Wolfenstein Youngblood Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 40 – 60 hours (Due to large amount of grinding for weapon kills and money)
- Offline Trophies: 59 (0
, 1
, 5
, 53
- Online Trophies: 2 (1
, 0
, 0
, 1
- Number of missable trophies: None
- Glitched trophies: Partisan (Fixed with 1.03)
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Missions can be done on any difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Free Roam After Story?: All areas can be revisited after finishing the main story, and main missions can be replayed
Welcome to the Wolfenstein Youngblood Trophy Guide! Youngblood is a spinoff of the current main Wolfenstein series where you can play as the twin daughters of BJ Blazkowicz in online coop. The game can also be played solo offline, in which case the co-op partner gets replaced by AI. It retains the same general gameplay as the prior Wolfenstein games, but adds some RPG-esque elements such as leveling and basic skill trees, and because of this the game plays closer to the other recent hybrid FPS/RPG games. It has a similar level/district setup to The New Colossus, with the game not being linear in story progression other than the initial story missions and the final story mission. There are also no difficulty trophies, but the list requires a fair amount of grinding past the point that you’ll have finished everything else in the game.
Step 1: Complete the Story
First step is basically to just complete the story so that you gain access to all areas of the game and can then do all side missions. You can do as little or as much side content as you want while working on the story, but none of it is missable and you can clean up everything else once you’re done.
Step 2: Finish all Side Missions, find all Collectibles (Secrets Collector Skill)
After you finish the main story you gain access to some more side missions, and can go around to each district completing the activities in whichever order you wish as they’re made available to you. For working on collectibles it would be highly advised to unlock the “Secrets Collector” skill under the Mind tree as soon as you are able, as this marks every collectible on the minimap and makes getting them much easier. Do this before you finish all side missions. The side missions will take you back through basically every area again multiple times, so you can combine them with grabbing the collectibles.
Step 3: Clean up Miscellaneous Trophies, grind Weapon Kills and Money
Once you have all side missions completed and have found all collectibles the only remaining thing for you to do will be to clean up various miscellaneous trophies, and the lengthy task of grinding a large number of kills for weapon masteries, far past what you would get through regular play. You also need a very large amount of money to purchase all improved weapon upgrades on top of the kills with each. Once you have finally finished these you will have earned the platinum.
Info about Collectibles and “Secrets Collector” ability
Collectibles for the game all need to be picked up for trophies, and there are a total of 277 across the 6 different categories. They are all tracked in the “Collectibles” tab of the touchpad menu. They are each numbered and divided by area, but they aren’t always in an obvious order per area so you can’t explicitely use the order to find the ones you’ve missed in relation to progression in an area. They do say which area each is in though when they haven’t been picked up and you have been to that area, so they are easy to cleanup.
“Secrets Collecter” is an ability you can buy from the Mind skill tree once you reach level 30 and have purchased the prior skills in the tree. This makes every collectible item appear on the map as the below example:
Collectibles for trophies are marked with the Star icon. Supply Crates which are marked with the Crate icon. Each icon displays regardless of how far away vertically you are from it in the area, and they display an arrow showing whether they are above or below you. This along with the above collectible tracking make cleaning these all up very easy, so a collectible guide is not needed for this game. You will have to go through each area multiple times for side missions, so it would be recommended to buy the “Secrets Collector” ability as soon as you can so you don’t need to run around searching for these after doing all side missions.
Wolfenstein Youngblood Trophy Guide
Reaper Reborn says
The ” Zepelin Sabotage ” Side Mission is glitched ( for me at least ) i did the requirement and then talked back to the person to end it but i never got the completion and the mission is still on me and it shows me again the first requirement to redo it , i did redo it but it doesn’t progress anymore. Any ideas? maybe if i join someone’s game that hasn’t beaten that Side Quest yet and i do it with him maybe i’ll get the 100%? cause that’s the only mission i haven’t beated right now.
JacobGaming says
Be sure to write this to MachineGames twitter account
Reaper Reborn says
Well it worked , i joined someone else that hadn’t done this mission yet and it counted so its just like Borderlands … new problem though , it now says on my Statistics 100% both Main and Side Missions but no Trophy …
kaptainmyke says
ahhhh crap i got the same thing. i destroyed the fuel tanks and made it up to the top of tower before i did zeppelin sabatoge and it glitched on me too
JacobGaming says
What happened to Powerpyx? Not much you hear from him anymore, is he on vacation?
Gage says
Waiting for all the big games in the fall. ;)
PowerPyx says
^This ;)
Nothing with video material out all summer.
Luffy says
How do I go back to the riverside to pick up 3D glasses number 3 and document number 1? The area where these collectibles are located is closed.
Gage says
If you can’t get back there you might have to try and join someone at the start of the game to pick them up.
. says
The Partisan trophy is glitched for me, i did all quest but did not get the trophy.
Gage says
Added that now, had someone else say they had it glitch too. Did you have someone in a coop game turn it in when it was the final mission for you both?
Apparently it can happen regardless of playing online or offline, got confirmation from someone else they did the entire game offline and it didn’t pop.
PhantomFear94 says
30-60 hours is a massive range; is this due to uncertainty of the length of time the grind will take this soon after release?
Gage says
Yes, if someone finds a cheesy way to make money and a good spot for kill farming it will be shorter, but by my current estimate just based on the fact there’s no real method it’s closer to 60 hours.
Daniel says
60 Hours :O
Did not expect that. Hate grindy trophies. Oh well will still be playing it.
Miky says
How do you unlock the “Sting like a bee” trophy?
When I kill a supersoldaten with R3 from behind in the statistics I don’t count the killing! I killed 20 but it doesn’t unlock 🙁
“Stealth Kills” does not appear in the statistics / Enemies / Hevies. Nor does “stealth” kills increase when I kill a supersoldier with R3.
Gage says
Could be glitched, are you being spotted when you perform the kill or having other enemies still be unaware of you?
Miky says
I tried them all: remaining invisible (the ability), making me see another enemy and pressing R3 immediately, in any way I don’t count the stealth killing but only the killing of the heavy enemy.
In my opinion the bug is in the activated ability, for the game I didn’t take it and therefore it doesn’t count it.
Reaper Reborn says
I have a solution for that and it is glitched , it happened to me as well and for some stupid reason the stealth kill counted for me when i entered someone elses game … i mean this game is a joke , at least ( for me anyway it worked ) there is a fix for that … about partisan though … oh god i’m getting angry , i finished all missions and game screws me 🙁
Gage says
Meaning, doing it online in someone else’s game counts the stealth kill correctly?
Reaper Reborn says
Yes Gage it counted them correctly like that ( for me anyway )
Miky says
If I enter another person’s game, will the killing be counted? Will “stealth killing: 1” appear in the “heavy enemy” statistics?
Miky says
Unbelievable, I solved it! But I don’t understand how it is possible O_o
I hope my English is ok…
So…First of all I always killed the “laser-supersoldaten” enemy in the area just outside the “Political Detention Area 4, South Side” subway.
Second thing: it counted me the killing only if the enemy was just at the beginning, this only happens when the playing area appears BEFORE the loading percentage exceeds 97%, if it reaches 98 or 99 it doesn’t work. So I opened the game application and re-opened it.
Third thing: spam R3 for the whole animation of the kill.
Fourth thing: No one ever saw me DURING the killing animation.
If one of these things doesn’t happen, the killing didn’t count me.
I hope I don’t have problems with 100% or I break everything 🙂
SilentLuIIaby says
Anybody got the last side mission floor de cloer ? SilentLuIIaby Add me
godele says
How do you get Partisan to pop? I have 100% registered in my save file for both main missions and side missions but no trophy. I hosted the entire time so I don’t see why there would have been a problem?
Gage says
It seems to be able to glitch. Not heard about a workaround yet for it. It glitched for me too.
Reaper Reborn says
Welcome to the club bro -_-
Miky says
It didn’t even come out to me. I saved the file before the last secondary mission, I’m trying again but nothing …
Reaper Reborn says
I wanna make a “kinda” update about the “Partisan” trophy , not good news anyway but i went to the bethesda support and told them about the issue and they replied to me talking about elder scrolls online … these ppl are a JOKE , i talked to them again and said i am talking about wolfenstein not elder scrolls and got no reply back … that’s a bad sign there. I mean i dont care if they dont wanna reply to me , what i want if for them to fix this stupidity.
Chris says
For the banker trophy can you still buy upgrades with the coins? Or do you have to have 60k coins at once?
Reaper Reborn says
I just got the Trophy and you don’t need to have 60k on you , you can buy stuff.
casa says
So how have people been grinding weapon mastery levels? I’ve just been replaying main missions but it’s getting incredibly boring and progress is slow. I’m really hate these trophies as the in-game 100% takes around 20 hours and then you’re expected to grind for hours and hours for no reason……
surtur101 says
For the immovable object trophy I suggest using laserkraftwerk with stier set and supercharge. Knock some of the armor off( about half to be safe) then charge the weapon to max(4 yellow marks). Try doing a headshot for an instakill. If you leave some of the armor on the supersolder it is less likely that your AI partner kills it.
pohih says
How do you get the Uberhammer? I’ve finished the game and all the collectibles and haven’t picked it up yet.
Gage says
It’s dropped by the Zerstorer robots, one of the districts always has one spawn in front of the large gate to the brother district.
snotty says
I have finished all Missions, but I missed the first floppy disk in the prolog mission.
How can I get back it or how can I start the prolog mission a second time?
Gage says
Go to where you pick up the daily/weekly challenges in the hub, tab to the far right and you can replay the missions.
Johnny_Stargasm says
I think the Ripper trophy is also bugged. I’ve killed way more than 75 enemies using takedown, but the trophy still doesn’t pop.
Anyone else experiencing this issue ?
Blinkin says
You can go to your statistics page and look at enemy types. You can add up all the stealth kills there and see how short you are or if it is truly glitched.
yamepu says
What’s the best way to grind silver coins? I originally thought the last trophy would be level 10 weapon mastery on all weapons but I’m nearly done with that and still have a long way to go till I get all weapon upgrades.
Gage says
Replay the first mission from Abby on whatever difficulty, stealth the first areas so you get 95 x 2 coin bonus for no alarm areas, then leave the mission. Takes about two minutes, there’s no real faster way other than that.
Surge says
Whats a good place to get ammo for the hammer weapons apart from the uberhammer? I know of the method of killing that big thing so thats dobe but i haven’t really found a good spot for getting ammo for the others mounted or not.
HellOfaHunter says
there is an ammo booster cost you around 200 coins just keep replay the lab x mission and make sure to destroy and loot the big wooden boxs
Amir kojima says
Please help me out for co op. Add me on psn.i help you too thanks.
HellOfaHunter says
just join online you will earn the trophy in no time specially if the host playing a side mission
HellOfaHunter says
the game is pretty simple but time consuming is so tough specially for Gear head
trophy which you will need to keep looting boxes of cash which respwans after 24 hour after looting so you cannot just repeat the same area… i found a work around for this you can simply adjust the PS4 Time by 1 day+ and replay riverside and lab x so you can earn 2250 Coins approx. and hell yeah the lab x has only 3 soft enemies
Enio says
Brother 1,2 and 3 are missable trophies. I’ve completed Brother 2 without killing the giant robot. Came back later and killed it under a side quest, but trophy didn’t pop, so it will propably only unlock if replaying the mission.
Gage says
The second one is the only one I believe is possible to get through without killing it. Try redoing the missing by speaking to Abby and see if that pops the trophy.
Shadowalker13 says
The Electrokraftwerk is in Brother 3 not 1
neliomarquesgamer says
Solution fro the glitch trophy “Sting like a bee” it worked for me.
Play Host game —– Private (online)—- Brother 3 Level is the best, you have a super soldier on the left in the beginning —–VERY IMPORTANT —–Select Melee weapons — KNIFE!!!! (ONLY with Knife will count yours stealth kills. Very important to use ONLY KNIFE.
Gage says
Info already in the guide.
Richard013 says
Partisan is glitch on me. I and my friend play all mission together. I host it always he get the trophy. I don’t pffffffffffff
Blinkin says
Do we know if there are any talks about patching the two glitched trophies?
Gage says
Devs are aware and are working on Partisan fix.
PhantomFear94 says
Patch is coming for Partisan
Pedro1369 says
Partisan is NOT completely glitched. I was able to get the trophy on my second playthrough. I played offline all the time and did not talk to Abby for challenges. What i believe happens is that the quests have a checkpoint system (Like Fallout games) and if you skipped one but still completed the quest it will not count as *complete*. For example, while going to one of the brothers there is a side mission that asks you to collect something right before the gate to the brother. The first time i grabbed it, went to catacombs and turned it in. When going back to said brother I DID NOT go through the underground, because i hated the underground’s darkness and instead went through the main brother’s door. Now the quest shows that i copleted it but in reality that check box for going through the underground’s gate is still blank. Same thing might happen to online people if someone has completed parts of the quest before they join they may be missing those check boxes when the quest is completed. On my second playthrough i clicked a quest from the catacombs and saw it completed step by step all the way through and went back to the catacombs to choose another when the one i was working one was completed. End game quest is still there, i am missing one tutorial (from the stage you can’t replay by yourself) and collectibles are not all 100% yet and the trophy still popped as soon as i turned in my last side quest.
Onlineman2 says
If anyone wants to do the co-op trick to get enough money and XP to unlock all the crap needed for the trophies, feel free to contact me. My only condition is that you help me do the same.
PSN: Onlineman2
HOTDJ says
Brother 2 and 3 trophie didnt unlock for me?
I did all missions but floppy disc 31 is not showing up in my collectible log and that was an unmissable objective in a side mission.
I found a fix: even if you completed the side mission with the 4 floppy objectives, you can go back to the location of the floppy and it’ll be there .
wzh says
hey guys, I got a glitched trophy, “see my vest” doesn’t pop….I bought all suits and helmets except last one which need to be purchased by gold. Anyone know how to solve this? Thanks.
wzh says
By the way, all missions trophy pops after new patch installed.
Daniel says
Hopefully after patch 1.0.5 getting the platinum will be a little easier.
In our 1.0.5 update, we are working to address a host of game difficulty and progression issues based on your feedback. This includes:
* Additional checkpoints
* Difficulty adjustments across the board, especially in boss fights
* Addressing the feeling some players have expressed that some enemies feel like “bullet sponges”
* Adding additional ammo throughout the game
* An option to toggle enemy health bars on/off
* Making it easier to get 100% game completion
kaptainmyke says
Would weapon kills be less grindy if we played the game on a hard difficulty level?
Gage says
No, it’d be worse as it gives the enemies more health and you die faster.
Shahin says
Does the ubergarde not spawn again in brother 2? I completed the mission without killing him during the story and now when i go back to the location, only a zitadelle spawns :/
Gage says
Not in free roam, do it again in mission replay and it should spawn again.
Snapplejacks says
Gear Head trophy isn’t popping for me. I have everything needed for improved upgrades and nothing pops. I’ve done such a grind only to have it fail.
Shahin Miah says
Hi Pyx, I think your ‘approximate time to Platinum’ is a little bit exaggerated. I’m not a speedrunner but I was able to obtain the Platinum in 30 hours and I think 60 hours for a grind is a bit much considering I did it all solo. Aside from that, your guide helped me a ton and I thank you for that 🙂
BodyChipper says
I know I’m super late on playing this, but just wanted to point out to anyone other noobs that it seems that the “See my vest” trophy ONLY applies to actual armor suit skins, not helmets. So you’d have to buy the first/cheapest four suit skins, as your starting skin counts towards the 5. The trophy detail above says you can buy two of each, which did not work for me. I’m not expecting an edit 2 1/2 months later, just wanted to make any new readers aware before they think it’s glitched.
Every other trophy has come exactly as stated. Thanks for the guide, as always.
Xander Crews says
Can you list ALL the weapons that can be upgraded? According to this guide I’m missing 2.
Xander Crews says
It says here to unlock the Gear Head trophy you need to buy every single improved version of every single weapon attachment for all 14 weapons. I only have 12 weapons, plus the melee weapons and the grenade. I’ve looked everywhere but couldn’t find the last 2 and Google isn’t helpful at all. Can someone list ALL the weapons that can be upgraded. This guide should’ve included that tbh.
Carrasco says
RoHiT says
For Online trophy or Co-op add me my psn id is iamrohitrawat
Carl says
Need help for “Teamwork” trophy.
PSN ID: cj2mabg
Aaron says
Need help getting Teamwork trophy. PSN is rsh2112. Thanks
Rob de Knecht says
If you still need it send me a message : PSN Ratchet1972
Rob de Knecht says
Need help with Kill Lothar trophy, Anyone up for a little help :-). PSN is Ratchet1972. Thanks.
Rob de Knecht says
It’s done, the man is dead ;-)
Fromhell777 says
Need help with teamwork trophy
PSN: fromhell777
Fromhell777 says
Dzvezdan says
The Hacker trophy is glitched for me. I’m unable to obtain Floppy Disks 30 and 31. They’re only available in the Missing Resistance Fighters side mission and I’ve already completed it but I’m missing 30 and 31. I don’t know what to do? I don’t wanna start from the beginning.
shahin says
help for online trophy
Gosztii says
Need help with teamwork trophy
PSN: Gosztii
Adam says
Need help with Team work trophy
PSN- Bibliophile 213
Damian5657 says
Need help with Teamwork trophy. PSN- Damian5657
Jay says
Need help with coop trophy. Add me : jayescobar85
Mahdi says
Need help for co op online trophy
My id:DevilsWool_mahdi
Marius Ravneng says
added for trophy! ID: ravnengen