The Ties That Bind Us is a Stranger Mission Strand (Side Questline) in Red Dead Redemption 2. This Walkthrough shows how to complete the Stranger Missions.
Quest Giver: Mr. Black & Mr. White (Chain Gang)
Region: southern Rhodes, next to the train tracks
Requirements: having finished The Joys of Civilization (early Chapter 4)
Note 1: Unlike all other Stranger Mission Strands, the following parts III & V are not automatically marked on the map. You have to get close like approaching any new Stranger.
Note 2: The first part of the Mission has reported to be potentially glitched. Make a backup savegame prior to starting it to be on the safe side.
The Ties That Bind Us Starting Location
On a Hill next to the Train Tracks in Rhodes, Arthur spots two men fighting on the ground.
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Judging by their clothes, they’ve just escaped prison. They need new clothes but can’t go into town with all those Bounty Posters up. They ask Arthur for help.
The first Poster is in the Post Office, the next three along the Main Road of Rhodes.

The fifth Poster is picked up by another Bounty Hunter. Quickly run to his horse, pull him down and gently beat it out of him.

Part II – Option I
Once you’ve obtained all five posters, head back to the Chain Gang and burn their posters, if you wish to see them again at a later date.
Part II – Option II – Early Ending
Once you’ve obtained all five posters, head back to the Chain Gang and capture them to collect the price on their heads. Take out your lasso and hogtie whoever you get first.
Chase after the second guy and capture him as well. Call your horse and deliver the first bounty-target to the Sherrif of Rhodes.
Head back to the second target and deliver him, too. Pick up your reward and the quest-line will end here.
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Part III
The two escapees can be found north of Rhodes a few days after our first encounter, if you chose to help them instead of turning them in. They are in pretty bad shape and in need of medicine.
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Part IV
If you already have some on you, simply hand it over. If not, head into town and buy something.
Before leaving, Arthur advises them to split up and or head far away in order not to get caught. He has a soft spot for criminals like himself.
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Part V
There is one more final encounter with the boys – they now live in a tree-house, in the northern part of Big Valley. And they still argue. About everything.
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This concludes the “The Ties That Bind Us” Stranger Mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). For all other Stranger Missions check out the full Red Dead Redemption 2 Stranger Missions Walkthrough.
Seth says
Hey the posters aren’t appearing for me at any of the locations. Has it glitched on me?
dalailama1989 says
Normally, when you get close to a location, a small poster icon should appear on the mini-map and flash a few times.
Are there no posters at all in the whole town of Rhodes for you?
I don’t think they spawn randomly for everybody (although I can’t completely rule it out as of now).
Have you tried to fast-travel away and come back at another point?
Can you revert to an older manual savegame?
Seth says
Yes there are no posters anywhere and I’ve been traveling far away and back again many times to see if they appear but they don’t. Also in Rhodes there’s a white question mark that flashes on and off on the mini map between the gun store and the building next to it but there’s nothing to see there. I think it’s another glitch. I’m not going to be able to sleep because of this lol
Hangtotheflo says
That’s the one with the boy in the basement I think look at where the house meets the ground there is a window and a kid is trying to speak to you. P.S. loot the room at the end for nice rifle
Robbie says
I saved and reloaded my game. it fixed it for me. thank god
Jack says
The question mark youre seeing is for a man stuck in the gunsmith of rhodes basement, hes been kidnapped and it offers a robbery inside, do you people play without sound?
Seth says
There was no sound of anyone crying for help but I’ll check again after work. This is the first time I’ve actually properly off the game so hopefully the posters will appear when I reload
Robbie says
Found the first one in the train station now it’s glitching for me also
Robbie says
It’s annoying because i originally went there to do my bounty poster now that’s disabled….
Afranco says
I found the last one, but I cannot take it, Arthur looks at it, i read it but when i press circle to save it he keeps returning it. Is it a glitch?
Charlie Humphrey says
I have the same problem, have you found a solution yet?
Xilef says
i can’t remove my last poster on the road. i see it there, symbol appearing and i can remove it to see it. but then he hangs it back on. tried several times
Elgringo says
I got the same problem. Poster in the Main Street. Guy leaning against it doesn’t want to move, dealt with him went to pick it up and it just returns it to the post. Checking satchel it does say 5/5 obtained so looks like a glitch! It doesn’t seem to effect 100% completion of the game if it’s happening to you. Maybe they will fix it with a patch. Hopefully!
Z71Pride says
Instead of burning the posters you can hogtie Mr. Black and turn him in for 40 bucks reward.
Mifflex says
Ive got all the posters but nothings came up to say to go to the cam0
Ty says
I have completed till part 4 before finishing the game. Now that i have finished the game, i have to start all over from part 1… weird
Ravenclaw4life says
That’s what happening to me
George Ene says
One of the few stories that got a happy end. I really loved completing this one. From prisoners to free men. This game is so wonderfully written.
Czar says
Im on chain gang part 4 and it wont appear on the map anymore, and their camp is vacated. Am i still able to do the mission? On my tasks it just says mission unavailable.
brianthompson says
I threw some dynamite through the tree house window and killed them both.
Kevin says
So the bounty hunter that takes the poster ran off and disappeared and I’m pretty sure he killed/captured Mr.’s Black and White cause now I can’t finish the quest…
Connor says
did you find a solution? It happened to me
hokageyuri says
For anyone having some issues with the posters, try to talk to the old man right next to the first wanted poster at the post mail (he is reading a journal /also he looks like Seth from rdr 1) .
He’ll explain what crimes they (Prisioners) did. You need to listen to that because, when you got all poster and confront the prisioners MC talks about it. So i’m pretty sure you guys need to get that info from him, to get all posters! Good luck!
PS: At PowerPix #1Post Office Picture you can see the old man that i’m talking about, just roll up the page a lil bit!
Holo9981 says
They definitely did kill the guy but it sounds like it was justified based on who you choose to believe.
Also, if you didn’t notice already these two guys have a “Brokeback Mountain” kind of relationship going on. You can tell if you listen to the subtle way Arthur keeps warning them that the people in these parts are very “unkind” to anyone with their type of relationship. I like how Rockstar does the dialogue in a way that you could interpret it as a racial problem or a criminal problem that they need to be worried about but if you stick around and listen to their dialogue after completing each part of their mission (especially if they don’t know that you are still around) you get a deeper understanding of how they actually feel about each other. When you finish the entire mission you can sneak back behind the stilted cabin and listen to the conversation they have after Mr. White lets Mr. Black back in after he apologizes and offers to make dinner. It’s kinda sweet and a nice way to finish off their story line.
ziggurcat says
won’t progress past part II. collected all posters, no marker to meet them at the camp appears. The law went after me twice, so it’s possible they got captured? pretty stupid if that happened.
cory kleckner says
chain gang now twice just will not appear after getting the 5 posters happened with arthur and now with john they just wont appear its really annoying
cory kleckner says
but i can get the hunting requests i see now so its all good i hope