This Vampyr Guide shows where to find the locations of all Weapons and Collectibles (30 Collectibles, 12 One-Hand Melee Weapons, 8 Two-Hand Melee Weapons, 13 Off-Hand Weapons, 11 Ranged Firearms).
Locating all collectibles and weapons unlocks the following trophies or achievements:
- Lore keeper
– Gather all collectibles
- The tools of the profession
– Find all melee weapons
- Keep your distance
– Find all ranged weapons
- Weapons of choice
– Find all off-hand weapons
The collectable documents reveal interesting lore and secrets. The weapons can be upgraded and used in combat. The point of no return is in Chapter 6. It’s highly recommended you make a manual save game backup at the start of Chapter 6. At this point you can still free-roam and revisit the entire map. After chapter 6 there is no way to go back! You would have to start a new game and lose all your progress!
If you combine this with your pacifist run for trophy Not even once just keep everyone alive until Chapter 6, make a backup of the save game, kill everyone for their collectibles, and copy back the save when you’re done (all NPCs will live again). For a lot of weapons you have to kill citizens. In this guide we kept all the citizens for Chapter 6. If you don’t care about keeping everyone alive then you can also get these much earlier in the game.
Due to the semi-open world structure the order in which you can obtain collectibles is not set in stone, you could take different paths or kill people at different times. In this guide we focus on the main mission areas where the story takes you and then do a cleanup in Chapter 6 once all areas have been unlocked. DLC & Pre-Order weapons are not required.
Collectible Overview:
- 30/30 Collectibles (Documents) = RED
- 12/12 One-Hand Melee Weapon = BLUE
- 8/8 Two-Hand Meele Weapon = PINK
- 13/13 Off-Hand Weapon = GREEN
- 11/11 Ranged Weapon = ORANGE
Useful Links:
A guide by SnowNinjaRaccoon (DK) & PowerPyx
[One Hand Weapon #1] Used Machete
You will run past it at the very beginning of the game. You will have to pick it up in order to protect yourself.
[Collectible #1] Weakness of Vampires: Fire and Sun
After finding shelter in a building (barricading the door with a shelf) you will find the note on a shelf in the opposite corner of the room.
[Ranged Weapon #1] Used Revolver
Granted automatically in your shelter at the beginning of the game (upper floor).
Chapter 1
[Off-Hand Weapon #1] Used Stake
After you leave the bed where you unlock your first skills, go downstairs and some enemies will break through the door. Teleport to the next building. There’s a corpse downstairs that holds this weapon (you have to walk past it on your story path).
[Collectible #2] The Guard of Priwen: New Practices, New Tactics
After the bar, the boat corpse and switching to other side of the docks. On the blood-sucked corpse in the second warehouse you will run through.
[Ranged Weapon #2] Used Lupara
After the bar, the boat corpse and switching to other side of the docks. In a chest on the second floor of the second warehouse you will go through.
[Two Hand Weapon #1] Used Scythe
After passing the hideout on the higher floor you will cross a bridge and enter a tunnel. Jonathan will mention fresh blood. A bit further down the tunnel you will find the scythe.
[One Hand Weapon #2] Used Bludgeon
Granted for Defeating William Bishop.
[Collectible #3] Weaknesses of Vampires: About the Use of Garlic and Wooden Stakes
On one of the Desks in the room Thomas Elwood is in (hospital ground floor, can scan for him with ).
[One Hand Weapon #3] Used Hacksaw
Hospital, 2nd floor.
Chapter 2
[Off-Hand Weapon #2] Used Liston Knife
In the basement of the morgue. You will be forced to go there during the story.
[Collectible #4] Species of Vampires: Rare Species of Vampires
Found in Dr. Edgar Swansea’s office on the 2nd floor of the hospital. You enter it in Chapter 2 during a story-related cutscene (after retrieving the ingredients for the cure).
[Two Hand Weapon #2] Common Barbed Cudgel
Found at the start of the Sewer Section (you go there during the story).
[Collectible #5] The Brotherhood of Saint-Paul Stole: The Ban of the Dragon
Found on a corpse in the Sewer Section by the hospital. You visit the sewers in Chapter 2.
[Collectible #6] The Need for Blood: Blood as Addiction
Whitechapel, Hideout (near Dispensary). Inside the Whitechapel Hideout (east of Dispensary), go to the upper floor where the bed / ammo box is. Behind one of the red doors that has “KEEP OUT” written on it is a small room with two enemies. So go through the red door, kill the enemies, and the collectible will be found in the same room with the enemies.
[One Hand Weapon #4] Used Hatchet
Whitechapel District, Northwest, Second Floor of the Warehouse with a Sewer Monster in it.
[Collectible #7] The Guard of Priwen: Professional Vampire Hunters
Whitechapel District, 2nd Floor of a house with Harry Peterson inside. It’s exactly under the letter “C” of the word Whitechapel is on the map.
[Collectible #8] The Origin of Vampires: The Antique Figure of the Vrykolakas
Check the storage room inside Darius Petrescus House (you go there during story).
[Off-Hand Weapon #3] Used Truncheon
Dropped by the Boss “Vincent Sheen”. You fight him and his brother “Toby Sheen” on the way back from Whitechapel to the Hospital.
Chapter 3
[Ranged Weapon #3] Common Pistol Parabellum
Granted for defeating Jimmy “The Spark” boss fight. (Flamethrower guy in the docks, forced fight).
[Collectible #9] Species of Vampires: Supremacy of Ekons
When in Mine Area (Bridget meeting) check the room Harriet is in.
[Two Hand Weapon #3] Common Mace
Hideout in Sewers (area where you meet Bridget).
[Collectible #10] The Skals: Origin of the Skals
After you spare or embrace Sean, it’s outside the Night Asylum (Western Docks – after leaving the mines where you meet Bridget). It’s between some boxes outside the wooden fence of the Night Asylum, near a metal gate leading to the ‘North Docks’ region.
Chapter 4
[Collectible #11] The Great Hunt: The Blood Night Tragedy
After a long talk with Ashbury in her Mansion you will be automatically placed outside of the mansion. Re-enter it after that and you will find it on the second floor in the room Lady Ashbury will probably be in.
[Collectible #12] The Origin of Vampires: The Heresy of the Pure Blood
Inside of Kimura Tadaos House in West End. There is a Level 27 Vampire Fight in front of the house, it is a pretty tough fight. (House is north on the map of Reid’s mansion).
[Off-Hand Weapon #4] Good Dagger
Ascalon Club 2nd Floor.
[Collectible #13] The Story of Ascalon: History and Purpose of the Ascalon Club
Inside Ascalon Club Building, Ground Floor, Right Side Room.
[Collectible #14] The Need for Blood: Of the Recreational Use of Blood
Ascalon Club, Basement. You will find the basement key on the 2nd floor.
[Ranged Weapon #4] Remarkable Pump Action Shotgun
While investigating the source of epidemy in West End, you will find it in the eastern house you will have to visit.
[Collectible #15] The Brotherhood of Saint-Paul Stole: The Lost Library
2nd Floor Drawer in Venus Crossley’s House in West End. Only possible after visiting Ascalon (Mesmerizing has to be leveled up in order for her to let you in). It’s east of the Ascalon Club (very close to the club, in the neighborhood where people live and no enemies are).
[Collectible #16] The Skals: The Ichor’s Threat
Found on a corpse behind the Whitechapel theatre (where you go to search for Doris).
[One Hand Weapon #5] Remarkable Saber
Granted for defeating Doris Fletcher.
Chapter 5
[Ranged Weapon #5] Good double-barrelled
2nd floor of the shopping mall in the north of West-End district. You must defeat the enemies here and then teleport upstairs to the chocolate store on 2nd floor (you will go through the shopping mall during the story on your way to the park).
[Collectible #17] Species of Vampires: The Violence of Vulkods
Granted for defeating Leon Augustin boss on your way to Aloysius, unmissable.
[Two Hand Weapon #4] Common Axe
Found at the end of the sewers section with the Leon Augustin Boss Fight. After the part where you use the 3 valves to raise/lower the water. After lowering the water and making it to the other side there’s a bridge you can teleport up to (there’s a lady held hostage in the tunnels here called “Louise Teasdale”). It’s just before the sewer exit.
[Collectible #18] The Great Hunt: The Crime of Lost Knowledge
In the room where you find the citizen “Usher” under Dawson’s mansion (the area after exiting the sewers with the Leon Augustin boss fight).
[Collectible #19] The Legendary Vampires: The Vampire Knight
In the basement of the theatre. (During your 2nd visit there).
Chapter 6 / Mop-Up
Important: Make a manual Save Game Backup at the start of Chapter 6! Many weapons are from embracing different citizens so if you’re on your Pacifist run for trophy “Not even once” it is important you keep a backup save from before embracing anyone (killing people also voids side quests)!!!
After beating Chapter 6 there’s no way to go back (you would have to start a new game and lose all your progress). The Harriet Boss Fight is the point of no return, when this fight triggers is the last chance to go back. In Chapter 6 you can still free-roam and revisit places.
PS4 Backup: Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage > Copy to USB Storage (if you back up to PS+ Cloud be sure to disable Auto-Upload or else it will overwrite your save).
Xbox One Backup: Quit the game at the start of Chapter 6 to trigger the automatic cloud upload > (double-check that it really uploaded to the cloud) > kill everyone for their weapons/collectibles WITHOUT EXITING THE GAME (exiting the game overwrites cloud save!) > as soon as last collectible achievement pops, press Home-Button > scroll down to Vampyr > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync/download your chapter 6 save from cloud!
PC Backup: C:Users\ [username] \AppData \ Local \ AVGame \ Saved \ SaveGames
[Collectible #20] The Guard of Priwen: Laughing at the Guard
Get back to Southwark and kill a beast in one of the foundry buildings, you will get a Foundry Key. Use it in the second buildings 2nd floor to find it. (You can go back to Southwark in Chapter 6)
[Collectible #21] The Need for Blood: Vampires Feed on Our Soul!
Found inside Mason’s house. Just North-West of the Cemetery (left of the Cemeteray where you fought Mary boss). There’s a Vampire and Fergal enemy in the courtyard. Mason is upstairs, must knock on his door so he lets you in.
[Collectible #22] The Story of Ascalon: Vampire Factions and Skals
You can buy this from an NPC “Martin Nightingale” in the Docks (he’s in a courtyard south of Night Shelter).
[Collectible #23] The Origin of Vampires: Fertile is the Belly of the beast!
It is located in the hideout south of the hospital. Just head south and look up. It is Mortimer Goswick’s House and you need his key: He is the guy in the hospital with his mother. Embrace Mortimer Goswick (kill him) to get his key.
[Collectible #24] The Story of Ascalon: Vampire Club
On the map: from the letter H of Hospital move left to the small blue circle. There’s a hidden hideout there with the collectible.
[Collectible #25] The Great Hunt: Hail to our fallen Comrades!
Found in a Priwen Guard Outpost in Whitechapel. Doing the side quest for Thelma in Hospital leads you there (second building you visit in the quest, in the safe upstairs).
[Off-Hand Weapon #5] Used Priwen Stake
Found in the same room as Collectible 25. (Follow Thelma’s Questline in Hospital to get there, 2nd Priwen Outpost you visit in the quest).
[Collectible #26] Weaknesses of Vampires: Holy Symbols and Orichalcum
At the North-eastern part of the cemetery you can teleport up to a small ledge. A corpse there has the collectible.
[Collectible #27] The Skals: Extermination of the Rodents
To the east (right side) of the cemetery is a hideout. South of that hideout is a sewer entrance. The collectible is on a corpse in those sewers (actually same sewers where you go for Collectible #29).
[Collectible #28] The Legendary Vampires: The Blood Goddess Heresy
Found in the Whitechapel Hideout EAST (right) of the cemetery, you need to enter it through the sewer entrance south of it though, since the door won’t open from the inside. IMPORTANT: The door is closed with a code lock when the district is not hostile. To open it you must find the 4 Braille Texts and give them to Mason Swanborough. Then he gives you the code to the hideout in exchange. This one’s complicated. For where to find Mason Swanborough and the Braille Texts refer to: Vampyr Braille Text Locations Guide
[Collectible #29] The Legendary Vampires: The Myth of the Horned Vampire
On your way to Harriet in the sewers, in a straw box on the left shortly after entering the sewers (you have to go here as part of the story, you enter the sewers behind the Ascalon Club in West-End). It’s before the final boss fight.
[Collectible #30] Brotherhood of Saint-Paul Stole: Origin of the Brotherhood
Granted for completing Side Mission for Usher, the fortune teller guy who sits under the Temple Church in the northern part of West-End district (you will only be granted the collectible if you DON’T read his journal you found in the safe).
[One Hand Weapon #6] True Dragonbane
Behind a wall in West End, just before you walk down to Usher, there are some pressure plates on the ground. By far the most complicated collectible and requires you to have found Collectible #30. It’s covered in a guide of its own, see How to Get Recollection of Paulus Aurelianus (Dragon Bane Secret Weapon). You can also glitch through the wall when hitting it with a weapon, but the district must be hostile if you want to glitch it.
[One Hand Weapon #7] Clay’s Hatchet
Embrace Clay at the hospital.
[One Hand Weapon #8] Newton’s Saber
Embrace Newton in Hospital.
[One Hand Weapon #9] Rakesh’s Surgical Saw
Embrace Rakesh in Hospital and loot his chest.
[Ranged Weapon #6] Milton’s Shotgun
Embrace Milton at the Pembroke Hospital (alternatively, it can also be bought from him).
[Off-Hand Weapon #6] Gwyneth Surgical Knife
Embrace Gwyneth in Hospital.
[Off-Hand Weapon #7] Thoreau’s Surgical Knife
Embrace Dr. Thoreau Strickland in Hospital and loot the weapon in the office next to yours.
[Two Hand Weapon #5] Samuel Connor’s Mace
Kill Dr. Corcoran Tippets in Hospital, Loot Tippets, then loot his box in Doctor’s Room upstairs in Hospital (gives tiny key). With the tiney key head to the basement of the morgue where a corpse lies on the table. Loot the chest there for the weapon. (*Credit goes to eXscorp for this location, we appreciate it a lot)
[Ranged Weapon #7] Joe’s Semi-automatic Pistol
Embrace Joe’s son Harry Peterson in Whitechapel.
[Ranged Weapon #8] Albert’s Revolver
Embrace Albert Palmer in Whitechapel.
[Off-Hand Weapon #8] Cristina’s Dagger
Embrace Christina in Whitechapel.
[Two Hand Weapon #6] Joe’s Barbed Cudgel
Embrace Joe Peterson in Whitechapel and open a chest in Harry Peterson’s House (2nd Floor).
[One Hand Weapon #10] Seymour’s Bludgeon
Embrace Seymour in the Docks.
[One Hand Weapon #11] Archer’s Hatchet
Get it from Archer in the Docks.
[Ranged Weapon #9] Edwinas Double-Barrelled
Embrace Edwina in the Docks.
[Ranged Weapon #10] Tom’s Revolver
Embrace Tom in the Docks.
[Off-Hand Weapon #9] Sabrina’s Dagger
Embrace Sabrina in the Docks.
[Two Hand Weapon #7] Booth’s Axe
Embrace Booth in the Docks.
[Off-Hand Weapon #10] Ichabod’s Stake
Embrace Ichabod in the Western Docks.
[Off-Hand Weapon #11] Giselle’s Dagger
Kill Giselle in the Western Docks. She is wearing riot gear and attacks on sight (marked as an event / exclamation mark on the map).
[Two Hand Weapon #8] Rodney’s Scythe
Embrace Rodney in the Sewers where you met Harriet (see Citizen Locations).
[One Hand Weapon #12] Louise’s Machete
Embrace Louise in West End.
[Ranged Weapon #11] Clarence’s Parabellum
Embrace Clarence in West End.
[Off-Hand Weapon #12] Charle’s Truncheon
Embrace Charles in West End.
[Off-Hand Weapon #13] Charlotte’s Stake
Given by Charlotte after finishing her questline. From Venus’ house teleport from the balcony to the house on the other side of the street and then follow the blood trail.
DK says
We are still not sure how to solve Paulus Aurelianus riddle. The weapon you get from it was obtained by me through a weird glitch. You can, for some weird reason, clip through the wall next to the floor pressure plates when the district is hostile and you hit the wall. HOWEVER, this will NOT unlock the Paulus Trophy. So the trophy is either glitched or it will pop once this riddle is solved as intended.
Once again, we were working stupidly hard on those collectibles, but we need the community’s help with some of them. The city isn’t really small and pretty clustered. With no quick travel option it takes a stupid amount of time to cover every inch of the map.
I hope we will be able to complete is as a community.
Greetings and thanks in advance, DK.
Kamik says
hey there !!
I dont kill Clay and let him alive. Can i Kill him later in the Game for the Weapon or on the next Playthrough?
Hes sitting around an i cant attack him.
PowerPyx says
You can kill him later in Chapter 6.
DK says
UPDATE: I found the last Collectible. So it is now 30/30.
I also found another Off-Hand weapon although the trophy for having them all popped earlier?
Still missing some weapons and Paulus Secret.
Natras2012 says
I found a dagger in the hideout in the hospital. In german its called drachenfluch. You need to change clothes in the hideout, after that its in the inventory. You got that one?
DK says
I didnt know you could change clothes… running there as we speak to check it out.
DK says
I can’t change my clothes in the hospital hideout. Are you sure it isn’t a preorder bonus?
EDIT: It is a preorder bonus. Thanks anyway.
Moosh says
Struggling to find the mace in Old Bridget’s hideout, where exactly is it?
Amfiray says
In Jonathan’s saferoom
nchocobo says
“From Venus’ house teleport from the balcony to the house on the other side of the street and then follow the blood trail.” , when i go to the balcony the character gets stuck next to the door, no promt to teleport or anything, am i missing something here? or is it glitched?
DK says
It looks like you are stucked, but you can still teleport. Look straight ahead and way up.
cyrus says
Any news on the Secret of Paulus or the last Melee weapon collectible? I will be starting the game soon and want to make sure I don’t miss anything.
PowerPyx says
The last melee weapon has been added to collectible guide. All collectibles & weapons are now in there.
Secret of Paulus is still undiscovered. Nobody has found it yet. If you want to be extra safe, make a backup at the start of every chapter. If you don’t have multiple USB flash drives, you can copy the backup folder to your PC to keep different backups (if you’re on PS4 that is).
DK says
UPDATE: We are done with all collectibles: Weapons and Notes.
Only Paulus stuff missing. Someone has achieved the trophy according to PSN so we now wait for the good samaritian to let us know what to do :D
Mehgan says
I’ve gotten the Paulus. To get it you need to get all of the collectibles. Then during the mission when you’re saving dr. Swansea in the office by him there is a chest that contains a notebook from the primate of the brotherhood of st. Stole. DO NOT READ IT. Take it back to him under the church in temple garden. He will give you a final collectible that has a diagram on it which will show you what pressure switches correspond with each shape. Then you have to look through the rest of the collectibles to find the order of the switches. It will be 6 switches long.
Thomas says
I’m just after fighting the Sheen brothers at the end of Chapter 2, but the Used Truncheon didn’t drop. Has this happened to anyone else? Would you advise that I load up my Chapter 1 save or should I go for the other twelve off-hand weapons since the trophy popped for some at 12? Thank you for the great guide by the way.
Thomas says
Update: I started again from my last manual save file which was at the start of Chapter 1. I made my way up to the point prior to the boss fight and created another manual save, I fought the bosses three times since and the weapon didn’t drop. I guess I’ll have to wait for the next patch to see will it resolve the issue.
ebo7na says
im having the same problem 🙁
Adam says
Where and how exactly do you get The Legendary Vampires: The Blood Goddess Heresy I am having a hard time locating it also is there any chance at getting a video guide for the collectibles in the near future?
PowerPyx says
The video guide is almost done.
1-2 more days. Going as fast as I can.
Xenon says
Something to be aware of:
This is one of those bullshit games where it lets you complete quests without going through the necessary steps, but will lock you off from areas if you don’t do everything exactly in order.
I ended up handing in the medical items before going into the morgue, and then spend an hour wondering how the fuck I was supposed to get into the basement.
Turns out that the key needed to get in there, simply despawns unless you do the quest in the order the game demands. So now it’s impossible for me to get the Liston Knife.
When shit like this happens it completely kills any desire I have to play the game. So I just quit.
Fuck amateurish, rushed game design.
Archisman says
Aparently the Paulus achievement(Bloody roots) requires a combination of 6 inputs from stepping on 4 different pressure plates, however the combination is different for every player/playthrough. Good luck trying all 4096 possible combinations.
PowerPyx says
We already have the solution in the trophy guide now 🙂
It’s not random, the solution is in the collectibles.
Paul says
I really messed up by embracing most of the people in the docks. When I slept the area became hostile and three others I needed the weapons from died. Anyway to get those weapons if they die??
PowerPyx says
Nope. Requires new playthrough.
Killtubecameron says
during the quest night shift in chapter 2 instead of going to the morgue right away I looked around and did a few investigations in Whitechapel now I can’t get into the morgue basement have I locked myself out of the collectables in the morgue or is there a way in there later ?
PrecookedEagle says
You are sent back to the morgue later on, on one of the last quests.
Killtubecameron says
Thanks for the reply now I don’t have to start again
TheMaceMan says
I’m already at chapter 6 and have the same Problem. Did not go there earlier now the key is gone so i can’t complete the collectibles for the platinum aaaaaaargh FML i have to start all over again cuz i missed 1 f****** collectibles .
PowerPyx says
I just went back there in chapter 6 without problem. Is the morgue (behind Pembroke Hospital) locked for you? o_O
It was open for me. I went there after killing Dr. Tippets and getting his key.
TheMaceMan says
No , the morgue itself isn’t locked. But the door to the basement is.
The only key i got after i killed tippet is the moruge’s park key i gues. I’ve searched bis Office over and over again looking for a “basement key” but there is no other key
Besided, it don’t need the knife from down there cuz the off-hand trophy realy seems to need only 12 for it to unlock but i need the damn two-handed weapon from down there
TheMaceMan says
I reloaded an old save, killed Tippet again, fit the office key, Welt there, opened the chest inside, got a “tiny key” it says it’s for a locker, nur still no other key for the morgue inside the office…. the 2 medicine cabinets in the office are still locked and there is nothing more to loot in the office beside those two
PowerPyx says
For me one of the medicine cabinets was open. I had killed the other doctor in Pembroke first, he gives a key to the medicine cabinet on the right (a weapon is inside it).
Not sure if that affects it…
pung9 says
How do you do the usher quest I cant find anything or anyone in the theater its telling me to learn where the notebook is.
PrecookedEagle says
You probably need to advance further into the story, without spoiling anything I can say there are parts of the main story that send you back to the theatre later on. That is when you can get the notebook.
PrecookedEagle says
I am hoping one of you reads this and can help me with this problem.
I did not pick up the very first collectible in the game from the prologue:
“[Collectible #1] Weakness of Vampires: Fire and Sun
After finding shelter in a building (barricading the door with a shelf) you will find the note on a shelf in the opposite corner of the room.”
Does that mean I can’t ever get all 30?
CloudInertia says
I have the same problem. I found out you can go back and collect it. Just grabbed it now I’m on ch.2 I found the entrance to the bridge where you meet this rufus character.
PrecookedEagle says
Where exactly did you manage to go back? I can’t seem to find the hideout no matter where I look…
CloudInertia says
Go to the bar the one you first go into at the start then back track you’ll see the water (river thames) and the bridge it’s an open are with boxes and stuff and a gate to the left of water. Theres a door it might closed but should be able to open it. Theres 2 ways in. Another is look towards the water south of the bar go down the stairs then to the left. I’m not too good at explaining it. It would be easier to post a picture.
CloudInertia says
Sry in my rush to comment I think what you meant is you already crossed the bridge to southwark? The hideout is down an alley way on ground level
aerchion says
do you need to embrace mortimer for the key or does he give it to you?
PowerPyx says
TheMaceMan says
He also gives it to you for his sidequest when u have to get bis letter
Adam says
Where in the docks can I find Ichabod im trying to get my last few offhand weapons but I cant find him any where in the docks and hes still alive
Sugrue-lonewolf says
Can someone please tell me where to find Martin nightingale for the collectable. I’ve looked everywhere in th docks
PowerPyx says
Courtyard just few meters south of Night Shelter (right in front of the Night Shelter)
Martijn says
Where can I find Rodney in chapter 6. The guide says there is an event but I cant find it. I did complete the hide and seek mission so he should be in the docks somewhere
Hartgroove says
I would suggest replacing word “Safehouse” with Hideout, in game this place is called Hideout, and it may be confusing for some people.
Fabio says
Hello, for collectors, in case I do not help a citizen and dies or is missing can I find their collectible weapon?
PowerPyx says
No, if they die or run away you can no longer get their weapon. A new playthrough is then required.
Judithpa says
Hi, it is possible get the collective #29 just by letting the place turn hostile? My quest from the braile books got glitche.
PowerPyx says
Guide is now 100% complete. I fine-tuned the order of chapter 6 collectibles a bit.
Uploading the video guide in a bit 🙂
Lightsp33d1987 says
So I started a new game not embraced anyone I’m at chapter 4 and the docks are not hostile but got 3 people saying missing do these return? Have I got to yet again start another playthrough and like I said I haven’t embraced anyone.
Rain says
I did not see it in here and thought it could be useful. To make a backup save on PC, the path seems to be “C: \Users\ [username] \AppData\ Local\ AVGame\ Saved\ SaveGames” and bears the name “GameSave_Slot0” (the slot number varies, but now one can make a quick search for it).
PowerPyx says
Thanks man, I’m adding a note about this 🙂
carmaction says
The stupid door with the code. I was able to kill the chemist through the wall with a Great Blood Spear and I received the collectible.
This was after I killed Mason and thought I missed the collectible. It took 3 shots at 750 a shot.
carmaction says
Wait, I’m dumb. I missed the collectible. If you kill Mason before turning the district hostile the collectible is gone forever.
keife says
yes, im at the same spot. and worse yet is that now it seems the code for the pressure plates in the west end wont work unless you have all 30 collectibles…
Having some problems getting back to the docks to pick up the Used Lapara collectible. Could someone please point me in the right direction as far as how to backtrack to the location?
GuitDud says
Got the trophy without Samuel Connor’s mace.
Lord8th says
does anyone know where you can find louise teasdales body if she died before you can embrace her?
Lord8th says
the last few weapons i need for the trophies are all dropped by people in west end, but they all died when the district automatically turned hostile, and i can find their bodies anywhere, any suggestions?
Loxim says
Just tried the Xbox One thing to quit at start of Chapter 6 and go offline and double check the save upload to the cloud, and then continue to kill for the collectibles. Finished everything and deleted save from local console, went back online to start from the cloud save, and none of the achievements have popped at all. Either they are hugely delayed, or being offline doesn’t work because we end up deleting the save so it doesn’t know we did it.
PowerPyx says
Achievements don’t unlock when offline. I should have explained this better.
Going to amend this section in the guide.
Salvatore says
this collectible
[Collectible #11] The Great Hunt: The Blood Night Tragedy
I did not take it in chapter 4, now I’m halfway through chapter 5 and does not let me enter the house to retrieve it (because lady is in Ascalon)
can I fix it in chapter 6?
cobalos says
For the collectible #23 you don’t have to embrace Mortimer Goswick to get his key. First wait his mother to close the door of his hospital room, go outside the building and eavesdrop to their conversation. Then you can go back to Mortimer and confront him about his suicide attempt (under personal questions). Hi will then give you the key.
Sam says
In regard to unlocking achievements offline my Internet went down and I didn’t not realise it till I finished the game and the last two achievements had not unlocked.Had to wait for my Internet to come back online and redo those achievements.
Tabion says
[Collectible #30] Brotherhood of Saint-Paul Stole: Origin of the Brotherhood
Granted for completing Side Mission for Usher, the fortune teller guy who sits under the Temple Church in the northern part of West-End district (you will only be granted the collectible if you DON’T read his journal you found in the safe).
its not shown in the video guide that i saw, but when you do he side quest for Usher, the video shows you walking into the Theater and killing the guys on the top floor.
if they do not spawn as was the case for me you need to go down to the safe room and read the note pinned to the wall about the safe being locked and to go get the key from the guys up stairs.
this will spawn the guys you need to kill for the key.
un sure if you can read the note on previous visits which makes them spawn straight away when you come for this quest.
death_king_sand says
Thank you for the guide, I am having trouble getting Giselle to spawn is there some sort of trick. its all I am missing.
Bouboule says
Can someone share a save file for PS4 please ? From chapter 6 or 5.
Meryem says
Hello, thank you for the guide. Archer wood bead is dead. I’m in chapter 6. Can I still get his weapon somewhere? Is his weapon nessesary for the trophy to have all weapons collected?
Greetings from germany
Jd says
The saber didn’t drop for me after beating Doris Fletcher. HELP WHAT DO I DO?
Baz says
Wondering if any one has had this problem too. I didn’t get the Used Truncheon by defeating “Vincent Sheen”. Nothing dropped and it didn’t end up in my I locked out of this trophy now?
PowerPyx says
It’s a common bug, many people have it with weapons dropped by NPCs (the Used Truncheon in particular). You have to start a new game, no other way to get it. Game is very glitchy, it locks you out of trophy when weapon doesn’t drop. Make a save game backup every 30-60 minutes, in case you have a game-breaking bug you can copy back the save and don’t have to start from scratch.
Baltahza says
hey, just started the game and running around the Hospital. checked the guide and noticed I missed the “Used Lupara”. Can I still get the lupra later on or do I need to restart ?
killwithme08 says
If you embrace all these people which ending are we most likely to get the first or second bad ending?
Inquisitive says
What if you accidentally sold a weapon – Would you still be able to obtain the weapons trophy?
Allie says
You dont need to embrace Mortimer to get the collectible in his flat. Simply learn of his hint via eavesdropping, then confront him. He will give you a quest involving his flat, and gives you the key to get inside.
Ethan Zhou says
Does never exit games meaning you cannot go back even to the home tab? I quit to the home tab once or twice, and my save data refreshed, XD, damn.
ziggurcat says
Can someone explain Giselle’s Dagger and Rodney’s Scythe, please? How are you supposed to get those weapons?
Phen says
[Off-Hand Weapon #13] Charlotte’s Stake
– Just a note that embracing her also gives you this. I failed her quest at some point and was worried, but I still managed to pick up the platinum!
Nik says
When I bought the collectible from Martin Nightingale it glitched and did not unlock. He’s still alive, but it’s just not in his inventory any more. Looks like I’ll need to do another playthrough.
Kelvin says
#23 collectible, you do not have to kill Mortimer Goswick. If you eavesdrop on him talking about a suicide attempt, you can confront him about it and he gives you a key, not that it’ll change what you have to do but it’s not necessary