Resident Evil 4 Remake has 5 Crafting Recipes. Unlocking all Crafting Recipes completes the Crafty Crafter Challenge. They are not needed for trophies & achievements but completing the challenge rewards you with CP which can be traded in the Extra Content Shop for items.
The Recipes are all bought from the Merchant and become available gradually throughout the story. They will all be available in Chapter 16 which has the final merchant in the game. You can also still buy them in New Game+.
Each Recipe lets you craft a new object by combining certain crafting items in the inventory.
Collectibles Overview:
Crafting Recipes
#1 – Heavy Grenade
Enter the merchant room next to the treasure. This is the final merchant in the game. Here you can buy your remaining recipes / weapons / weapon parts. Heavy Grenade is bought from Merchant for 12,000 ptas.
#2 – Flash Grenade
Bought from Merchant for 6,000 ptas.
#3 – Bolts
Bought from Merchant for 6,000 ptas.
#4 – Attachable Mines
Bought from Merchant for 8,000 ptas.
#5 – Magnum Ammo
Bought from Merchant for 7,000 ptas.
That’s all of the Crafting Recipes in RE4 Remake.
For all other Collectible Types refer to Resident Evil 4 Remake Collectible Locations Guide.
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