Stray Chapter 10 contains 24 Collectible Locations. This walkthrough will guide you to all collectibles in Chapter 10 in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included: B-12 Memories, Badges, Scratch Points, Nuzzles, Sheet Music, Energy Drinks.
None of the Collectibles are missable. You can still get everything via Chapter Select after the story. The amount of collected Memories can be tracked in the Chapter Select screen. In Chapter 3 you unlock the Inventory to track collected Sheet Music and Energy Drinks. The Badges will show as stickers on your cat’s backpack. Check the sides of the backpack carefully to see them, each has a unique design to differentiate them. The Nuzzles and Scratch Points can’t be tracked anywhere so pay special attention to them. You only need to scratch one single interactable object per chapter such as trees, carpets or walls. If there are multiple you can ignore the additional ones. If you restart a checkpoint or die grab the items again to make sure they count.
- Memories: 7
- Badges: 3
- Scratching Points: 1
- Nuzzles: 6
- Sheet Music: 0
- Energy Drinks: 0
Chapter 10: Midtown
#1 – Memory 1/7
Automatic story-related, unmissable. You get it after the first cutscene, when entering the train station.
#2 – Memory 2/7
From the first Memory go through the train and up the broken escalators. Go through the hole in the fence, turn to the right to see it.
#3 – Nuzzle #5
Press /
at the Robot directly to the right of the last Memory. This should be your 5th Nuzzle, unlocking Cat’s best friend
#4 – Nuzzle #6
From the last spot leave this room and head outside, turn right, go up 4 steps of stairs, turn left to see an elevator in a fence area, jump the railing to get behind the elevator. There you find a robot you can Nuzzle as well as a scratching spot.
#5 – Scratch #10
Same location as the last.
#6 – Nuzzle #7
Go back in front of the elevator and up the stairs to enter Midtown (street with shops and neon signs). You’ll get the automatic story trophy Catwalk here. In front of the 2nd shop on the right (yellow building) is a white jacket robot. Nuzzle his leg.
#7 – Badge #4: Cat Badge
Same place, from where you nuzzled the white jacket robot jump through the window into the yellow shop. In the back of the shop climb the shelves on the right, leading to a safe on top. The code is 8542. Badge is in the safe.
#8 – Memory 3/7
Leave the shop via the window you came in. Enter the next alley on the right, in the back of an alley is a robot sweeping the floor with a broom and a traffic cone on his head (“Albert”). In the back right corner is a green dumpster you can climb, then to the blue roof on the right above, left onto the yellow AC unit, a smaller AC, roof, another AC, a roof. On the roof turn right for the memory.
#9 – Memory 4/7
From the memory you can use the bucket lift to get back down. From where you land exit the red alley in front of you (opposite exit of where you came from). At the next street turn left and enter the first shop on the left through the open window (“Barber Shop”). Jump the couch and from there up the attic where the ladder is. Memory is up there in the attic.
#10 – Memory 5/7
Leave the Barber Shop. Directly across you see a robot with cowboy hat laying on a couch. Enter the shop to his left (“Restaurant”). Jump up the wall behind the chef, from there jump through the hole in the roof. The memory is up there.
#11+#12 – Nuzzle #8 + Nuzzle #9
Leave the Restaurant. You can nuzzle against the two robots outside the Restaurants by the chairs/tables.
#13 – Nuzzle #10
To the immediate right of the last 2 robots is a police robot inspect a car, nuzzle him.
#14 – Badge #5: Police Badge
Directly across from the restaurant is the big hologram robot, go down the stairs behind it and enter the first alley on the right (between 2 yellow-lit shops). Jump the small structure on the right and from there climb the AC units and roofs all the way to the top of the alley until you reach a window with metal bars. Climb in to enter a prison cell with a dead robot, grab the badge from him.
#15 – Story Item: Contact Message
From the badge climb back down, exit the alley and turn left to get back to the main market square with big hologram robot. Go down the road to the right, leading to an apartment complex at the end. For now continue with the main objective to find Clementine. She’s on the top floor of the apartment complex, in the apartment with 3 green dots and 5 red dots on its door, it has a barricaded door with yellow “danger” tape on it but you can enter via the window. Talk to Clementine, show her the picture from your inventory, follow her and talk again to get “Contact Message”.
#16 – Story Item: Cassette Tape
Head back downstairs to the ground floor / entrance area of the apartment complex. There are 3 robots, talk to the one in white hoodie (“Simon”) sitting by a tree, he has the cassette tape on the floor in front of it but won’t let you steal it. He asks you to destroy the 3 security cameras looking down on them from above. You can reach all 3 cameras from the floor above. Simply climb on them and they will fall down. The cameras have a red light on them and are easy to see, two are directly above the robots, one is directly above the entrance to the apartment complex. After the 3 cameras are destroyed talk to the white hoodie robot again and he’ll give you the Cassette Tape. You need it soon to get the Worker Jacket for story purposes.
#17 – Story Item: Worker Jacket
Now we must advance to the next main objective – finding Clementine’s Contact. Leave the apartment complex, go straight until you reach a big hologram robot in the middle of the market square, go down the stairs to his left, take the 2nd alley on the right (paste a purple flashing sign with a bottle on it / after the clothing store). At the end of this alley is a robot in a bomber jacket reading a newspaper (“Blazer”), show him the “Contact Message” from your inventory. He wants you to find a Worker Jacket and Worker Helmet so that he can help get you into the Factory. For the Jacket, go back the alley you came from and enter the first store on the left (“Clothing Store”). In the back of the store is a boombox, press /
to insert the Cassette Tape. This will distract the shopkeeper and you can steel the purple Worker Jacket from the mannequin in the front window.
#18 – Story Item: Worker Hat
Leave the Clothing Store, turn left, go up the stairs (back to big hologram robot in market square), take road to the right, enter the last shop on the left with red neon signs (“Bar”). In the back of the bar is a sleeping worker. Climb the ladder in the corner and the shelf, there are bottle on the shelf you can drop down on him to wake him up. Follow him to the shop next to the Barber Shop (“Hat Shop”). The shopkeeper won’t let you in, so instead you must hide in the box and let the worker carry you inside. Inside the shop, steal the orange hat from the front window.
(Trophy: Sneakitty)
Bring the Jacket and Hat back to Blazer (alley next to Clothing Store), give them from your inventory. Jump in the box, he’ll carry you into the Factory. From here on out you aren’t allowed to be spotted by the Sentinels (drones with searchlights). Their searchlights can’t turn yellow/red (they must stay blue). Then you’ll get the trophy later in the chapter after leaving Clementine’s apartment to go to the club. However, there are more Collectibles to be found along the way, read on below. You can combine the trophy with the remaining Collectibles. If you get spotted restart checkpoint until you do it without the searchlights turning yellow. If this gives you trouble just focus on Collectibles for now and do this later via Chapter Replay.
#19 – Badge #6: Neco Badge
Inside the Factory, in the 3rd room (after sneaking past the first 3 Sentinel drone), there’s a worker robot on the right, at a railing. He asks you to find his keys (must bring them back to him to get a badge). From the worker jump the beam left of the drone, use the switch, enter the next room. Hide behind the moving boxes until you reach the left end of the corridor. Jump on the first barrel floating in the water. Then IMMEDIATELY jump to the barrels on the right side in the water (don’t go straight). Key is there in the corner. Now jump across the other barrels through the water. Immediately on the left before the next drone is a switch on the wall, jump it to open a door back to the worker robot, give him the keys, he gives you the badge.
#20 – Memory 6/7
Backtrack to where you hit the switch to open the gate. At the end of that corridor is a red laser grid. Enter the barrel across from it to roll through the lasers. Turn on the robot on the right, park it at the fence on the left to jump over the fence and find a 2nd robot, hit the switch to open the fence door. Park one robot on the left pad, one on the right pad, then roll the barrel onto the middle pad. Grab the battery, leave the factory via bucket lift. Backtrack to the market square with big robot hologram, to its left is a yellow-lit shop, inside is a memory picture of a Sentinel on the wall.
#21 – Memory 7/7
Return to Clementine’s apartment (apartment complex upstairs). Clementine is gone but left clues behind. Check clueboard in computer room to get “Mysterious Message”. Check mannequin in bathroom (right side of door), purple lantern on living room table, scratch the pink cloth hanging from drawer left of purple latern and climb up to find a tray, in kitchen check the lava lamp above stove. This gives the full clue “I’m with Blazer, come to Nightclub”. Leave the apartment complex, enter first alley on the left where “Albert” (sweeping robot) is, climb the green dumpster and blue roof and head right. There’s a robot looking out a window, talk to him and he’ll let you climb into the nightclub. Behind the bartender stand on the counter to activate a lift, it brings you to the basement where the memory is.
#22 – Trophy: Scratch
From the memory use the same lift to get back upstairs. The table on the left has a record, pick it up, place it on the turntable on the stage, scratch it to pop the Scratch trophy/achievement.
#23 – Story Item: Strange Drink
Pick up the yellow drink from the counter at the bar, behind barkeeper.
#24 – Story Item: Lever Handle
Talk to the green robot to the right of the stage, give him the Strange Drink from inventory. He’ll give you the Lever Handle. Use it on the left side of the stage to create a switch, jump it to retract the dancing hologram, jump on top of the hologram structure, a robot will flip the switch which will raise you up. Press third button > first button to jump across the railings which will finish the chapter.
That’s everything in Chapter 10.
For all other Chapters, refer to Stray Collectibles Guide.
Minorcas13 says
This game really hates me, the Vinyl isn’t there for me
dan says
You actually can get the nuzzle trophy in the last chapter. The robot hooked up to all the wires can be nuzzled as well for the fifth one.