe zone where other players cannot attack you (same as shops). You can lower the flag at your camp by looking at it with
to remove the safe area.
You can move your camp around from the item wheel (open weapon wheel, press /
and select the camp at the bottom). During the online tutorial your camp will stay in a fixed location but later on it changes location automatically every in-game day. Relocating a small camp costs $1 and allows for 1-4 players to be in your posse. Relocating a big camp costs $2 and allows you to have 1-7 posse members.
Your camp is always marked on the map and the HUD (looks like a green triangle icon). If you can’t find it, turn your character in the direction of the HUD’s camp icon so that your character’s arrow is pointing toward the camp. Then open the map and follow in a straight line of where your character is facing. If you still can’t find it, just move it to a new place. There is no way to fast travel directly to your camp so you’re going to have to ride there each time.
All Online Camp Upgrades
Below are all possible online camp upgrades. Look at Cripps inside your camp by pressing +
to start buying the upgrades. Buying 5 camp upgrades (e.g. 5 flag colors for $50 each) will unlock the “Home Comforts” trophy / achievement.
- Standard – no effect
- Traveling Opulence – no effect
- The Hobo Life – no effect
- Military Surplus – no effect
- Survivor – no effect
- Bedrolls – Refills your Cores to 15% when entering Free Roam. Your Cores refill 25% faster when entering a camp.
- Lean-To – Refills your Cores to 25% when entering Free Roam. Your Cores refill 50% faster when entering a camp.
- A-Frame – Refills your Cores to 35% when entering Free Roam. Your Cores refill 75% faster when entering a camp.
- Tall Lean-To – Refills your Cores to 45% when entering Free Roam. Your Cores refill 100% faster when entering a camp.
- Open-Air Lean-To – Refills your Cores to 55% when entering Free Roam. Your Cores refill 125% faster when entering a camp.
- Covered Lean-To – Refills your Cores to 65% when entering Free Roam. Your Cores refill 150% faster when entering a camp.
- Covered – Refills your Cores to 75% when entering Free Roam. Your Cores refill 175% faster when entering a camp.
- There are 8 flag colors for your camp but they are only cosmetic and have no gameplay benefits
- Fast Travel Post – allows you to fast travel from Camp
Cripps’ Outfits (he’s your camp companion but these are only cosmetic outfits for him with no benefits to you):
- Standard 1 – no effect
- Standard 2 – no effect
- Standard 3 – no effect
- Standard 4 – no effect
- Standard 5 – no effect
- Travelling Opulence 1 – no effect
- Travelling Opulence 2 – no effect
- The Hobo Life 1 – no effect
- The Hobo Life 2 – no effect
- Military Surplus 1 – no effect
- Military Surplus 2 – no effect
- Survivor 1 – no effect
- Survivor 2 – no effect
Cooking Meat
To get the trophy and achievement “Master Craftsman” for crafting 20 items, you can simply cook 20 pieces of meat. Since you need a campfire, your camp is the only place to do it. You can store the cooked meat in your satchel.
Retrieve Purchased Items
You can press to buy items from the portable catalog. They will get delivered to the box in your camp as well as the post office.
Customize Outfit
You can view your wardrobe at your tent and change your outfit.
Safe Zone
Your camp is a safe zone where other players cannot attack you. However, by lowering your flag you can remove the safe zone if you are looking for a fight! Look at it with to lower the flag. The flag colors can be changed by purchasing them from Cripps.
That’s all the functionality your online camp offers in Red Dead Redemption 2. Hope you learned something new. For more guides, check out our full Red Dead Redemption 2 Strategy Guide.
Ed says
It’s crazy that you can’t cook out in the wild. Who wants to travel back to camp just to cook meat? Makes no sense. Am I missing something?
PowerPyx says
You’re not missing anything 🙂 – you indeed cannot cook meat in the wild, it requires the campfire (and there’s no “portable camp” in online mode as of yet). Granted the online mode is still in “Beta” and Rockstar might fine-tune some of those mechanics later down the road.
JL says
You can cook at any campfire you find, though. It’s not as good as being able to set up camp wherever you want, but there are plenty of usable fires around the map.
Teddy says
I don’t know exactly when this was implemented, but at least since mid 2020, you can obtain a Wilderness Camp from the Naturalist Role. You’ll need Rank 5 to and two tokens to unlock it. Then you have to go to Harriet Davenport to actually buy it.
Once that’s done, you can access the Wilderness Camp from the Weapon Wheel, under the Items tab and pitch it anywhere on the map, provided you access it from a location where the game allows it (pretty much anywhere outdoors) and whether there is at least one available campsite area nearby.
Dan says
I’ve cooked meat in the town of valentine near the stables. Until someone walked up behind me and shot me in the head.. smh…
Hoagie Macintosh says
“Shooting My Head”
Carlos says
How do the Tent stats really work? Is it worth it to buy the best one?
Tex says
Why can’t you have cribb’s military oufits? Like there is no military uniforms both in SP and Online… i want to wear them and i was over excited when i saw them in cripp’s camp but then i realized that only him can wear them… that sucks i remember that in RDR 1 there were a military uniform… why the removed it in RDR online?
Jimmy says
Where are the ponchos, the leather tops like the Native wear,and fur panyt to go hunting in the mountains?
Christina Orlando says
Why can’t you get games in camp online like poker dominoes?
Sweets2328 says
Got attacked at camp flag was up
Sweets2328 says
They tied me up I was in defens to I don’t nothing to no one just play the gave
Roy P Fairless says
Wish I had a butcher at camp I want to camp closer to hunting ground and be able to store or sell meat and hides there camps should have there own trapper or something as part of your crew to do upgrades that be cool too.
nunya says
f*ing camp is totally worthless not to mention it drains money why? i dont even use it and no way to get rid of it. So why is it there?
Graham says
You can create your own camp for yourself to sleep after a specific naturalist rank.