Rise of the Ronin has a total of 51 Trophies (1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 9 Silver, 39 Bronze). Below you can find the full Rise of the Ronin trophy list.
Rise of the Ronin Trophies
Rise of the Ronin
Obtained all trophies.
Flying the Nest
Cleared the Prologue.
Curtain Falls, Curtain Rises
Learned that your Blade Twin is still alive.
Infiltrate the Prison Complex
Made your way to Shoin Yoshida.
A Happy Memory
Took a photograph at the request of Taka Murayama.
Black Ships, Long Shadows
Cleared Chapter 1.
Meeting Kaishu Katsu
Spoke with Kaishu Katsu at the Sumida River.
A Show for the Shogun
Learned the identity of the mysterious samurai at the duel.
Strange Bedfellows
Brokered a truce between the Roshigumi and the Choshu clan.
Cities of Darkness
Cleared Chapter 2.
The Satsuma-Choshu Alliance
Persuaded Takamori Saigo.
The Battle of Toba-Fushimi
Brought the Battle of Toba-Fushimi to an end.
A Veiled Edge’s Future
Sealed the fate of your Blade Twin.
The Dawn of a New Japan
Cleared Chapter 3.
Threads of Fate
Established your first bond.
One Good Turn Deserves Another
Gave your first gift.
Veiled Vow
Started your first romantic relationship.
Fateful Encounter
Achieved your first L.v 4 Personal Bond.
Home Sweet Home
Achieved your first Lv. 3 Area Bond.
Earned your first Completion Reward.
Good to Go
Upgraded your armor, weapon and sub-weapon.
Transfer of Power
Performed your first Bond Transfer.
Equipped four or more pieces of equipment with the same set bonus for the first time.
Fresh Start
Remodeled your longhouse for the first time.
Traveling Through Time
Retried a mission for your first time using the Testament of the Soul.
Striver’s License
Received the highest rank (Master) at the dojo.
Horseback Hero
Received the highest rank (Master) in horseback archery.
Winged Warrior
Received the highest rank (Master) in gliding training.
Firearm Genius
Received the highest rank (Master) in firearms training.
Cheater Beater
Caught 5 cheaters while playing Odds and Evens.
Style Guru
Mastered three combat styles.
A Jack of Trade is a Master of All
Mastered one of the four stat types.
Contraption Creator
Conducted Technology Development 15 times.
Shadow Stalker
Succeeded in carrying out 100 assassinations.
Keeper of the Peace
Defeated 50 fugitives.
Fancy Meeting You Here
Had 50 Chance Encounters.
Saved 150,000 sen.
Well-Rounded Ronin
Reached Level 55.
Friendly Neighborhood Ronin
Completed all Bond Missions.
Social Climber
Took part in missions with all available allies.
Martial Arts Maniac
Defeated enemies using every weapon.
Completed all photograph spots.
Cats Over All
Collected all cats.
Solitary Ronin
Completed a mission without allies.
Life Saver
Complete a No-Kill Mission’s objectives.
Tears of a Blue Demon
Managed to beat the Blue Demon aboard the Black Ship.
Midnight Crossing
Completed an optional ronin mission with the “Midnight” difficulty setting enabled.
The Greater Opportunity
Saved Shinsaku Takasugi’s life.
Farewell, Black Cat
Saved Soji Okita’s life.
Twilight Fencer
Saved Ryoma Sakamoto’s life.
Dive of the Ronin
Glided from the elevated deck at Kiyomizudera Temple.
The list looks mostly completion-based. We need the following Collectibles & Side Activities: 50 Fugitives, All Bond Missions, All Allies, All Weapons, All Photographs, All Cats. It appears that the only difficulty-related trophy is “Midnight Crossing” for completing an optional Ronin Mission with the “Midnight” difficulty setting enabled. The rest seems to be doable on any difficulty.
We must also master the dojo, horseback archery, gliding training, firearms. From the trophy list we also know there will be 3 Chapters, and there are romantic relationships.
What are your thoughts on the Rise of the Ronin trophy list? Do you like what you see? Are you going for the Platinum? For all solutions check out Rise of the Ronin Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
firelink says
Thanks to powerpyx
How many hours do you think it will take to complete?
like nioh2 200 hours?!
Anonymous says
This is the first Team Ninja game that I’m really interested in because it looks like their attempt at at a PlayStation Studios open world blockbuster, which also means it might be their easiest game since it includes difficulty options. While most of the trophies seem fine at a glance, I am concerned with “Solitary Ronin – Completed all mission without allies”, considering allies play a big role in certain missions, as well as the fact that I don’t really want to replay missions (maybe this trophy is even fully missable). I’ll be waiting for your trophy guide and reviews to see if this game is for me or not.
TheOG_FesterHead says
the trophy is for Complete “A” mission without an ally, not all missions without an ally.
Billy says
You only have to complete a single mission with allies.
PhoenixerSDK says
I think its just one mission
Shotties says
It’s complete a single mission with no Allie not all missions, so that’s not bad. Seeing your comment made me scared for a second haha.
NashtyMouse says
Interesting list, I was pretty confident this game would be a souls-like but this list is making me think otherwise. The only difficulty related trophy is for doing a single optional mission. Most of the list seems like extremely simple stuff that will unlock naturally, looks like Team Ninja took a different direction and wanted to make a game that is easily accessible. I’m very surprised.
I’m a big fan of both Nioh games as well as Wo Long, hope this game is as good!
Nikolai says
Disappointing there is no trophy for completing the game on highest difficulty
OJDidIt says
It looks a lot easier than previous TN games to get the plat, I’ll definitely go for it.
I always plat TN and Fromsoft games. Your guides for the few pesky trophies that I fail to figure out have always been helpful.
Cruella79 says
Looks like a nice platinum without too much boring grind, just wonder if you need npc on missions for bonding if so it be repeating missions which would be a little boring.
Looks good though.
TheOG_FesterHead says
the way i did the bond stuff on Wo Long was right when i unlock an ally I use them exclusively until fully maxed. then move to the next.
PhantomFear94 says
Question; how Soulslike (or perhaps Nioh-like) will this game be? I know its Team Ninja, but I can’t get a good read on if this is just an RPG, or a Souls-like with the twist of some difficulty scaling?
TheOG_FesterHead says
The dev team has stated they intend to make this game more accessible than their previous titles. think of elden ring, way more accessible than a standard souls game especially for newcomers. they’ve also stated there will be two progression type currencies. one i believe for leveling up and one for a more karma based system.
if you haven’t played a souls game before i think this may have slight influences but it isnt going to be a direct inspiration. something more like Wo Long may be more suitable for that.
B says
Looks pretty straight forward to me.
Calypso says
Looks fun, more simple than most games like this.
I’ll play and platinum anything set in Japan, so I’m glad this looks like it’ll only take 40-50 hours.
Mac says
If it wasn’t such a busy time I would have given this game a chance on launch. But this game is going to have to wait for now.
Killbomb says
@Mac Exactly. Baffling decision to release on the same day as Dragon’s Dogma 2.
TheOG_FesterHead says
The defeat enemies with all weapons makes me question 2 things:
1. Does this mean defeat a single enemy which each weapon type in your arsenal such as blade, bow, throwable? or does it mean at some point over the course of the game defeat enemies with all weapon types.
2. Will Ronin employ TN’s known loot based system for gear (trophy for Equip a full matching set). This has me concerned mainly because I’m not a big fan of that system in an open world title. Replaying potentially 30 minute or more lengthy missions just for random loot could get annoying and tedious. I hope they use a static loot system.
MidnightDragonDX says
Doesn’t look too bad…and you have to pet cats for the plat! Yay! Hopefully I can get the plat shot to have a cat.
CYB3RS34L says
I am deciding between this and Dragons Dogma and wondering if it maybe in Ronins favor to go play DD2 first so this game has time to cook and get some patches
Anonymous says
I am also deciding which game I will play first (even though I have multiple games to play before I get to either of these games), so I’m waiting on reviews and trophy guides. I will say that Dragon’s Dogma 2 having an uncapped 30 FPS on consoles is not good, so I recommend waiting to see how the performance is at launch, and if they can improve it with patches (Capcom should at least lock it to 30 FPS and make it consistent). Rise of the Ronin will have 3 modes (Graphics, Performance, and Ray Tracing), but I watched someone say that they noticed frame rate dips in Performance mode, so even this game might need patching.
Ali_Trophy says
Online trophy?
Kamonji says
Any idead if it has ng+ or something like that?
PowerPyx says
Full Trophy Guide will be up tomorrow when the game releases 🙂