The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30 Hours
- Total Trophies: 31 (1
, 6
, 7
, 17
- Offline Trophies: 23 (3
, 3
, 17
- Online Trophies: 8 (1
, 3
, 4
, 0
) – Total Shocker!
, Learning to work together
, Secrets! Lies! Conspiracies, man!
, Ghost ships are just a myth, right?
, Quite a lot of deaths that night
, Possible Futures
, Medium bro
, You got a better way?
- Number of missable trophies: 31 – All Trophies are missable!
- Glitched trophies: 3 – Secrets! Lies! Conspiracies, man!
, Quite a lot of deaths that night
, Ghost ships are just a myth, right?
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulty options available
- Minimum Playthroughs: 5 Full Playthroughs + a lot of chapter select replay
Welcome to The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan Trophy Guide! This is the 1st game in The Dark Pictures Anthology series. It’s made by the developers of Until Dawn, but is a lot more complex. The game may seem rather short (a full playthrough lasts around 5 hours), but there are a lot of paths. Luckily, a lot of trophies can be combined and many miscellaneous ones unlock naturally. In total you need 3 full playthroughs, 2 partial playthroughs, and a lot of chapter select. What makes this platinum a bit more tricky is that some trophies (and collectibles) can only be obtained in online co-op and you need a friend to help out as there’s no matchmaking. Stick to the steps and it’ll be an easy platinum.
Step 1: Solo Story & Heart-Choices-Only Playthrough & Collectibles
Your first task is simple. Play through the game solo while always picking the heart-icon choice (including prologue). Grab all Collectibles you can find along the way to reduce replays later – see Man of Medan Collectible Locations. There are only 2 choices in the game: heart or heads. You always have to pick heart. If there’s no heart choice (only two head choices) choose to “Say Nothing” or let time run out if it doesn’t give you this option. When there are quick time actions you must pick hearts in them too. You cannot miss any heart-choice. Refer to Go with your gut for additional info. Along the way you’ll get some trophies automatically.
- 1) Karate Master
- 2) A pint of frosty amber liquid
- 3) Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!
- 4) Break ’em during the thunder
- 5) For a dollar he told me his secrets
- 6) As long as you’re quick
- 7) Lovebirds
- 8) Going it alone
- 9) Go with your gut
After finishing the first playthrough it’s highly recommended you read the Story Explained & How to Let Everyone Die guides. This will improve your understanding of the game (because the story is not what it seems after the first playthrough) and you’ll know all the important moments where characters can die. Only check this out after your first playthrough to prevent spoilers.
Step 2: Movie Night Mode & Head-Choices-Only Playthrough & Collectibles
This time, pick “Play Together” > “Movie Night” mode. Instead of always picking hearts, you must now always pick the head-icon. Refer to trophy Consider all the permutations . This will lead to a few new chapters so be sure to follow the guide for Man of Medan Collectible Locations to find what was previously inaccessible.
- 10) Like that movie with the ship
- 11) Consider all the permutations
Step 3: Shared Story (Online Co-Op) & Missing Relationship Trophies & Co-Op Collectibles
This time, pick “Play Together” > “Shared Story” mode. This is an online-only co-op mode and you need to invite a friend. There is no matchmaking. There are reports that only the host unlocks the trophy, but also reports that both players got the trophy – to be safe do one continuous run without quitting the game (host always gets it regardless). The trophies for maxing out the relationships of Alex+Brad & Conrad+Fliss are only possible in co-op. It’s also easier to get trait trophies in co-op. Look at the trophy order below and refer to each trophy in the guide. Make sure your co-op partner knows about the required choices too! Get what you can, and do the rest through co-op chapter select after the story.
Pay special attention to the co-op only collectibles: In “Glamor Girl” Secrets #15, #31, #17. In “Matters of the Heart” Secrets #46, 12, 33. See Man of Medan Collectible Locations.
- 12) Medium bro
- 13) You got a better way?
- 14) Brother thing, you know
- 15) If you’re selling, I’m buying
- 16) Remember who’s signing the checks
- 17) Big man on campus
- 18) Aye, aye captain
- 19) Learning to work together
Step 4: Everybody Survives Playthrough
Do another playthrough, this time everyone needs to survive. Refer to the Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan Walkthrough (Everyone Survives). It contains every single interaction and all choices to pick. You can cut down on replay time by loading up your finished Movie Night / head choices save (where Julia decompressed at end of dive) and start playing from Chapter “Intrusion” to let Conrad escape on the speedboat. No need to start from the Prologue.
- 20) Can’t reach him with this old junker
- 21) It’s all gone changing on me
- 22) That’s something, I suppose
Step 5: Everybody Dies Playthrough
Refer to the Man of Medan How to Let Everyone Die Guide for this Ending. Basically, all you need to do is go for trophy “The name of this vessel”. If you did this, then the military will arrive at the end of this playthrough and kill all survivors. Only a partial playthrough is needed, you can use your finished Solo Story save from your heart-choices playthrough.
- 23) The name of this vessel
- 24) Not a sole survivor
Step 6: Only Men Survive Ending (via Chapter Select)
Refer to the trophy Right there with ya, boys and get it via Chapter Select. Some partial replay is needed. Use whichever finished story save you have that gets you closest to this.
- 25) Right there with ya, boys
Step 7: Only Women Survive Ending (via Chapter Select)
Refer to the trophy Girls’ night out and get it via Chapter Select. Some partial replay is needed. Use whichever finished story save you have that gets you closest to this.
- 26) Girls’ night out
Step 8: Collectibles Mop-Up
All that you might be missing by this point are the last co-op exclusive collectibles. One last time, refer to the Man of Medan Collectible Locations.
- 27) Quite a lot of deaths that night
- 28) Possible Futures
- 29) Secrets! Lies! Conspiracies, man!
- 30) Ghost ships are just a myth, right?
- 31) Total Shocker!
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan – Complete Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)
- The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan – How to Let Everyone Die (Worst Ending)
- The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan – Story & Endings Explained
- The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan – All Collectible Locations (Secrets & Pictures)
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan Trophy Guide
Important: All information in this guide is based on “Theatrical Cut” Mode (the default scenario). The “Curator Cut” is an alternative pre-order bonus scenario which was not available in the making of this guide. It is highly recommended to play in Theatrical Cut, otherwise the solutions won’t apply to you (in Curator Cut you control different characters with completely different dialogue choices).
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Total Shocker! Collect all Trophies |
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Earn all other trophies in The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan to unlock Platinum. | ||
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For a dollar he told me his secrets Found 25 Secrets! |
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» The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – All Collectible Locations (Secrets, Pictures) | ||
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Learning to work together Finished the Shared Story |
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Shared Story is Man of Medan’s Online Co-Op Mode. This mode is only playable online and requires an internet connection. There is no player search! You must invite a friend to your game. If you don’t have a friend with this game on your list, you can check the comment section below to find someone to help, or offer your help to others.
Now just complete the co-op story any way you want. The most time-efficient way is to let everyone die as early as possible (see trophy “Not a sole survivor” for letting everyone die and always pick dialogue “SAY NOTHING” to reduce number of dialogues). You don’t have to play the entire story in one sitting. The game still creates automatic save games in co-op mode. You can quit the game and continue at a later time if you prefer. Warning – If not done in one continuous sitting, the joining player won’t earn the trophy: If you quit out of the game and continue later, only the hosting player unlocks the trophy (the person who invites the other)! The joining player (who accepts the invitation) won’t receive it, nor does it create a Shared Story save file for the joining player! If your online partner cares about trophies, it is safer to do one continuous run in one sitting. The host always gets the trophy. Given you need so many playthroughs for different endings and collectibles anyway, you can help your friend by joining them for another playthrough and combine it with everyone survives/dies endings. |
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Like that movie with the ship Finished Movie Night |
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Movie Night is Man of Medan’s Offline Co-Op Mode. It’s a couch co-op mode in which you can choose the number of players and who is playing each character. Then you’re supposed to pass the controller from one friend to another, but of course you can also play this solo by yourself. It’s good to combine this with your “all heart choices” or “all head choices” run. | ||
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Karate Master Beat the Training Dummy |
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Chapter: Chinese Market (Prologue) This can be done at the very start of the game during the prologue. There is a training dummy that acts as a tutorial for the game’s controls. You need to press all buttons correctly to punch and dodge the dummy. If you fail this you can simply start a new game to retry it right away. This can be your first trophy in the game. |
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As long as you’re quick Completed 10 QTEs in succession |
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Chapter: Glamor Girl First of all, Conrad isn’t allowed to escape on the Speedboat in “Chapter: Intrusion”. Only then you get to play as Conrad later again in “Chapter: Glamor Girl”. During the sequence where the nurse chases Conrad, press 10 displayed buttons correctly without messing up any button in between (10 button presses in a row must be correct). The button will be displayed onscreen when you need to press it. This is very easy to do in the chase as you only need to press Here is the full button sequence: In total that’s 11 button presses so if you mess up the first one you’ll still be good to go. |
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Break ’em during the thunder Opened the window without making noise |
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Chapter: Intrusion When Conrad and Alex are about to break the window, you must hit |
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Big man on campus Unlocked Alex’s Aggressive Trait |
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Chapter: Caskets In this chapter, you will walk through a kitchen as Alex. On the left side of the kitchen, you can find a knife. Pick up the knife and pick dialogue CONFIDENT “We might need it”. This unlocks the trophy. Note: There are multiple ways to unlock each of the trait trophies. If you have trouble with any of them, they will most likely come naturally during one of your many playthroughs and there are more opportunities for each trait in co-op because of more dialogue choices. |
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Aye, aye captain Unlocked Fliss’s Arrogant Trait |
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Chapter: Pressure
Now for the actual dialogue that triggers the trait & trophy. In “Chapter: Pressure”:
Note: There are multiple ways to unlock each of the trait trophies. If you have trouble with any of them, they will most likely come naturally during one of your many playthroughs and there are more opportunities for each trait in co-op because of more dialogue choices. |
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Brother thing, you know Unlocked Brad’s Envious Trait |
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Chapter: The Duke This is unlocked right after the prologue, when you gain control of Brad for the first time and are about to get on the boat at the docks. During the first two dialogue choices as Brad you can already get this trophy. Pick the following:
Note: There are multiple ways to unlock each of the trait trophies. If you have trouble with any of them, they will most likely come naturally during one of your many playthroughs and there are more opportunities for each trait in co-op because of more dialogue choices. |
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Remember who’s signing the checks Unlocked Julia’s Spoilt Trait |
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Chapter: Trapped
This I could only unlock in Co-Op. Player 2 (joining player) will control Julia. During the underwater plane wreck dive, I chose to “SAY NOTHING” when Alex proposed (for Alex to propose, Brad must tell him to go with his gut in “Chapter: The Duke”). During Chapter “Intrusion”, Conrad didn’t escape in my playthrough but Brad was detected on the boat. All 5 characters reached Chapter “Trapped”. After Alex investigates the loose vent in the corner of the room, Julia (2nd player / joining player) was able to pick Dialogue RESENTFUL “You’re the alpha male.” which unlocked the trophy for me. Note: There are multiple ways to unlock each of the trait trophies. If you have trouble with any of them, they will most likely come naturally during one of your many playthroughs and there are more opportunities for each trait in co-op because of more dialogue choices. |
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If you’re selling, I’m buying Unlocked Conrad’s Humorous Trait |
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Chapter: Trapped After you arrive on big cargo ship and the pirates throw you in a dark room, pick left dialogue CONFIDENT “I think it’s a ship”. Conrad is not allowed to escape on the speedboat or die on the speedboat! He must still be with the group for it to work. Note #1: leading up to this chapter, I always picked the heart-icon choices with all characters (e.g. simply reload this chapter after your heart-choices-only playthrough). In case you don’t get the trophy for some reason, go back and always pick heart from the start of the game until the dialogue that pops the trophy. Note #2: There are multiple ways to unlock each of the trait trophies. If you have trouble with any of them, they will most likely come naturally during one of your many playthroughs and there are more opportunities for each trait in co-op because of more dialogue choices. |
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Go with your gut Chose all of the Heart decisions |
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All decisions in the game are marked with either a heart icon or a head (brain) icon. For this trophy you must ALWAYS pick HEARTS during ONE SINGLE playthrough. The HEARTS decision also switches between left and right so you can’t simply push the stick in the same direction every time, you actually have to pick the right icon. In other words: NEVER pick HEADS (brains) across a playthrough and you’ll get this trophy.
To clarify: this trophy only requires you to always pick hearts during ONE SINGLE playthrough, you don’t truly have to see “all” heart decisions the game has to offer (because the paths split up there are so many different outcomes which lead to different heart decisions, but it’s not necessary to go through them all). You can make this significantly shorter by messing up QTEs on purpose and letting all characters die as early as possible. There will be dialogues where you can only pick from two “head” decisions (neither one being heart). In this case pick nothing and let time run out or if there’s a third option without an icon (such as “SAY NOTHING”) you are allowed to use that. Just whenever a heart decision is available you must pick it. When there are two different heart choices to pick from, it doesn’t matter which one you pick. Also be careful with quick-time events. There are actually a bunch in the game where you have only a few seconds to pick between heart and head. You may want to sit closer to your screen to see the icons quickly (they are somewhat transparent so depending on the screen and your distance to it, this can be hard to see when you have only 3 seconds to decide). Here are some examples to give you an idea how this works (these are just a few of many split-decisions in the game to help explain the principle):
It’s highly recommended to make a manual save game backup every 30 minutes or so. Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Back up to USB or PS+ Cloud. In case you mess something up, you can copy back the save and don’t have to replay the entire game. It’s also recommended to do the HEARTS run as your first playthrough, because it’s a short one, yet gives you a good idea of where characters can die or survive for the more complicated “everyone lives” and “everyone dies” trophies later on. It will also unlock a bunch of trophies automatically, particularly “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!” and potentially “Lovebirds”. |
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Consider all the permutations Chose all of the Head decisions |
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All decisions in the game are marked with either a heart icon or a head (brain) icon. For this trophy you must ALWAYS pick HEAD during ONE SINGLE playthrough. The HEAD decision also switches between left and right so you can’t simply push the stick in the same direction every time, you actually have to pick the right icon. In other words: NEVER pick HEARTS across a playthrough and you’ll get this trophy.
To clarify: this trophy only requires you to always pick heads during ONE SINGLE playthrough, you don’t truly have to see “all” head decisions the game has to offer (because the paths split up there are so many different outcomes which lead to different head decisions, but it’s not necessary to go through them all). You can make this significantly shorter by messing up QTEs on purpose and letting all characters die as early as possible. There will be dialogues where you can only pick from two “heart” decisions (neither one being head). In this case pick nothing and let time run out or if there’s a third option without an icon (such as “SAY NOTHING”) you are allowed to use that. Just whenever a head decision is available you must pick it. When there are two different head choices to pick from, it doesn’t matter which one you pick. Also be careful with quick-time events. There are actually a bunch in the game where you have only a few seconds to pick between heart and head. You may want to sit closer to your screen to see the icons quickly (they are somewhat transparent so depending on the screen and your distance to it, this can be hard to see when you have only 3 seconds to decide). Here are some examples to give you an idea how this works (these are just a few of many split-decisions in the game to help explain the principle):
It’s highly recommended to make a manual save game backup every 30 minutes or so. Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Back up to USB or PS+ Cloud. In case you mess something up, you can copy back the save and don’t have to replay the entire game. It’s also recommended to do the HEADS run as your second playthrough and combine it with Movie Night mode (and first playthrough should be heart choices in solo story). This gives you a better idea where characters can die or survive for the more complicated “everyone lives” and “everyone dies” trophies later on. It will also unlock a bunch of trophies automatically along the way, such as various traits trophies. |
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Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you! Julia accepted Alex’s proposal |
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This trophy unlocks automatically on your heart-choices only playthrough.
Then Alex puts a ring on Julia’s finger and the trophy will pop as they swim back up towards the surface. |
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A pint of frosty amber liquid Conrad successfully flirted with Fliss |
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Chapter: Uninvited Guests When you walk around the deck of the boat as Fliss, go talk to Conrad. Pick the following conversation points:
Fliss will tell Conrad that she’s willing to continue the conversation in private later on, which unlocks this trophy. You’ll also get this automatically when going for trophy “You got a better way?”. |
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Can’t catch him with this old junker Conrad successfully escaped on the speedboat |
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Chapter: Intrusion When Conrad climbs out the window of the boat, he must successfully keep calm (hit the pulse points with correct button timing). Then he must choose the left option ESCAPE (head icon). This will trigger a QTE sequence. The buttons will be the same every time. Here’s the QTE Sequence: |
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The name of this vessel Revealed the name of the ship |
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For this trophy you must first find two secrets (collectibles) on the same playthrough, which reveal the name of the ship. “Secret #41: Medan Hat” in “Chapter: Danny” & “Secret #42: Ship’s Logbook” in “Chapter: Distress Signal”. Then during the radio call in “Chapter: Distress Signal” you give your coordinates and need to turn the power back on. After the power comes back you can reveal the name of the ship over the radio.
You can keep track of your progress towards this trophy in the pause menu under the bearing “Military Bandwith” (visible after doing the first step for this trophy). |
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It’s all gone changing on me Calmed Junior down |
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If you did take the rebreather with you, that will make you put the mask on Junior, which gives him some fresh air to clear the Manchurian Gold mist out of his head. Then he will be “normal” and again and calm down. |
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Quite a lot of deaths that night Found all of the black framed Pictures |
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» The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – All Collectible Locations (Secrets, Pictures)
*Bugged Trophy* |
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Possible futures Found all of the white framed Pictures |
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» The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – All Collectible Locations (Secrets, Pictures) | ||
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Going it alone Completed the Solo Story |
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Go to Title Screen > Play Alone > New Story. Now finish the story any way you see fit. If it’s your first run it’s best to combine with the HEARTS or HEADS choices playthrough (see trophies “Go with your gut” and “Consider all the permutations”). You can make this shorter by messing up all QTEs and letting everyone die as early as possible. | ||
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Girls’ night out Only the women survived! |
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You must finish the game with only the 2 females Fliss and Julia surviving. This means 3 males Alex, Brad, Conrad must die. Luckily, you can get this through chapter select (unlocked after story) without having to replay the entire game. When using chapter select, make sure you create a new save and don’t overwrite the finished game save. You must play all chapters after the one where you start. Refer to the How to Let Everyone Die Guide for help to get the 3 males killed: » The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – How to Let Everyone Die Beware, that on this run Julia must decompress at the end of her underwater wreck dive (Chapter “Uninvited Guests”). If she fails to do so and then goes on to drink alcohol during “Ghost Story” she will die from the Bends during the final cutscene and cannot be saved. Also, during the radio call in Chapter “Distress Signal” do NOT give the military any information (just pick “SAY NOTHING”). This call is a trap and if you tell them the name of the ship they will come during the final cutscene to kill all survivors! Below is an example playthrough:
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Right there with ya, boys Only the men survived! |
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You must finish the game with only the 3 males Alex, Brad, Conrad surviving. This means the 2 females Fliss and Julia must die. Luckily, you can get this through chapter select (unlocked after story) without having to replay the entire game. When using chapter select, make sure you create a new save and don’t overwrite the finished game save. You must play all chapters after the one where you start. Refer to the How to Let Everyone Die Guide for help to get the 3 males killed: » The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – How to Let Everyone Die Beware, during the radio call in Chapter “Distress Signal” do NOT give the military any information (just pick “SAY NOTHING”). This call is a trap and if you tell them the name of the ship they will come during the final cutscene to kill all survivors! Below is an example playthrough:
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Lovebirds Maxed Alex and Julia’s Relationship |
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This trophy will unlock automatically on your hearts-choices-only playthrough so don’t even worry about it. You must always pick hearts during a playthrough for trophy “Go with your gut”! If you always pick the hearts-icon, it will give you the trophy in Chapter “Plunged” when the two Alexes are drowning each other and Julia picks Dialogue FRANTIC “Stop he’ll drown”.
Below is a breakdown of all choices that improve relationship between Alex and Julia. Again, it’s worth noting that this will unlock automatically on hearts run. You don’t have to pick all of these choices correctly! Just for the sake of completion, I’ve included all the choices below:
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You got a better way? Maxed Conrad and Fliss’s Relationship |
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This trophy is only obtainable in Online Co-Op (Shared Story)! Luckily, it can be done during the very first dialogues between Conrad and Fliss in the Chapters “Wreck” & “Dive / Uninvited Guests”. The hosting player (player 1) will always be Fliss and the joining player (player 2) is Conrad. You must have a co-op partner for this and make them aware of what choices to pick! Chapter: Wreck
Chapter: Uninvited Guests
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Medium bro Maxed Brad and Alex’s Relationship |
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This trophy is only obtainable in Online Co-Op (Shared Story)! Luckily, it can be done during the very first dialogue between Alex and Brad in the Chapter “The Duke”. The hosting player will always be Alex and the joining player is Brad. You must have a co-op partner for this and make them aware of what choices to pick! Dialogue Choices in Chapter “The Duke” ONLINE CO-OP ONLY!
These 5 dialogue choices will unlock the trophy right away. These dialogues are directly following each other so there are no other dialogues in between. You can do it easily during your Shared Story playthrough for gold trophy “Learning to work together“. |
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Secrets! Lies! Conspiracies, man! Found all Secrets! |
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» The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – All Collectible Locations (Secrets, Pictures)
*Bugged Trophy* |
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Ghost ships are just a myth, right? Found all Pictures |
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» The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – All Collectible Locations (Secrets, Pictures)
*Bugged Trophy* |
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Not a sole survivor No-one survived! |
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It’s recommended to do the all heart/head choices runs first and the “everyone survived” run. By then you’ll have a better understanding of the game’s structure and the Everyone Dies Walkthrough will be easier to comprehend. Follow the below linked Walkthrough for a step by step guide to get everyone killed, including a list of all deaths: » The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – How to Let Everyone Die (Worst Ending) |
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That’s something, I suppose Everybody survived! |
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For this our 5 main characters “Alex, Brad, Conrad, Fliss, Julia” all must be alive during the final cutscene. The two guys from the prologue don’t matter, they will always die no matter what you do. The pirates who hold you hostage also don’t matter, at least Danny and Olson will always die. You can, however, save Junior (one of the pirate guys) and I did this on the playthrough that unlocked the trophy for me. There are reports that you still get the trophy if Junior died, but it’s better to keep him alive if you can, just to be safe. Check out the full Man of Medan: Everyone Survives Walkthrough linked below, it lists every single dialogue choice, QTE, and gameplay interaction you must take to make everybody survive. Follow this for the trophy. If you did the all heart/heads choices playthroughs already, you will have a better understanding of important moments in the game. Most important choices:
It’s recommended that you back up your save game manually every few chapters or before the important moments listed above (PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management). That way you can copy back your save if you messed up, and don’t have to replay the entire game. » The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan Walkthrough (Everyone Survives) |
Special Thanks / Credits
Massive thanks to the following people for sending tips:
Mr_PaNtsONh3aD = Info where to unlock “Big Man on Campus” and some proof-checking on other trophies
PowerPyx says
Enjoy this nice little mystery game 🙂
I had a lot of fun writing the “Story & Ending” explained post, check that out after your first playthrough (linked in useful guides section at the top) as I think it really helps to understand the game better and makes the effects of choices more obvious.
Video guides are unlocking throughout the day. The embedded players will temporarily show “video not available” but once published the embed will work correctly.
PhantomFear94 says
Very detailed roadmap, even by your standards this guide looks great.
Just a quick one; my fiancee can help play through the game on co-op if needs be, but I’d rather play through with her for fun than to trophy hunt as she isn’t a completionist.
If I have a backup console and backup PS Plus/Xbox Gold account, how feasible is it to play co-op by yourself on 2 TVs? For example, would QTE’s, etc. render this next to impossible? Do you control different characters at the same time, or do you just control dialogue and choice options with the 2nd person, etc. Hope that all makes sense.
Worst comes to worst, I’ll just play through the game first time with her for fun and then start the roadmap from scratch employing a friend to help with co-op.
PowerPyx says
Thanks for the nice feedback 🙂
I’ve put around 70 hours into the guides for this game, it was complicated to figure out, but a lot of fun to work on it!
Playing with 2 PS4s/TVs side by side is actually the best way to do it. It’s how I did it too (because you can’t see what your co-op partner does, it was the only way for me to figure out all steps for co-op trophies).
It’s not a problem at all. You do control 2 characters simultaneously but you can walk with one to the end of the area and then with the other. There’s no time limit. QTEs are easy to do even with 2 screens. Actually, completing one section with one character often leads to it skipping ahead for the second character automatically, meaning no input is required for the second character at all as it skips to next cutscene automatically when player 1 is done (not always, but often).
PhantomFear94 says
Awesome, thanks PP! Good to know for future purposes, although I presume this means you need 2 copies of the game? Not sure if it comes with a co-op pass like A Way Out or Wolfenstein: YB .
JacobGaming says
Thanks ?.
Can you also do Step 1 in online co-op/shared story?
Or does it have to be solo.
PowerPyx says
Has to be solo, because there is a trophy just for beating the game in solo singleplayer mode. Each mode has its own trophy, so you must beat all modes.
JoaLoft says
I’ve been playing with a review copy for the past ten days, and I can definitely dispute the Conrad+Fliss relationship trophy.
You can get this one solo, just like I did. Coop is not required for this one.
PowerPyx says
Appreciate your input!
At what point did it unlock solo? And what happened to Conrad and Fliss on that playthrough (especially in “Ritual” & “Glamor Girl”)? And did you by any chance find secret #20 and black picture #6? They are my last missing items for platinum.
After 11 playthroughs and picking all choices that improve relationship solo, I was not able to do it. The problem I found was that the responses are scripted in solo mode which make relationship building much slower. In co-op you can pick all responses via your co-op partner. Plus it would be ineffective solo in terms of time to plat, as you have to do an all hearts / all heads run which would void this, and one “everyone survives” run (where you’d want conrad out of the picture early by escaping on speedboat). On top of that, in solo paths split up later in the game, wheras in co-op you can do it in 2 chapters that directly follow each other. So doing it solo would complicate things, and I would not recommend it.
In Co-Op it only takes 5 minutes to get rather than an entire 5 hour playthrough, so it’s much easier and quicker that way and will remain my recommended solution.
There are definitely a ton of alternatives to get most of these trophies, as is the nature of the game. Especially for traits there are at least 2 ways for each of them and probably more in co-op. I always picked the easiest and fastest methods that I could find.
JoaLoft says
I made sure:
– Fliss accepted Conrad’s offer
– They flirted
– He asked about the distributor cap once they get on the ship
– Conrad encouraged Fliss to get the distributor cap
– Conrad warned Fliss that someone was coming in the cargo hold
It was at that final point that I unloeked the trophy. It was close and it takes a few hours to max out their relationship, but I was able to do it solo, barely.
It’s a combination of doing all the positive things, and avoiding all the negative ones. There’s very little margin for error, but it can be done solo.
“Ritual” and “Glamor Girl” were not part of the solution, considering they don’t allow you to influence the relationship between them. Important note: I let Brad sneak on board the ship after keeping him hidden, and I kept Brad alive throughout the entire game, so he ended up teaming up with Fliss.
I’m still looking for the very last black picture as well, along with collectible #20. Pretty crazy how well these are hidden, especially because I’ve finished the game close to ten times so far and tried multiple scenarios to try and unlock new chapters.
Fuzzy_Munky_ says
Secret #20 is only available in shared story/curators cut. Read what ShotgunSquirrel posted below about it.
-Ghost Stories as Brad pickup camera that was used during the dive on their bench, in the beginning of the level.
I played Curators Cut to get the trophy for “You got a better way?”
– Wreck onto Uninvited Guests is where you can achieve the trophy playing as Conrad and Fliss throughout those levels. Follow the steps for trophy.
PowerPyx says
Secret #20 also available as Julia in Theatrical Cut. But it seems with Brad it’s less likely to glitch.
Jimmy says
I know the one main co-op ending trophy unlocks only for 1 person, but do the other online co-op trophies unlock for both people when playing?
PowerPyx says
Yes, all other trophies unlock simultaneously for both players (including collectibles). If your co-op partner gets a trophy or collectible, you will get it too.
Only the trophy for beating shared story didn’t unlock for my 2nd PS4, and I believe it’s because it doesn’t make a save game for the joining player (only the host gets a save game in co-op). The joining player can’t even use chapter select after beating the shared story because of that.
Lucas says
Hey, thank you for quick guide! I have question can we do all traits in solo chapter select right? TY!
PowerPyx says
The only one I couldn’t get solo was Julia’s. I think it can be done solo somewhere, but not sure. It’s the only one I could use some additional confirmation on.
Lucas says
Thank you for answer, and also when im going for ( only men survive ) is there something i need to track or just how to kill 2 girls via chapter select? Not sure if bad question or im just tired :D TY
ryu10 says
Hi! How many hours to get all the co-op trophies?
PowerPyx says
Well good news is that co-op goes quicker than solo because you sometimes play 2 chapters simultaneously. Also, you can pick “SAY NOTHING” after getting the co-op relevant trophies to skip dialogues.
I’d say around 3 hours for all co-op trophies and collectibles (but keep in mind the joining player doesn’t get the trophy for finishing shared story).
TrophyHunter says
PowerPyx, can you tell me if the multiplayer needs both players to own the game or is it like A Way Out? Where my friend can play the game with me as long as I own the copy being played on?
PowerPyx says
Both players must own the game.
Keith says
Add me for a Shared Story run. I’m just going to run through it solo first.
Cat says
I tried to invite you for shared story run. PSN: kitty-x-cat
Danielle Foy says
Looking for someone to co-op with add my psn daniellefoy97
Ranulfo says
Add me for a Shared Story run too. I’ll play it solo first also.
PSN: Ranulfo_VR
Barnett Brown III says
Anyone can add me for the Shared Story mode. Maybe we can set something up for Saturday when I get off work.
Barnett Brown III says
My PSN is Tripple_Barnett
Barnett Brown III says
Does the curator’s cut help with any trophies?
PowerPyx says
I didn’t have access to the Curator’s Cut when I made this guide. I think it’s the same as playing the “joining player / player 2” in shared story mode.
Curator’s cut may make some of the trophies listed in the online section possible to do offline, but it complicates things. I’ll have to go back and add notes that all info here is for theatrical cut unless otherwise stated. Same for collectibles, as playing curator’s cut would give completely different scenarios.
Andrea says
Nice work thanks. I just have s Problem with the hearts or heads decisions as there is no such symbol, only the compass type thing. Am I missing something?
PowerPyx says
They are the symbols next to each dialogue choice. They are somewhat transparent so can be hard to see at first.
Mescwalrus says
I thought this too at first so Im just doing first play thru without a guide. There ARE symbols but you have to turn your brightness up way past the recommended settings to really even make out what they are (for a 4K TV at least). I’ll be doing that for my next playthrus. Also add me MescWalrus. Trying to shared story on Sunday during the day when Im off. Im in EST zone.
PowerPyx says
Turning up brightness is a good point actually. I had put mine at 75 (I always make it a bit brighter to see collectibles more easily on video capture).
Increasing contrast in TV settings should help a great deal too, as it will increase the color difference and the icons will stand out better.
PowerPyx says
Need some double checking for the Shared Story trophy:
I’ve received a report that someone got it as joining player, when doing it in one sitting. Personally I did not do it in one sitting which may be what voided it. Can someone confirm that it unlocked as the joining player in one sitting? (the day one patch may also have affected this)
ShotgunSquirrel says
Hi guys
Secret #20 is only available in shared story/curators cut.
On ‘Ghost stories’, you have to pick up the camera as Brad and scroll to the last picture of a pilot badge.
Fuzzy_Munky_ says
I just found #20 on Ghost Stories as Brad playing curators cut. I wonder if they know about it yet? I’ll reply to their messages wondering about black frame #6 and Secret #20
JacobGaming says
For step 1 or whatever step. What if i chose heart all the way through, but at one point i miss and choose brain. Can i use chapter select after i finish it and chose heart and get the trophy? Or does it not work like that, and i have to play it all the way through again? Because i just chose the wrong pick. Since it’s so difficult to see the difference for me, hope they make them more visible
PowerPyx says
I’ve not been in that scenario personally. But I assume yes, chapter select should be okay. Better to make a manual save game backup every few chapters, that’s what I did and what worked for me.
GPAP360 says
I want to share some info about this “trophy combo” at least playing alone:
-Complete the game only whit heart choices.
-Complete the game whit all characters alive.
This is NOT DOABLE. On Glamor Girl – Conrad you must select the Brain choice if you DON’T want to die falling from the tower.
As i say i don’t know if this can be “solved” on mutiplayer mode in some way.
Also, As long as you’re quick dont trophy DON’T MUST TO BE IN A ROW on the same chapter. The amount of QTE stays from chapter to chapter.
PowerPyx says
Which is why I recommend in the roadmap to do the heart run and heads run first (they lock you out of every lives / everyone survives but you can do them through chapter select from the first point of going wrong).
Pryzmatyk says
Add me for coop guys so we can help each other out, my Psn: Pryzmatyk
I already finished the game once.
Jake says
Still up for coop playthrough?
PowerPyx says
Added a note to start of guide that all info is based on Theatrical Cut scenario (not Curator Cut scenario).
Could still use confirmation on this trophy or if there’s a solo method:
– Remember who’s signing the checks (Unlocked Julia’s Spoilt Trait)
Fred says
Found that what you mentioned in the guide can be done in Curator’s Cut since you play as Julia in Trapped. No need for the setup when she says nothing when Alex proposed during the dive as they were engaged at this point.
Zuntenshi says
If anyone is interested in doing Shared Story + the collectibles, feel free to add me: Zuntenshi
Michael says
For the people who have the curator cut, the easiest way to get both “All guys alive” and “head choices” is playing the Curator Cut, pick all Head choices and fail the very last QTE with Fliss in the kitchen. She will be killed, and Julia will die by other consequences.
You can kill Julia sooner by letting her die in the confrontation with Junior, but this way you can see another ending.
Stephen says
The Big man on campus, I played through solo and managed to get it.
Fred says
I f I redeem my code for curator’s cut, do I need to start a new game again or can I use it with my completed saves in any mode?
PowerPyx says
A new playthrough is required. Theatrical Cut save and Curator Cut save are not compatible.
Fred says
Thanks for the reply. I am currently on my 2nd run doing the couch coop brains choices. I think I’ll unlock curator’s cut now for this playthrough to save me another full one. Would just like to get most trophies instead of the platinum as the shared co-op is quite tough given my limited time to play.
Another q, are collectibles and tbe trophy unlocking tied in to your profile or do I need to recollect all under one save file to unlock the trophies?
PowerPyx says
The collectibles are tied to the profile save and can be collected across different saves.
Overwriting the same save every time would be extremely annoying as it takes away the chapter select functionality if you overwrite the finished game save.
Fred says
Another note, I completed my first playthrough following the all hearts choices. It’s also possible to have everyone die with this playthrough so you guys can save an additional partial one.
PowerPyx says
This is already described in the Roadmap.
Lightsp33d1987 says
I know there is multiple ways but i played 2 different co-op games one blind and one keeping all alive and both times going for Big man on campus in co-op never popped but in solo doing a heart only run this will pop this trophy just make sure to backup the save first as it is a head choice.
Terri says
Hey, I have played through the story a couple times now, but I need help in getting the coop trophies! If you can help me my psn: meaningfullazer
Thank you!
Eric Medeiros says
I been hitting all hearts and my bearings there’s a couple that show a brain icon is that normal ?
neT_shane1337 says
i’m pretty sure I chose all of the hearts, also had a couple of brain icons in bearings, for example:
I didn’t choose neither the bangstick or the nav pad, cause they were both brains, but it registered in the bearing as “I didn’t bring the bangstick, something” – brain, and later “so Julia had to open the doors with knife, or something” – also brains.
No idea what to do honesly and whether it’s a glitch or not.
Maybe PowerPyx could provide us with screenshots of his bearing list from the playthrough, or some additional info?
neT_shane1337 says
^follow up:
I actually got the trophy today, after replaying from the chapter Finding Friends.
My mistake was I didn’t choose the HEART icon when talking over the radio with the military, instead I chose SAY NOTHING (I was going for the another trophy), so, from my experience:
– if there is a heart option you HAVE TO take it (if you choose SAY NOTHING, you will miss it)
– heads will appear in the bearings event if you choose HEART decision, so don’t worry about them too much :).
Kate says
I can never seem to get Brad and Alex to go down the hole together and have Julia and Conrad stay up top so I can get picture ‘A Little Hope’ and secret ‘Casket Shortage Memo’. No matter what choice I pick, even if I should to say nothing. Julia always says she’s going. How do I get her to stay with Conrad?
Nicolai Hansen says
Actually it doesn’t matter if it’s Brad or Julia. It just Alex down the hole and Conrad stay back at the radio is most important. And Fliss dead before it.
Jerry says
Actually,I quit the shared story and come bakc to it three times as a joined player,and i still get the trophy. (But i did not close the game)I think it is fine to stop if the host did not continue to play and quit with you.
PowerPyx says
As long as you don’t close the application it should be fine, yeah.
There are others that got it even though they had returned to main menu, so that seems to work.
Asher says
Junior can die and you’ll still get the everybody lives achievement. Please update your guide.
PowerPyx says
That’s good news, thanks!
Ben says
Hi, I’m looking for someone to help with the Co-op mode. My PSN is BenMcKay13. Thanks.
Nicolai Hansen says
With Olson to save Junior you need to make two Pulse QTE’s before you can save Junior.
Oleole56 says
Ey! Looking for someone to help me get platinum. Preferably someone living in Europe or close, so it’s going to be easier! Please add me if, thanks! 🙂 (PSN: Oleole56)
Oleole56 says
EDIT: Found a partner, sorry. :p
Amir says
If anyone wants to do the shared playthrough hmu
Psn: Amir_destiny
Mescwalrus says
Still looking for someone to do CO-OP story in one sitting along with other CO-OP only trophies. Add/Message me on PSN MescWalrus.
Cooper/Kupqr says
keen add me, Kupqr
Cooper/Kupqr says
How does brad stay hidden in co op mode? i cant seem to figure out which options i need
PowerPyx says
In Chapter “Intrusion” whoever plays as Conrad needs to be obedient with the pirates / follow their commands and don’t be aggressive / don’t attack. If a fight starts inside the ship (downstairs) Brad gets detected. In “Storm” when the boat gets flooded, don’t rescue Brad (he’ll survive on his own).
Derek Fisher says
Also Alex must grab Danny in chapter “Intrusion.”
Every time I miss, Danny would hold Alex from behind and Brad would get upset and crawled out.
Lee says
Looking for someone to help me out with co-op collectibles and finishing the story in co-op mode. Add me ps4 : darkhearthowlin. Can do the full set runs at weekends easy i work late during the week sadly
Derek Fisher says
To make QTEs easy (only button prompts I think): You can go into Settings>Accessibility> DISABLE QTE TIMEOUT> ON
This can help a bit for the 10 QTEs in a row, and other trophies.
LgNd says
Hi. I’ve done the head choices only. And the movie night. The trophy for the head options didn’t pop up. I went to look in the bearings all were head. (Expect for comrade cause I let him die early) is the trophy glitching? I’m 100% I did not choose any heart option at all. Even tho I didn’t do that sometimes later on the game a screen would show up saying *player 3 choose most heart options* even tho I didn’t !
PowerPyx says
I got it just fine in Movie Night on first try, no issues.
If you did what’s described in the guide then it should’ve unlocked. Only idea I have is if you disabled the timer for choices in the game settings maybe that could affect it (Settings > Accessibility > QTE Timeout)? I played with default game settings.
Hales says
You don’t need to play Shared Story to max Fliss&Conrad relationship. My trophy just popped out during “An Escape” after warning Fliss that someone is coming.
Eric Medeiros says
Anyone add me to help with the shared co-op and the rest of the co-op trophies PSN – ItsMONEY__
Vargo says
Looking for a partner for co-op trophies / collectibles!
PSN: VargoDewitt
Vargo says
Update: Partner found and trophies obtained. Thank you!
Nathan says
Hey guys I’m looking for anyone to help me with shared co op mode to get the trophies PSN: watch-dog92
Hellgate79 says
is possible to save everyone in the curator’s cut story?Julia died after the credits since she came up too fast after the dive and she did drink the beer but i couldn’t chose anything to change that.and how do you get the black painting with both Fliss and Brad(in the chapter where you chase Conrad) in the curator’s cut story since it can’t stay hidden(you can’t chose anything to let him stay hidden) in the boat in that story?
Nicolai Hansen says
Did Julia get up to fast and drink on your first playthrough? Or just died.
I found the Curator’s edition had many of my choices from first playthrough. Only difference was Conrad died another way. Was so pissed I couldn’t control it.
ckleckner says
im not sure why but both my shared players got trophy maybe its cause its ame person idk but i did go back to dashboard to move saves just in cae
Dizzy says
It seems secret#12 is glitched. It’s not registering for me. It’s only registering for the 2nd player and I’m the host. He played as fliss. Don’t know if it matters though. I guess I’ll try being Fliss on another play through.
Nicolai Hansen says
There was some secrets I didn’t get that my coop-partner got. He was host.
Dizzy says
Guess that means we need 2 shared stories play through? Once being the host and the other being the 2nd player. I’ll confirm confirm if I get secret #12 by being the second player.
Nicolai Hansen says
I just did a all Heart run. I know because I didn’t like many of the choices. But the trophy didn’t pop. Can it be when Fliss radio for Help, the leader hit her. There was no quck time event for me, just the moral compass. Weird.
Hlayem says
Hey guys I’m looking for a partner for co-op trophies / collectibles
PSN: hlayem183
hlayem183 says
I finally found a good partner who helped me get the platinum, thanks Angel!
Dizzy says
After doing a second play through and being the 2nd player while playing as fliss in the end of the game, I was able to unlock all collectible trophies which was glitched on my first play through.
Mary says
Looking for a co op partner
Psn: hoobida
Mary says
Got the trophy
Lee says
Anyone up for helping me with the multiplayer trophies? add me darkhearthowlin
JeNeI says
Hi PowerPyx. I didn’t played Shared Story before and asked a friend who completed it, to finish the last chapter. After all the credits roll, I was awarded with the trophy, so a full run is not even required, just the last chapter and those which have collectibles. Also my host is only needing secret #12, which saved for me, but not him.
PowerPyx says
Which trophy? An ending specific one or for beating shared story?
Because for me neither one was possible by joining, I tested that. Must’ve been a lucky bug, I also had a lucky bug that trophy for all secrets unlocked for joining player after only 5 collectibles but for me it’s still unobtainable because of trophy bugs.
JeNeI says
The Shared Story ending trophy. My host got his secrets trophy bugged too :/
PowerPyx says
I’ll retest it, in case a patch changed something. But I think it’s just a lucky trophy bug (or it’s bugged in a bad way for me, wouldn’t be surprised either way lol)
Dizzy says
Secret # 12 is glitched. The way I unlocked it is by doing a second play through with a friend, he was the host, and made sure that I’m fliss in the last chapter then it immediately got unlocked. During my first play through, I wasn’t able to unlock it no matter how many times my friend picked it up.
JeNeI says
Helped a buddy today. We replayed the last chapter and the coop trophy popped for him after the credits.
zer0xifer says
Anyone wants to do Co-Op Trophies & Collectibles?
Add me: zer0xifer
Joshua says
Got it thanks!
Daron-2 says
Looking for a partner to earn all online trophies.
PSN: Daron-2
Shane Rouillard says
I need someone too, what’s your PSN account name?
Ivan says
SharePlay works with this game?
Lee says
Does alex not finding the kitchen knife count as a heart decision as it says so on the bearing i am doing the head decision play thought and worried i have messed it up.
Holly says
Late to the party, but this is INSANELY helpful! I’m trying to get the last few trophies for platinum in as few playthroughs as possible, because I wasn’t super smart with my first couple of playthroughs, and this has helped me out a ton.
A couple of things though – you can max out Alex and Brad’s relationship on solo mode! All you have to do is be super nice to each other on the Duke at every opportunity, and then they don’t really see each other again until choosing who goes down the hole to go to the generator. Then Alex gives Brad a little speech about how brave he is, and if you let Brad go down the hole, you get the trophy there.
Also, I’ve had Conrad say the thing about it obviously being a ship in the Trapped chapter, but I didn’t unlock his humourous trait, so I think there is another requirement for it. Guessing it’s a lot easier to get in coop mode though.
SummerFrost says
The hearts and heads runs are going to be too difficult for me. I don’t know what it is but I can barely see the icons behind the decisions. On slower decisions it would be really annoying but maybe doable but if it’s on all the others I don’t think I can. Need to wait for someone to (probably never) make a guide as to what all those are or for the developer to (probably never) fix it so I can actually see the icons.
renefindenig says
Thanks for the trophy guide, really helpfull! A correction: The trophy “You got a better way?” (Maxed Conrad and Fliss’s Relationship) is doable in Solostory Theatrical Cut! Here is how: As Fliss the answers in the first conversation with Conrad are “Sure, why not”, “Don’t ask a lady about her money”, “That’s very kind of you”, when the pirates arrive “That is not the coastguard”, “This feels off”, “We got divers in the water”. After that Conrad mustn’t have used the Speedboat and Brad have to get detected. In Chapter Trapped when the group is locked in a room, Conrad says “Those meatheads seem spooked”, “It’s dangerous here”, “What is a distributor cap”. After that I talked to Fliss when she sits down, but don’t think it is necessary. After that, pick “Just find out” and distract the pirates, put the crate back in place. When you see the distributor cap after that scene, I encouraged Fliss to get it and warned her when the pirates came. That unlocked the trophy for me.
I can also confirm that secret 20 is bugged, on version 1.00 it registers without problems.
Sorry for my English, it’s not my native language and I play the game in another language. If someone needs help in coop or can help me with the coop collectibles and the Remember who’s signing the checks trophy, my PSN is renefindenig
Klyde says
I can confirm that the trophy ‘You got a better way? (Maxed Conrad and Fliss’s Relationship) can be unlocked whilst playing the Curator’s Cut on Movie Night (and therefore likely on Solo as well) by following the same instructions for it as listed in this guide.
Klyde says
^ I forgot to mention it took one additional dialogue (Fliss – Restrained) after Conrad nearly blows up the barbeque before the trophy popped. My bad.
Klyde says
Also, I unlocked the trophy ‘The name of this vessel’ (Revealed the name of the ship) by using the radio to contact the military BEFORE the power cut out. I had managed to collect every collectable encountered on my Theatrical Cut Solo playthrough beforehand save for the glitched 20th Co-Pilot’s Badge and I noticed that Collectable 49 (Anti-Aircraft Shell) listed the name of the Ourang Medan once it was updated (I suspect it was updated by Collectable 50 (Anti-Aircraft Shell Casing)) before I found the radio. So rather then describe the freighter, I was able to give the military the name right off.
Cat says
Kitty-x-cat PSN .. I need another player for cooperative campaign
Cat says
**UPDATE** found player for shared story, I now have trophy.
Bhai says
Black framed picture no5 has glitched for me playing as joining player. Has anyone tried playing as host. And if anyone has is there any difference or is it still buggy?
Bhai says
I can confirm that picture no 5 if it glitches as a joining player. U can get it by playing host. Got mine atleast by playing host.
Klyde says
I need a second player for the ‘Learning to work together trophy. I have already unlocked all the collectable trophies, and the remaining endgame trophies can be done another time. I am available after 4:30 PM EST today and everyday this week save Monday. If there is another player who still requires it or some other coop trophy I’d be more then happy to assist.
PSN: Norriek
Klyde says
I managed to get the shared story trophy. That being said, if someone needs help with it and can’t find anyone else, send me a FR and I’ll try to help out if I can.
Sigmund Kiah says
Hi I’m am looking for partner to earn share story trophy and also the max relationship trophy.
My time is GMT+8 and available now for few hour
Psn: Sigmund92
Nick says
My PSN is nickpayneeeeeeee
Really want this platinum haha
Shahin says
Coop trophys missable?????
My psn id : shahin_ em
MH says
Anyone up for co-op related trophies?
ID: Huskar2H2
My time is: GMT -7:00
Please comment here so I add you to my friend list!
Thanks in advance
FranciRoosters says
Hey readers, FranciRoosters from the PowerPyx team! I need to get the Shared Story mode trophies and I’d love to play the game one more time with one of our readers. It would be preferable if we were in the same time zone (GMT or GMT+1) for better planning. Ideally, we will go through the whole game in one session so that both players can unlock the shared story trophy. As you know, if the session is interrupted, only the hosting player will unlock the trophy. We will also unlock the trophies Remember who’s signing the checks, You got a better way?, and Medium Bro as part of the Shared Story mode. We will use our guide and try to make the playthrough as short as possible. Mic required obviously for communication about what steps need to be taken. Thanks!
Qassim says
What is the solution of glitched trophy and secrets
PowerPyx says
Deleting the game, reinstalling, starting from scratch, and hoping to get lucky after collecting everything again.
For glitched secrets you can at least try in co-op or creator cut but in my case nothing helped… 2 picture trophies glitched and secrets trophy glitched.
Cat says
Powerpyx I have a question.. for the hearts and heads trophies do the ‘bearings’ count? Even though I picked hearts so far it seems I have a brain icon in my ‘bearings’ will I still get the trophy for ‘go with your gut’? Do actions count as well? Like picking up weapons such as the knife in the kitchen on the ship?
PowerPyx says
Bearings don’t matter. For some reason they will show icons you never chose, I had that too but the trophies unlocked fine for me.
Wild_Dark_Shadow says
Shared secret #12 won’t unlock for me. I’m the host and it was collected by the joining player.
Does anyone know if I’ll go by joining player, collecting it myself, if the secret count?
Qassim says
Yeah me same , we can help each other
Qassim says
Ineed this secret , and I’ll help u to get it too, whars ur id
Frank Skepo says
Ive got the gane and I will be down to help get the shared story trophy. My psn is FrankSkepo. Send me a friend request with a message saying you need help and lets get that ? ☺
MH says
Anyone up for co-op related trophies?
ID: Huskar2H2
My time is: GMT -7:00
Please comment here so I add you to my friend list!
Thanks in advance
Crash says
Hello, I need help to get the medium bro trophy and learning to work together trophy. If anyone can do a shared story playthrough with me just add me on PSN: Crash0830 just let me know that it is for this game and we can try to set up a time to play. Thank you.
SilvZero says
Hey, so I found a way to make Medium Bro obtainable in Play Alone, no Curator’s Cut or Shared Play required! The trick is to have only positive interactions with Brad, whenever possible. Here’s how it goes:
– say you had to work when Alex complains
– say you don’t get along well with new people
– empathize with Alex when he complains about long distance relationship
– encourage Alex (go with your gut)
– talk to Brad downstairs and pick “didn’t think we’d find it”
– promise to bring something back for him
– suggest to go through the findings together
– make sure Brad stays hidden
Finding Friends–Distress Signal:
– make sure to keep everyone alive (Conrad may be optional, but Brad, Alex, Julia and Fliss all need to be alive so the choice of who goes down the hole comes down to Alex or Brad & Fliss or Julia)
Distress Signal:
– agree to let Brad go down the hole (at this point the trophy unlocked for me)
Hope that helps. Will see if I can max out Fliss and Conrad in single player as well. 🙂
Alexandra says
It worked the same for me! I didn’t expect to actually work because everyone says you can’t get it without co-op but I figured I tried the best things to say to try to make it work and it did! Amazing.
Oleole56 says
So, to get things straight… If I got the “Curator’s cut”, then I can do most of the CO-OP trophies?
PowerPyx says
G-Virus_91 says
Looking for a partner to platinum the game (sticking to PowerPyx’s guidelines, of course)…. and help others if needed.
PSN: G-Virus_91
GMT+4 but flexible
What I miss is the following:
– Secret #20: Co-Pilot Badge (Can’t record it with Julia)
– Julia’s Spoilt Trait
– Secret #15: Cargo Bill of Landing
– Secret #31: Violent Incident Report Sheet
– Black Framed Picture #5: Ship Shape
– Secret #17: Manchurian Gold Test Results
– Secret #46: Diplomatic Immunity Contract
– Secret #12: ID Badges and Documentation
– Secret #33: Toxins Research
Jordan Foster says
Still need them
Matthew Osborn says
Add my PSN, MattyOsborn2013, about to start the game from scratch and looking to get all trophies.
Wislayer says
Looking to do the co-op trophies
PSN – Wislayer
figj jam says
I am looking for co op trophies
psn – prateekjain28
ryu10 says
Hi guys, how can I get “Remember who’s signing the checks” trophy? i can’t get this trophy on single player, i tried everything. what can i do?
I am up for all the co-op trophies. I am willing to do two play throughs if needed.
psn – prateekjain28
Time – flexible.
GMT + 5:30
Andre says
Im looking for co op.
André Forte says
I am looking for co op trophie
Raul Martinez says
Anybody Want To Co-Op for Trophies?
Psn. Dr0-Doit
Add me
Platty Daddy says
AnyBody Want To Co-Op?
add me
psn. Dr0-D01t
Those are Zeros in My Name.
Ben says
Add me Gray_Fox1990 I need the shared story trophy
Kalk says
Somebody above me already asked for it but did get no response.
I have a VERY hard time with Julias spoilt treat. Tried it in shared story multiple times, but nothing seems to work. I did exactly what psnprofiles suggests (I believe PowerPyx wrote it) but no trophy to be seen. Theres no waterproof solution on the internet. So heres a shoutout for those who already have it:
Please tell us what you did and when the trophy popped for you. Maybe this way we can find the missing piece for a solution.
jamie says
Add me on psychosis_beast1 to get co-op trophy
jamie says
Need help with co-op trophy
add me on psychosis_beast1
Gillingham_ME7 says
I’m looking to boost co-op trophy with collectables this weekend. I also have Mic.
GMT time zone
Psn: Gillingham_ME7
BodyChipper says
Two notes:
1. Changing the QTE button settings so you have unlimited time doesn’t void the 10 QTE’s in a row trophy and makes your life a lot easier.
2. You may not max Alex and Julia’s relationship simply by choosing hearts. This can also rely on the optional conversations and whether or not you engage in them. I chose all hearts but then had to replay from Caskets and choose the “nice” response in the kitchen with the rats (truth) and did the optional ones in the casket room. The trophy finally popped when I sent Alex down the hole in Depths with Julia and he agreed with her about the rebreather.
Kalk says
Any Info about the Julias spoilt treat either!?
johre says
looking for help with the co-op trophy! psn is johre-
Ben says
Add me Gray_Fox1990 I need the shared story trophy
Ben says
Add me Gray_Fox1990 for co-op trophies and for the shared story
Nicola says
Hello I need help in co-op PSN: Body_Builder69
Thanks 🙂
Holdenvkv8 says
Hello, I’d like a buddy to do all coop trophies, must have a mic
chaoticblood says
I need learning to work together still.
All the other trophies can be done offline.
d3mpzeh says
I need em aswell. Add me on PSN: d3mpzeh
chaoticblood says
Looking to quick run the story in coop for Learning to Work Together trophy
Joey says
Hey, I still need a partner for the shared story and the Alex/Brad realtionship.
Also, I can help with and other trophies you want to get. Just add me and we can work something out 🙂
PS4 username is Bio_Freak_301272
Martin says
Hey Guys,
looking for a Partner to do the Online Co-op Trophy just need a quick playthrough dont need any other collectible or stuff. Add me PSN ID Kingmartinus90
Leahapluradon says
When doing the heart and head choices, if there are two choices of the same type, is it still okay to pick one of the two? I always chose ‘say nothing’s and the trophy didn’t pop.
Same question with the action (left or right) and let the timer run out. For example, if it says run/hide, I just let the timer run out. Does it matter if you choose those?
And to clarify, if there are two hearts, and doing a heart run, you have to pick one but it doesn’t matter which, correct?
PowerPyx says
When there are two choices of the same type (e.g. 2 heads) then you must pick one of the two. Picking “Say Nothing” will void the heads trophy in this case.
But if you are on the hearts run and get 2 head choices, you’d pick “say nothing” in that scenario.
If there are two hearts on heart run you’ll have to pick one of the two heart choices (don’t pick “Say Nothing”). When you say nothing it counts as a missed heart choice and voids the trophy for that playthrough.
Fadi says
looking for a Partner to do the Online Co-op Trophy
PSN ID: xSc0rP10NK1lL3Rx
Lion says
looking for a Partner to do the Online Co-op Trophies with co-op only collectibles psn : LionRobie
DonMoonie says
Looking for Co-Op partner to do the shared story trophy
PSN ID: DonMoonie
Drop me a message
Jordo912 says
Looking for someone to do the shared story trophy.
PSN: Jordo912
Aliim2 says
Looking for Co-Op partner to do the shared story trophy
PSN ID: alii_m2
Drop me a message
Daniela says
Looking for Co-Op partner to do the shared story trophy
PSN ID: amor_na_fita
Drop me a message
scott kasper says
I need help for co op trophy Blue_Nose_2k20
Jordan Foster says
Can any help me with collectable 12 2nd to last chapter just need to be fliss and get that last collectable as it glitched on my shared story play through only my mate got it add me on ps4 fozzy22–
Jordan Foster says
Fozzy- – 22 no space
panos says
Looking for Co-Op partner to do the shared story trophy
PSN ID panosv082
Sam Thompson says
Looking for a Co-Op partner for Medium Bro Trophy and Learning to work together trophy. Can help anyone looking for all Co-Op trophies.
Shakaa800 says
Hi there, looking to do the co op trophies & the playthrough with someone, if ur interested add me my PSN id is shakaa800
seth says
yea I can help u if u help me get the co op trophies my psn is roosterteeth99
seth says
forgot to say the replay was for shakaa800 sorry
Denis Cizek says
Looking for a partner for a shared story trophy. My PSN is dennis95-
seth says
I got the shared story trophy thank to dennis95
Jerry says
Hello. Looking for a partner to do the Shared Story trophy. My PSN is Karasyev.
Josh says
Looking for a partner for the shared story my psn gamertag is Jbudrevicius3
Mr_Fragas says
Looking for a partner for the shared story my psn is Mr_Fragas .Hit me !
David says
Looking for a partner for the shared story my psn is kusi_pl
C_Aguirre says
Hi, I need a second player to obtain the shared story trophy.
My psn ID is Cassio-Aguirre, I am on GMT-3 time zone, if you add me, we can arrange a time that is good for both.
Anood says
Hi , I need someone to help in shared collectibles , and I want to do everyone survived trophy also
Psn: al3n0od_ocean
Jim says
Need a partner for all online trophies. 🙂
(I don’t have a mic just fyi)
Pacific Time Zone
Benny Price says
Looking for coop help
Send me an invite
PlagueDoggie says
I also need the co-op playthrough trophy.
Feel free to add, PSN: PlagueDoggie
I’m based in the UK if that matters
RMCF1312 says
Hey PowerPyx again, I would like to mention something.
Aye, aye captain
Unlocked Fliss’s Arrogant Trait
WORRIED “You go” Brad ▼
FRIGHTENED “I’m not doing it” Brad ▼
After this they get up and you can walk around again.
The choice below I didn’t get untill I pressed
EXPECTANT “Go on with it” Brad ▼
Fliss Trait Unlocked: Arrogant –> this unlocks the trophy
For me the trophy unlocked after the second dialogue choice as below.
WORRIED “You go” Brad ▼
FRIGHTENED “I’m not doing it” Brad ▼
Fliss Trait Unlocked: Arrogant –> this unlocks the trophy
EXPECTANT “Go on with it” Brad ▼
Thanks again for all your trophy guides and videos.
Carl thomas says
So I am looking for the Coop trophies.
You got a better way,
Medium Bro and
Learning to work together/
Will be following this walkthrough the get the max Relationship.
pebus says
Just need somebody ASAp to do a quick coop playthrough!!
Daniel says
Hi! Also need that.
ID danisc_poa
hubertuz16 says
I need help with the 3 Shared Story trophies,
Learning to work together, Medium Bro and You got a better way. Will pick up the six collectables you can get in shared story too.
PSN ID : hubertuz16
Taw says
I also need help with the coop trophies .
Online id is tawfikfuture
Bruno Correa says
I need help with coop trophies,please
cola.chriix says
Juli says
I want trophy for coop ^^
id: juliancyto
Shaheen Al-Zuraiqi says
Hey guys, I need one playthrough of Shared Story, got all collectibles already through Curator mode.
Id: Shehinius
Timezone: +3:00
Add me directly or simply send me a DM stating Shared Story.
Thank you in advance!
Mario says
I’m looking for someone to do the shared story with on PSN.
My PSN is Mario91658.
My timezone is GMT -5.
I’m available after 4pm on weekdays and anytime on weekends.
Just send me a message over PSN.
John humpage says
I’m looking for someone to do the shared story with on PSN. My ID is humpo77
My time zone is GMT London
Dillon says
I’m looking for someone to do the shared story with on PSN.
My ID is Keyblader626
My time zone is EST Kentucky
Kildrak says
If you still need help w the online trophy I sent you a friend req.
My PSN ID is Kildrak771177
Timezone: GMT + 11 (Australia)
wrigleyp says
I need someone on PSN to help me with the shared story please!
PSN ID is wrigleyp_
Timezone: GMT -7 (MST)
Send me a friend request and a message and let’s do this!!
Mark says
If someone wants to help me with the coop trophies, Please send me a message and friend request.
PSN: mark_NL1991
Timezone: GMT+1 (netherlands)
Most evenings and weekend days available.
Carlo says
Hey guys I need help for the coop trophy. Already got all collectibles in Curators Cut.
My PSN ID is jazzerboy78.
Time Zone: GMT +01:00 (Rome)
Mostly in weekends or afternoons available.
TheDeathGeneral says
Looking for help with shared play trophy. Available evening-night European time. Can do also late night for America if it helps. Let me know if you’re interested!
Kurt says
Hey there! Have you already done the trophy? I’m over by vancouver bc so I don’t know if that’s too late for you!
Yassin says
Hey am in Uk and need help with online trophies. Psn is Soussi84
Kurt says
Hi I still need help with just this trophy, I have all the rest and can just blow through it. PSN is Terorblade
Sinistrose says
Hi, i tried to add you, sadly i can’t see your name when i search it. You can add me “Sinistrose”. Ill be happy to do the shared story trophy.
nathan says
hey sinistrose, i tried to add you and message you on psn but it says your settings are private, im down to work on some man of medan trophies!
nathan says
feel free to add me on psn to work on the shared story! it’s natarthegreatar
antonio says
i need help to complete the story coop. Ad me aiklense1988
Underground Soldier says
Need someone to help me to get shared story trophy,my psn I’d: coolshooter-82
antonio says
add me bro. my id is aiklense1988
Alex says
Hi, I need help to complete the co-op trophy. If someone want to help me add me APIRAZOR please
Shahin says
I need somone help to complete co-op trophy and multiplayer collectibles,please
ID: shahin_em
Wellerman says
Looking for someone to help me with coop trophies and collectibles. Thanks add me TheGhostDragon77
Abilash says
While proposing, I mistakenly didn’t select any option. But the trophy for yes yes I’ll marry you popped. Is that ok for making all heart decision if I did not select any option?
BiohazardJoe says
Psn: BiohazardJoe
For shared story and co-op tophies.
Dennis says
Shared Story trophy needed for plat
PSN: DennisPatrick
Relaxis4 says
I need someone for the Co-op online trophy
PSN: Relaxis4
willytanger says
Psn: willytanger
For shared story and co-op tophies.
firas2002510 says
I need a partner to finish the co-op trophy
Time zone: UTC+1 night/day
Language: English/Arabic (no mic needed “optiona”)
Playthrough: one shot “to be able for both player to unlock the troohy
PSN id : FIRAS-_-2002-_-
Galgaldr says
Need another player.
PSN: Galgaldr
Mutasi says
Need help op Trophy.
MichalGalus says
Psn: MichalGalus
For shared story and co-op tophies.
Mchael says
Looking for co-op story trophy
UK time zone
psn: smileySOUP1989
Justin says
I’ll free smileySOUP up due to time zone differences
Hamza says
Add me for shared play my id : hamzakhadr
Hk says
Need help with co-op story trophy pls
ID : hamzakhadr
finta says
Looking for help with shared story:
PSN: finta94
Timezone: CET
Michael says
Looking for help with this coop trophy
UK timezone
John says
Anyone want to do “shared story”
“Medium Bro” and “You got a better way”. I’m on ps4 no mic, but I will have a guide pulled up for all decisions to get these trophy’s.
PSN: TheHauntedHero
Elder Jax says
Hi, Bro.
I tried to find you in PSN but I was unable.
If you are still looking for those trophies we can try It.
PSN: Elderjax86
LL says
Please add me for the shared story trophy. LeonLim_da_Seoul and my timezone is EST.
hockeypro11 says
Hey just wondering if anyone can help me with the shared story? My timezone is PST.
PSN: TTV_hockeypro11
Message me on PS so we can work a time out.
ozo says
Shared story anyone?
PSN – ozoevil
Richard says
Add me PSN ID: puqwan
Let’s play.
KlimaUredzaj says
Well i just messed up picking head icon in one of the chapters. I realized after i finished the chapter. So i went to chapter select and there you can see i picked up hearth and brain decisions in that chapter so i went to play that chapter again and picked up to overwrite that save. I hope everything will be ok now and that i can get trophy at the end of the game 🙂
Anyone done this the way i did? Can anyone confirm it will work like this?
Richard says
Anyone willing to do the shared trophy together should add me.
PSN ID: puqwan
Geoff says
I need it too so will add you.
PSN: WarnockG90
Sergi says
Hi! I need someone to play the shared story to get the trophy.
PSN: serane_bcn
Thank you
Lucas M says
I am looking for someone to help me with the shared story CO-OP.
PSN : Luukzv
Thank you!
KlimaUredzaj says
Im looking for someone to help me get the “shared story” trophy and of course the collectibles you get on that playthrough aswell as conversations 🙂
Psn id: KlimaUredzaj
Timezone is GMT+1
Speak fluent english 🙂
AymanAD says
hey looking for someone to help me with the CO-OP trophy
this is the last trophy for my platinum
PSN ID: DevelDeep
discord : AymanAD#6412
just join me and i press continue. and i got the trophy ( no gameplay needed )
Natsukao says
Looking for help getting Shared Story trophy. Hit me up at
PSN ID: Natsukao
M163 says
Looking for help getting the shared story trophy.
Reply here with your PSN tag so I can add you to my session.
Sepanta says
Hi looking for a shared story partner
add me for a quick continuous playthrough(without collectibles)
PSN ID: mo1382s
Deadlyshaver says
You still need the trophy? I am up for it.
West says
Can PS5 inherit the PS4 trophy?
Hope for a reply~Thank you
Deadlyshaver says
Hi looking for a shared story partner
add me for a quick continuous playthrough (without collectibles)
PSN: Deadlyshaver
Deadlyshaver says
Got it! Thanks Turkalj
Zian-S12 says
Hi looking for a shared story partner
add me for a quick continuous playthrough (without collectibles)
PSN: zain-S12
Peter says
Anyone fot share play??
Psn pantiak
Cid_br says
Anyone for shared play trophy?
Damiano says
Anyone for shared play trophy?
PSN Mystic_Pizza_