Tales of Kenzera: Zau contains 65 Collectible Locations. This collectible guide shows all collectibles in each region for 100% game completion and all trophies.
- 6 Abilities (unmissable, story-related unlocks)
- 32 Echoes (lore)
- 11 Trinkets (health and combat buffs)
- 6 Reflections (health upgrades)
- 3 Spirit Rituals (combat challenges)
- 4 Trinket Slots (automatically unlocked while completing all Spirit Rituals)
- 3 Spirit Segments (automatically unlocked while completing all Spirit Rituals)
None of the collectibles are missable. You can still pick up everything after completing the story. Most collectibles cannot be earned on your first run through the regions because you’re missing the necessary Abilities. All Abilities are guaranteed story-related unlocks, so focus on completing the story first and earning all Abilities, then clean things up either before entering the Realm of the Dead or after completing the game. This guide can be used either during or after the story. If used during the story, you’ll see which collectibles need which Ability, so you know which ones you must return to. By following this guide you will earn all Collectibles and the Platinum trophy.
Act I
Act II
Act IV
- Realm of the Dead (No Collectibles in this area)
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