This walkthrough for Stray Chapter 11: Jail will guide you through all objectives. It also includes all Collectibles and Trophies (Memories, Badges, Scratching Points, Nuzzles, Sheet Music, Energy Drinks).
For other Chapters see Stray Walkthrough.
- Memories: 1
- Badges: 0
- Scratching Points: 1
- Nuzzles: 0
- Sheet Music: 0
- Energy Drinks: 0
Chapter 11 – Jail
After the scenes are finished, you’ll be stuck in a cage in jail. To continue, keep moving left and right to swing the cage. You need to hit the metal on the left two times to knock the door open, allowing you to jump up to the pipe.
Head to the end of the pipe and jump up to the platform, then turn around where you can jump up to some moving beams, then one more level up to enter a small cent.
In the next room, there are two more moving beams. You need to jump onto the left one twice to push it out as far as it goes, then jump onto the right one once, allowing you to reach the cage hanging from the left beam. You can then reach the barrels in the water below, and the door on the far end.
In the next area, you’re now in the actual jail. To progress, you need to jump on the AC units on the wall, which allows you to reach the pipe and beams, then up to the second floor.
There is one drone ahead on this floor, and you are meant to go back down to the first floor to avoid it, but since getting spotted doesn’t matter in this chapter, you can just run by it to the right down the stairs, then immediately jump back up to the second floor on the other side.
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There will be a short scene showing Clementine in the cell to the left, and you need to grab the keys from the nearby room to get them out. Head farther down the hall and through the bottom of the door.
Jump through the window and then head into the next room, where you can grab the Keys from the wall and then carry them back out to Clementine.
Follow along with Clem, and they’ll open the door to the next area. You then need to wait for them to move to the next door, where there will then be a short scene showing that B-12 is locked up below. They’ll go to another door nearby leading to the lower level. Jump through the ticket window into the next room, where there are lasers going across the floor. To avoid them, jump on the boxes on the right, which allow you to jump up to the vents and across the room.
In the hallway ahead there are more lasers in the way. To avoid them, just jump onto the pipe on the left, then down on the other side.
Wait for the drone in the middle to rotate accordingly to move past, then jump on the first AC unit on the left near the next set of lasers. You’ll need to wait for the middle laser to move to the bottom before you can jump across, then back to the ground when the lower one isn’t near.
Head into the booth at the end, where you can jump on the switch to deactivate the security around B-12.
To reach the center of the room, you can head out of the booth the opposite way, then jump through the bottom of the window to the left of the drone.
To reach the center and pick up B-12, you can wait until the drone that is circling the platform starts moving away from you, which is when the other drone will be facing away from the platform.
You can then jump through the window nearby to reach the first hallway, then backtrack to Clementine. After B-12 wakes up, interact with the door to continue.
You need to get through the next door to progress. To do this, first, jump onto the green bin and interact with the pile of bricks to push them off. This prompts Clementine to pick one up and break the window with it. You can then jump on their head, allowing you to jump up through the window.
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Head into the room immediately to the right, activating the lever to open the door for Clem.
Follow Clem and they’ll open the door to let you into the courtyard area. In these next two areas, you are attempting to lock the drones inside the rooms on the left, allowing Clem to advance in the area. The first section is relatively simple: alert the drone by running into its vision or meowing near it, then run into the room behind the block. When the drone comes through the door, move back out by going through the tall grass, and quickly activating the door lock to close the door and lock the drone in.
After the drone is locked in Clem will advance and open the next door. In this middle section, you can go interact with the robot on the right to find the single Memory for this chapter, and the last optional one of the game.
Head through the gate into the second part of the courtyard, where there are now two drones you need to trap in the room. You can do this in a similar way to the first one, alert both drones by meowing and going into their vision areas, then run into the room. You then want to head to the back left (relative to the open doorway) and wait for the drones to start moving in.
Once they’re both in the room you can run around the left side towards the door, and trigger the lock on your way by. If you’re quick enough this should lock both the drones in the room.
After both of the drones are locked in, Clem comes through the gate again and will open the door at the end of the courtyard. In the next room, there is a vent on the right side you can go through, then you reach the other side of the gate and can activate the switch to let Clem through.
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You’ll need to find a way to open the final door, but first make sure to interact with the Scratch Point on the tree in the middle of the area, as it is the only one in this chapter.
Now to progress, go to the other side of the room where the vehicle is located. On the left-hand door, you can interact with the keys that are in the lock, which prompts Clem to come over.
After Clem gets in, jump on the back so that they back the vehicle up to the fence, then jump over the top.
Follow the path around to the control room, where you can find one final switch to interact with.
This opens the gate, but also sets off an alarm, prompting drones to enter the area. Quickly run back to the fence and jump over, then chase after the vehicle as Clem starts driving. The drones chasing will start firing slowly at you, so zig-zag in the area to avoid their shots, then jump on the back of the truck when you catch up.
After the cutscene, you will be back in the metro in Midtown, and Clem gives you the key to start it up. You need to first make your way all the way back to where you first entered, then interact with the panel to place the Battery.
You can then go to the front of the train, and interact with the panel to place the Key and end the chapter.
This finishes Chapter 11: Jail in Stray. Next is Chapter 12: Control Room.
For all other Chapter Walkthroughs, check out our full Stray Walkthrough.
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