Depulso Puzzle Room 2 is a secret Room in Hogwarts Legacy. It contains a hidden Collection Chest that unlocks a random Conjuration, needed to complete all Collections for “Collector’s Edition” trophy & achievement.
For this room to become available you must first have finished Side Quest: The Hall of Herodiana. You can still do this at any point later in the game, it’s still available after the story. This puzzle room is located in The Bell Tower Wing of Hogwarts Castle.
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Unlock Requirements of Depulso Puzzle Room 2
To unlock this you must have finished Side Quest: The Hall of Herodiana. You do a similar puzzle room during that quest, then other puzzle rooms around Hogwarts Castle can be entered. Until then the wall to the room can’t be opened.
Where to find Location of Depulso Puzzle Room 2
Fast travel to Hogwarts > The Bell Tower Wing > Bell Tower Courtyard. From where you spawn, turn left, go up only the first set of stairs and straight ahead through the door. Keep going straight through the open door of a classroom. Inside this classroom is a door with a Level 1 Lock, open it (requires Alohomora Spell which is unlocked from Main Quest: The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament). After going through the door, check the walls on the right side (the area looks like an ancient Egyptian chamber). Cast Depulso on the marble wall in the corner.
Video Walkthrough
Depulso Puzzle Room 2 Solution
If at any point you feel like you made a mistake you can reset the room by shooting the yellow light at the top of the room with your standard attack spell ( /
). When you stack wrong cubes together or moved wrong cubes you may need to reset the room. Also make sure you don’t stand in the way when pulling cubes with Accio, if you hit yourself it resets the room and respawns you at the start.
First Room – Puzzle #1 (Get Chest):
- In front of you will be a big “T” shaped cube. Pull it once with Accio in the direction of the entrance (in the direction where you entered the room / where you started).
- Drop down on the left side of the room. There’s a cube on the left at the start of the room, pull with Accio.
- Accio on the two cubes on the right side of the room to pull them to the black block in the center.
- Depulso on same two cubes again to push them to the back wall.
- Depulso same two cubes again to push them into the left corner, to connect them to the one single cube you pulled with Accio. You now have 3 cubes stacked that look like a sideways “L” shape.
- Accio on those 3 connected cubes to pull them in the direction of the entrance (makes them slide along the left wall).
- You can now climb the black block in the center of the room, from there jump onto the 3 cubes and climb up the wall on the left side of the room. Open the chest on top. It will reset the room.
First Room – Puzzle #2 (Exit Room):
- After opening the chest it will automatically reset the room and reveals some new cubes. Use Accio on the big “T” shaped cubes to pull them towards the entrance (same as you did before).
- Below the “T” shaped cube will now be two cubes in the corner, one on the ground level and one just above it. When facing the two cubes, stand to their right, at the wall (important to face them from the right angle). Accio on the upper cube to push it to the side so it’s sitting at the wall.
- Accio same cube again to pull it across the room to the other side.
- Accio the bottom cube below the one we just pulled. This will get it to the other side of the room (upon pulling it you will see it’s actually 2 connected cubes).
- Depulso on the double-cube we just pulled. This pushes it into the corner so that it connects to the single cube from Step #3. This creates an “L” shape of 3 connected cubes.
- Accio the 2 cubes on right of room to pull them to the black block in the middle.
- Accio again on same 2 cubes to pull them to the wall at the end of the room (wall where we used Depulso in Step #5).
- Depulso on same 2 cubes to connect them to the 3 “L” shaped blocks we created. You now have 5 cubes connected that look like a big “L” on the floor with another cube on top.
- Accio the 5 connected blocks to pull them along the left wall, to the black blocks.
- Accio again on same 5 blocks to pull them across the room, to the right wall of the room.
- Facing the big “T” shaped blocks, cast Accio to pull them left (to the left when looking in the direction of the “T” shaped blocks).
- Accio again on same “T” shaped blocks to pull them towards you, into the 5 connected blocks to make them connect. This creates a big structure of connected cubes.
- You can now climb up those cubes to the exit. When facing the cubes you must jump across the little gap on the left (between a wall of unused blocks on the left and the big structure you created). From there you can climb the ground-level block, then keep climbing from one block to the next until you reach the top. Go through the gate to enter the next room.
Second Room – Get All 3 Chests & Exit Room:
- Depulso on the 3 stacked cubes on the left to push them forward.
- Accio on the “U” shaped platform on the right to pull it towards you.
- Jump onto the “U” shaped platform, cast Accio on the 3 stacked cubes to pull them to the right wall.
- From the “U” shaped platform: jump onto the 3 stacked cubes you just pulled. From there climb up to open the First Chest.
- Jump back onto the “U” shaped platform. Cast Depulso on the 3 stacked cubes to push them forward into the right corner.
- From the “U” shaped platform: Accio on the many connected cubes in the left corner to pull them out.
- From the “U” shaped platform: Accio again on the many connected cubes to pull them slightly right, they must get stuck at the big black pillar.
- From the “U” shaped platform: Depulso on the line of 4 connected cubes to push them to the left wall.
- From the “U” shaped platform: Accio the line of 4 connected cubes to pull them into the front-left corner (the corner where the many connected cubes were in Step #6).
- From the “U” shaped platform: Accio on the 3 stacked cubes to pull them from the right corner to the left corner. This will connect them to the line of 4 cubes in the corner. Now you have 7 cubes connected.
- Accio on the 7 cubes you just connected to pull them back towards the entrance of the room.
- Can now climb those cubes to jump to the left wall and open the Second Chest.
- Depulso on the 7 connected cubes to push them back into the left corner, where they were after Step #10.
- From the “U” shaped platform: Accio on the 7 connected cubes to pull them to the right. They will automatically stop halfway and connect to the long shape of cubes that got stuck at the black pillar.
- From the “U” shaped platform you can now jump onto the black block in the middle, from there jump to the connected cubes at the end and climb up to the exit. Open the Collection Chest to receive a random Conjuration.
Now you can exit the room. This finishes Depulso Puzzle Room 2 in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy.
For the other Depulso Puzzle refer to Depulso Puzzle Room 1 Walkthrough. For all other secrets and 100% completion guides check out Hogwarts Legacy 100% Completion Wiki.
Hermione says
The last jump seems very hard, been trying for a little while so not sure if this is the best way! Normally jumping shouldn’t be that hard right?
Hogwarts Student says
The last jump was kind of tricky I found sprinting and then jumping to work.
Kelsey says
You can stand on one of the prongs of the “u” and accio the center piece. Pulls the u back out closer to center block and easier to jump
Bree says
Missing a step you have to move the u shap blocks for it to work
KarmaD says
I thought that but got it on my second go. Pretty easy if you sprint and press jump. But run along the very edge of the left side of the U shaped blocks. You should land on the right side of the black block just past the corner.
samurikuma says
If you cast Accio on the “U” shaped blocks it will bring you back to its starting position and it’s an easier jump.
Rose says
Thank you! They should really add this to the guide.
Tempestslayer says
Yes–this! I tried the jump about 20 times before I looked at your comments. This really should be a step. Thanks so much!
Tal says
Thank you!!
Ash says
Bless you for this! I’ve been in these rooms for 30 mins now racking my brain.
Crycket says
Thank you! that tip about the last jump…I needed it so badly
Anya says
Hey – so I could never make that jump, but I figured out an alternative way for the exit on the last room:
Reset the room and depulso the vertical stacked three cubes to the black pillar.
Then depulso that long horizontal of 4 to the right side of the room, acció it to the front wall (where you jump down at the entrance).
Then accio it to that black cube jutting out. That lines it up with the stacked three you spelled depulso on in the first place – depulso/accio to connect them.
Climb on the connecting blocks to get to the black block in the middle. From there accio those connecting blocks to you and then to the exit.
I’m sorry if this is confusing. Maybe someone can take pictures and do this to help everyone out.
Dwayne says
Thank you. This was so much better than any other exit solution I could find.
KarmaD says
I would’ve got annoyed with these rooms. I came straight here. Bc I don’t have time for that. My hand time is limited to my toddler asleep next to me in bed. The Last jump I did on the second try. Just need to run along the left edge of the U shaped block.
Leomon2004 says
I had to look this up because these puzzles are kinda rage inducing to figure out on your own.
Eric says
For the last jump you can hold down dodge and use the swift skill to get from the u block to the black block.
Gabriiella says
Struggling to complete room 1, some of the blocks are not visible after you get the first chest and the room resets, I think somehow there’s a glitch? Is there a secondary solution?
TK says
I left the room and came back and the glitch with missing boxes was resolved