1. Collectibles
1.1. All Newspapers (EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Trophy)
2. Story-Related
2.1. FOLLOW THE SCRIPT (Pilot: Midnight Animal)
2.2. I’M COMING IN AND I’M UNARMED! (Scene 2: Homicide)
2.3. NUCLEAR WASTE (Scene 2: Homicide)
2.4. ASSASSIN’S CRED (Scene 7: No Mercy)
2.5. THE BAR OF BROKEN HEROES (Scene 13: Subway)
2.6. DEAD SILENT (Scene 13: Subway)
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. GOT YOUR BACK – Shoot two enemies during a chainsaw finish
3.2. COMBO GOD – Perform a 20x combo
Get the big picture
There are 10 Newspapers in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. Finding all of them will earn you the “EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!” trophy (Get the big picture).
They are all hidden in the intros and outros of chapters (where there are no enemies). After finding a newspaper you can quit out to the title screen without having to beat the chapter. Your progress will be saved automatically.
None of the newspapers are missable. You can get all of them via chapter select after beating the game. Unfortunately, there is no tracker for the collectibles so you will have to keep track of them yourself.
#1 – Act 1, Scene 2: Homicide (Intro) – 0:05
#2 – Act 2, Scene 6: Moving Up (Intro) – 0:34
#3 – Act 2, Scene 7: No Mercy (Outro) – 1:10
#4 – Act 3, Scene 10: Into the Pit (Intro) – 1:35
#5 – Act 3, Scene 11: Dead Ahead (Intro) – 2:00
#6 – Act 4, Scene 13: Subway (Intro) – 2:40
#7 – Act 5, Scene 17: First Blood (Intro) – 2:57
#8 – Act 5, Scene 20: Release (Intro) – 3:20
#9 – Act 6, Scene 22: Blood Money (Intro) – 3:42
#10 – Act 6, Scene 22: Blood Money (Outro) – 4:06
Special thanks to PSN User “hawk199” for sending me a list of the newspapers!
Do as the Director says!
This can be done in the very beginning of the game (Pilot: Midnight Animal). Here you will have to go through a little tutorial where the game teaches you the basic controls. Some of the tutorial sections are optional, making this trophy easy to miss. If you’ve missed it you can still get it via chapter select later on.
Just do every part of the tutorial exactly as displayed. Pick up everything the game tells you to, interact with every object (the hammer, phone and weapon on the wall) and press all the displayed buttons (look around, perform execution, kill enemies, lock on target). The trophy will unlock on the second floor, after you’ve picked up the shotgun from the wall and locked on your first target.
Finish HOMICIDE without using guns
“HOMICIDE” is the second chapter of Act One. It’s a rather easy chapter and with a couple of retries this trophy shouldn’t be too much trouble. Pick up a melee weapon as early as you can (all melee weapons do instant kills). Being spotted by enemies can be used to your advantage. You can lure them to doors or into small rooms where you can easily take them out when they enter. Just let them spot you for half a second, then retreat to the next room and wait behind the door. Do not use any guns, only melee weapons and your fists.
They won’t reach the Nuclear Throne
You must do this in Chapter 2: Homicide (Act One). There are 5 cardboard signs in this chapter and you must destroy all of them to unlock this trophy. Three are on the ground floor where the mission starts and two on the upper floor.
Clear the 1st floor of NO MERCY with the silencer
“NO MERCY” is the 7th Chapter in the game (Act Two). You will start this chapter with a silenced pistol. For this trophy you have to take out every enemy on the first floor with this weapon. You have exactly 12 shots and there are 12 enemies on this floor. You must hit one with every single shot. Keep in mind to lock-on all enemies for a guaranteed hit. This is probably the single most important thing to remember, because without using the auto lock-on you will probably miss a shot or two and then you have to restart.
Timing is also quite important. Try to shoot at enemies when they are standing still (before they have a chance to spot you). When they run around you might miss a shot. Also try to get as close to them as possible. The silenced pistol is very inaccurate on long distances. Only shoot when you are sure it’s gonna be a kill.
Meet up with the Biker
This can be done in Chapter 13: Subway (Act Four). You must play the intro of this chapter! In the intro you can interact with the answering machine of your phone. It is not marked and quite easy to overlook. This will change the ending of the mission and bring you to a bar. Simply complete the mission and after the score screen the trophy will unlock.
If you forgot to interact with the answering machine during the intro you won’t get the trophy.
Finish SUBWAY without the Gang Leader seeing you
“SUBWAY” is the 13th chapter in the game (Act Four). At the end of this chapter (on the top floor) you will encounter the gang leader and his men. For this trophy the gang leader isn’t allowed to spot you. When you’ve been spotted he will smash his crowbar on the floor and make noise to alert his minions. When he does that you must kill yourself to restart the fight.
It doesn’t matter if the normal enemies see you (they are even allowed to shoot, the boss won’t hear it). Look around to keep track of where the boss is going and stay away from him until all enemies are dead. The trickiest part is taking out the boss. Hide behind a wall and attack him when he is passing by. This works best when hiding behind the structure in the top right corner of the room. If he sees you during the final blow you have to restart the entire chapter from scratch (as there are no more enemies left and no way for you to respawn on the upper floor).
Shoot two enemies during a chainsaw finish
To do this you must equip the “Alex & Ash” Mask. It’s unlocked automatically in the 8th Scene “EXECUTION”. Load up scene 8 and go to the second floor. You will spawn in a tiny room with a door in front of you. Shoot the door (L1 on PlayStation) to lure the enemies to you. Now stun them with the door (just walk through the door when they are near it). When they are on the ground wait for a moment until they are about to get up and perform an execution (X on PlayStation). During the execution animation you must shoot & kill two of the enemies. It can be other approaching enemies, or the enemies that just recovered from the door stun.
Perform a 20x combo
This can be done in Chapter 12: Death Wish (Act Three). In the first room you enter are more than 20 enemies and they are all fairly close together. You will also have two machine pistols when the chapter starts. Only fire them in small bursts to save ammo.
When you exit the elevator don’t rush into the enemies. Line them up first and then take your shot. Quickly take out the approaching enemies and fire a few shots up the corridor on the left side (there are several enemies up there, hiding behind windows). Now clear out the rooms on the right side. If one of the enemies from the right side has spotted you they will come through the hallway in the middle. Either wait behind a wall for a short moment, or fire a few rounds up the hallway. Shoot the remaining enemies through the windows in the hallway.
Warning: This trophy is a bit glitched! It doesn’t always unlock after reaching a x20 combo. Keep getting x20 combos and it will unlock eventually (some people had to complete the combo five times before they got the trophy).
Step 1: Load up Chapter 15: Withdrawal (Act Four). It doesn’t matter what mask you use. I chose the Dallas Mask to take out bigger enemies with punches. You get this mask automatically through story progression.
Step 2: You have to complete the third floor (last floor) without dying! If you die you have to restart the chapter! You are allowed to die on the first and second floor.
Step 3: Completing the third floor without dying will change the ending of this mission. Go to your car and you will come to an office where you have a dialogue with another person. When the dialogue ends and the guy runs off you must press X (PlayStation) immediately to pick up an object from the table you are sitting at.
Step 4: The other guy will now shoot you in the head and another scene starts. In the very beginning of this scene you must pick up the Object again (press X). This will unlock the trophy.
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