Watch Dogs Legion (WDL) has 47 Paste Up Locations. Finding all Paste-Ups (Graffities) unlocks the Piece de Resistance trophy or achievement. This guide will show you all of the Paste-Up locations.
They are a type of Collectible marked by blue icons on the map. You reveal them by getting very close and scanning the environment (press R3 / Right Stick). Afterward you must interact with a blank wall and choose a Graffiti to spray on it.
None of the Paste-Up Collectibles are missable. You can still find all of them after the story in free roam. There’s no direct way to track which ones you’ve already done. The only way to tell is when you go to a location and it already has a graffiti, it means you’ve done it already.
It’s highly recommended you play as a Construction Worker. You recruit one automatically early in the story during “Reporting for Duty”. The Construction Worker’s Cargo Drone allows you to fly everywhere and get to rooftops easily. Simply select it from the Construction Worker’s item wheel, hijack it, park it on the street, climb on it and fly up. When you follow the collectible map screenshots below be sure to press /
when you arrive at the location to see the blue outline of the Paste Up on the wall (hover in the air with Cargo Drone to see it more easily).
Important: Be sure to interact with all of them using the same Character (not with different Characters)! If you switch characters it might not unlock the Piece de Resistance trophy / achievement. They don’t have to be done in the same game session, it’s okay to quit the game in between.
City of Westminster (9 Paste Ups)
Paste Up #1: South City of Westminster, right of the Horseferry Road Underground Station Perry Harris Development.
Paste Up #2: Central City of Westminster, at Horse Guards Parade.
Paste Up #3: Central City of Westminster, at Charing Cross Station, left of Embankment Underground Station.
Paste Up #4: North City of Westminster, at the National Gallery, above Trafalgar Square.
Paste Up #5: North City of Westminster, at The Sanford Theatre.
Paste Up #6: North City of Westminster, literally next to Brewer St. Underground Station.
Paste Up #7: North City of Westminster, at the border with Camden, in a hostile area in Chinatown.
Paste Up #8: North City of Westminster, in Covent Garden Piazza, behind a smashable wall.
Paste Up #9: East City of Westminster, at the border with Camden, in Thorne’s Felts.
Camden (8 Paste Ups)
Paste Up #10: West Camden, At University College London.
Paste Up #11: North Camden, at Camden Market.
Paste Up #12: North Camden, south-east from the previous Paste-Up location, on Camden High Street.
Paste Up #13: North Camden, south from the previous Paste-Up location, at Furzton Tower Block.
Paste Up #14: Central Camden, at Euston Station.
Paste Up #15: Central-East Camden, at the British Library.
Paste Up #16: East Camden, almost at the border with Islington & Hackney, at Leather Lane.
Paste Up #17: South-East Camden, at the border with City of Westminster.
City of London (3 Paste Ups)
Paste Up #18: West City of London, at the Old Bailey, next to St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Paste Up #19: East City of London, at The Spine (at the very top of it, fly up as far as your Cargo Drone can take you and climb up the rest).
Paste Up #20: East City of London, at Horizon Multinational, north of The Spine.
Islington & Hackney (4 Paste Ups)
Paste Up #21: South-West Islington & Hackney, at the border with City of London, at Seam Nightclub.
Paste Up #22: Central Islington & Hackney, right of Old Street Underground Station, at World of Tomorrow.
Paste Up #23: South Islington & Hackney, at FoodTown.
Paste Up #24: East Islington & Hackney, at the Old Canal Warehouse.
Tower Hamlets (5 Paste Ups)
Paste Up #25: North-West Tower Hamlets, at Freight 1, next to Shoreditch High Street Underground Station.
Paste Up #26: North-West Tower Hamlets, at Brick Lane.
Paste Up #27: East Tower Hamlets, at Royal London Hospital.
Paste Up #28: West Tower Hamlets, at Fenchurch Place
Paste Up #29: South Tower Hamlets, at The Drowning Post, next to Wapping Underground Station.
Southwark (7 Paste Ups)
Paste Up #30: North Southwark, at Shad Thames Plaza.
Paste Up #31: North Southwark, at St. Thomas Museum.
Paste Up #32: West Southwark, at Southwark Residential.
Paste Up #33: West Southwark, immediately south of The Martlet’s Nest.
Paste Up #34: Central Southwark, at Southwark Auto Conversions.
Paste Up #35: South-West Southwark, at Southwark Incinerator.
Paste Up #36: South-East Southwark, at Tidis Park.
Lambeth (11 Paste Ups)
Paste Up #37: North Lambeth, at Blackfriars Bridge.
Paste Up #38: North Lambeth, at Thames Promenade.
Paste Up #39: North Lambeth, at the British Theatre.
Paste Up #40: North Lambeth, at Southbank Atrium.
Paste Up #41: North-Central Lambeth, at London Necropolis.
Paste Up #42: East Lambeth, at Wind Tower.
Paste Up #43: Central Lambeth, at the European Processing Centre.
Paste Up #44: Central Lambeth, left of the European Processing Centre, at Albion Station Kennington.
Paste Up #45: South-East Lambeth, at Brixton Recreation Centre.
Paste Up #46: South Lambeth, at Lambeth Town Hall.
Paste Up #47: South Lambeth, at The Stage.
These are all the Paste-Up Locations in Watch Dogs Legion. After finding all Paste Up Graffities you will unlock the Piece de Resistance trophy or achievement.
For more guides check out the Watch Dogs Legion Wiki & Strategy Guide.
SpinelesS says
Did em all, but didn’t get the achievement and have 4 artworks still locked.
That said the game did crash on me a bunch of times during this and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them didn’t count…
Tr0phyHunt3r says
Are you also missing one paste up?
Joey09killer says
Same, 1 paste up, low difficulty, didn’t count apparently. Uploaded my save and starting a new 1 atm to redo em, ffs.
SpinelesS says
Yeah I was missing one of the 3 paste-ups near the london eye originally (very close/similar)
But I had changed characters to do some driving and I believe that resets your progress right back to 0 for the acheivement…
Drowsy says
This helps a lot. Gotta do it all on one operative and its helpful to have a list to go down one at a time so I dont do any repeats.
SpinelesS says
Went through them all and the British Theatre one was unmarked, so Collected it and unlocked all the Artwork but no achievement.
Is unlocking all the artwork where the achievement is supposed to pop?
Chad Schroeder says
Yes, the final 4 stencils unlock once all are complete.
WookieWebster316 says
yup same here went through all of them and no trophy for me 🙁
Tr0phyHunt3r says
I also never got the trophy 🙁
Darren Smith says
I don’t see the Paste Up @ Royal Courts of Justice in Camden on the list. Hope this helps.
joe says
any way too tell which ones are done or not
PowerPyx says
No, only way would be to go back there and check which wall already has graffiti (those are the ones you already did). If the wall is blank you haven’t done it.
Tr0phyHunt3r says
Sadly no you just have to recheck all of them I did and I’m still missing one it looks like
SpinelesS says
I think I’m just going to redo them all using an unused stencil.
Will make sure not to switch characters until I have done them all.
Tr0phyHunt3r says
I’ve done all of them and still haven’t gotten the trophy has anyone else been able to get the trophy? I have re checked every single one multiple times
SpinelesS says
I have collected them all but didn’t get the trophy/achievement Either (when I go to paste up instead of an experience bar it says “all paste-ups complete”)
Going to go through the whole lot again but stricter this time, Making sure I don’t change character, Clothes, do a mission or anything like that.
It will be a little harder though, as the game wont autosave on paste-up as they aren’t new so any crashes could set me back a bit…
Xianese says
Along with my beer trophy, I also can’t get this one to pop unfortunately.
SpinelesS says
Finally Got the achievement!
The first time I attempted it I missed one of the 3 near the London Eye.
After I got it the game Said I had done all the Paste Up’s (where experience bar used to be when choosing stencil)
I gave up and did a bunch of stuff before trying again. I had to do every single paste-up again, and it popped on the last one.
So Either Doing a Mission, Changing Characters, or Changing Clothes resets your complete progress, Or I was very unlucky and the one I had left to unlock was the last one I tried…
peeno24 says
I think you have to get them all as the same character
Progamer88 says
Trophy not pop up also, I just disconnect the Wi-Fi, (disconnect the ubisoft connect), go back to main menu, continue the game then the trophy pop up….
aFighterForGlory says
Did them all in one go. No mission no change of clothes or change of character. one run without logging off. still don’t have it..
JKatarn says
Just went through all of them in one stting. I divided into 4 categories,
new ones (those I have never done before)
redo ones (those I saw done already but redo anyways)
skipped ones (those I can see/know definitely done before and deliberately skipping)
unchecked ones (those I am not sure but not visiting them now)
I went through the whole list but no luck. So I start visiting my unchecked ones, only like one of them was empty.
Then I go through my skipped ones (every one of those really already done before), and my trophy unlocked once I completed the last of my skipped ones. Funny thing is, I am still like 2-3 paste ups from unlocking the final 4 stencils, yet I got my trophy already.
SAjames says
finally got this one, done two full trips of all 47 but still got nothing, so I backed up my save, deleted the save on the console, uninstalled and reinstalled and did a another full run. Took about 6 hours in total, but I got it and with it my Plat.
ryan says
it not working for me
Anthony Cope says
I got did all the paste-ups got the trophy but don’t have enough points to unlock the last 4 stencils
Matt says
Ive not got the trophy, bit annoying as this is the last one I need. It says all paste up locations complete and I redid a few random ones. Nothing. Didn’t change the character or do missions. Did in one sitting too. What a pain!!
Minas says
So after 4 try this is why worked for me with latest patch 1.06
I recruited a new construction worker, paint every thing with the same painting, on one go. No side quest, no other collectibles.
Sepp says
Can confirm – worked for me as well with the latest patch 1.06 – new construction worker, another run through the 47 locations without any fast travel and picking up anything else.
Side note: still don’t have enough points to unlock the last 4 stencils, but who cares 🙂
Jerrod Hipkin says
I went through ttheje list twice on a new game usimg the same character and on the secind to last one the trophy poped, so I ended up doing 93 in total.
Taloni86 says
Tried that twice,
Didn’t change clothes same operative (worker woth the drone), didn’t die, no mission in the middle no pickup any other collection.
Visit every place again to make sure i didn’t missed one.
Any suggestions?
Michal says
Hello! I think I now where is glitch. I did all paste up but I can’t see one paste up mark on the map (45). All 46 is but that one no!?
John says
Did anyone unlock all the artworks but still didn’t get the achievement?
Fix2k5 says
I have all artworks but not the trophy. However, i used different characters. Save transfered from PS4 to PS5.
Nicolomeus says
My question is:
Where did you get the Update 1.06?
I’m playing in PS5 with a PS5 game and there is just the latest version 1.04.
Thos is hard annoying to me.
Nathan says
Weirdly I got the achievement using one character in one sitting only travelling by tube and drone, but it hasn’t unlocked the final 4 artworks.
Mike g says
I was having problems with alot of the collectable trophies but figured them all out. Use same character preferably a construction wrk for paste, dont get hurt cause it will make you switch characters..find a guide online and do everything again if you bounced around different characters like i did. Even if i participated earlier in game i re drank, re darts, re paste one by one…all poped for me that way..just need the spend 100000 on clothes for gonna build the cash and buy with 1 character… jus in case
Declio says
Has anyone been able to complete this using more than one character?
On PS4, the trophy way bugged for me. Didn’t pop after completing them all. I am playing on perma-death setting, and I believe that could be why it bugged.
To get the trophy, I switched to a new character and started going through all the paste ups in the order shown here. I used fast travel, I did NOT go into rest mode.
The trophy popped after doing Paste up #44, which was coincidently one that I had done using a character that had died, so that is why I believe there are synchronization issues between characters when one of them dies.
Ken Macky says
I dont about glitching but try doing them all the same paste up and that way u know u already did it
Daniel says
Can confirm, as of March 8th update (1.07) the glitch is still there. just did a full run on one character, no stopping, no fast traveling, no blah blah blah……
still no trophy.
Cattousefan says
This is still bugged as of 3/15. I completed all 47 locations, but the trophy didn’t pop.
This morning I deleted the save file from my console and started over. I ran through the first few missions until I was able to add a construction worker to my team. I selected a male construction worker this time, as I read on another site that female workers might be part of the problem. I’m not really sure if it makes a difference.
I completed all 47 locations again in one setting. I didn’t fast travel at all. I did notice that on location 42 my character went through the motions of painting, but there was no background music and I didn’t receive notification that the paste up was complete. I decided to do this location a second time before moving on. The second time I heard the music and received notification that it was complete.
I completed all 47 locations again and the trophy popped, along with the platinum. I then went back to my cloud storage and uploaded my previous save file to overwrite the new one.
New save file
Male construction worker
No switching characters
Did not close out game
No fast travels
Same graphic used for all locations (tv set)
Redid location when no music or notification
Liverinho says
Also no trophy for me. Did all with a construction worker. All paste ups war unlocked and it shows all paste ups done.
Its crazy. Did it two times now and wont do this a third time.
Zinovius says
Just spend one and a half hour on this one. Have done the run with a new recruited construction worker, did not fast travel in between. Then I used this guide to do all locations, but no trophy popped for me.
Does anyone know if this one is still bugged? It’s my last trophy i need, grr….
chop says
i had the same, this everything 1 time, no pop up, i did restart my ps5 and bam: trophy earned !
Klad says
Restart worked for me too!
Bigfoot141967 says
For what it’s worth here is my experience. Playing on Ps4 disc version update 1.14. I collected about 20 paste ups during my campaign but made sure to only use my starting character for this (not playing permadeath). After the story was finished and with only paste ups left to do, I began collecting them all again following this guide. Unfortunately I fell of the drone after collecting no. 33, I thought I was going to glitch the trophy but continued anyway. The game forced me to switch operatives, so I did and then quit out of game and reloaded it. I was then able to select my original operative again and continue.
When collecting no. 35 no music played as usually happens, so I repeated it 3 times, still no music played whilst doing the paste up. I had previously done this one during my campaign but all other ones had played the music when being redone. Again I thought it might glitch but carried on. The trophy and the platinum both popped for me on no. 45, the last 2 were also both previously collected during campaign. So for me at least death did not glitch anything and my character was a babysitter so construction worker was not necessary, there are drone call spots everywhere anyway. I did however not fast travel at all and just continuously travelled by drone, a bit slow but the load times on fast travel on the ps4 are not great anyway. Maybe the last patch has helped at least on ps4 version, don’t be discouraged keep going and do your best to get them all in one shot.
Tsunkung says
For those who plays it on PS5 version
I did all of them in the first round as soon as I got construction worker. When I got the final set of stencil, the trophy doesn’t pop up so, I decide to use the final set of stencil at one place make sure every stencil is used. Then restart ps5 and start game, the trophy popup as soon as I enter the map.
Wandering Gamer says
Hey guys, if you are still having trouble with these 3 trophies than I have a pretty good fix for it.
1. Choose construction worker. Dont swap.
2. Disconnect your internet.
3. Go for whatever trophy you want to go for.
4. Dont worry even if you die. Just dont progress towards the trophies untill the operative is available.
It worked for me flawlessly. I hope it helps.
Hiromi says
For those who have done everything and the trophy didn’t pop, try restarting the game or the console. Apparently the game will check trophy status on start.
Edwin says
Best sugestion recheck de 39 an 40 and 41 to 47 the 39 and 40 are very close i Notice that was one i miss and the 45 that have to re do it to see the check Mark
Robert Kamminga says
Dont waste your time on redoing pasteups. It seems like they fixed This Trophy, and also the buy cloths trophy.
Al-Jay says
While in game, what I did is turn Connect to the Internet off.. go back in game where you get a message saying connection lost. Quit to Main Menu, then start Campaign again and the Trophy popped as I got back in.
Kristian says
Just finished plat i did get pissed darts and paste ups with different operatives, cant say the same for clothes i did it with 1 opp.
HappySunshine says
Trophy did not also not unlock for me ! So I did use a tip from here! (thanks)
1 ) disconnected the net-connection, (disconnect the ubisoft connect),
2) went back to main menu,
3) continued the game,
4) when back in game, did the trophy unlock!.
btw; I did use many different characters, did missions in between ect…
Thiaugux says
On PS4 had no problem with it. Used only one character. On PS5 also used one character but she did get hurt in the process, so in between did some parcel deliveries with another character. Then went back to paste ups with same character and the trophy did not pop up at the end.
Followed a suggestion here. Restarted my PS5 and when I restarted the game it popped!
Davo says
Still bugged as of 2-17-2024
I have done all of the paste-ups and the Xbox acheivement says I’ve done 0% of this acheivement.
It doesn’t look like Ubisoft cares enough about their customer base to fix huge bugs in their games unless the game makes over 100 million in sales.
But given their recent history with the way they treat employees I’m not surprised by the way they treat the customers.