Prey has 88 collectable TranScribe Locations (Audio Logs) for the trophy and achievement “Psychometry”.
Just like the other Prey collectible trophies this should unlock early at about 65-80 TranScribes. You do NOT need all TranScribes to earn the trophy (tested with patch 1.00 – 1.01). No worries if you can’t find one TranScribe. Just keep playing and get the others, the trophy should unlock easily with a few of them missing. In fact, it is impossible to get all 88 in one playthrough. This is because one TranScribe can only be obtained when letting Dr. Igwe suffocate in Talos I Exterior (by not doing his side quest). But then other TranScribes and side missions will get locked. So whether you save Dr. Igwe or not some TranScribe will always be unobtainable.
At the start of main mission “Repo Man” you can still go back to all areas and free roam around the Talos I space station. Do not progress past this mission! After completing the game there is no free roam, so you can’t go back anymore. All TranScribe Audio Logs have to be found in a single playthrough to earn the trophy. It resets your progress when starting a new game.
To track your TranScribes, open the Inventory > Data > Audio Logs. Here it shows the names of all the TranScribes you have collected. Under Data > Statistics you can scroll all the way to the bottom to see the total amount of TranScribes. There is no tracker per area, only the total can amount can be tracked.
It is highly recommended that you get the human abilities “Repair” (needed to get 2 of Danille Sho’s recordings), “Hacking IV” and “Leverage III”. Hacking and Leverage are a must-buy to access certain areas. The Typhon Power “Mimic Matter” allows you to transfrom into tiny objects and slip through tight cracks. It’s not absolutely needed but certainly a helpful skill to have when going for collectibles.
TranScribe Locations
Mission-Related TranScribes
- Satellite Signal: Attract Nightmare = Reward for completing side mission “Mixed Signals”. To unlock this mission you must install 3 Neuromods to summon a Nightmare enemy and January must be alive. After defeating the Nightmare stand still for 5-10 minutes and January should call you. This triggers the Mixed Signals quest. All you have to do is follow the quest markers.
- Satellite Signal: Repel Nightmare = Same as the last recording. It’s an additional reward for completing side mission “Mixed Signals”. To unlock this mission you must install 3 Neuromods to summon a Nightmare enemy and January must be alive. After defeating the Nightmare stand still for 5-10 minutes and January should call you. This triggers the Mixed Signals quest. All you have to do is follow the quest markers.
- Leitner’s Music Sample = Automatically obtained during side mission “Gustav Leitner”. You must save Dr. Igwe for this. He will then send you this quest in the late game, during main mission “Before I Give You The Key”.
Neuromod Division
- Clean it Up = Testing Rooms
- Someone’s Coming = Conference Room
- Dr. Igwe’s Wife = Halden Graves’ Office
- Neuromod Secret Ingredient = Halden Graves’ Office
Talos I Lobby
- This isn’t a Drill = Staff Lounge
- Session Log: Dr. Calvino = Trauma Center (from the PC of Mathias Kohl)
- Session Log: Sarah Elazar = Trauma Center (from the PC of Mathias Kohl)
- Session Log: Danielle Sho = Trauma Center (from the PC of Mathias Kohl)
- Morgan’s Breakdown = Arboretum Foyer
- Session Log: Morgan Yu = Trauma Center (inside the safe)
Hardware Labs
- Don’t Panic = Atrium
- Bring a GLOO Gun = Demonstration Stage
Talos I Exterior
- First Thing Tomorrow = Dr. Calvino
- The Doctor is Out = Dr. Calvino
- It’s Just in My Head = Lobby section
- Shuttle Exalt Mayday = Shuttle Exalt
- Mayday: Bridge = Shuttle Exalt
- Dr. Igwe’s Last Words = Later in the game after exiting the “Deep Storage” area you’ll get a side quest to save Dr. Igwe. Let Dr. Igwe die to get this. Warning: this will cancel out other TranScribes and side quests.
- Container Docking for Dummies = Cargo Bay A (must come back for this later. It becomes accessible after your first visit to the “Deep Storage” area).
- LG Touch Screen Calibration = Looking Glass Station
- We Need to Talk About Annalise = Looking Glass Station
- How You Holding Up? = Labs B
- Project Cobalt = Mitsuko Tokaji’s Office
- The Volunteers = Annalise Gallegos’ Office
- Mementos = Annalise Gallegos’ Office
- Million Dollar Caulk Gun = Material Extraction
- Anders has the Key = Magnetosphere Controls (Research Level)
- Sting Operation = Cargo Tunnel (loot corpse of Josh Dalton)
- Find Grant Lockwood = G.U.T.S. Loading Bay
- Three Taps of a Wrench = Lobby Access
- Hacking Into Deep Storage= Deep Storage Access
- The Golden Gun = on the hill in the middle of Arboretum, on the mountain/rocks under Alex Yu’s Office
- Super Fruit = Looking Glass (loot corpse of Julien Howard)
- I Keep Having This Dream = Alex’s Office (in the safe, can get combination from “Who is December?” side quest, or simply hack into it)
- Just In Case = Looted from Alex Yu’s body at end of main mission “The Keys to the Kingdom”
- If Things Go Sideways = in Alex Yu’s office bunker at end of main mission “The Keys to the Kingdom”
Crew Quarters
- Bring Me Food = Concierge
- Happy Birthday Daddy = Recreation Center
- Fatal Fortress 3 = Recreation Center
- Say Yes Danielle = Danielle Sho’s Cabin
- Dear Future Us 1 = Danielle Sho’s Cabin (repair the broken TranScribe on the floor)
- Dear Future Us 2 = Danielle Sho’s Cabin (repair the broken TranScribe on the floor)
- Get Out = Abigail Foy’s Cabin
- Calvino Notes 1 = Lorenzo Calvino’s Cabin
- Calvino Notes 2 = Lorenzo Calvino’s Cabin
- Calvino Notes 3 = Lorenzo Calvino’s Cabin
- Calvino Notes 4 = Lorenzo Calvino’s Cabin
- Surveillance Request = Habitation Pods
- I Can Read Sheet Music = Habitation Pods
- Birthday Tryst = Habitation Pods
- Operator Skillet = Will Mitchell’s Cabin
- Bang on the Window = Freezer (do mission of Will Mitchell – the guy posing as the cook – to get access to Freezer)
- Abby isn’t Answering = Fitness Center (read email from computer in the foyer to get the access code)
- Fatal Fortress 2 = Fitness Center (read email from computer in the foyer to get the access code)
- Password Safety = Theater
Cargo Bay
- What is a Reployer? = Fuel Storage Bay
- Alfred Rose’s Orders = Shipping and Receving
- Austin Cool’s Orders = The NPC Austin Cool has it. Take him out and loot the body (can use disruptor stun gun)
- A Commendation for Officer Hague = Quartermaster’s Office
- Cargo Bay B Keycode= The NPC Sarah Elazar has it. Take her out and loot the body (can use disruptor stun gun)
- Cargo Bay B Sitrep = The NPC Sarah Elazar has it. Take her out and loot the body (can use disruptor stun gun)
- We Need Bigger Guns = The NPC Sarah Elazar has it. Take her out and loot the body (can use disruptor stun gun)
- Leitner Music Sample = The NPC Dr. Igwe has it. Take him out and loot the body (can use disruptor stun gun)
- Parcel Not Delivered = Cargo Bay B
Life Support
- Remmer isn’t Remmer = Main Lift Access
- Particle Injector = Restroom (crawl through the vent to find it on a corpse)
- I Saw Something = Air Filtration Control
- Escape Pod Failure = The Phantom of Kirk Remmer holds this TranScribe. You must loot the Phantom after killing it.
- The Drunk Tank = Escape Pods
Power Plant
- Grounding Resistor = Grav Shaft Corridor
- Keycode Change: Parts Storage = Monitoring
- Unconventional Leak Plugger = Coolant Chamber
- Reactor Divertors Delivered = Reactor (inside the reactor chamber when you take out the broken divertor during main objective)
Shuttle Bay
- Smuggling Ring Confession = Sky Lounge
- Mayday: Bridge = Pilot Lounge
- They’re Just Animals = Escape Pod Bay
- It’s Your Job to Know = Escape Pod Bay
- Can You Get to Us = Flight Control
- Dahl’s Orders = inside Dahl’s space shuttle (you go there during Repo Man main quest)
- Shuttle Exalt Mayday = during “Derelict Shuttle” side quest. Inside the Derelict Shuttle.
Talos I Bridge
- Shuttle Secret = Command Deck
- Checking on an SOS = Command Deck
- Captain Marks’ Dilemma = Captain’s Loft
- The Golden Gun = Captain’s Loft
- Full Evacuation = Captain’s Loft
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N9rawy says
Thank you 🙂
There’s one within Thaddeus York’s body in Hardware labs.
bro says
i have 82 transcribes but the trophy didnt unlocked. what should i do?