Tekken 8 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 6-10 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 41 (3
, 9
, 29
- Online Trophies: 6 (1
, 5
- Total Trophies: 47 (1
, 3
, 9
, 34
- Number of missable trophies: 0, nothing missable (there’s chapter select for story trophies)
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on Easy difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 Story Playthrough (must replay Chapter 15 via Chapter Select for Alternate Ending), 1 Arcade Quest Playthrough, 10 Character Episode Playthroughs, 10 Online Matches
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: No, there’s no PS4 version of this game
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: No, there’s no PS4 version of this game
- Free-Roam / Chapter Select after Story?: Yes, there is Chapter Select in story mode & Free-Roam in Arcade Quest after story
- Supports Manual Saves?: No, only 1 Autosave
- Release Date: January 26, 2024
Welcome to the Tekken 8 Trophy Guide! This is a quick and easy platinum that requires playing a little bit of each mode. There are minimal online trophies, only requiring 1 win in each match type. The two main modes are Arcade Quest and The Dark Awakens. These are different story modes, each takes around 2 hours to complete. You must also finish 10 character episodes. Most of the miscellaneous trophies will come automatically so don’t even worry about them until the end. Even though many trophy descriptions say they can’t be done in “Offline Vs”, they can be obtained in the Offline mode called “Super Ghost Battle” (unlocked after Chapter 1 in Arcade Quest). This is effectively the same as “Offline Vs” and makes trophies easy to get. The trophies also unlock across The Dark Awakens Story, Arcade Quest, Character Episodes. You can also save time by setting the match length to 1 round, in the Main Menu click Options (bottom left) > Game Option Settings > No. of Rounds = set to “1” for all available match types. All trophies can be done on Easy difficulty, except Arcade Quest and Super Ghost Battle which don’t feature difficulty select.
Step 1: Finish Arcade Quest [90-120 Minutes]
It’s recommended to start with Arcade Quest mode. This mode includes many tutorials to teach you the basic moves. You must finish this mode by winning the Champion Cup. You earn all rank-related trophies automatically in Arcade Quest mode too (the ranks are offline, not online).
Tip: Tekken 8 uses a new combat system called “Special Style”. This will automatically perform long combos for you without needing to memorize them. Press during battle to activate (shows button inputs in bottom left corner when activated). Then simply spam
for air juggle combos /
for strong forward strikes /
for counters /
for lower body strikes. The fastest way to win fights is to spam
in Special Style mode, these deal about 25%-30% damage of the total health bar.
Step 2: Finish Story: The Dark Awakens [90-120 Minutes]
“The Dark Awakens” is the classic story mode with cutscenes. It’s about the same length as Arcade Quest Mode. Finish all 15 Chapters to get all story trophies.
Step 3: Super Ghost Battles [15-20 Minutes]
Super Ghost Battle Mode is unlocked after completing Chapter 1 in Arcade Quest mode. To unlock the CPU Ghost “Harada_TEKKEN” you must have finished Arcade Quest Mode. He is the top ranked ghost. Beat him, win a battle against your own ghost, and beat 10 other CPU Ghosts.
Time Saver: You can set the match length to 1 round. Go to Main Menu > Options (bottom left) > Game Option Settings > No. of Rounds = Set to “1” for Ghost Battle.
Step 4: Finish 10 Character Episodes [60 Minutes]
From the Story menu select Character Episodes and play through it with 10 different characters. Each character episode consists of 5 fights. In the Character Episodes Menu it will show a green checkmark on the ones you completed. There are 32 base game characters total, but you only need to do this with 10.
Step 5: Practice Mode / Tekken Ball / Arcade Battle / Replay / Customization [30-60 Minutes]
Do any trophies tied to the other game modes: Practice Mode (deal 2000 damage), Tekken Ball (deal 20 devilish hits), Arcade Battle (finish 1 playthrough), Replay (practice a combo via Replay), Customization (customize a character).
Step 6: All Miscellaneous Trophies [30-60 Minutes]
You will have gotten the majority of miscellaneous trophies naturally while working through the other modes. Most of these are things like performing a Wall Bounce, Wall Break, Floor Break etc.
If you have anything remaining, these can quickly be done via Super Ghost Battles. They don’t count in Offline VS / Practice. In Super Ghost Battles you have stage select, allowing you to play the specific stages needed for trophies.
Step 7: Online Trophies
Lastly, do the online trophies. You need to WIN one Ranked Match, one Player Match, one Group Match (accessed via Tekken Fight Lounge by sitting down at the Group Match arcade). You must also play (not win) 10 online matches total in any mode, and challenge a Player Ghost. Player Ghosts can be challenged in Tekken Fight Lounge by walking up to another player and selecting “Ghost Match”.
When you enter Ranked mode for the first time, it will ask you to play a CPU fight to determine your starting rank. Choose to SKIP this CPU fight. This will make you start at the lowest rank so you get matched against weaker players. If you play the CPU fight just let it beat you up and lose all rounds to start at the lowest rank. If you perform well during the CPU match you’d get put into a higher rank against stronger players which could make the ranked win more challenging.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
Tekken 8 Trophy Guide
Note: The button inputs in this guide use the default controller setup “Type A” (as seen under Options > Controller Setup).
Cyberdude says
Great guide thanks. Online trophies always number one for me, get them out the way, hate online trophies.
PhantomFear94 says
I’m not the best at fighting games, – only played MKX and 11 – how brutal would winning a ranked match be? Otherwise, always liked the look of Tekken and its reviewed amazingly so may pick it up for the seemingly easy 1K.
PowerPyx says
Everyone can win a ranked match in this. First of all, it gives you a test fight against the CPU to determine your performance, then it will pair you with players of similar skill level. Also, you can use the new “Special Style” by tapping
and it will automatically perform long combos for you. It also blocks automatically when standing still. As far as fighting games go this is very easy to get into thanks to autocombos.
Andrew says
I’m not the best with fighting games either
Xair says
Do I have to hold the L1 for the Special Style or is it enought by just pressing it once?
PowerPyx says
Press it once and it will stay activated.
Dan says
I’m a bit confused, neither tip for Behold, the fruits of my labors or You think you can stop me are accurate. I got the heat dashes a different way but mashing triangle with any character in special mode doesn’t do more than 50 damage. Any help on getting the air combo trophy is appreciated.
PowerPyx says
For the 70 air damage, do it in Chapter 1 of the Dark Awakens story specifically. After both Jin and Kazuya have grown wings they have more health and do more damage. That’s where I got it just spamming
(was actually my first trophy in the game).
Heat Dashes can trigger in various ways. For me it popped when spamming
with Jin during his Character Episode (with Special Style activated). Spamming
works too as Jin. With Special Style active it will automatically perform Heat Dashes to create combos.
melonsmalls says
A note for the Ortiz Farm “How do you take your coffee?” achievement, I could not get it to pop if the opponent was the one who hit me to the third floor (happened three times). It only popped when I was the one to break the floor to the third level.
General_Kev says
I friend requested you General_Kev, i need help as well
ACE says
How do I play arcade mode on easy . Can’t find any difficulty options
PowerPyx says
Depends on which “Arcade” mode (there are multiple).
Arcade Battle: Offline > Arcade Battle > select difficulty.
Arcade Quest: Doesn’t have difficulty select.
Generic_ID1983 says
I can’t get anyone to fight in a player match if anyone wants to trade wins send me a message Generic_ID1983.
General_Kev says
Ill join you
Priyanshu says
Need someone as well. My psn is PriyanshuBansal
kl says
Hmm it seems theres 5 online trophies not 6?
Ive gotten the one ofr 10 matches
1 ranked
1 group
1 player
1 ghost
Am scanning through this but cannot find the 6th I missing a big one or is 6 incorrect?
PowerPyx says
Platinum is also an online trophy (due to there being 5 other online trophies, you can’t earn platinum offline). So 6 total.
Daryl says
Online trophies needed
General_Kev says
Ill send you a friend request i need em too
King Amanj says
is it possible to Boost Online Trophies Like Tekken 7?
PowerPyx says
Player Match / Group Match you can boost with a friend, just join the same server.
For Ranked not really. You could try searching at same time with boosting partner, if both accounts are same region and same rank you have a chance of finding each other.
BJ69 says
Need Online Help
Add me: BJ__69
Klaus says
Need help for 1 online trophy who have time today ? Add me PSN: klaus1003
MisterPaydon says
If anyone wants to boost the player match and group match hit me up.
MisterPaydon says
I found someone to boost with and all set. Thanks all!
ST says
Finished Arcade Quest but the trophy isn’t popping up, anyone know a fix?
Jacob Gamer says
Thank you for your reply, I not buy it then.
Lee says
Hey guys if anyone wants to help boost my online trophies PSN name is darkhearthowlin
Raul says
Looking to get the player match win trophy done. On Ps5 as RCM_088
PowerPyx says
No guide planned for those. Will be busy with Final Fantasy Rebirth.
Oketra says
Anyone want to trade wins for player match and group match? Message me on PSN Oketra-
Dwarf42400 says
Add me for matchmaking trophy pls : Dwarf42400
Yaoyao says
would you mind boost the trophy with me?
rphorner says
Anyone still need player match and 10 online matches?
psn: rphorner
Jelsom says
Anybody wanna play a player match so we can both get the trophy? my PSN is Jelsom .
desmod99 says
Add me I need this trophy too….desmod99
Hayden says
Anyone still need the player match trophy, it’s my last one for Platinum
PSN is DeathxPenalty
G_svenny says
Looking for help with online trophies, happy to return the favor
desmod99 says
I need help with player match my PSN is desmod99
HaSFR says
Add me for the ‘I’ll give you a rematch anytime, guv.’ trophy please 🙂
xKrovvyx says
Need help with the player match trophy. I’m online now if anyone sees this in time. xKrovvyx.
LGK says
Please add for group match and player match.
psnid: qazwsx345
Predator says
I need help for online trophies to win in a group and win the game, add me on PS5 Black-Yautja-10
Jake R says
Desperate for help on player match trophy. Can’t find a game. PSN TopNotchBogey
Vjmdr says
(You never learn.)
Performed a Floor Blast. (Excluding offline player battles)
Is glitched for me I try to do it in story chapter 14 but it won’t unlock.
Komodo Dragon says
Someone help me with online trophies please, my psn is KomodoDragonIPN
Keith Ho says
Need help on getting the “Player Match” and “Ortiz Farm” trophies!!! Hit me up on my PSN: @Keiyo_Kenway
Keith Ho says
Already got the “Ortiz Farm” trophy recently! Just only need someone to help me get my “Player Match” trophy!
Frozen says
Need someone to trade Player Match wins with. Add me on PSN frozen_spark
seth says
hey I just got Tekken 8 and would like anyone who can help with online trophies I would appreciate it my psn roosterteeth99
Joker7842 says
Nobody plays group matches. Anybody wants to get the trophy with me?
My ID is J0k3r7842
Paul says
If anybody wants to get the Group and Player match trophies then I’m game!
Id: Shinfo
Kri says
I need it pls
The_Devil_Hunter says
Looking for someone to help with the Group Match Trophy!
PSN: xXDevil-HunterXx
Jamie says
If anyone wants to go for trophy player match: jamiedee99
Tunees says
Looking for help with the online trophies.
PSN: Tunees
Christopher says
Need I’ll give you a rematch anytime and please don’t tell my father
PSN: Bibster100
Andy says
Can anyone help me out with the I’ll give you a rematch anytime, guv. trophy please.
PSN: andyi2002
Jason says
Still need help? I need Group and Player trophies. PSN: Skopedip
Daniel says
Anybody wants to do the online trophies together?
PSN: thierryhenrycfc
Gary says
Gash1987 still need online trophies if anyone can help