This walkthrough for Stray Chapter 10: Midtown will guide you through all objectives. It also includes all Collectibles and Trophies (Memories, Badges, Scratching Points, Nuzzles, Sheet Music, Energy Drinks).
For other Chapters see Stray Walkthrough.
- Memories: 7
- Badges: 3
- Scratching Points: 1
- Nuzzles: 6
- Sheet Music: 0
- Energy Drinks: 0
Chapter 10 – Midtown
At the start of the chapter, follow the path around into the metro station. You will then automatically obtain Memory 1/7 after a short talk with B-12.
Head left through the subway car and up the stairs. Take an immediate right when you reach the top and go inside the small fenced area. You can interact with the bookshelf to obtain Memory 2/7. You can also Nuzzle the robot sitting to the right. If you had done this with all prior robots in the Slums then you’ll also earn the trophy Cat’s Best Friend at this point. The walkthrough will still point out the other Nuzzle points in the chapter after this though in case you missed any prior, as there are 5 robots in this chapter alone so you can earn the trophy no matter what.
Continue out of the subway area and to the right under the gate. At the split in the path go left, then around the side of the closed-off elevator. Here you can find a Scratch Point as well as Nuzzle the robot sitting on the ground.
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Head back out and start making your way up the stairs down the main area of Midtown. Once the chapter name appears you will earn the trophy Catwalk.
Most of the optional items in Midtown are on the way to where you need to progress the story, so you can grab them all as you go. Continue down the path, then hop up into the store on the right with the robot in the white standing in front.
Jump up onto the shelf at the back to find a safe, where you can enter the code 8-5-4-2, allowing you to obtain the Cat Badge.
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Head back out and continue down the road. Hug the right side wall to enter a side alley where a robot is sweeping the ground.
To the left of the blue neon sign, you can jump up the wall to a higher level. At the top in a small alcove, you can find XX by another blue sign.
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Go back down and return to the main road, then watch the left side for a clothing store by a short staircase. Continue to the left of it and there is a long alleyway.
Start making your way down the alley, and jump up the first platform you can on the right, then continue towards the end of the alley moving upwards when possible.
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When you reach the awning at the top, look immediately upwards to find a window that you can jump into. Inside on the floor, you can pick up the Police Badge.
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Head back down to the main road where the big holographic robot is in the middle of the roundabout. First, head to the left of the road leading right, where the is a shop with a yellow neon sign above the doorway.
Head inside and jump on the counter, then up into the hole in the ceiling. Make your way back around the hole to the front of the ceiling, where you can find Memory 5/7.
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Head back out (on your way you can also Nuzzle the two robots at the table immediately outside) then go across the street to the store with the barred doorway.
Head inside either by jumping through the window or going through the hole in the door, then use the ladder on the left to jump up into the ceiling. Go just around the boxes to where you can find Memory 4/7.
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That’s all the collectibles you can currently grab, so head back out of the store and then go to the right, where you can enter the residential building area.
Head immediately left up the first stairs, then head right at the top and up the next stairwell to the third floor. Hang a right immediately to find the apartment with the 3 green dots and 5 red dots, and jump through the small gap to enter.
Head further inside and you’ll meet Clementine. Show them the picture from your inventory, then follow them into the other room and speak with them to learn about their plan for getting Outside.
Head down to the second floor, where you will now want to jump on the three Security Cameras that are pointing at the group of robots on the ground floor, causing the cameras to fall off. After breaking the three cameras, go down and interact with the robot sitting beside the tree to obtain a Cassette Tape.
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Make your way back out to the central street. You will first want to head into the door immediately to the right, leading into a bar.
Go into the back room where there is a robot sleeping on a table. Use the ladder behind them to climb to the shelf above, then interact with the crate of bottles to push them off the shelf, waking the robot up.
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Head back outside and continue down the road, then watch out on the left for a robot in a green vest with a box in front of them. Jump into the box and wait for the robot from the bar to come over.
The robot carries the box inside the store, which is the only way you can get inside. Once they put the box down jump out, then you can steal the Worker Hat from the stand at the front. You can then exit the store by going through the vent just to the left.
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Next, head over to the clothing store you passed earlier, and go inside and to the back (you can go through the door on the side). In the back interact with the radio and use the Cassette Tape to turn it on.
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Go out into the front of the store, and interact with the Jacket to pick it up.
You’ve now obtained all of the items that you need, so head around to the left side of the clothing store, where you can find a robot in a brown jacket named Blazer, who is your contact for getting into the factory.
Speak with them, first giving them the Contact Message, followed by the Jacket and Worker Helmet. After he puts on the clothes, jump in the nearby box to have him carry you into the factory.
Once in the factory, this is now where you need to start avoiding drones to earn the trophy Sneakitty. Drone patrol through the factory (and will be in the residence building when you go back there) so you need to avoid being spotted by them by staying out of their circular vision area. During this section, if you are ever spotted (their vision will turn yellow, followed by red) you can restart checkpoint and still earn the trophy after.
The first drone in the factory is just moving left and right in the first area, and you can avoid them by just waiting until it moves to the left and quickly going to the right.
In the next room there are two drones, one stationary to the right blocking that path, and one that moves back and forth in the close section and looks at the barrels in the water. To get across you just need to wait for the moving one to go to the left, where you can then jump across the barrels. If you’re quick, you can make it across to the barrels behind in one movement of the drone, but if you’re not sure then you can jump in the box. When it’s safe, go across the second set of barrels and through the door.
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In the next room, there is a robot just to the right, who says they’re missing their keys. You can grab them in a minute in the next room.
Head to the left where you can spot another drone looking back and forth with a block in front, which you can use to hide from its detection area. In this room, you first need to go to the left and jump across the moving beam to reach the platform, then activate the switch opening the door on the left. You then have to continue to the pipe on the right, allowing you to reach the front of the room again, then head through the now open door on the left.
The next area has moving cubes traveling down the middle of the room, which you need to walk behind to block the view of the drone.
After the second drone there are a series of barrels in the water you need to jump across to progress. Going along the same path as the cubes is where you got to progress, but you should first go to the small spot on the left where you can pick up the Worker’s Keys.
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Head across the barrels to the next area, then left behind the boxes that the next drone is by. On the wall here there is a switch you can activate, which opens the door to the left leading back to the prior room.
Make your way back to where you spoke with the robot before and give them the keys to obtain the Neco Badge. If you had obtained all prior badges, you’ll also earn the Badges trophy.
Make your way back to the room with the moving cubes again, and keep following them to the end of the area. Here you need to walk in the barrel, then roll it through the lasers to reach the final room.
There are three buttons that need to be pressed simultaneously to obtain the battery in the middle, so first, you need to get the second robot platform out of the caged area. Interact with the first one to have it follow you, then lead it near the fenced area and use it to jump over.
Jump on the switch to open the gate, then move the two robots onto the two side buttons to make a gap under the battery pillar, allowing you to roll the barrel onto the third button so that you can grab the Atomic Battery.
After grabbing it the prior door closes and the lasers turn off, allowing you to go out the other side. You can ride in a bucket to get back to the main Midtown area.
Make your way back towards the Residence building, but on the way make a stop on the left side of the roundabout where you can now enter the security booth. Inside, interact with the picture of the drone to obtain Memory 6/7.
You can now head back to the Residence area, which Security has blocked the other robots off from. You can still go under the gate though, so head inside. You’ll now need to avoid drones while you make your way back up to Clementine’s apartment. On the ground floor, the two drones rotate in opposite directions, so you need need to pick a side, then wait for them to move so you can get up the stairs.
Go right at the top of the stairs, then head to the right through the middle area to avoid the stationary drone. There are two more moving drones on this floor to avoid, the first just past the central walkway. Wait for it to move in either direction, then run past.
In the next hallway is the second drone, which moves back and forth in that area. To avoid it, wait until it moves towards the far side of the hallway, then follow behind and jump into the box on the left. Wait until it goes back the other way and you can exit the box and follow the path up to the top floor.
On the top floor there are two more drones. The first is stationary facing right, so to avoid it you just need to jump onto the railing and walk across the signs in the middle of the area. The second drone is moving back and forth across the other side of the walkway, and you just need to wait until it moves to the right to jump into the apartment.
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In the apartment, head into the room on the left again and interact with the wall Clementine was at prior. They’ve left a Mysterious Note for you, which you need to determine what it means to continue.
First, head out into the main area and inspect the item on the table with smoke coming out of it.
Second, interact with the pink tower hanging from the wall to the left, which allows you to pull out a drawing to use as a platform. You can then jump up to the upper area, then head around under the tent and interact with the crystal.
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Third, jump back down and head into the small room to the side, where you can interact with the mannequin with a road pylon on it.
Finally, head back to the entrance area with the kitchen appliances, where you can jump up to a shelf above the counter and interact with the lava lamp.
You’ll now need to make your way back out of the residence to head to the nightclub. If you’re trying to avoid detection by the drone’s the important thing on the way out of the apartment is making sure you don’t get spotted by the one right outside the apartment, as it is still moving back and forth. You can watch for the detection area through the gap, waiting for it to move away before you jump onto the window ledge.
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You can then jump onto the middle section of signs, then down to the lower section following the cord to the bottom. Just watch for the drone on the ground level when you jump down.
If you’ve made it through the rest of the chapter without getting spotted by the drones, you’ll earn the trophy Sneakitty as soon as you reach the security barricade, and there are no more drones to worry about. This is the final time in the chapter you can collect any of the items before entering the club, so make sure to do it now if you haven’t already. If you’re still missing a Nuzzle for your five, you can go over to the front of the club (opposite the clothing store) and interact with one of the robots sitting outside.
When you’re ready to progress, head into the back alley where you spotted the sweeping robot. Instead of going to the top level like before, this time you want to go across the awning towards the robot in the purple.
Continue around the pipes to reach the window where a robot is looking out, then interact with them to have them move out of the way, allowing you inside.
Inside the club, jump onto the bar and pick up the Strange Drink.
You then want to walk over and stand on the square platform by the sink, and meow to have it move down to the lower level. In this room you can interact with the table to obtain Memory 7/7.
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Head back up to the club, then go to the leftmost table from the bar, where you can find a record sitting on top (it is possible for the record to glitch and disappear, in which case you can have it reappear by restarting the checkpoint. If you do you may need to pick up the Memory again though). Take the record up to the DJ booth and place it on the left turn table, then interact with it to scratch it and obtain the trophy Scratch.
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Go back to the dance floor and to the right of the stage are two robots standing on the wall, one holding a lever. Interact with them and give them the Strange Drink to obtain the Lever Handle.
Go onto the stage and to the left side, where you can interact with the console to place the lever handle. Jump on it to lower the tube, then jump on top and wait for the robot to come over and reverse the lever, raising the tube and allowing you to get to the top level.
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On the top level, there are 3 buttons that control the hanging lights. Interact with the LEFT and the RIGHT side ones once each to adjust the lights, then you can jump across to reach the VIP area.
Head into the VIP area for a cutscene and the end of the chapter, along with earning the Al-Cat-Raz trophy right when the cutscene ends.
This finishes Chapter 10: Midtown in Stray. Next is Chapter 11: Jail.
For all other Chapter Walkthroughs, check out our full Stray Walkthrough.
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