Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has 160 Collectible Locations across 14 Districts. They are all needed for 100% District Completion: 14 Marko’s Memories, 23 Photo Ops, 6 FNSM Requests, 10 Prowler Stashes, 4 The Flame Missions, 5 Brooklyn Visions Missions, 9 EMF Experiments, 11 Hunter Blinds, 4 Hunter Bases, 43 Spider-Bots, 10 Mysteriums, 2 Cultural Museum Missions, 9 Unidentified Targets, 10 Symbiote Nests.
Finding all Collectibles unlocks the following trophies & achievements:
Superior – 100% complete all districts
Behind the Masks – Complete “Grand Finale” (Mysteriums)
Data Collector – Complete “Target Identified” (Unidentified Targets)
Crimson Hour – Complete “It Was Meant for Me” (The Flame Missions)
Exterminator – Complete all Symbiote Nests
Grains of Sand- Piece together broken memories (Marko’s Memories)
Seek and Destroy – Complete all Hunter Bases
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – Complete all FNSM requests
Foundational – Complete all EMF Experiments
Brooklyn Pride – Complete “A Gift” (Brooklyn Visions)
My Community – Complete “Hard Bop” (Cultural Museums)
Funky Wireless Protocols – Solve the mystery of the Spider-Bots’ origin (Spider-Bots)
A New Adventure – Help Howard (FNSM Request)
Co-Signing – Complete all Tech Stashes (Prowler Stashes)
New York, New York – Complete all Photo Ops
Nothing is missable. You can still get everything after the story in free-roam including side quests. On your way to 100% district completion you will unlock all collectible trophies automatically. Each collectible type gives a trophy after finding them all.
Collectibles unlock gradually from story progress. The best approach is to finish the story first, then collect everything afterward. If you want you can already collect during the story what is available but this will lead to more backtracking. The collectibles are all outside in the open world where you can free-roam. They all get marked when unfogging the map, except Spider-Bots which are not marked. To unfog the map you must go everywhere yourself and it will reveal everything in a radius around you (there are no sync towers to unfog the map). Alternatively, when reaching District Level 2 (from finding Collectibles) it will automatically unfog the whole district and unlock fast travel.
The map tracker shows exactly how many collectibles you found in each district and how many are remaining. If a type has a “lock icon” it means the collectible type hasn’t been unlocked yet and is gated behind story progress or other collectible progress. The final collectible of some types only spawns after having found the rest. Most districts aren’t completable until very late in the game.
By getting 100% completion you automatically get enough unique materials to buy all Suits, Suit Colors, Suit Tech Upgrades, Gadgets, Skills, and reach max level. Each collectible rewards you with materials or XP. You might still need 1000-2000 Tech Parts after doing everything but they can quickly be farmed from Crimes.
Bug Warning: Superior for 100% district completion can become unobtainable if a collectible doesn’t count properly. Especially Hunter Blinds are affected by this. Check the map counter before & after each collectible that it counted. Always save in a different Manual Slot so you can go back to a previous save if something bugged. The trophy is obtainable but if a collectible doesn’t increase the map counter it voids 100% completion (this issue is rare, 10% chance).
All Collectible Location Guides
Click the links below for guides to each collectible type:
14 Marko’s Memories – unlocked in Main Quest 02: One Thing at a Time
23 Photo Ops – unlocked in Main Quest 03: Show Me New York
6 FNSM Requests – unlocked gradually from Main Quest 03 to 18: Wings of My Own
10 Prowler Stashes – unlocked after Main Quest 06: Amends
4 The Flame Missions – unlocked after Main Quest 06: Amends
5 Brooklyn Visions Missions – unlocked after Main Quest 06: Amends
9 EMF Experiments – unlocked after Main Quest 07: Healing the World
11 Hunter Blinds – unlocked gradually from Main Quest 08 to 16: The Flames Have Been Lit
4 Hunter Bases – unlocked from Hunter Blinds
43 Spider-Bots – unlocked at Main Quest 13: Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt
10 Mysteriums – unlocked after Main Quest 13: Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt
2 Cultural Museum Missions – unlocked after Main Quest 14: Funky
9 Unidentified Targets – unlocked after Main Quest 18: Wings of My Own
10 Symbiote Nests – unlocked gradually from Main Quest 26 to 28: Set Things Right
- 68 Suits (not needed for 100% district completion)
100% Districts Overview (All 14 Districts)
Here’s an overview of the total collectible amount per district (14 districts total).
1 Photo Ops
3 Hunter Blinds
1 Hunter Bases
3 Spider-Bots
1 Mysteriums
2 Cultural Museum Missions
1 Unidentified Targets
2 Symbiote Nests
Upper East Side
Central Park
Upper West Side
1 Photo Ops
1 Prowler Stashes
3 Hunter Blinds
1 Hunter Bases
3 Spider-Bots
1 Unidentified Targets
1 Symbiote Nests
Hell’s Kitchen
2 Marko’s Memories
2 Photo Ops
1 FNSM Requests
1 Prowler Stashes
3 Spider-Bots
1 Mysteriums
1 Unidentified Targets
2 Marko’s Memories
2 Photo Ops
1 The Flame Missions
1 EMF Experiments
3 Spider-Bots
1 Mysteriums
1 Unidentified Targets
1 Symbiote Nests
Financial District
4 Marko’s Memories
1 Photo Ops
1 FNSM Requests
1 The Flame Missions
1 EMF Experiments
3 Hunter Blinds
1 Hunter Bases
2 Spider-Bots
1 Unidentified Targets
1 Symbiote Nests
Downtown Brooklyn
1 Marko’s Memories
3 Photo Ops
1 FNSM Requests
1 Prowler Stashes
2 EMF Experiments
2 Hunter Blinds
1 Hunter Bases
4 Spider-Bots
1 Mysteriums
1 Marko’s Memories
1 Photo Ops
1 Prowler Stashes
1 The Flame Missions
4 Brooklyn Visions Missions
2 Spider-Bots
2 Mysteriums
1 Unidentified Targets
1 Symbiote Nests
Little Odessa
1 Marko’s Memories
3 Photo Ops
2 FNSM Requests
1 Prowler Stashes
1 EMF Experiments
3 Spider-Bots
1 Symbiote Nests
Downtown Queens
Sharky says
So if I completed Central Park district and it still says 0/14 on the trophies, I’m out of luck?
PowerPyx says
Wouldn’t worry about this, the trophy trackers tend to be a bit delayed and don’t always update correctly. When you reach the 100% requirement in-game it should still pop the trophy.
Jerspc92 says
Hoping someone has a solution for me…
The 9th EMF in Astoria shows up on the map but does not count towards my 100% for that district. On the collectible counter It still says locked after completing the 8th EMF yet still allows me to complete the 9th. Tried using a old save but it’s not working. Any suggestions?
Arnozi says
Do i need to do all mysteriums on gold medal?? Im stuck at 98% overall progress
Gian says
I have all Mysteriums on gold but it still shows 98%, I don’t know what to do
Jerspc92 says
Maybe one of the collectibles didn’t count towards your district progress? i’d check those
Grim says
I completed everything in the list but I’m still at 98% overall progress do I need to get gold on all the mysteriums? Or what do I do do I need to beat the story mode on ultimate to get it? Cuz I have nothing on the app or the map to compete all I see left are gray mysteriums
Mesi says
I would check trophies if your in ps5
GratefulTree says
When it says Superior trophy being glitched, am I checking the map on Spiderman and if it says 3/3 hunter blinds I’m ok or am I checking the trophy progress on PSN. The map counter is correct but I’ve 100% 4 districs and the trophy tracker is only saying 3?
Nikki_boagreis says
I got 100% complete and didn’t get gold on all mysteriums, in fact i doubt it’s required for 100% completion considering the majority of mysteriums i got bronze. Make sure you collected all spider bots as they count towards the 100% completion progress. My tip would be don’t collect any spider bots until you use a guide, it’ll make following the guide easier if you haven’t already collected any spider bots.
Linou Gertz says
I hace completed everything but are stuck on 98% and don’t get a trophy 🙁